The Greatest of all Time

Chapter 85 - The Six-Minute Finale II


The referee blew the whistle, and gameplay restarted after the goal.

NF Academy kicked off the game, but the VfB Stuttgart players quickly regained possession. They then attacked even more aggressively than before. The goal seemed to have reinvigorated them, pushing them to perform at a level much higher than their peaks. They fully exploited their numerical advantage.

Phillipp Mwene, the left-winger, played even better. In the 95th minute, he dribbled past a tired Kasongo—and delivered a brilliant lofted pass into the crowded NF Academy box.

Felix Lohkemper, the VfB Stuttgart forward, out-jumped the defense inside the six-yard box and planted a header past Kendrick into the back of the net.


VfB Stuttgart was on fire.

The NF Academy was under immense pressure.

Zachary felt helpless. The effects of the red card had started to manifest. VfB Stuttgart had almost caught up to them, thanks to that. However, he rejoiced since the sixth minutes of injury time had nearly elapsed. They 'simply' had to defend for a few seconds, and they would be champions. So, he went around, shouting at his teammates to focus on the game for that final minute.

**** ****

In the stands, Emily's back muscles had already gone numb from nervous tension as she watched the final minute of the match. She'd been sure that NF Academy would win the game six minutes ago. But at that very moment, she felt like VfB Stuttgart was the team most likely to emerge as champions of the Riga Cup after the final.

"The six minutes of added time are over," she heard Ricardo Andres, the commentator, drawl in his heavily accented English. "However, the referee isn't blowing the final whistle. VfB Stuttgart is still on the attack, knocking on NF Academy's door. They are intent on getting an equalizer before the final whistle. What a match!" He sighed heavily.

"The referee is just adding in the few minutes the NF Academy players spent when restarting the gameplay after they'd conceded the two goals," Vincent McManaman chipped in. "Serves them right for trying to waste time this late in the match." To Emily, the commentator seemed a little too excited.

"Oh my!" Andres yelled excitedly. "Timo Werner, the VfB Stuttgart forward—who missed the penalty, has controlled a pass expertly inside the penalty area. He shoots. But alas, a defender has managed to block the shot. He has deflected it away from the goal. The ball is out of play. The referee first looks at his watch before awarding a corner." He was intoning words so fast as he delivered the commentary.

"Oh my goodness me! What do we have here?" Andres continued. "Odysseas, the VfB Stuttgart goalkeeper, is coming forward to participate in the corner kick. VfB Stuttgart is fully intent on scoring an equalizer in the 97th minute. They are committing their entire squad forward."

Emily felt her heart quicken as she watched every VfB Stuttgart player crowd before NF Academy's box.

[Who would emerge as victors?] She wondered.

**** ****

"Guys," Zachary yelled at the rest of his teammates. "We're almost there. Only a single minute remains. Let's defend. Man-on-man. Don't leave anyone unmarked in the box. Kasongo, you mark Kimmich at the edge of the box. Magnus mark that tall center-back over there. Robin, stay with their goalkeeper. Don't allow him even an inch of space. ?yvind, mark the goal post." Words came out of his mouth at the pace of a machine gun as he tried to organize his teammates and ready them for the corner.

He' had never wished more for the final whistle in his life. He didn't want the game to extend into extra time. If that happened, VfB Stuttgart would demolish them due to their numerical advantage.

Moreover, his teammates were already tired after weathering the German side's relentless attacks for the whole second half. They had to defend against the corner kick successfully, or they would lose the final. Zachary was sure of that.


Amid that chaos in the box, the referee blew his whistle, signaling Phillipp Mwene to take the corner. There was the occasional little pushing and shoving around Zachary as they waited for the ball.

Mwene, the left-back, served up a teasing lofted pass into the box. Odysseas, the VfB Stuttgart goalkeeper, timed his run perfectly to connect with the ball as he muscled Robin for aerial superiority. He managed to plant a header towards the goal from around the penalty spot.

But luckily, Kendrick, NF Academy's goalkeeper, rose to the occasion. He jumped with acrobatic flamboyance and punched the ball away from the goal, towards the outside of the box.

However, the threat from VfB Stuttgart was still at large. Joshua Kimmich met the ball at the edge of the box and unleashed a missile of a shot at goal.

But once again, luck was on NF Academy's side.

Zachary had been tracing the trajectory of the ball with his high-level spatial awareness. Without any fear, he jumped into the path of the shot and deflected it away from the box.

But he didn't relax even after the successful block. Instead, he chased after the ball as it flew mid-air. He was fully intent on getting to it before any other player. He'd noticed that the VfB Stuttgart keeper was still in NF Academy's box, trying his luck at scoring. Zachary intended to punish him for leaving his goal.

**** ****

Emily let up a breath of pent-up air when Zachary blocked Kimmich's shot. But her heart quickened when she noticed Zachary trailing the ball with his incredible pace.

"Oh my!" She heard Ricardo Andres yell, his tone climatic. "NF Academy has survived the corner kick. However, it's VfB Stuttgart's turn to worry. Zachary Bemba is chasing after the ball. Odysseas Vlachodimos, the VfB Stuttgart goalkeeper, has started running back to his half. Are we about to see another swift counter from the NF Academy skipper? What a turn of events..."

Emily's skin tingled with excitement as she watched Zachary skillfully sidestep a VfB Stuttgart defender and continue after the ball. He got to it faster than any other player, just a couple of a dozen yards away from his box.

He controlled it skillfully with an outstretched foot and took a single glance at the other end of the pitch. The fans around Emily quietened as the NF Academy captain raised his foot and whipped the ball high—towards the other half of the field.

"Oh my goodness me!" Andres, the commentator, yelled at the top of his voice. "Zachary has unleashed a shot towards the VfB Stuttgart goal from deep inside his half. Odysseas, the VfB Stuttgart goalkeeper, is still racing back across the pitch. Will Zachary's long-range effort find the target? Or will Odysseas get back first? Unbelievable..." His voice had hit a crescendo.

Emily shut out the voices as she alternated between following the ball's trajectory, up in the air, and watching the VfB Stuttgart goalkeeper, on the ground, sprinting back to his goal. The few seconds felt like eons as she tried to gauge whether Zachary's effort was on target.

The ball arrived at the zenith of its flight and started its descent at an ever-increasing speed—as gravity worked on it. Without any surprise, it reached VfB Stuttgart's box before the keeper could get back.

Emily abruptly stood up from her seat as she watched the ball bounce once—twice—and then thrice before homing into the back of an empty net. GOAL.


In the 98th minute, Zachary had managed to score yet another spectacular goal from over 80 yards away.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

A triumphant smile alighted on Emily's lips. This time NF Academy had 'certainly' won the finals. There was no doubt about that.

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