The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 134

Chapter 130 Sisyphus

From the center of the seat to the aisle in the middle, everyone stood up, or clapped or smiled, or patted their shoulders in a friendly way to express congratulations. The short aisle seemed to have no end, and the turbulent crowd was full of sight. In every corner, the bright light obscured the line of sight, and all the scenes turned into dots of light, dazzling, but they lost focus, leaving only a surging heat wave, endless. ΩΩE novel www. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

The steps under the feet seem to be stepping on the cotton, and the brain becomes blank, just relying on instinct/ability to walk towards the spotlight ahead. This road is so long, starting from the neatly planned childhood in the previous life, passing through the teenage years without laughter, no fun and no free time, walking through the sickly and boring hospital bed life, and walking through the claustrophobic after death Dark passages, through the strict childhood of this world, through the youthful years of bohemian and free soaring, through the crossroads of resisting the disintegration of parents…

He finally got here.

“You can only rely on yourself, no one can help you, dreams and freedom are the most useless things.”

“You are not a genius. It is just an illusion. You are just one of the thousands of ordinary people who do nothing. Don’t daydream. It will only make your life more miserable.”

“You have fifteen minutes to rest. Don’t play with those children. They are not good for your future. If you want, you can sit down and read a book to relax your brain.”

“Ashamed, actor is not a dream, not even a profession, that is a shame to the family.”

“…Can’t do this!” “It’s useless…” “Reality does not allow dreams to exist” “Freedom and dreams are excuses for self-comfort by those poor people”… “No!” “No!” “Reject!” “”impossible!”…

The cold and cruel words stabbed him like a sharp blade, bruised and bruised all over his body.

The life of the two lives is so long as a nightmare that you can never wake up, but it is short as a drop in the ocean. Step by step, he is like Sisyphus in Greek mythology, pushing a heavy boulder and carrying one negative after another. , Tireless, reckless, persistent, stupid, bloody, repeating, repeating, just looking forward to one day when the boulder can be pushed down the top of the mountain. Along the way, he faltered, the tip of the knife sobbed blood.

Not to prove yourself, just to prove that life not only has cruel reality, but also stupid dreams; to prove that life can have other meanings besides being “alive.”

He knew that the Emmy was just the first step, a trivial first step, but he finally took the first step, didn’t he? I have waited for two lives for a long, long time.

“Congratulations!” Tina Fei stepped forward, gave Lan Li a polite hug, took a half step back, showing a bright smile, and said sincerely again, “Congratulations!”

Lan Li took the trophy with both hands and looked at it carefully. The slender woman embraced an atom, and the Muse with its wings spread out soaring freely in the circulating lights. The ultimatum from my parents a year ago sounded in my mind, “stupid persistence”, emotions surged in an instant, caught off guard, and the golden trophy blurred his vision and cast a golden halo over the whole world.

Looking up, in the dim halo in front of him, the applause gradually fell, but the dazzling starlight was shining. He opened his mouth, but his voice was stuck in his throat, and only a vague syllable was choked out. , The emotions were too turbulent, and he smashed over unreasonably. Even Lan Li himself was a little at a loss. The cultivation of his 20 years of learning has been steadily defeated at this moment, and his reason has completely surrendered.

All this is too strange.

He thought he would be very sensible and calm. He thought he would show his gentlemanly demeanor. He thought he would control the audience with humor. He thought he would understate and accept the award with confidence, as if everything was expected. in. He thought he didn’t care.

But imagination is always just imagination. When things really happen, when you are in it, all your expectations are shattered in an instant, just like a tornado is coming, rushing unreasonably, all common sense, all laws, all The rules no longer work.

After closing the right hand, the cold metal texture seems to have been warmed by the heat of the palm, and the powerful heart beat fiercely against the chest, as if it would burst into flowers at any time, the erratic feeling of being lightly away from the ground makes people feel At a loss.

Take a deep breath, “…This is really a surprise, and even an accident. I think I need time to calm down, or my nose will come out.” Lan Li pretended to tease easily, but the thick nasal sound revealed his moment. With depressed tears, he himself couldn’t help but chuckled. This was really embarrassing, and there was a chuckle from the audience.

