The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 214

Chapter 207 Deteriorating

This is simply absurd!

From “Pacific War” to “Buried alive” to “Crazy Love”, the pay for one movie is lower than one, it looks like a dead-end actor with a career. The 100,000 paid for “buried alive” is already low enough. Third-tier actors are almost at this price. Even many TV drama actors are paid more than this figure. But now, it has dropped again, 20,000? Isn’t this sending beggars? It sounds like the price that the small fresh meat of the model circle gets.

What’s more, Lan Li is now Emmy! Emmy Award! Emmy Award, one of the four major art awards in the United States! Twenty thousand dollars? What the **** is this?

As for dividends? That is simply bragging!

It can be judged from just a few words, “Love Is Crazy” did not find a production company at all, only attracted investment, it is like “buried alive”, what does it mean? It means that directors and producers have no say at all. How much dividends they can distribute, the profit ratio and distribution company, how the major theaters will be distributed, and even whether they can find a suitable buyer, all of which are to be determined. The future must be decided by the other party. The box office dividend ratio of “buried alive” was decided by Focus Pictures.

To take a step back, even if the production company and the distribution company agree to the box office dividend, how much can the blue gift be distributed?

The wave of Hollywood actors participating in box office dividends began after the new century. Although such a situation has appeared before this, it has not been the mainstream. The mainstream of cooperation between production companies and actors is still pay, which really makes people aware The importance of the box office dividend is the 2006 “Pirates of the Caribbean 2”.

Prior to this, the 20 million club represented the highest level in the industry; but “Pirates of the Caribbean 2” brought Johnny Depp’s revenue of 33 million US dollars-basic remuneration plus North American box office dividends, this Suddenly shocked the entire industry, and the subsequent “Pirates of the Caribbean 3” was only a lot more, which surprised Disney.

Later, when filming “Pirates of the Caribbean 4”, Disney went all out to set a record of 55 million dollars in remuneration, and signed Johnny to continue acting. In fact, this figure is Disney’s own internal estimate. It is the result of calculating the basic remuneration and box office dividends and superimposing the figure, and paying Johnny’s remuneration in one breath. In this way, the movie box office has achieved more than expected success, so the profit Will all enter Disney’s pockets.

After that, although the 20 million clubs still existed, they existed in name only. The actors would not overly pursue the level of basic pay, but were more willing to participate in film creation in the form of dividends. This is also a good thing for film companies, because they can save budgets and allow actors to share part of the box office risk-making money together and paying for the loss. Therefore, major film companies are also happy to see the results.

In other words, the willingness of film companies to pay dividends at the box office is to share the risks, not the benefits. Naturally, only those top actors with box office appeal can participate in the dividend list, and other actors stand aside.

Although Lan Li just won the Emmy Award as the Emperor, he is not ranked in the star-studded Hollywood. The accumulation of two works alone is not enough to make Lan Li into the ranks of second-tier actors. Now it can only be regarded as a second-tier actor. Three lines. Even if Lanli can participate in the dividend, one percent is the limit, and the film company will not let it go easily.

The biggest possibility is that even this one percent is not willing to pay by film companies. It is impossible to **** chicken from the weasel.

Of course, Andy will not forget that there is another situation-if “Love Is Crazy” is taken over by independent production companies and independent distribution companies.

Then, because of the lack of budget, these small-cost independent films often invite first-line or second-line actors to appear in the form of box office dividends. For the actors, they hope to try the water during the award season; for the crew, they can save money, which is a win-win situation.

The most famous case is “Pulp Fiction” in 1994. At that time, John Travolta’s career was at a low point. It was a mess, but after experiencing the peak, even if he is no longer in the front line, he is not a casual one. A star that can be invited to an independent film.

Quentin Tarantino is very keen on old movies and has a soft spot for John. He invited him to appear in “Pulp Fiction”, but he was ashamed of his pocket. At that time, John’s salary of about 3 million was only a second-tier level in the industry. Nor can Quentin pay for it. So Quentin negotiated the basic salary of 170,000 US dollars, and then invited John to appear in the situation of box office dividends.

John thought, anyway, the career can’t get worse, why not do it?

Thus, the classic film history “Pulp Fiction” was born. Receiving more than 10 million pieces of pay is second, the point is that John’s career has revived the second spring, and even got the Oscar nomination.

