The Greatest Estate Designer

Chapter 33: Speedy Construction with the Power of Muscle (1)

“What do you mean by drilling into a rock with a sword?” Javier frowned. His eyes were directed towards Lloyd. Those eyes were filled with distrust in response to the nonsense Lloyd was spewing.

“I’m a little bit confused. May I be honest?” Javier asked.

“Are you going to be honest?”


“That’s a little… You’re going to blurt out facts without filter to attack me with it, aren’t you?”

“I repeat once again, I’ve never attacked Lloyd-nim.”

“But you did?”

“Please tell me, when?”

“Inside the ant nest. You punched me in my stomach with your fist, didn’t you?”

“Naturally, it’s because….”

“Oh, and then you slapped me thrice when you were trying to make me regain my consciousness, right?”

“It was only twice. I stopped in the middle of the third one because Lloyd-nim had regained consciousness.”

“A-ha, so was that why you were disappointed?”

“Natura- no, I wasn’t.”


“Anyway, back to the point. To be honest with you, I’ve never heard of someone doing such a thing with a sword before.”

“None at all?”

“Yes, not even a single Sword Master.”

“Is that so?”


Javier was telling the truth. He was barely able to cut a few meters into a rock with only a sword after all. But, what about blasting a hole through a rock? He’d never heard of such a thing.

This was also the case even for the tales of many Sword Masters that remained in history.

‘It isn’t even possible for Sir Michael, the founding king who had been named as the greatest of all time in his later years because he developed much slower than others. According to the records, Sir Michael’s sword aura was about 1 meter long. Even if you add sword aura to the length of the sword, it could only cut the stone for about a little over 2 meters long maximum,’ Javier thought.

Sword Aura was a technique of covering the sword with a highly concentrated mana. A technique that was the symbol of a Sword Master.

However, even this destructive technique had its limitations. It was said that you can’t attack an enemy that was out of its range.

‘The sword is a melee weapon after all,’ Javier thought.

No matter how powerful your attack was, you need to approach, slash, and stab the enemy by yourself. You couldn’t attack from a long distance like a magician could.

And those were both the characteristics and weaknesses of a Sword Master.

“Even so, Lloyd-nim is throwing common sense out of the window. You are declaring that you’re going to teach me an imaginary skill that doesn’t even exist. It was as if….”

“Do you think I said something crazy?”

“Yes,” Javier nodded immediately. “Obviously. That’s a ridiculous statement that would only be uttered by a person who’s either insane, mad, or deranged.”

“Oi, it’s obvious that you are grabbing the chance to jab at me while you’re at it.”

“What jab?”

Sigh. That’s enough. Anyway.” Lloyd chuckled. “What if I teach you that technique?”

“Do you really think it’s possible?”

“So what will you do? Answer me first.”

“If Lloyd-nim’s big talk is true–,” Javier said with a serious look in his eyes. “I’ll gladly follow what Lloyd-nim tells me to do.”

“For real? Will you do the work I’m telling you to do?”

“Of course.” Javier nodded his head.

If what Lloyd said was true, there was nothing to lose anyway.

At the same time, Javier thought that the advice would be merely a bluff. Such nonsense couldn’t be possible.

“Good. We’ve reached a consensus. Then, starting from now-” Lloyd held out his hand to pat Javier on the shoulder and then nonchalantly said, “When you draw your sword, increase your mana circles’ rotation to maximum, and then force at least two of the circles to overlap and collide.”

“…. Pardon?”

“Oh, you shouldn’t use all of your mana circles in the collision. You have to leave at least one to protect your heart. Otherwise, your heart could stop beating because of the shock after jumping a triple axel. You could instantly cross the Jordan River in one stroke.”

“Right now, what are you talking about…?”

“Just give it a try once.”

“Right here? Right now?”

“Yeah.” Lloyd nodded.

Meanwhile, Javier felt perplexed.

‘Is that possible?’ he thought.

Javier felt like his common sense was being destroyed. This feeling was similar when he was told to think of Asrahan Core Technique as a part of his body. Nevertheless, these methods were foreign to him.

These were something he’d never have thought of. No, he’d never even thought these were possible.

Obviously, each mana circle would rotate faster as the power generated increased. The faster the rotation, the stronger they repel each other, just like magnets of the same pole. Still, he’d force them to collide.

“It’s okay, you won’t die if you protect your heart with the remaining circle.”


Lloyd was too calm. Thus, it felt less trustworthy.

Obviously, Javier had no idea that his other self from another space and time—the one from the [Iron-Blooded Knight] novel—was the one who invented this technique.

This technique was one of many that made the novel him the strongest knight in the entire history of the Loracian Continent.

