The Greatest Architect

Chapter 27

27.00 Double Circle (2)

[Load skill window.]

Lloyd opened the skill window.

I was trapped in a collapsed passageway.

We’ve got 30 minutes of oxygen left.

The situation was no longer behind me.

‘We have to do everything we can. ’

Lloyd’s eyes move rapidly.

Select the menu from the side of the skill window that pops up in front of you.

The menu he chose was’ Talent Skill Refining ’.

[Search for talents that can be enhanced with skills.]

‘Indeed, it does. ’

Lloyd clenches his fist.

It reminds me of the time I first got RP from Xaviel and opened the skill window.

He was the one who remembered all the contents of the information that came to mind at that time.

‘There was a message like this. You can refine your Talent skills by investing RP you got. ’

Obviously it was.

Ability to craft skills or talents you possess.

Thanks to this, he was able to refine his hard-working civil engineering knowledge with skills.

Surveying and design skills.

It wasn’t just that.

‘Shoveling is also made of skills. ’

I often went there to do my job.

I had to get sick of shoveling.

The skill spear also acknowledged that chopping skill as a talent.

‘Then you can make other abilities and talents that I have now. ’

Abilities that are most needed at this moment.

The ability you think you are.

Definitely can be flowered with skill.

Like Lloyd’s wishes, a message appeared before his eyes in turn.

[List of Talent Skills currently available]

[Detected talent to absorb surrounding Mana.]

[…… the ability to process absorbed Mana is detected.]

[…… the ability to amplify absorbed Mana is detected.]

[Can be combined and refined with the ‘Asran Deep Law’ skill]

[RP 15 to Bloom]

Got it!

It was as expected.

It was the most desired outcome.

Lloyd made his decision without hesitation.

He immediately invested 15 RP.

A good message came to my mind.


[Asran deep law skill has been refined.]

[Skill Name: Asran Deep Method]

[Step: Single Circle Lv 5]

[Absorb surrounding Mana. Remove absorbed Mana by processing/amplifying it into a circle created around the heart. Every time the number of circles increases, the amplification rate increases dramatically.]

[Mana Amplification Rate: 120%]

[RP for next level up: 10]

[Current RP: 142]


It was a satisfactory result.

Asran Mindset Skill Boot.

Plus, I received a higher rank than expected, single circle Lv. 5.

‘Maybe it’s because you’ve been practicing so often. ’

I trained hard enough.

He also used it in action against Lord Neumann.

After that, I did not stop practicing while running the deep law whenever I had a chance.

It seemed to show its results.

But Lloyd didn’t want to settle down here.

‘If you were satisfied here, you wouldn’t have to consume precious RP and turn it into a skill. ’

Skilled doesn’t make the judicial system more powerful right away.

And the ability to absorb Mana.

Processing skills.

Amplifying forces.

It was the same as before it turned into a skill.

But now?

I can make a big difference.

It was thanks to the proficiency of the cardio with skill.

‘I am able to upgrade strongly with RP investment alone without having to practice and train. ’

That was the biggest difference.

Lloyd has invested RP in the Asran judicial system.

[Skill Level Up!]

[Aslahan Inside: Single Circle Lv 6]

[Mana Amplification Rate: 125%]

[RP for next level up: 15]

[Current RP: 132]

Level up one skill to increase Mana Amplification by 5%.

‘Good, not bad. ’

Lloyd quickly rolls the calculation into his head.

Every time the skill level rises, it seems that the RP required for the next level up is increased by 5.

So what if we invested all the RP we have left?

‘You’ll be able to level up to 10 single levels and take it to the next level. It’s a close call, but it’s possible.’

It was a gamble anyway.

If the required RP increases by more than 5 unexpectedly, it will fail.

But I didn’t know until I tried it.

And now was not the time to hesitate.

“All or nothing! ’

Situation of the Judge.

Lloyd pours out all the remaining RP.

Increases Asran’s core skill level all the way.

Level 6 to level 7.

Level 9 to 10.

When I finally scraped off the last remaining RP and invested, I remembered the message I expected.


[Skill Rank Up!]


Lloyd clenches his fist.

Rank up as expected when you leveled up once again in single level 10.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of RP.

He reads the prompt that pops up before his eyes.

[Asran’s cardinal status has increased to .]

[Skill options have been opened as skill rank advancement.]

[Aslahan Insights: Double Circle Lv 1]

[Mana Amplification Rate: 200%]

[Skill Only Option ①: Make the most of the efficiency of the Energizer Double Circle. With the option feature, you’ll be able to move without tiring for 10 minutes. (Limited: only available once a day.)]

