The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 116

Chapter 114 Anti-customer

Fisher looked at the quietly rising newcomer in front of him. Although he has a beard, his handsome face is still slightly immature. The youthful and invincible publicity and wanton bloom between the eyebrows, but those eyes are as calm as water, with and The introverted and refined age-inconsistent, it seems that all the brilliance has been deposited and integrated into every cell of the body, so contradictory and so harmonious, maybe he is not the brilliant focus of Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, then This kind of intriguing temperament can always be unique among the crowd.

Only at the moment of hearing the Emmy Award nomination, the flashing light in his eyes revealed the fact that he was not yet 21 years old this year—or the fact that he was just a rookie in Hollywood.

Fisher has absolute confidence that Renly can do miracles in his hands, and even become a top superstar, but now he is more curious, does Renly have such ambitions?

“But it’s just good.” Fisher’s tone changed a little as soon as he spoke. “Far from the end, the question now is, in this Hollywood vanity field, where do you want to go? “With just one sentence, Fisher calmly took the initiative back.

Lan Li almost blurted out and answered honestly, but when the words reached the tip of his tongue, he swallowed again at the last moment, and looked at Fisher curiously, “Shouldn’t it be me who asked you this question? If I choose you to become My agent, what height can you push me to?”

Who is the buyer’s market and who is the seller’s market is a very important thing. Now that Fisher takes the initiative to come to the door, Lanly will not easily let go of this advantage. Unlike other ordinary newcomers, he is not too obsessed with the agent; what’s more, now his bargaining chips are increasing, right?

Fisher raised his brow lightly. He did not reject Renly’s strength. To survive in Hollywood, modesty and prudence would only leave no bones. Not enough aggressiveness means not enough. Ambition, then, has no value in cultivation.

However, Fisher was a little surprised, because from the appearance of Lan Li, from the performance of the “Pacific War”, all signs showed that Lan Li is a gentle type, but now it seems that “people should not be prosperous”. The words were confirmed again.

“The sky is my limit.” Fisher showed his aggressive domineering for the first time. That contemptuous force brought him to his current position. Obviously, he was not satisfied with this. “The 20 million club , 55 million US dollars, Oscar actor, 300 million big production actor, his own work as a producer, collaboration with James Cameron (-), collaboration with Meryl Streep… as long as you I can do everything that can be said. The question is, do you have this ability?”

Fisher slowly leaned back and raised Erlang’s legs. The posture of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai made it impossible to question his words, and even more unable to refuse his invitation. Even though the tone was not deliberately raised, but the understatement was as heavy as a mountain, and it brought even greater shock.

“Ha, what you said is almost my heart.” If there is no rebirth, Lan Li may be really excited and unable to control himself, and gratefully sign Fischer directly.

But he clearly knows that Hollywood does not operate like this. The appearance of any top superstar is the result of the right time and place. The agent is only one of the links, but not the most important link-luck and timing. Is the most important. Fisher is just bluffing, but combined with the smooth flow of his past few years, it is indeed quite convincing.

There was a faint ridicule in the humorous words, which sounded a wake-up call for Fisher-a strong character is one thing, and disobedience is another. For a newcomer with no background, he doesn’t know how high the world is. His arrogance will only kill himself, and no agent will like a newcomer who keeps antagonizing himself. nobody.

“However, what you said is not what I want, I want to reach a higher level.” Indeed, what Fisher said is what everyone dreams of now, and Lan Li is no exception, Vanity Fair The most shining stage, whether it is besieged or not, people standing outside always want to walk around, but as Lan Li said, the limit he really pursues is not only that, “I hope to truly integrate commerce and art. Together. If this is my goal, what do you think I need to have?”

In an instant, the initiative changed hands again and came to Lan Li’s hands.

Fisher thought he was arrogant enough. Now that he heard Lan Li’s words, he actually had the urge to laugh. Throughout the ages, many great artists have tried to combine commerce and art perfectly to find the golden balance, but even It is the masters like Steven Spielberg, Stanley-kubrick and James Cameron who dare not say that they have successfully found the key.

Now, a newcomer who is still young and stinky to boast of such a seaport is like a baby brandishing a pencil sharpened knife and saying that he wants to defeat Sauron in the “Lord of the Ring”. “This is an excellent joke, the best I’ve heard so far this year.” Fisher chuckled lightly and began to find the little guy in front of him interesting.

However, Lan Li did not smile.