“Al, sorry, I’m the one standing here.” Lan Li looked at Al Pacino in the first row directly in front, nodded and motioned. Al was amused by these words, shook his head, and raised his hand. He gave Lan Li a middle finger, and the guests nearby laughed collectively when they saw this scene, “Huh, I’m not sure what to say at this time, because my mind is completely blank, even the name of the show. I can’t remember, God, I still have a lot of people to thank. I now finally know why everyone has to write award testimonials in advance.”

There was a hint of ridicule in the self-ridicule. Many guests blew whistle to show their agreement. The atmosphere on the scene was much warmer than expected, “Well…I am not a genius.” This is the only thing Lan Li has in mind at this time. His voice came from George’s cruel conclusion. He thought he didn’t care, but deep in his heart, it was like a nightmare, and it never disappeared. To this day, “But I have been working hard.” Lan Li’s voice trembled slightly. Gradually stabilized, that strong confidence returned to the chest cavity, and the right hand could not help but clenched. The metal texture and heavy mass of the trophy slowly pulled down the erratic figure and stood on the ground again. .

The down-to-earth sense of reality makes people stable.

“So, thank you Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg for giving me the opportunity to perform this time, thank you Lamy, James and other actors and other actors for guiding me, and of course, thank you for the Emmy Award. I’m sure.” Three simple words of thanks, but the weight is extraordinary. At this time, Lan Li finally knows why people’s acceptance speeches are always so long, and they are always grateful to a lot of names they don’t know at all, because Behind the glamorous actors, there are a lot of behind-the-scenes heroes who have never been taken seriously.

The surging emotions made people sigh with emotion, “I still remember that when I filmed the first scene, I looked directly at the camera because of a focus error, which led to a mistake. It was a shameful mistake of a rookie level.” Lan Li Luoluo exploded generously, leaving the guests at the scene astonished, and the crew of the “Pacific War” was already laughing. Everyone whistled and roared, which made Lan Li laugh directly.

“You can imagine how hard it is for the crew to ensure quality. Therefore, there are really many people who must be thanked here, but I decided to express them one by one after I go back, because our crew is really too large. I’m not sure when I can finish reading… Now I can feel the sound of the live director’s relief.” Lan Li’s ridicule successfully evoked applause from the audience again—inadvertently, Lan Li vomited a prize. The lengthy question of the testimony, the wit and humor, is indeed admirable, “So…thank you, thank you for letting Sisyphus understand that the dream can be realized after all.”

After speaking, Lan Li stepped back and nodded politely, then turned around and looked for the exit in doubt. The emcee and Tina, who had been waiting behind, saw Lan Li’s dazed appearance. , Shuangshuang laughed, and the emcee came out first and guided Lan Li and Tina to leave the stage.

Back in the background, all the noise, all the excitement, and all the lights seemed dimmed. People smiled politely and congratulated Lan Li, but that was all. Tina patted Lan Li’s shoulder again and said with a smile, “Good job, enjoy tonight.” Then, she turned and left.

The joy of winning the prize, the excitement of oneself, the madness of the first step to realize the dream…At this moment, it finally slowly fell back.

This is just the best actor trophy in the miniseries and TV movie department. The Emmy Awards are just the beginning. The “Pacific War” of is only the beginning. No one will care except for himself, because life will continue, work will continue, and exploration will also continue. On the road of acting, countless awards are still waiting; more importantly, the road of studying acting has nothing to do with awards. This is a contest between yourself and yourself. Any slackness will only stop in the exploration of art. Not move forward.

Looking down at the trophy in his hand again, the joy is still there, but the surging has begun to restore calm. That kind of excitement that was so excitement that he couldn’t help himself gradually turned into a motivation to continue to work hard and turned into a spur for continuous exploration. The experience of the two lives made him clearly understand that this award strengthened his confidence and courage. . No one can stop him, not even George and Elizabeth.

On the stage, the award ceremony is still going on, and the major awards are finding their place one by one. However, the follow-up of the shocking unpopularity has just begun to leave.

Every year, a newcomer is born, and this year is no exception. However, this year’s unpopularity is particularly eye-catching. It is not Brian Cranston, who has achieved three consecutive championships, or Jim Parsons, who is regarded as the emperor. It’s not even the “modern family” that turned out, but the little-known Renly Hall who defeated the popular Al Pacino.

Wait, who is that? Everyone has the same doubts on their faces, “What am I missing?”

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