[Skill Only Option ②: Increases the Enhancement Performance of the Explosion Circle to its maximum. Increases Mana Amplification Rate by 3x for 20 seconds when using the Options feature. However, once the option is enabled, the user will be exhausted and unavailable for one day. (Limited: only available once a day.)]

[RP for next level up: 100]

[You currently have RP: 7]

Bang, bang, bang!

By the time I finished reading the skill description.

Lloyd’s heart was beating twice as loud.

The first strange yet powerful sensation surrounded my heart.


Single circles you’ve created before.

A new circle was created at an angle that was exactly right with that first circle.

In front of me, I was covering my heart with a cross.

The newly created second circle begins to spin.



Double circles.

Two circles resonated as they rotated.

A wave of powerful power that had never been experienced awakened the cells of the whole body along the blood vessel.

I took a deep breath without even realizing it.

Lloyd had a smile on his mouth.

No, thank you.

It was amazing.

I couldn’t believe it when I read the contents of the changed skill.

It was only after that that that I was able to confirm my senses with my body like this.

“So this is the power of the double circle. ’

I was sure I was just exhausted.

But I didn’t feel that fatigue anymore.

No, I felt like I was waking up cells in every corner of my body.

Previously, I felt a different level of vigor in my whole body than when I was holding a single circle.

‘You’re good at turning Asran into a skill. ’

Skill training in the spirit of the body.

It was Lloyd who aimed for two advantages.

‘One was rapid growth. ’

Can invest RP if created with skill.

It can be grown by pouring out a large amount of RP.

If you do well, you can grow months and years in a short period of time.

The target hit exactly as pictured.

‘and options based on rank advancement. ’

He had already grown his surveying and design skills and experienced a grade-up.

How fun it was with the skill options created at the time.

I thought maybe Asran could do the same.

If your rank rises.

If you make Double Circle happen.

I thought the appropriate compensation might be given as an option.

And the target was also right.

‘The options are correct. ’

Once a day, I was able to make people energizer for 10 minutes without tiring.

The other was an option that allowed them to exert explosive force for just 20 seconds.

Both of them were options that could be helpful under the circumstances.

‘Okay, let’s do it. ’


Lloyd grabs a steel shovel.

Reason for investing in the theft of remaining RP in this situation.

To break through a blockage. Like this! ‘


His shovel cracks the air.

You break through the front corridor that was blocked by collapse.

You begin excavating the pile of dirt with a rough, restless force.

Kuaak! Kuaak! Chug, chug, chug!

Lloyd’s forearms tendon rises.

A little more! Keep going! ’

It was a gale of shoveling.

It was a shovel far beyond the power of ordinary people.

The shovel pierces a pile of dirt.

I scratched the rocks and dirt fiercely.

Scattered from scratch.

A bucket of shovels forms a puffy hole.

Such shoveling continued faster than a hungry beggar’s spoon for a week.

Pupperfuck! Cooper!

“I’m not tired! Excellent! ‘

Lloyd was already triggering the first option, Energizer.

The content of the options was true.

I was able to move without rest, but not at all difficult.

There was no sweating, no breathing.

Rather, the influence of the Aslahan cardio on the double circle left the amplified Mana around the heart.

I shoveled up the amplified Mana’s power.

The shovel became more ferocious.

At the same time, it became more sophisticated.

‘You can’t just dig it up carelessly. There could be a second collapse in the main corridor. ’

The passageway had already collapsed due to an explosion of methane gas.

If any stimulus was applied, it could collapse again.

That’s why Lloyd’s shovel was rough but cautious. It was fierce and discreet. It was quick and smooth at the same time.

It was thanks to the rich experience of shoveling.

‘Every time I ran out of money, I was good at going to the human resources office. ’

It was a new idea.

It was Lloyd who was often told that he was good at shoveling in the field.

In the military, in the construction of society.

Among them, the experience of chopping tools with shovels has now been most helpful.

‘That was almost my specialty. ’

Open tool with a shovel.

The men who left the military in Korea.

Or people who have rolled in the field.

It was something that everyone would have done once.

Mix sand and cement powder to build up.

Makes the middle look like a crater.

You pour an appropriate amount of water into it.

And shovel the crater.) and quickly mix with water.

The most important point in this process was the swollen and sophisticated movement of the shovel that controlled the water contained in the crater to ‘never’ go out.

And Lloyd had a special knack for making that shovel tool.

I can’t believe I’m using that now! ’

Bam! Bam! Ta-da!

It was a shovel with many experiences.

It moved like a third hand.

