The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 212 Journey To Raj. Part 2

Rishi looked at the fast trees moving backward. He watched as the view kept changing. He was surprised by the train's speed; it was moving at 500 km/h. He looked outside from his window seat; the professors were with him. He enjoyed this experience, as it was the first time he was traveling by train. He asked, "Mam, can you tell me more about this train?"

"This is Mewar Express, powered by Mana stones. It has many protection spells and magic runes embedded in it that make it easier for it to move at high speed," replied the Professor.

"But Professor, how is it possible to have a functional track for such a long distance? Isn't it tough to guard it?" he asked.

"It's not that hard; the drones surveil the whole route. There are also multiple small stations where Beast Tamer's guard and it mostly passes through towns and cities," she replied.

He asked some more questions when he saw the trees slowing down. Before he saw no trees, the train stopped, and he looked outside. Many people were moving from one place to another; most still carried bags, while some wore storage rings.

When he looked around, he saw many tea stalls and small restaurants. He suddenly got hungry when he saw that. He was about to go outside and get something when Prof. Anya asked, "Where are you going?"

"I saw people enjoying snacks; I would also like to taste some snacks," he said. The others looked at him in shock before laughing.

"Don't go anywhere; the train is about to start again. As for snacks, please tell me what you want to eat. The train staff will serve the lunch soon, so there is no need to take any risk," replied Prof. Anya. Before taking out a lunch box and serving everyone a switch, she took out a small refrigerator and took out four cans of cold drinks.

Rishi looked at Prof. Anya and was surprised; she was carrying so much stuff. He didn't know she was a foodie; he looked at her smiling expression while taking out all the stuff. He sat and enjoyed snacks; she was right; the train started again.

He was bored, so he took out his phone and decided to play a game. Despite being so fast, there was no problem with the internet. He sighed in relief and started playing the game. This was a MOBA. He played many games before seeing a robot come and served them their food before turning and moving on. He had an extensive trolley in which there was food for the passengers.

He finished the round and looked at the plate before him. It had shahi paneer, daal, and nan, while there were some chocolates as snacks. The food was hot and fresh; he smelled the aroma, and his mouth watered. He looked at others as if asking if he could start but saw Prof. Roy devouring food as he had been hungry for months. The other two were also enjoying their food. Professor Roy noticed Rishi looking at him and said, "Start already; who are you waiting for?"

Rishi looked back at his food and started eating it; he was enjoying everything and not trying to finish it faster. The food was very delicious, and as an elite stage beast tamer, he could quickly go a month or two without eating. He could remain hungry for even more if he used potions or pills. He ate food for taste now. Good food helped him end his many bad days with a smile.

After traveling for two more hours, the train stopped at three more stations before stopping again. He looked out the window and saw that the train was again slowing down; he even saw a board with Palom Station written on it. Teachers stood up, and Prof. Anya said, "Rishab, let's go; our station has come."

He followed them, and they stood before the transparent gate, where he could see people waiting to enter. The train stopped, and the gate opened. "Come," said Prof. Anya as she started moving out. Rishi silently followed them and exited the train.

He looked around and found that this station was not as developed as the one he had seen before. The teachers started moving, and he followed them, and they took an escalator to come out of the station. After coming out, he saw that there was a market outside where many shopkeepers were selling different things; he could also see some were selling magic beasts.

It looked like a low-tier city, and he also saw some people moving around on their magic beasts. There was a collar on each such beast and tags on the collar. Using Magic Beasts in public places without a license was not allowed, and the fine was very high.

Many men approached them, asking, "Where do you have to go?" Prof. Roy asked for the price and bargained for a while before entering a cart and asking them to enter. He and the teachers entered the cart, and the cart started moving. Two horse-type magic beasts were dragging it, and despite being low-level, their speed was decent. He looked around and saw the city.

This city had buildings on both sides; many hotels and malls came in between before the cart stopped in front of the bus stand. Prof. Roy paid the coachmen, and they entered the bus stand. He saw many buses there; some were leaving while others were entering.

Prof. Roy asked around before moving in front of the blue bus with the peacock pattern. He followed the Professor, and they soon entered the bus, which was half full. He went to the back and took a window seat with Prof. Anya sat with him while Prof. Trisha and Prof. Roy sat behind them.

After some time, the bus started moving. He asked Professor Anya, "Mam, how far is Sword Fiend Sanctuary from here?"

Prof. Anya replied, "This bus will drop us near Alora Forest in two hours; the sanctuary is in the forest's center, and we will need to reach there ourselves."

Rishi asked a few more questions before deciding to enjoy the scenery; they were still in the city for some minutes. After some time, he saw trees and fields around, and then he saw a bunch of hills. He also saw many magic beasts around, but they ignored the bus and didn't approach it; he knew there might be some formation or array in the bus.

He closed his eyes and started to take a nap. The bus kept moving, and time passed. Prof. Roy saw Rishi falling on her shoulder, and when she saw his peaceful, sleepy face, she decided to ignore him this time. After all, he was still a kid; he had never traveled so far. She saw his reaction and how he looked at things curiously.

She looked at his handsome and slightly mature face. She still remembered when Prof. Roy asked the teachers if anyone would go on a trip to Raj (Rajasthan) state. At first, she decided that there were more important things to do, but when Prof. Roy told her they were going to the Sword Feind Sanctuary, she got curious.

How could she not be interested in seeing it as a researcher, but she had different plans and was in a dilemma? It was then that Prof. Roy said that Rishab was also going. She got confused as to why he was going there when the other students would go back to their families and spend some quality time with them.

She asked Prof. Roy more questions. At first, he didn't reply and tried to dodge her question, but when she threatened him, he finally gave up and coughed up everything he knew. What he told her shook her; this kid wanted to evolve his contract beast into a sword beast, and only she, as a beast cultivator, knew how hard it was. When she asked Prof. Roy how Rishab would do it,

He told her that even though he was not sure about it, Prof. Anya decided to join them on their little trip. She was also able to talk with Rishab, who was not putting any effort into it despite having so much talent. She wanted to make him understand that it is essential to work hard; only talent is not enough.

She was unsure before the trip, but after joining, she enjoyed it and got to know Rishab better. She discussed many topics with him, and his views and thoughts impressed her. His confidence was also inspiring, as not all people had the confidence to take on such a difficult research project. If he somehow succeeds, he will be able to become a three-star beast cultivator with the same rank as her, and that moment will be very special for her. She would be able to brag that her student is a three-star beast cultivator, which brought a smile to her face.

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