The Greatest Estate Designer

Chapter 35: Speedy Construction with the Power of Muscle (3)

Term change

Benefactor -> savior (because I think savior fits better than benefactor, after I read both meanings)

“Oink? What’s this? No way…. Have you finished building the Seokbinggo, oiinkkk?”

Arosh the orc was born as a warrior.

Fighting against enemies and hunting for the tribe.

Naturally, his virtue was about valor, for he had spent his entire life thinking only about fighting.

That was why he had no idea about civil engineering. He didn’t understand both the process and the results of the construction.

Nevertheless, he knew that no construction project could be completed overnight. Because of this, Arosh the orc got genuinely surprised today.

“It was definitely just a pit a few days ago! What happened? It’s full of stones now, oink!”

It was true.

A few days ago, when Arosh was helping Lloyd build the foundation, he had no choice but to put the shovel down because he needed to go hunting.

‘I’m sorry! I’ll come back after a few days of fighting, oink!’ Arosh thought.

Hunting was a sacred duty for the tribe’s warriors. Just like how mandatory military service was a duty for all Korean men even after they had been discharged, all orc warriors had to go on a group hunt regularly.

In Arosh’s case, it was time for his turn.

‘I’ll help you again when I come back, oink!’

Arosh then patted Lloyd on the shoulder.

As soon as he returned to the village after hunting, he dashed to the construction site to help Lloyd, his savior.

But what the hell?

In a mere few days, the site had changed drastically. The pit, which had been barely finished being dug, vanished. In its place, there was a meticulously built stone room made of granite blocks instead!

In front of the stone room, no, Seokbinggo, stood Lloyd.

“Oh, you’re back? I ended up building this much. It’s not complete yet.”


Lloyd just shrugged, as if it was no big deal. At that, Arosh gulped. He felt like he was seeing an unknown entity.

‘What the hell is my savior, oink?’

Lloyd was amazing. The more Arosh looked at Lloyd, the more amazing Lloyd got in his eyes.

Whenever Lloyd—his savior—wanted to do something, it was like he just snapped his fingers, and then *poof* it materialized in no time. It happened every time, not just a one-time thing.

‘He gave an order to Javier, and half of the stone in the mountain was blasted into chunks in no time. After that, he trimmed the stone chunks he had brought and dug the ground. And then….’

A stone room called Seokbinggo that stood in front of him was built in an instant.

‘He didn’t even use any magic, oink.’

To Arosh, this was more magical than magic. The young orc warrior sincerely gave Lloyd a thumbs-up from the bottom of his heart.

“Savior, you, you have big nostrils, oiinkk!”

“Big… nostrils?”

“That’s correct, oink!”

Lloyd tilted his head, confused. Arosh huffed proudly.

“You have to have big nostrils to breathe well. If you breathe well, you won’t get tired easily. An orc that hardly gets tired is the best warrior, oink!”

“Oh, is that a compliment?”

“Obviously, oink!” Arosh smiled broadly, revealing his fangs.

Lloyd also smiled.

“I can’t believe I got such a great compliment only from building this. It’s embarrassing because, to be honest, I’ve never taken any formal education about Seokbinggo.”

“You’ve never taken a formal education, oink?”

“It means exactly that. My major is civil engineering, completely different from this.”

“Civil… engineering, oink?”

“Yes, something like that. Personally, I’ve been very interested in this field for a long time. Should I say that I’ve benefited from it?”

Lloyd had been interested in traditional architecture such as Seokbinggo and Ondol. The club he joined also dealt with traditional buildings.

When his family’s financial situation was still good, he used to go on field trips with club members.

“Well, it’s already been a long time in the past. Besides, the exterior of this Seokbinggo may look amazing, but right now it’s merely a shell that’s barely been formed. There’s still a long way to go before its completion.”

Tap tap!

Lloyd tapped the wall with his palm.

“As you can see, we’ve built a drainage channel, a sloping floor, an arched ceiling with air vents, and so many more thanks to the amazing strength of your tribe’s warriors.”

Lloyd was being honest. The orc warriors were genuinely amazing. Each one of them had the strength of 100 people. They were like energetic hydraulic press machine gorillas.

Because of this, Lloyd managed to keep his hands free of dust from manual labor for a few days. He was able to build Seokbinggo’s walls and arched ceiling with the help of the orcs’ bulging veins and muscles, though it wasn’t finished yet.

“Well, the exterior is a little bit too shiny. Supposing that it stays like this, the Seokbinggo won’t be able to work properly. No, it can’t work.”

“It can’t work, oink?”

“Yes, there’s no insulation yet.” Lloyd then continued, “Even though the granite blocks were made as thick as possible, if we leave it like this, the geothermal heat will still come inside the Seokbinggo in the summer. This is the reason why we need insulation, to block the heat outside from coming inside.”

“Then, where can we get this insulation, oink?”

“You don’t have to search for it.”

“I don’t have to, oink?”