‘Of course it’s still in the distant future,’ Lloyd thought.

He suddenly recalled the contents of the novel.

Mana Blast.

When Javier developed this technique, he had just reached the level of Sword Master. Moreover, he had also been equipped with a quadruple circle. The combination of a Sword Master’s strength and a quadruple circle alone could make him one of the strongest knights of all time.

But, even with such power in his hands, he faced the limitations of his strength.

The Wall of Namaran.

A defensive wall that was fortified with powerful and malicious black magic. Located behind the wall, there were thousands of refugees he had to save.

Neither Aura Sword nor Mana Amplification from his quadruple circle could break the wall.

Reaching a stalemate, time had passed fruitlessly.

The date the wicked magician had proclaimed continued to draw near. At this rate, the thousands of refugees would get sacrificed in the ritual held by the magician.

And finally, on one bright fateful day, Javier—who was still struggling to break the wall—tried his one last final attack.

In his desperate attempt, he unknowingly made two of his mana circles collide.

That moment was the first time he used Mana Blast, a technique he’d never dared to imagine before. It was also the moment when the Wall of Namaran collapsed instantly due to a power that was beyond imagination.

‘Since then, Mana Blast has become Javier’s favorite move.’

Along with the Asrahan Core Technique, it had become one of the iron-blooded knight’s signature moves.

Still, Lloyd couldn’t believe that he’d be teaching that technique to this guy right now. It felt strange.

‘I’ll have to learn it too later when I reach triple circle.’

Even if Lloyd wanted to learn the technique now, he couldn’t. Two circles at least were needed to make a collision. Additionally, he needed to have one more circle to protect his heart.

In short, Mana Blast was a technique that could only be learned when you reached the stage of triple circle at least.

‘Of course it wouldn’t be easy even if you have triple circle.’

That would also be the case for Javier. Lloyd chuckled at the thought.

“Hm, you’re still hesitating. Am I that untrustworthy to you?” Lloyd said.


“Perhaps, are you afraid?”

“Of course that’s not it. However-”


“I need you to promise me something.”

“Hmmm, what do I need to promise you?”

“Regarding the new technique you just taught me.”


“If it’s all just a lie or a nasty prank to make fun of me….”

“What if it is?”

“Please make the lullaby service free with unlimited refills in the future.”

“Oh my.”

It was a bolder proposal than Lloyd had expected. At the same time, the proposal also cleared up what Javier thought about the lullaby service.

“You, I see now-” A wicked smile appeared on Lloyd’s face, his eyes were filled with amusement. “You can’t live without the lullaby service anymore, can you?”


Javier’s shoulder twitched very faintly.

Lloyd then continued, “Oh my, what to do? Did I get it right?”

“It’s an outrageous speculation.”

“Oho. Please say it while looking at me straight in the eye.”

“I’ve never avoided making eye contact with Lloyd-nim.”

“Are my eyes located on my nostrils?”


“Nevermind. I promise you.”

“Are you for real?”

“Yeah. If what I told you was a lie or a prank to make a fool of you, then the lullaby service will have infinite refills in the future. And it’ll be for free.”

“You promised.”

“Now that it’s settled, try it. You didn’t forget the technique I told you earlier, did you?”



Javier drew out his longsword, so Lloyd took a few steps back.

‘I’m a little worried because it’s his first attempt, but…. Javier won’t ever be unsuccessful in learning this.’

Javier was a few steps ahead of Lloyd when it came to the Asrahan Core Technique. He had three mana circles. His control on each mana circle was also outstanding.

Javier had reached a level of competence and elegance as if he was a master at it.

Even if this was Javier’s first time trying the technique Lloyd had told him about, Lloyd was certain Javier wouldn’t injure his heart.

‘Of course he’ll be having a hard time for a few days at least.’

This technique was all about colliding mana circles that rotated at high speed inside the body and near the heart. Naturally, it would leave a huge impact and burden on the body.

No matter how genius Javier was at swordsmanship, it would take him a while to get used to it.

‘Perhaps a week at the earliest? It might even take more than 15 days. I think the quarry work can start from then on. I’ll make a schedule for the construction.’


“I succeeded,” said Javier.


Something unbelievable had just happened.

Lloyd unconsciously gawked. He looked at Javier, who was a few steps ahead, and then cast his gaze a little farther.

There was a mark on the ground that wasn’t there before.

“It’s not as difficult as I thought.”


A 10-meters-long furrow had been dug. Not just a scratch on the surface, but there was a long tunnel formed under the ground.

There were marks of an explosion inside, which turned the ground upside down in a straight line.

“Excuse me, Javier?”

“Yes, Lloyd-nim?”

“Are you perhaps a monster?”

