The Greatest Architect

Chapter 23

23. The Beasts of Jersey (1)

It was a sunny spring day.

This year, the weather was even cleaner than the others.

Maybe it’s because of that.

The construction of Baron Frontera was smooth.

Onston Construction, which has been in effect for a long time, continued step-by-step.

The rate of greenhouse supplies has somewhat surpassed 30% for the coming winter.

The mining development construction, which has recently begun to take place, has also been pleasant every day.

Shield technique has resulted in a day of no accidents.

They were initially anxious workers.

But now I was relieved.

I was only focused on work.

The land is full of vitality.

The farmers’ hands are busy.

Soldiers sent to the Engineering Corps sweat restlessly.

I also diligently touched the women carrying the bird.

Even the children became busy.

By this time, there were little pranksters who would shoot to catch frogs.

However, frogs in the frontier territory this year were able to enjoy unprecedented peace.

The children did not catch frogs.

Instead, he wandered around the mining development plant.

The children had only one goal:

Lloyd saw a spectacular monster, a blob, mobilizing for the construction.

“Wow! I’m out! ”

All day long, the children who were wandering around the construction site were excited when the droplets appeared. And the fan service of the droplets that were out of the tunnel for relaxation (?).

“Drops! Drops! ”

I accidentally ate a big mouthful of dirt near the resting place.

You shake the bobble and put on a show called “The Steel Kick.”

Every time I did that, the cheer of the children’s penis increased even more.

The communication between the workers resting outside the tunnel continued.

“Hey, you bastards! Why don’t you come down to the construction site and make some noise? Tell me how many times it’s dangerous here! ”

“It’s not dangerous. It’s okay.”

“These guys? If they don’t keep listening to grown-ups, a wild ant as big as a wolf comes and grabs them? ”

“Where is such an ant in the world? ”

“Where are you? How many of those beasts are out east in the wilderness beyond the mountains? ”

“But it’s not here. ”

“Ugh, this is the end of the line! ”

Just like that, it was the frontier territory where everyone was spending a vibrant day.

No, not all of them.

There were exceptions.

It was Podong.

“Po-dong… Po-dong… ”

I’m bored.

Thinking that, Podong opened his mouth and yawned.

I guess I overslept again today.

No, he woke up for a little while and went back to sleep.

“Podo-dong……. ”

In fact, even if I get up early, I have nothing to do.

Recently, it’s always been that way.

Lloyd did not take himself to the mines.

Instead, I left myself in the mansion, “I’m surprised when I rest like a fool.”

The reason was simple.

‘Sorry, I’m short on sunflowers. I think it would be nice just to use it on a droplet. ’

You must eat red sunflower seeds in order to be involved in the construction. You have to grow big like that.

However, there was a limit to the number of transformed sunflower seeds set.

Red and blue.

1 RP is only used to buy one each.

So Podong stayed in the mansion.

Perhaps the droplet would be better to dig a tunnel safely.

‘I was worried that you might be in danger. The shaft may be a little narrow for you. You could get hurt a lot if you collapse. Okay? ”

… Lloyd soothed himself.

I was a little sad.

But I couldn’t complain.

It was because he knew that Lloyd’s heart was genuine about him.

Since then, Podong has been enjoying a life of white water that was not in his arms.

“Po-dong… Po-dong… ”

Roll over here.

Roll over there.

I was comfortable resting.

But I was too bored.

No one messed with you.

All I had to do was roll left and right all day.

But after 20 days, I couldn’t help myself!

“…… Podong! No, no, no!”

Podong shakes his head in a circle.

My cheeks were so bouncy.

Suddenly, I thought this was a bit wrong.


We have to do something.

I’m going to die of boredom.

So let’s get out of here.

He decided to put the handkerchief down and get up.

I climbed down the zero-car table bridge.

I ran to the door.

The visit crept up.

You pull on the door hook.


The door is open.

I went out into the hallway.


It was the first time Podong had come out here alone without Lloyd.

Seeing the long corridor, I felt more adventurous and curious than afraid.


Let’s go somewhere.