The problem is that there is only one “Pulp Fiction”, and the North American box office of this movie reached 107 million. What about “Love Is Crazy”? Let alone 100 million, it is not easy for the North American box office of independent films to exceed 30 million. This is true of “Buried alive”, and so is “Love Is Crazy”.

In short, this is an extremely absurd situation, and Andy only feels chest tight.

Actors’ remuneration is not just as simple as film remuneration. First of all, remuneration is the guarantee of the actor’s recurring investment. The entire image project cannot be completed with hundreds of thousands of dollars. What’s more, Lanli’s “buried alive” awards season this year is still There is some hope that the expenditure for public relations activities is not a small expense. If these investments are not made, then there will be no possibility in the future.

Secondly, the salary is a direct manifestation of the actors’ status in the industry. The top actors occasionally lower the salary to appear in friendship or appear in independent films. That is called “pursuing”, but the new actors have not achieved any results, and the salary is deteriorating. It’s called a self-destructive future.

At the end is Andy’s own dividends, which is also the most insignificant part, because for a top agent like Andy, the 10% rake is not profitable at all for cultivating newcomers. Not only that, he has to pay back the money.

Looking at the breezy Lan Li in front of him, Andy really wanted to cry without tears. He found that in just one month after accepting Lanli’s brokerage job, his mood fluctuated more than in the past year combined. Take a deep breath, then take a deep breath, “Can you tell me why you want to act in this work? Here is it? I have a reason.”

“Reason?” Lan Li didn’t seem to understand Andy’s meaning. He is an actor and Andy is an agent. His perspective on things is different.

Andy crossed his hands to support the armrests of the chair, his body moved forward slightly, “For example, do you think the challenge of this work is even more arduous than “Buried alive”. It may impact next year’s Golden Globes or even Oscars?”

Lan Li chuckled directly, “Ha.” Sure enough, the focus of attention of the agent and the actor was completely different.

Not all movies need to be linked to awards and box office. For example, the biggest injustice in the 21st century, “Muholland Road”. This work was full of controversy back then. People who liked it were regarded as saints, and those who hated it were abandoned. Later, this work only received a painless best director nomination at the Oscars. Other departments All came to nothing, making it clear that it was just comforting David Lynch, which caused strong dissatisfaction among countless fans.

Now this work has become the heart and soul of countless film critics and veteran movie fans. Among those 21st century movie lists, “Mulholland Road” can almost occupy a place in the top five, showing its status in film history. Nevertheless, the heroine Naomi Watts was born with this work, ushering in a turning point in her career.

and so on, as well as “fight club”, “death hallucination”, “dream requiem” and so on, there are countless. These works may not have achieved good results at the box office, nor have they won any recognition in the major award seasons, but they do not affect their important position in film history, and they have also become dazzling strokes on the resumes of actors or directors. , Lay an important foundation for the future career.

The actors care about the work itself, and the agents care about the effects of the work. This is the essential difference.

However, Lan Li understood Andy’s concerns, so he nodded and gave an affirmative reply, “This is the direction of efforts.”

Andy let out a sigh of relief After getting the script, I need to look at it. “This time, Andy didn’t use a questioning tone, but directly expressed his opinion. Lan Li didn’t mind, and directly nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

The cooperation between the agent and the actor is an equal relationship. Even if it is a fledgling newcomer, it is the actor himself who signs the performance contract. If the actor does not agree, the agent cannot force the newcomer to sign. Of course, newcomers do not have enough vision, ability, and experience. Generally speaking, they will do what the agent says. Even some top artists who have been famous for a long time will listen to the professional opinions of the agent.

There are also things like Lan Li and Andy. It’s just that both parties need to constantly explore in order to cooperate to achieve a win-win situation. Otherwise, it is the actor himself who will eventually be injured-the agent is missing one actor and can find countless actors; the actor can also change the agent at any time, but miss the career development During the golden period, there is not necessarily a second chance. Not everyone can get a second chance like Robert Downey Jr. and John Travolta.

“So, what is it that you came to find me?” Lan Li looked at the alarm clock on the wall and asked actively.

Andy then reacted, because the impact of “Love Is Crazy” was so sudden and fierce that he actually forgot his destination. At this time, Lan Li reminded him that his brain turned around. Ben Lai, “I came to find you, and it is also about your next project. I found two suitable projects. If you are interested, I can arrange for you to participate in a one-on-one private interview to see how the feedback is. Then we will discuss further.”

Obviously, Andy has not been idle in Telluride’s two days.

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