“Yes, you just have to wait. I’ve sent 10 soldiers to go and fetch some materials for the insulation on my territory.”

It was the truth.

Before Javier’s first Mana Blast, Lloyd had selected 10 strong soldiers from the Construction Corps and sent them back to Frontera Barony along with an order to bring the materials used for Seokbinggo’s insulation.

“In fact, the materials—like rice husks, straw, and sawdust—can’t be found here.”

That, too, was true.

The Orc Village was located in the desert. Naturally, the village didn’t have any connection whatsoever with farming. This made obtaining rice husks and straw impossible, as both of them were by-products of agriculture.

“It’s been a while since the soldiers set off. They should be back in several days.”

Not that it was a big deal, but the time they should’ve been back was coming nearer.

So, their wait had begun. One day, two days, even three days, and then five more days.

Ten days had passed, and not a single soldier had returned from their trip to the territory.

Far from bringing materials for insulation, not a single person turned up.

‘Hmm, this is weird,’ thought Lloyd, who was killing time in the Orc Village by teasing Javier. In the midst of all this, he couldn’t help but keep looking to the west.

The wait had been far longer than expected. Suspicions began to arise in his eyes.

‘These fellows, as per my prediction, should’ve been back by yesterday at the latest.’

Lloyd himself had traveled through the eastern mountain range. Through his experience from that time, it was possible to calculate the time needed for the soldiers to go to the territory and then return here by crossing the mountain range with the materials. According to his calculations, the soldiers should’ve returned yesterday at the latest.

“Hey, Javier,” Lloyd said while lying in a tent and swinging his legs out of boredom.

A voice quickly answered, “Did you call me?”

“I did. I need you to do something for me again.”

“…. What can I do for you?”

“Go to the mountain range over there, drink some water, and come back.”

“Is this a search operation?”


They didn’t need to say much to understand each other. After all, Javier knew more or less what Lloyd was waiting for and worrying about.

“Are you going to pick them up?”

“I guess so. The fact that the Construction Team hasn’t come back yet means something might’ve happened to them in the middle of their expedition.”

That was Lloyd’s decision. He predicted the goods should’ve arrived yesterday based on his calculations while taking into account the soldiers’ average physical strength and the materials’ volume and weight. Additionally, he also considered the delay that could happen due to traversing through rugged areas. Plenty of leeway for error had been included.

“Even so, we still haven’t heard anything from them. There must be one or two reasons why, either something has happened or they’re slacking off.”

“I understand. I will prioritize searching the road used to cross the mountain range first.”

“Okay, be careful,” Lloyd said while sticking out his tongue.

“…. Sorry?”

“Nothing,” Lloyd said while sticking out his tongue again.


Instead of answering, Javier sighed deeply. He immediately got up to pack his backpack and prepare his gear before starting the search.

After all of the preparations were done, he left the tent.

Just before he left the tent, Javier suddenly halted. He then looked back at Lloyd with his peculiar chic and icy expression.

And then, Javier bluntly remarked, “…. Reflect on yourself.”


There was no time for Lloyd to counterattack because, before he could say anything, Javier had already left.

“Hahaha.” Lloyd couldn’t help but laugh. However, that laugh didn’t last long.

‘I hope everything is alright.’

Somehow, an anxious feeling welled up.

Another three days had passed. Lloyd’s anxiety became a reality.

“I found this,” Javier said.


Javier, who returned after three days, held out a pair of tattered gloves. Lloyd instantly identified the gloves.

‘This is our territory’s.’

He must investigate. These work gloves were the ones he personally provided for the soldiers of the Construction Team.

Lloyd’s expression stiffened when he asked, “Where did you find it?”

“I found it in a valley located on the eastern side of the mountain range, in an area marked as ‘Progia Gorge’ in this kingdom’s official map. I discovered it two days ago.”

“Keep going.”

“At first, I focused my search mainly on the road our group had used to cross the mountain range. If the soldiers were coming back behind schedule, there’s a possibility of crossing paths on the way. However, I still couldn’t find them even after I passed ‘Fano Peak’ and ‘Fesano Peak’. Clearly, not a single trace was found. We could conclude one fact from this information.”

“The soldiers aren’t late because they’re slacking off.”

“Yes. From then on, I began weighing the possibility of them getting involved in an accident. “I discovered the gloves, along with some straws that had fallen around it, in the Progia Gorge.”


“There were strands of straw that were strewn around there. So, I followed its trail, which led me to a fairly large cave.

“A cave…. In Progia Gorge. Then? Did you go inside?”

“Yes, thanks to that-” Javier rolled up the sleeve of his left arm with a nonchalant face.His pale white arm was thus exposed. There was a scar marring his forearm, the sight greatly contrasted his indifferent face.

“This happened. As soon as I took a few steps inside the cave, the magic booby trap got triggered.”

“…. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay. It’s just a little scratch.”

“It’s not just a scratch, it looks like a burn wound.”