Podong also ran down the corridor.

When I met the stairs, I went down, and when the maids passed, I followed them around.

I don’t know how many shots I’ve fired.

Suddenly, Podong came out into the courtyard of the mansion.

“Kiss……. ”

The sun was warm.

I liked the smell of grass in the breeze.

A sweet flower scent flew in from somewhere.

Podong’s steps followed the scent of flowers.

Then I finally met someone.


The high-pitched voice coming from above.

Podong raises his head.

I confirmed the owner of the voice.

And the baroness of Baron Frontera made eye contact.

“…… mice? ”


“Not a mouse? ”


Podong’s head nodded.

Baron Frontera’s wife, who was fixing the flower garden, took off her dirt gloves.

“Now I see. You’re the great summoner our son summoned. Am I right?”


“Then how did you get to the flower garden? ”

“Po-dong? Po-dong. ”

“Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re saying. So… are you here to help me? ”


“I see. Is that what it is? ”


Podong tilts his head.

The baroness smiles joyfully in her mouth.

“I can’t thank you enough. A few mice have been wrecking the flower garden lately. ”


“You’re related to them, right? ”

“Po-dong? Po-dong? ”

“Can you find them if you can? Ask those kids not to ruin the flower garden for me. ”


“Can you do that for me? ”

“…… Podong! ”

Podong nods at the mess.

Actually, they are not related to mice.

I might be able to talk to him.

However, the baroness smiles at herself, and her voice is so warm.

And once I did, I didn’t think I’d be bored for a while!

“Po-dong! Po-dong! ”

Podong stood up on his feet.

He patted my chest with his cheeky palm as if to trust him only.

So much for the baroness’ quest.), he hurriedly ran toward the grass.



Kugogg Drama!

The powerful spirit resonates.

The men are busy moving.

The dark shaft torch gives way to the sweaty muscles of the engineers.

I carved worm-like tendons into my muscles.

Steel shield advances slowly.

As the shield advances, a steel plate remains empty.

The panel bears the load of the shaft you just dug.

This is the second wall I’ve built.

They didn’t know.

Only because he was blindly moving as instructed.

Lloyd’s orders go to the breathing smiths and engineers.

“Well done. Alternate!”


“Move quickly. Get some rest. Send in the next crew! ”

“Get in!”

A group of blacksmiths and engineers retreat behind the shield.

Another pair of blacksmiths and engineers filled in the vacancy.

“Lloyd, are you okay? ”

A blacksmith asked me.

Lloyd grins.

“Why? Worried? ”

“Of course… ”

“It’s okay. I’m not working as hard as you guys. ”

“But if it’s still so hot and the air is cloudy…. ”

“Aw, thanks for the tears. All right, let’s get to work. ”

Lloyd slaps his hand.

The blacksmith, who was looking at this side worried, raised his eyes.

Actually, not so good.

‘It’s so hot, I can’t stand it. ’

The tunnel is hot.

It wasn’t just hot enough.

I felt like I was in a sauna all day.

Moreover, the air was still cloudy.

Of course I did.

This was the culvert, the end of the tunnel where the excavation was taking place.

It was basically higher than the outside because it was underground.

Heat builds up from the workers’ bodies.

Moreover, I couldn’t even dream of a smooth ventilation.

‘If I had been more technical, I would have implemented the ventilation system more properly. ’

Ventilation was important in the tunnel construction.

It was directly related to the safety of the workers.

Drinking a lot of dust is not good, but most of all, if you experience oxygen deficiency caused by the hypoxic environment, your life may become dangerous.

In the construction, Lloyd was dealing with the problem in a forced ventilation manner.

“Hey! Don’t step on the air pipe! ”

Lloyd shouts.

One of the engineers retreated, startled.

On the spot where the engineer stepped, there was an iron pipe with thick forearms.

It was the only vent that breathed air into the veil here.

‘That’s why it lasts. ’

The other side of the pipe is through the outside of the shaft.

There should be a few workers working hard on the knob.

Then, a large windshield connected to the handle forced air into the pipe, and the air entered the membrane and supplied oxygen.