Immediately, I controlled my strength as much as I wanted.

Scratch it, dig it hard.

Spread it out, exquisitely when you kick it out.

Flip, stab quickly and gently.

All of those movements were mixed in real time and in harmony.

Thanks to this, he dug a tunnel at an incredible speed and barely shocked the surrounding terrain.

The tunnel was the same until it was over three meters long and four meters long.

‘So now… please! Show me! ”

It looks like it’s been about five minutes since you triggered the Energizer option.

Lloyd bites his lip with restlessness.

He was also activating his surveying skills while shoveling like a storm.

You can clearly see five meters in front of the tunnel you’re digging.

However, there was still no sign of hope.

Five meters ahead.

Within that range, you see nothing but dirt filling the collapsed oysters.

Moreover, the air was getting cloudy, hypothetically.

‘I don’t think I can use a bubble at all. ’

The droplet is still too small a space to make it larger.

Moreover, if we neglect to make it massive, the remaining oxygen here will be consumed in no time.

Lloyd bites his molar tightly.

‘I have to fix this. ’

We can’t stop here anyway.

If it stops, even the possibility of hope disappears.

His shoveling has become even worse.

Cough! Cough! Cough, cough!

The tunnel you dug became longer.

Approaching six and seven meters.

About that time.


I’m starting to see something five meters ahead.

It was an empty space the size of a fist.


Kwazak! Kuga angles!

I was even busier shoveling.

Faster progress.

Every step forward increased the vacancy five metres ahead of you, previewed by a surveying skill.

From the size of a fist to the size of an watermelon.

Drums only on watermelons.

And the size of the original breach.

Found it!

There was an unsealed passageway 4.5 meters ahead!


He shouts.

“Follow me! If you can’t walk, crawl! ”

My head was already aching.

Things in front of me sometimes appeared to overlap two by two.

It was hypoxia.

‘We don’t have much time. ’

I felt a little bigger and bigger.

At this rate, the consciousness will disappear like the film was cut at some point.

If you fall like that, you suffocate in your sleep and die.

It was because I was afraid of hypoxia, or anaxia.

Lloyd moves his shovel, biting his lip as he gets bigger and bigger.

‘A little more. Just a little more!’

You just need to clear the remaining pile of dirt in front of your eyes for another three meters.

Just as much as a fist, not all of it.

That’s all you have to do is drill a hole.

Then the minimum air flows through.

It’s a hope for survival.

But it was that moment.


[Asran Deep Jurisdiction Option, Energizer Activation ended.]

It’s already been 10 minutes.

At the same time, I was weak from my whole body.

The feeling of fatigue that I hadn’t felt all at once came to me.

‘But we can’t end it here. ’

I really don’t have much time left.

Just a little further.

Lloyd opened his eyes in a dreamy ritual suffering from hypoxia.

Explosion of potential! ’


[Asran Deep Justice option, trigger Enhancement Explosion.]

[Double Circle’s amplification performance is at its maximum.]

[MP Boost Rate +3 for 20 sec.]

[Mana Amplification Rate: 600%]

Kuaaak! Kuaaak!

There were no soft and sophisticated shovels.

You swing your shovel like a beast, only trying to live.

Stabbed, photographed, scratched, scattered.

A passageway that remains intact beyond the collapsed area.

The distance to it has decreased rapidly.

* Cough * * Cough * Kaga!

2m, 1.5m, 1m, 0.5m…….

It was a vigorous advance toward hope for survival.

And finally, the thinnest part of the sand wall in front of us was 30 centimeters away.

[Asran Deep Justice option, Enhancement trigger has ended.]

[You will be exhausted with the penalty of invoking the option.]

Snap out of it!

I lost strength all over my body.

I missed the shovel without even knowing it.

Suddenly, my legs were loosened.

I opened my eyes, but it didn’t work.

‘Damn it.’

Lloyd reaches out.

I tried to pick up the shovel again.

We’re almost there.

It’s so close.

I dug a 12-meter tunnel in 10 minutes.

There’s only one last step left.

And this is where it ends? ’

It was unfair.

I’m sorry, too.

Having seen Xaviel collapse unconscious already, it was even more so.

‘Why did you bring him here? ’

A hollow smile appeared.

I fell asleep.

Suddenly, my consciousness became dazed.

Suddenly, I started hearing nonsense.


“… huh? ”

But it was a little strange.

It was too obvious why I was talking nonsense.

Lloyd raises his head with the last remaining strength.

At that moment, he could see.


The remaining 30-centimeter wall was punched with a hole the size of a fist.

A hamster with only a fist, Podong pops out a round head.


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