The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 505 Impossible incident

Chapter 505 Impossible incident

'Kyaaa!!' screams echo across the battlefield. They were not the cries of soldiers but the agony of the monsters.

Onlookers stared from the top of the wall, unable to believe what was happening right before their eyes.

A figure was charging at the countless beasts; his bravery lit up a fire inside the hearts of the onlookers.

"We can win this," screamed a soldier.

Others joined him and started screaming.

"Attack," the captain ordered.

'Boom! ' Countless explosions occurred on the battlefield as the spells rained down.

After them, it was time for the arrow to rain. When these arrows rained down momentarily, they covered the night sky.

While these attacks didn't deal much damage, they were enough to cause chaos inside the horde.

"Defend the Wall," the captain commanded as he looked at some beasts charging at them.

"We can do it," said a tank, pushing back the beasts before him.

"Kill them all. Protect the wall." Others soon followed him; now they were all motivated.

While things were under control on the wall, something crazy occurred on the battlefield.

The giant brown-fur monster approached the figure standing in the horde's path. It howled.


A crimson glow appeared in the eyes of all the black-furred monsters. They grew in size, and their mussels stretched.

They started charging with their leader, fearless. Like a group of hyenas, they were ready to devour the figure before them like their prey.

However, they soon heard a sound: 'Bang'

A monster was eliminated; they all gathered up, which made them easier targets for shadow cannons.

The masked figure stared at them, coming close, and summoned his zone. He then created some hand signs and created multiple glacial blue circles again.

He kept making signs again and summoned many magic circles again. They were placed behind the previously summoned ones.

Countless chains came out of nowhere and passed through both circles. The first magic circle changed the chains and made them stronger, while the second one surrounded them in a layer of ice.

'Roarr.' The monsters, as if charmed by some spells, charged mindlessly. They paid the price as they got hit by the cannons.

As they came close, they found themselves facing countless chains with purple-colored runes inscribed on them.

They catered and tried to break them apart with their power. They sustained for a moment, but then the chains regenerated and started binding them.

Like serpents, they constricted the monsters, restricting them from charging ahead. They kept charging and started getting caught.

'Bang,' 'Bang' The cannon prioritized the opponents caught by the chains.

The masked figure also pointed his hand toward the monsters, and countless chakrams were released by him, all with a purple fire on their edges.


The beasts cried as they lost their lives, one by one.

'ROARR!' A massive roar came, and the giant monster started charging at the masked figure.

It tore apart the chains that came at him with its giant claws. Its two tails whipped aggressively as it jumped at its opponent.

Its big canines shone in the moonlight. A red beam released from its mouth approached its opponent.

This ray was so dangerous that it looked like it was evoking the air around it when it was passing by.

It approached its opponent and was about to make a hole in his body, but the opponent disappeared the next moment.

'Growll,' the beast, tried to look around. He tried to sniff his opponent with his scent, but it became confused when it sensed nothing.

Its eyes widened the next moment when it sensed the presence of its opponent in the back. It struck him with its tails, trying to land a powerful strike.

But what happened next surprised it; the beast felt like his tail had passed through the air. It didn't feel any touch or resistance.

However, the moment its body was pushed three meters forward and felt a jolt of pain in its back, it was sure that its opponent was behind.

It turned and found the masked figure looking at him with his purple and dark eyes.

'Growl' It slammed the ground and scratched it as if it looked at the masked figure, as if warning him about what it would do to him.

On the other side, the masked figure looked calmly at its opponent.

"What was that?" asked a soldier as he looked at the confirmation below.

"I don't know; I felt like he didn't move an inch but somehow dodged that attack," replied the woman soldier beside him.

"Thanks to him, citizens got enough time to evacuate safely. Even if we lose, we will be able to save thousands of lives."

"Soldiers assist him. It's not time for rest. We will only stop after we have chased them all away," commanded the captain.

The old man sighed in relief when he looked at the figure below; he didn't know what they would have done without him.

Meanwhile, the masked figure pointed his hand at the opponent, holding nothing. A gray-colored spear appeared in his hand, filled with purple runes.

The beast charged at his opponent and launched a powerful attack. It opened its mouth and released a powerful sonic attack.

It was so terrifying that it made everyone around its radius deaf for a moment. Anything that was before it was blasted into pieces

However, it could not see its opponent again when it looked at the dust.

Making use of his zone, the masked figure appeared behind the monster standing at the edge of his zone. He thrust his spear forward with a purple-crystal edge.

He also used 'Frost Strike,' and the spear tip carried a chill gust with it.


A small fountain of blood leaked, followed by a cry from the beast. It moved back and mindlessly charged at its opponent.

Its claws became twice their original size. In between, it slashed the air. A powerful energy attack was released that was strong enough to injure anyone.

However, everything was useless when such attacks were launched inside the zone; all the masked figure had to do was teleport to the other side of the zone.

Not wasting any more time, the masked figure used 'Quick Jab' with 'Frost Strike' and 'Umbral Surge' and targeted the head of the opponent.

It stood with its back facing the monster that had fallen as he swung his spear to remove the blood.

But it was then 'Slash' A powerful claw attack came from behind and hit the back of the masked figure; this was strong enough to create a big wound.

'Growll' The Beast slowly stood up.

"Impossible," said a woman on the wall.

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