The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 151

Chapter 146 Back to simplicity

After entering the 21st century, music exhibitions have become more and more diversified and more complex. In order to adapt to the requirements of the fast-paced Internet era, music has begun to merge styles, rock and hip hop, pop and electronics, and rhythm and blues and rap. ……Especially electronic synthesis sound effects are popular. Compared with melody, rhythm is the king, and the essence of music is quietly changing. “”Ω”Ww”W. LieWen. Cc

This is the trend of the times, and it is undeniable that many excellent music have been born from this; but people can’t help but start to regret that there is no room for survival in purer music? Have those classic retro melody faded? Is there no market for simple, sincere, innocent and simple music?

At the beginning of the birth of music, it expresses people’s joys, sorrows and joys, the ups and downs of life, and the ups and downs of destiny. The reason why it is so moving is that it contains the true emotions of every creator and singer. . Bob Dylan, The Beatles and others have been able to go down in history because of this. But now, this purity has gradually disappeared.

It’s like the city of sound.

The same “Cleopatra” was heard in Herbert’s ears, but it was a reminiscence of the golden age that passed away, the memory of the lost pure music, and the sorrow and bewilderment of tomorrow’s prospects.

“It’s too late, everything is too late… When I die, I won’t miss it again”, every lyric is so true, so earnest, and so sad.

The golden age of music has disappeared forever in the long river of time. Music is also stepping into Hollywood’s footsteps. The high level of commercialization is beginning to poison the purest piece of pure land in the heart-the music that used to be, from rock to rock. The introduction of rhythm and blues, changing history from folk songs to punk; past music, grunge rock, pop punk, soul pop, jazz blues, and so on; the past music expresses the deepest emotions in the heart and touches the most sensitive softness of the soul… …But now, they are all gone.

“I used to be Cleopatra, I used to be higher than the ridge of the roof, but all the past has gone with the wind; now the nurse in white shoes leads me back to the guest room with only one bed and one bathroom , A place to the end.”

Gradually into the passionate melody, like a carnival cheer, dazzling, the whole world is immersed in joy and excitement, but Lan Li’s singing has a faint sadness, as if in a turbulent crowd Dancing alone, the bitterness of loneliness and loneliness is scattered all over the ground in the cheerful dance steps.

Extreme noise and extreme loneliness, extreme joy and extreme sadness, at this moment, are outlined in a magnificent and magnificent manner. Breaking through all restraints, breaking all defenses, breaking all protections, and hit his chest fiercely. The memories of the past two decades came suddenly, caught off guard, and extremely embarrassed.

Before the brain reacted, tears had blurred his vision. Looking at the empty recording studio in front of him, the glory of the past had drifted away with the wind. “A place leading to the end” is an understatement, but how magnificent.

The melody was over, but Herbert still couldn’t recover, staring blankly on the spot, scarred, and his eyes blank. The faint sadness floated in my heart, and the surging bitterness danced on the tip of the tongue, but I couldn’t swallow it anyway. Time seemed to stop in the curl of cigarettes.

“Herbert? Herbert?”

The call interrupted Herbert’s thoughts. He lowered his head in a panic, concealing the panic in his eyes, and took a deep breath, “Why…what’s wrong?” When he raised his head again, he was calm again-at least The surface is like this, but the turmoil in my heart still cannot be calmed down.

“How do you feel?” Lan Li’s voice came from the microphone, with questions in his eyes.

Herbert was stunned, then he remembered. They are recording, they are working.

Looking back on it carefully, Lan Li’s singing does not seem to have too many fancy skills, and the complexity is reduced to simplicity. All the vibrato, drag, and transposition are separated, and even the only place where the whole song is soaring. He also gave up the use of false voices, just like an amateur singer, howling with his voice.

But it is precisely this simplicity that expresses the purest, simplest and most simple emotion in the song. The rich emotion bursts out in Lan Li’s voice, with a trace of hoarseness in the clarity and warmth. A trace of loss. All the emotions are light, the clouds are light and the wind is light, but the waves that are set off are turbulent, making people uncomfortable.

Is this recording perfect? Of course not, Herbert can at least single out mistakes and omissions with more than two digits, but Herbert doesn’t want to destroy the natural purity. After sculpting, it seems that something is missing.

Raising his head, Herbert looked at Lan Li bathed in the light, but his immature face was vicissitudes of age between his brows. He recalled the argument just now. Lan Li not only insisted that the arrangement be simple, but also He also insisted that lyrics and singing are also part of the song, which can form a richer level; the reason why he opposed it was because he subconsciously did not trust Lan Li. He did not think that a twenty-year-old young man could understand the “vicissitudes of life”, What a “lost”, but obviously, he was wrong.