“No, I’m not. I’m undoubtedly a human.”


Javier was a monster. Lloyd knew he was right. Either that or he was the son of mom’s friend, an imaginary creature he thought only existed as a legend1I think the author is referring to when moms continuously compare the accomplishments of their child with their friend’s child. Often, it is exaggerated. So yeah, you get the gist..

Lloyd looked at Javier, bewildered. Javier smiled gracefully with only one corner of his lips lifted.

“Thank you, Lloyd-nim, for not making fun of me.”

“Did you realize that only now?”


“Oh my. Look at the audacity.”

“I couldn’t help it. It’s a concept I’ve never thought about.”

“Then, do you understand now?”

“Yes, but-”

“But? What more?”

“I wonder how Lloyd-nim came up with such a magnificent technique.”

“Why? Are you saying I shouldn’t be able to come up with something like this?”

“Of course that’s not it, but….” Javier glossed over his last words.

Lloyd lifted his chin and straightened his neck. “Nevermind. Just hold on to your promise. Now you know I’m not pranking you, right?”


“If that’s the case, will you do what I tell you to do without any hesitation?”

“I’m willing to do anything.”

Javier was a standoffish guy, but he’d certainly do it.

Javier nodded.

At that moment, a message appeared in front of him.

Ding dong.

[Javier Asrahan is very grateful of your teaching.]

[Javier Asrahan’s favorability towards you has increased by +3]

[Your current relationship with Javier Asrahan : -11]

[A slight improvement in your relationship with a key character has earned you 54 RP.]

[Current RP : 561]


Lloyd was sure Javier had accepted his teaching with all of his heart.

Now, it was time to test this guy’s performance in full-scale quarry work.

“So, starting from now on, you’re going to be a human dynamite,” Lloyd said.

The following morning, they were at a place far west from the orc village.

In the area where the granite was partially exposed, located at the foot of the mountain range, Lloyd picked up a large brush.

Then, he dipped the brush in the jar he was holding in his arms. The red paint he got from the orcs seeped into the brush.

Lloyd held up the brush and then poked the rock with it at regular intervals.

“Here, here, and here.”

Tap, tap, tap!

Red fist-sized dots were painted onto the rock.

“Do you see the places I marked?” Lloyd asked.

“Yes. Should I stab the sword there?”

“That’s right. Very smart, aren’t you? Stab, make the mana circles collide, and bang. Do you understand?”

“I understand. By the way, is there a required depth?”

“Yeah, 10 meters.”

“10 meters?”

“It’s the deepest you could manage at this level, isn’t that right?”


“Pierce it with that constant depth and then blow it all up with all of your might.”

Lloyd clenched his hands and then spread them for Javier to see.

“First, I’ve calculated the depth of the material and marked the spot you have to stab to blow it up. However, after you blow it up, you have to run quickly to where I am. If not, you could get crushed by the falling rocks. Do you understand?”

“…. I understand.” Javier nodded.

Meanwhile, Lloyd moved tens of meters away from the planned bombing site.

With arms raised high towards Javier, Lloyd shouted, “Three! Two! One! Fire!”

A second later, Lloyd saw Javier lifting his sword. Soon, Javier’s figure disappeared. No, his figure became blurred. Moving at a monstrous speed, he stabbed the sword into the rock.

Lloyd clasped his hands at the sight.

‘Please succeed.’

If Javier succeeded, quarrying would become extremely easy. Just like a revolution in the quarry industry when Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

The rocks dozens of people struggled to dig for a year by using primitive chisels, hammers, and levers were able to be dug out in mere days.

If Javier played the role of ANFO or NewMITE—explosives used in modern times—the Seokbinggo could be completed within this month.

‘This is why I taught you how to do Mana Blast. Please earn the money for our meal.’

Lloyd prayed.

And then, he saw it.



Flashes of light burst from the huge granite bedrock. Shortly thereafter, Javier rushed to Lloyd’s side like a gust of wind. He arrived in an instant and stopped in front of Lloyd.

“I’m back,” Javier said.


Javier sheathed his longsword.

At that moment—Banggg!

Fierce shockwaves and blasts of wind came from the place where the granite was located.

The entire humongous rock was shattered and crumbled to pieces.


There was a massive roar that shook the earth’s axis.

Lloyd clenched his fists unconsciously. He believed in Javier.


Finally, all preparations for the construction were completed. Now, it was time to begin the real construction.

Author’s note: This fellow’s name is Heavy Machinery. Javier is his nickname.

Tl/n: As expected from the OG protagonist.

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    I think the author is referring to when moms continuously compare the accomplishments of their child with their friend’s child. Often, it is exaggerated. So yeah, you get the gist.

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