The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 194 Boss Battle Part 4

It was then that two things happened. First, Rishi got enough time to reinforce his chains to catch the opponent again, while the others with melee classes got the opportunity to attack. Nina used her sword skill to slash the mount of the boss monster, increasing its suffering. Manu did the same, as he believed his attacks would do little harm to the boss monster, while the same could not be said for his injured mount.

Dlip used this opportunity and concentrated his spear aura on the tip of his spear; he was only able to make it semi-solid. He used his spear technique, 'Multi Thrust,' and used his spear to attack multiple parts of the boss monster's body. The boss monster used his shield and sword to defend, but he could not stop all the attacks.

Two attacks bypassed his defense and landed on his shoulder and leg. This time, two minor wounds were created that were burning in Dark Blue Flame, making it harder to regenerate while burning the wounds.

The boss monster got inraged, so he used his skill and swung his sword, creating an attack that released a circular attack wave around. Everyone used their defensive skills to defend against the incoming attack.

The boss monster didn't stop there; he used another skill. A small explosion was created, and a bright green light was released, blinding everyone. When they opened their eyes again, they saw a shadow of a different monster before them.

It had the upper half body of an undead knight, while its lower half body was that of a horse. Its size has increased, and so did its presence. It stomped the ground and jumped at its opponents; a green and black mist came out of its body, making it even more intimidating.

The sword, armor, and shield shone brightly, creating green energy around them. The boss monster swung his sword again; this time, it hacked everything it encountered. Lalit tried to use his shield to block the impact and was thrown back. He stopped after rolling on the floor for a few meters; multiple small cracks appeared on his shield.

Dev commanded "Attack it; he had already used his hidden card. We already know about its full strength now. Keep fighting."

Dilip and Manu started attacking it while Rishi tried to use his chains to catch the opponent again. He even used his weapons to attack the opponents by controlling them. The boss monster easily dodged; he was way faster to dodge and block all small attacks, while his legs were strong enough to crack and drag his chains with them.

The chains were able to catch him, but Rishi didn't have the physical strength to hold the boss monster in place; all he could do was slow him down and create an opportunity for others.

Dilip, Nina, and Manu tried to attack the boss monster, but he somehow defended all of the attacks easily. The shield of the boss monster could easily stop even the attack skills launched at him.

Even though his armor was very sturdy, Vinay and Jay tried to test their luck by using the same strategy of combining bone spears and wind arrows, but the opponent was not someone to repeat the same mistake again; he used his sword to slash apart every bone spear many meters away from him.

The battle continued, and everyone gave their best, but the boss monster was too strong for them. The weaker members were soon caught in his attacks' range and injured. The pressure released by him made the weaker members almost give up.

They fought for some more time, during which Boss Monster released many attacks toward the ranged damage dealers of the team. Lalit stopped all of them, fulfilling his role as the tank, but in the process, he got more and more injured. His equipment was also cracking.

Even if they tried to fight, it only took the boss monster one more attack to injure them again. Lalit stopped one more attack from the monster and was again thrown back by the impact; this time his back hit the pillar, and the sound of something cracking could be heard. His shield was utterly gone; only some pieces were left. He had tried his best and guarded his teammates, but now he struggled to lift his hand.

He wanted to stand again and fight, but Dev stopped him. "You have done enough; leave the rest to us. The boss monster has already used a lot of mana."

Lalit wanted to argue, but his body gave up. At last, he fainted. Dev asked others to bring him to safety before taking the lead. As more time passed, more and more members got injured. The boss was becoming weaker with time, but the damage he did was also significant.

It was now a battle of wits; everyone tightened the grips on their weapons and started fighting. The battle continued for a long time before the boss monster released an attack that injured Jay and prevented him from continuing.

The others started punishing the boss monster, but his shield was able to expand in command, which made it easier for him to defend. There were multiple injuries on the body of the boss monster, but his regeneration was high-speed, and he recovered them in no time.

They had not given up until now because it took a lot of energy to regenerate, and they were getting tired and out of energy every second. His advantage was that his basic stats were very high, so his attacks were still lethal even if he swung his swords without skill.

The one fighting the boss monster at melee range was also getting injured; the only difference was that most of them didn't have any recovery skills. The same happened with Manu, who wanted to take advantage and attack the boss monster from behind while he was busy fighting his teammates.

The Boss Monster was very cunning; he kicked back and landed a traditional horse kick and made Manu eat dirt with one attack. The attack landed on Manu's mount and broke his bones at the area of impact before sending him rolling on the ground with Manu. This attack made Manu unable to continue, and the others also started sweating, keeping in mind to never get in range of the kicks.

The battle continued, and every member was getting injured while his mana and stamina were depleting, making it very hard to continue. The same happened with Nina, who was able to dodge and fight properly but didn't have the mana to fight such an intense battle for so long.

They needed to continuously use skills to deal damage to the boss monster while defending and dodging also required the use of skills; this was like burning mana and stamina constantly, and only a few were able to sustain such consumption.

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