Fisher’s laughter echoed in the car for a while. After receiving no response, he gradually became embarrassed. The corners of Fisher’s mouth were a little stiff; suddenly, Nathan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, laughed without warning. Getting up, breaking the atmosphere in the carriage, transitioning from embarrassment to weirdness, this time it was Lan Li’s turn to smile.

Nathan originally wanted to meet Fisher for a while and dissolve the atmosphere, but the timing was not right, but he was kind enough to do bad things. Turning his head, he saw Fisher’s frosty eyes, and his heartbeat was missed. With one shot, he shrank his neck and turned back and sat down on the spot.

Fisher felt that Lanly was deliberately making jokes on himself and smashing himself. This is obviously not a good thing. The anger in his heart began to burn. You should know that in the past few years, Fisher has not felt this for a long time. With a feeling of humiliation, his smile narrowed and his eyes sank, “Do you know what you just said?”

“That’s the reason I said it, isn’t it?” Lan Li shot back, neither humble nor arrogant.

He didn’t like Fisher’s always high posture, the lingering superiority between words, and both words revealed “I have fancy you, this is your honor. You should bow down.” Express your loyalty quickly”, what he needs is equal dialogue. Even if he is a newcomer, the cooperative relationship between the actor and the agent has never been distinguished between superiors and superiors. The two sides should be equal and mutually beneficial. Therefore, he did not like Fisher’s superior tone.

What’s more, this life’s Lan Li was born in a noble family. When it comes to “superior” and “condescending”, he is absolutely no stranger. How could he be scared by Fisher?

“Are you serious?” Fisherton paused and asked in a deep voice. Lanly did not speak, but pursed his mouth. Everything was silent, which made Fisher’s face darker. “Do you know what the perfect balance between business and art really means?”

Instead, Lan Li laughed, “I thought you could give me the answer.”

Fisher couldn’t help but muffled, feeling a foot on his chest. He didn’t like the arrogant arrogance of Lan Li and the arrogance of high spirits. Maybe Johnny Depp can do this, Tom Cruise can do this, he must swallow even if he is dissatisfied, but Lan Li? A fledgling unknown person?

In Hollywood, there are too many actors who have won an academy nomination, but there is no one in ten who can truly gain a foothold in the industry. Don’t say that this is just an Emmy nomination, even an Oscar nomination, or even an Oscar winning, is still nothing under the huge business system of Hollywood. Compared with the distance from being an unnamed person to a small name, compared with the distance from enjoying a reputation to being famous, it is nothing more than an ant looking up at a giant.

In Fisher’s eyes, Lan Li’s wild rhetoric was just a joke, so Fisher chuckled lightly, mocking and contemptuously, “I think, before going further, you’d better go to the actors’ union to find a public Agent, let him give you a good lesson. Hollywood is a cruel arena, UU reading is not everyone can come in and play, and even the qualifications to enter are not available to anyone. .”

In Fisher’s view, Lanli was just standing at the door, and he didn’t even get the admission ticket.

“I think that’s the end of today’s conversation. Our cooperation still has to wait for future opportunities.” Fisher still kept a faint smile on his mouth, but the indifference that refused to be thousands of miles away has penetrated. The courtesy and alienation of that kind of social occasion couldn’t be more obvious.

“Frank, stop.” Without waiting for Renly’s answer, Fisher gave an order to himself.

Nathan was taken aback, turned around abruptly, looked at Fisher and exclaimed, “But, this is the highway!”

Compared to Nathan’s fuss, Lan Li looked much calmer, he just raised his eyebrows lightly, and then smiled at Fisher, “I think it’s better to cooperate, you and I know. Maybe in the future we won’t have an intersection again, will we?” After speaking, Lan Li opened the door and went straight on.

It’s crisp and neat, without any muddles.

Fisher was ridiculed again, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He was about to say something. With a “bang”, Lanly was closed by the door. Fisher closed his eyes reflexively, and then realized it. Her embarrassment, he slammed the sofa hard, and the boiling anger in his chest was only slightly calmed down.

“And you, Nathan, go down too.” Fisher said again. “You were fired.”

After getting out of the car, Lan Li looked at the surrounding environment. He didn’t want to see Nathan’s uneasy expression as soon as he turned his head. There was no response for a while, and the car next to him immediately drove away, leaving only a cloud of exhaust gas.

Nathan smiled shyly, raised his right hand and waved stiffly, “Hi.”

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