The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 41 Learning New Sword Technique

Rishi attended his second and third classes and went to the training hall to attend his sword class.

He walked into the training room and saw Nina was already there. "Hello," he said as he approached her and he began discussing something about their training with her.

When professor Ajay, entered the training hall, After greeting him, the students stood quietly, waiting for the professor to begin teaching.

"Students, in this one week, I have taught you how to properly wield your sword and deal with various situations and fight another human opponent." said the professor.

"I think you're all ready to learn a skill now," he added, all the students rejoiced; they could finally learn a skill.

"It wasn't easy to pick a skill that good enough and all of you could use."

"I teach students of your standard mainly a basic sword technique every year, but your batch's performance has impressed me so I decided to reward you all and teach you a mid-level sword technique," he added.

The students cheered, they were amazed that they could learn a mid-level skill. Even Rishi and Nina were taken aback.

"Don't get too excited about it this early; it's not that simple to learn a mid-level sword technique," the professor advised.

"The sword technique I'm about to teach you is called 'Triangle Slash'. It's one of the best technique at the mid-level. So please pay close attention to my instructions and work extra hard to comprehend it."

The professor then took up a long sword placed in a sheath and approached the area where many training dummies were stationed. "Try to focus on my movements," he said after moving five meters away from the first dummy.

He then used his technique on the first training dummy. His sword moved quickly, and an 'L' type mark appeared on the training dummy.

All of the students looked at it in surprise, some were disappointed as this skill didn't look that powerful but most were excited to learn this sword technique.

"Did you see what I did?" the professor asked.

"Sir, I could not see clearly, but from the little bit I saw, you moved your sword at high speed to slash the dummy twice," one student responded.

"You are partially correct, but you didn't notice that I transformed my mana to form sword energy on my sword's tip, and then I released the sword energy toward the target dummy."

The explanation perplexed many students, while others understood what the professor said. Rishi was also able to understand the principle behind the attack.

'So we can use mana like that,' he thought.

"Sir, but we have no idea how to convert our mana into sword energy. How are we going to learn it? I've heard that only elite stage swordsmen can do it," one student asked.

"You are correct that only elite-level swordsmen can use sword energy, but don't worry; I have a solution for this. It's a technique that is recently discovered, "replied the professor, lifting the mood of the class slightly.

"This technique does not completely convert mana to sword energy, but it does convert mana to semi-sword energy. which is sufficient to use my technique," he added.

This revelation opened many students' minds; they realized why their parents forced them to attend the academy and said that they would be taught many things that they could not learn anywhere else.

Any ordinary person would never have discovered the loophole that allowed them to use sword energy.

"Sir, if this technique is truly that unique, how could it be so easily accessible to all students?" asked a curious student.

"You overthink it and give this technique far too much credit. Semi-sword energy will allow you to perform this technique, but the effect will be only 40% of the original," the professor replied.

Many students were disappointed by this remark.

"Come on, this is not an ordinary technique; even 40% of its power is way above any technique in the same class," the professor commented when he saw their reaction.

"What I showed you is not the final version. I just wanted you guys to see my movements and understand how I performed it; let me show you the perfect version of it," the professor explained as he returned to face the training dummy.

He returned to his stance and used the 'Triangle Slash' attack. He removed the sword from its sheath lightly; it shone with a white glow, after which he performed a slash attack, and returned it to its sheath.

All of the students could only see a blur of white light, and when they looked at the training dummy, they noticed that both hands and head were separated. It also had a huge wound on its chest area.

This display astounded all of the students. They were all so taken aback and the room fell silent for a while.

"Powerful right, this is the second version of the 'Triangle Slash' technique." said the professor.

"This technique is used to simultaneously target the opponent's neck, arm, and chest area, forcing him to defend only one of the attacks while you connect your attack on the undefended part with your slash attacks and easily defeat them," the professor explained.

"This technique can be used in a variety of ways to achieve a variety of results. Every user has their take on this attack," he added.

"Is there a third form of this technique, Sir?" Rishi inquired. He always tried to keep a low profile, but curiosity got the best of him this time. All of the students looked at the professor, curiously; they, too, wanted to know.

"It's an interesting question. There is a third form in which you repeat the second form of this technique twice, resulting in a star-shaped slash attack," the professor explained. This revelation sparked an interest in all of the students, particularly Rishi.

"Don't think about it for now," the professor said, looking at the students' reactions. "Learning the third form is extremely difficult."

This remark fueled Rishi's desire to learn this form even more. He thought this technique would complement his fighting style.

"Well, there is an interesting story about this skill. A swordsman liked this technique so much that he practiced it to a high level and tried different ways to perform it to get a better result. Wasn't he an idiot?"

"He hoped to achieve an effect similar to that of a high-level technique by utilizing the basic concepts of this technique," Professor stated. All the students had different reactions; some thought he was an idiot, while others admired him for attempting to do something different.

"Everyone thought the same thing about him, but he never gave up and eventually discovered a way to perform one extra slash in the second form of this technique. After working on it for another year, he finally showed the world the fourth form of this technique. It was the third form of this technique, the star slash, plus one more triangle slash," said the professor in admiration.

This surprised everyone in the class. Rishi too was speechless when he heard the story of this legend.

"Later, he refined his swordsmanship even more and created a fifth form of this technique," the professor said, looking at the class's reaction.

This remark shocked all the students and also inspired them.

"So, students, remember that if you want to do something, you should do it. Never give up because others believe you can't do it."

"This world celebrates winners, and when you succeed in doing what you wanted, it doesn't matter how many times you failed to achieve it," the professor said.

He then started teaching all the students after some time the bell rang which signaled the end of the class.

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