“What if there’s a hole in the pipeline? I can’t see shit down here. If I go any lower, I’m gonna get a little air in the middle. New air isn’t coming in right now. Be careful. ”

“I’m sorry. ”

“Tsk. Never mind. Let’s focus.”


It felt like my nerves were getting sharper because it was hot and hard.

However, I couldn’t go out and rest like other workers from time to time.

We need to check the status in real time. ’

I had a lot to check for myself.

First of all, it was the tunnel.

We had to check in real time whether the excavation was going properly towards the seabed, i.e. the floor where the coal was buried.

‘At least the former lord kept a thorough record. ’

Thankfully, the former lord brought three expensive wizards and repeated geological investigations. At that time, the coal layer I found was a detailed record.

Thanks to you, it was easy to navigate.

But there were many other dangers underneath.

‘There are numerous dangers lurking in front of the invisible. Groundwater, methane gas layer. ’

If you touch the groundwater incorrectly, the tunnels you drilled could be submerged.

Moreover, the methane gas layer was added.

This is a flammable gas, so there is a huge explosion.

‘Then it’s just over, the end. ’

This was the scariest thing about the development of coal mines.

Coal is fed with its own compound, MACs (methoxylated aromatic compounds) to produce methane gas. It was inevitable that a layer of methane gas was lurking around the coal mine because of the methane produced by the microorganism.

‘So we can’t delay our guard for a while. ’

I had to use a surveying skill at least three times a day.

We had to keep checking what was in the range of the five meters ahead we were digging.

Moreover, tail void settling that occurred between the advancing shield and the remaining plate wall was also a target of boundary.

‘Looks like the shield is bigger than the plate. ’

Diameter of the advancing shield.

Diameter of plate walls assembled inside the shield.

There were, of course, minor differences between the two.

Because of this, once the shield is advanced, the ground is forced to sink slightly as slightly as the diameter difference between the two objects.

Minor decay in and out of inches.

Neglecting to look trivial can lead to catastrophes where everyone is held in their hands and buried alive.

‘You think you’ll get like that, me. ’


Cloudy air.

Inside, Lloyd tries not to lose his focus.

I felt open at all.

When my head became numb, I put my face on the pipe and drank some fresh air.

Then a few more days of work followed.

The shaft grows longer.

We’re that close to our target.

‘Just a little more. ’

Every day, I was suffering from heat and cloudy air, so my fatigue did not go well.

Every morning, I barely opened my eyes.

But it was all I had to endure.

Luckily for Lloyd, this experience was familiar.

“It was worse than this before! ’

This was the heavenly realm compared to when I lived in the high places.

I couldn’t sleep well at the time.

During the day, I spilled nosebleeds in the classroom.

I spilled my nose from evening to night.

But it wasn’t the end.

I had to break it down somehow and make time for it.

That way, I could digest the challenges that were being pushed.

It was the best time to sleep.

Reduced sleep, reduced sleep.

Chronic fatigue was inevitable.

It was a day of studying and working like a zombie with the potential to collapse immediately.

And now? It’s only hard when you’re construction. You can eat well and sleep well in the mansion, right? ’

Even the food was better than in the high school days.

“In high school, free rice and kimchi were all there was to offer! ’

If I didn’t think so, I was also energized.

I didn’t want to go back to that time.

In the future, I was eager to make this land more prosperous.

That will and willingness did not stop construction.

The drops and workers became more proficient in their work.

Construction was also elastic.

In the end, Lloyd’s surveying skills finally captured the crude layer of the target point.

‘Finally, I’m out. ’

Five meters from the front of the barracks, looking at intermediate surveying skills.

There you see a layer of carbon black.

It was high-grade ginseng in the ground, tar tar.

“Here, I see the end! Let’s go!”



Lloyd shouts for joy.

The workers and the drops shout in unison.

Even Javier, who was always calm, cried out.

Everyone was intuitive.

The end of a long and difficult time has come.

At last, the moment of completion is shining before my eyes.


The droplet feeds on the last mouthful of dirt toward the plank.

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