A guitar, a lamp, and a melody are so simple or even crude, but he just stood and sang quietly, as if this was the original appearance of music. This reminded Herbert of Bob Dylan.

“Very good.” Herbert said into the microphone, but found that his voice was horribly hoarse, which made him pick up the hot milk next to him. It was already a bit cold at this time and took a big sip. After the milk was imported, he realized—when did he bring it in?

But without thinking about it, he went on to say, “You have to pay attention to your breathing. Normally, during the performance, you have no problems with your breathing; but in the recording room, all the details will be magnified. Although your breathing is very It’s hidden and natural, but the microphone can still capture it.”

This is a mistake that many novices will make. Lan Li is already considered good. Many singers lack confidence and have problems with the rhythm and length of the breathing. This becomes very tossing in the recording studio-especially many rock singers. They are all old smokers, so they changed the way of singing and screamed to hide the flaws of the breath.

“Okay, I see.” Lan Li nodded. The recording studio is new to him, even more unfamiliar than the studio. There are many things that need to be learned from the beginning, “What else?”

Herbert thought about it seriously. He could correct the way of Lanly’s tone and the details of the high pitch of Lanly, but… “Nothing.” Herbert started, and after speaking, he could not help but nod slightly. After thinking about it seriously, he said affirmatively again, “No more.”

Lan Li made an “ok” gesture, then lowered his head and began to think, thinking about how to deal with the next recording.

Seeing Lan Li’s serious thoughts, Herbert laughed blankly, “Lan Li, don’t worry too much. Ninety percent of the singers are recorded section by section in the studio, not the whole song in one go. , Even some singers recorded it sentence by sentence. So, don’t worry about breathing problems.

Lan Li showed a suddenly realized expression, and then curiously asked, “But if you record one sentence at a time, doesn’t the whole song become fragmented?” The lyrics and melody are combined. If the whole song is cut into countless pieces Fragments, that emotion will naturally split.

“For electronically synthesized music, there is no such worry.” Herbert did not conceal his rejection of electronically synthesized music. He paused, and the words had flooded his lips. After thinking about it, he swallowed and switched. The topic, “If you are ready, then start the formal recording. You sing according to your rhythm first, we record the first part of the main song to the chorus part, see the effect, understand?”

“Understood.” Lan Li said he received it, and subconsciously picked up the lyrics on the music stand, trying to relieve his tension-after all, music is not a performance, not his original professional, he is still a little uncomfortable, but take it After I started the lyrics, it was revealed that this was the score of the Spitfire, not his, so I put it down again.

Seeing Lan Li’s appearance, Herbert did not hold back after all, “Lan Li, I don’t know if you are an excellent actor, but I know that you are an excellent singer.” He told Amy. I didn’t pay attention to awards, nor did I watch the “Pacific War”. I just learned from Andy that Lanly’s job is an actor, nothing more, “You have the talent to be an outstanding singer.”

After all, Herbert was still not used to complimenting others, concealing his embarrassment with coughing, lowered his head and pretended to be busy, not wanting that the cigarette in his hand finally burned to the end, burned his fingers, and hurriedly threw the cigarette **** to the side, really embarrassed. .

Lan Li was stunned Obviously he did not expect Herbert’s praise, and immediately after seeing Herbert’s panic, he couldn’t help laughing. He said into the microphone, “That’s terrible. Andy wouldn’t want to hear this news.”

The ridiculous words made Herbert laugh happily, and the embarrassment was resolved, “His reaction is not something I need to worry about. What I need to worry about now is the recording work. We must speed up, here is Charged by the hour.”

“Haha.” Lan Li also laughed loudly.

The cooperation with Herbert is a very interesting thing. The ideas of two people can always collide with a lot of sparks. Sometimes it is Lan Liqi Herbert, sometimes it is the other way; the first experience in the studio , It is even more memorable. Whether it is the historical weight of the city of sound or the nitpicking of neve8o28, it is a new challenge for Lanly, especially listening to his own voice from the headset, Still singing, the feeling is really… weird–or rather, weird.

The recording of “Cleopatra” and “Ophelia” was much faster than expected, and it took four days before and after-in the middle, because the recording studio was rented out by the Spitfire Band for the whole day, I took a day off. The two singles were successfully recorded.

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