The wound was quite big. Moreover, it’s not just a burn wound. Javier’s skin had turned red and purple, as if the wound was the combination of a burn and frostbite.

“I don’t know precisely what it is, but it seems to be a kind of black magic. Fortunately, I avoided its direct hit.”


“I’m really okay. The wound is only superficial, not deep enough to reach the muscle. Perhaps if I continue to use mana like I do right now and continue to focus my energy on recovery, I’ll completely recover in a few days.”

“Oh, that’s a relief.”

“Yes. I’m worried about the soldiers.” Javier’s expression, which was calm and collected when he showed his wound, darkened as he mentioned the soldiers. “The trail of the fallen straws continued deep inside the cave. Based on that fact, the soldiers….”

“They are for sure dragged in there, aren’t they?”

“I think so.” Javier slightly lowered his head. “I’ve tried to enter the cave several times after I got hit by the magic booby trap, but it’s impossible. I’m sorry.”

Tsk. You don’t have to be sorry.”

Javier was not at fault. On the contrary, it was incredible that he managed to escape with only this much injury after getting caught in the defensive magic booby trap.

“Still, I am a knight. My duty is not only to command the soldiers of the territory, but also to protect and preserve the troops as much as possible. In such a predicament, I failed to rescue the soldiers because I am not good enough. So, if you are willing to give me another chance—”

Javier solemnly continued, “I will return to our territory as fast as I can, get some reinforcements, and then prepare to attack the cave.”

“Are you going to attack the cave?”

“That’s correct. Judging from the magical power of the defensive trap and the subtlety of the spell, there must be a black mage of considerable level lurking in the cave. Perhaps, the black mage kidnapped our soldiers for evil purposes.”

“Like that saying, time is life?”

“That’s right. The longer they remain in the hands of the black mage, the more danger they’re in.”

“Hmm. If that’s the case, let’s get going right now,” Lloyd said immediately, as if he was just going to go to a convenience store to buy a triangle kimbap or to a local PC room to play a battleground game.

Lloyd was so indifferent that he sounded rather confident.

Naturally, Javier’s eyes widened at that.

“Pardon? Don’t tell me….”

“What, ‘don’t tell me’ what? Didn’t you just say that the black mage caught our kids and stole our precious construction materials?”

“That’s the case, yes, but-” Javier shook his head. “It’s dangerous for Lloyd-nim to go there without any preparation. It’s too reckless.”

“Do you think so?”

“Yes, absolutely,” Javier said with a serious look in his eyes. “Even I had to go through a great deal of danger because of the magic booby trap there. It’ll be absolutely impossible for Lloyd-nim’s insignificant skill set. Moreover, the opponent is a black mage, we’ll never know what evil traps they’ve set up.”

“Oh my, you said my skill is insignificant.”

“Compared to mine, it’s the hard truth.”

“Anyway, did you mean to say if I go right now, I’ll completely get caught?”

“That’s correct. You could get miserably cut, frozen, fried, or fractured somewhere. Similar to a little shrimp that’s been deep fried in boiling oil for a dish on Thanksgiving Day, but got charred black because it was forgotten.”

“…. Oi, the description seems too specific.”

“Not at all, it must be a misunderstanding.”

“What misunderstanding, you totally meant it.”

Lloyd chuckled and then proceeded to get up. Before Javier knew it, Lloyd already held a backpack in his hand. The backpack was filled with food and supplies, sufficient for traversing the mountains for a few days.

“Then, let’s get going.”


“I already told you. Let’s go to the cave right now. You stated that it is a race against time; the longer our soldiers are captured, the more dangerous their situation becomes.”

“It is indeed true, but at this rate…”

“It’s going to be okay, just trust me.”

Lloyd picked up another backpack. He shoved the backpack onto Javier’s chest and hugged him tightly.

“Quick, follow me. If not, I’ll leave you.”


Javier caught the backpack by surprise. His expression hardened considerably.

This was too reckless. He couldn’t even dream of it.

The cave on the Progia Gorge, no, the black mage’s dungeon where Javier was forced to retreat this time, was a place that was inside the [Iron-Blooded Knight] novel. In the novel, he’ll attack the dungeon years later.

All Lloyd was familiar with, as the one who read the story, were the events that happened.

Even if his information was limited, he could make a guess.

‘So, the guy who was decapitated by Javier in the Progia Gorge arc…. Was it Lupellan, the black mage?’


Lloyd gritted his teeth.

The defensive spell that made you fall asleep.

If he touched his soldiers and construction materials, Lloyd would give him a taste of his rage. As a bonus, Lloyd would take all of the things he kept in the dungeon, including his spine, bone marrow, and even the liquid in his pores. Even if he wanted to die, he couldn’t. Lloyd would squeeze everything out of him.

‘So, in conclusion, I’ll say in advance that you’re already dead.’

Retribution and exploitation. Fueled by those, Lloyd headed for the gorge.

Author’s note: (Ding dong) Map Hack activated. Launch the attack, lol.

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