The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 233

Chapter 226 Performance aura

Felicity tried to make some reactions, but found that her mouth was dry, her face was red, her ears flushed, and the violent beating of her heart almost plunged her into a suffocation. She wanted to escape, but her body couldn’t make any response. I can only stare at those eyes in a daze, melting bit by bit, like the white snow bathed in the first ray of spring in spring.


Drake’s voice sounded like a mosquito, and it rang amidst the sound of music. Accompanied by his voice, the music was also paused.

Although the sound was not loud, it was like a thunder in Felicity’s ears, and it exploded directly. The real and illusory scenes suddenly collapsed like a Lego toy that was torn apart, and the whole person fled instantly. The overwhelming eyes were bound, he breathed in the fresh air, turned around embarrassedly, turned his back to Lan Li, and sorted out his emotions.

“Sorry, sorry, my fault.” Felicity took the initiative to raise her right hand, as if she was a good student, and apologized, “I just…uh… suddenly forgot the lines, sorry. Give me a minute!”

Drake originally wanted to ask what was going on, but when Felicity said this, he didn’t pursue it any more. He turned his head and looked at Jennifer beside him, “Is it my illusion? Or is it? Is that the case? I think Lanly seems to really fall in love with Felicity.”

Jennifer didn’t speak because she didn’t hear Drake’s voice at all. In that short two-point performance, she could clearly feel Lan Li’s powerful performance aura—

There is no special explosive power, and no special traces of carving, just the look between the eyebrows and the eyes, as well as some habitual movements of the hands and feet, firmly grasp the rhythm of the entire performance. Whether it’s the stiff movement when entering the room, or sneaking into the opponent’s small eyes, or uncomfortable details, the green, gentle, restrained and surging love sparks can be seen vividly and vividly. The chemical reaction of falling in love is simply intoxicating.

The audience saw not only a boy who fell in love, but also a literary boy named Jacob, whose character image and outline were clearly presented.

Throughout the performance process, Felicity’s performance rhythm was completely brought into the world of Lanli. When she noticed Lan Li’s jerkyness, she couldn’t help but smile; when she noticed Lan Li’s embarrassment, she hurriedly broke the deadlock; when she found Lan Li’s peeking, the deer’s shyness and joy burst out…

The most important thing is that Lanly’s inadvertent gaze, like glue, stays on Felicity’s body like a shadow, especially looking at Felicity’s eyes secretly. This small detail, if not If you pay attention, you ignore it. If the director does not capture it, the audience may not be able to find it. But the throbbing between eyebrows and eyes is so beautiful that it melts.

After temporarily deciding to abandon the script, Lan Li gave Lan Li a broader performance space. Based on his understanding of Jacobs, he turned the whole scene into his rhythm and style, and changed Jacob’s mood in all aspects. It is shown that it not only injects soul into Jacob, but also injects soul into the whole scene-the process of falling in love is so real, so beautiful, and so moving.

The atmosphere between the eyebrows is surging, and it makes people want to scream!

It’s hard to imagine, it’s just such a play, a play that doesn’t seem to have any power, there is no dramatic conflict, and there is not even much performance space. However, Lan Li has burst out amazing performance skills between his gestures, not only Only solid performance skills, but also a familiar control of the rhythm of the performance.

Rhythm and aura are things that only actors can feel, even the director can’t say it. But for an actor, during the performance, the other person’s eyes, movements, and words may have an impact on him. This effect can be negative or positive. This is also one of the charms of opponents.

If you encounter a real old drama player, such as Meryl Streep, no matter what role she plays, the rhythm of the opponent’s actor can easily be involved in her usual routine. That kind of powerful aura is basically Can not ignore.

If the opposing actor is a rookie with insufficient ability, then he or she can only follow passively, and the worst result is that the performance is severely imbalanced, causing the scene to become Meryl’s one-man show.

But if you stand opposite Meryl, it is also an old drama, such as Robert De Niro. Then the auras of the two people will collide violently, and the two sides are vying for control of each other. The sparkling and powerful collision performances make people hooked.

Opposing scenes, this is one of the greatest pleasures of acting. The one-man drama brings the heartfelt joy of catharsis, while the rival drama brings the pleasure of mutual consultation, mutual restraint, and cooperation.

However, Lan Li is only twenty years old, and “Crazy Love” is only his second large-screen work. Don’t say “old opera bones”, he can’t even be called “drama bones”, how can he have such sophisticated and skilled acting skills? Not to mention Felicity, even Jennifer, as a bystander, can feel the natural pull of air, as if all minds are attracted by the performance in front of them, unable to move their eyes, and forget even breathing. Up.

Fortunately, this scene is not a confrontational scene, but a scene of mutual love budding. After Felicity merged into Lanli’s performance aura, although it was slightly inferior, it did not break the overall balance. Instead, it made the flow and spread of love become harmonious and harmonious, creating and transforming the atmosphere in one go.

It can be said that Lan Li has filled the content and connotation of the scene fully, far exceeding the weight carried by the script itself, and extending to the character itself, love itself, and the theme of the movie itself. Such skill is amazing!

This reminded Jennifer of his work last year, “The Bones of Winter.”

During the performance of this work, she can clearly feel the smoothness of her handy and wanton performance. The whole performance was smooth and flowing, and she achieved her understanding of performance to the extreme. The film was released after the Sundance movie ended. , Received numerous praises, and some even called her a “gifted girl”, thinking that she could be nominated for an Oscar performance.

Jennifer would not deny that she was a little complacent. After all, she was only nineteen years old, so she gained such affirmation. For the beginning of her acting career, she couldn’t be more perfect. But now, Jennifer knows that she is sitting on the well and watching the sky, not to mention the huge Hollywood, just the blue gift in front of her is enough to make her admire.

For her, acting out her own understanding of the role is already the limit. As for driving the rhythm of the performance, and even incorporating the opponent actors into her performance aura, this is completely unimaginable. She is not sure how big the gap between the two people is, but she knows that she wants to catch up with Lan Li!

The high fighting spirit in the body started to burn, even the blood reached the boiling point, and the eyes burst with dazzling light. She likes Meryl Streep, she likes Robert De Niro, and to be more precise, she admires these actors who relied on performance to change movies, and she admires these actors who bring performance art to the extreme.

Now, she has a new goal, Renly Hall! Compared to old dramas such as Meryl and Robert, surpassing Lan Li is her short-term goal, which is much more realistic.

Jennifer can’t wait any longer, and can’t wait to star in a rivalry with Lan Li. Taking “Love Is Crazy” is definitely one of the most correct choices in her career.

“Jennifer? Jennifer?” Drake finally couldn’t help it, patted Jennifer on the shoulder, interrupting Jennifer’s urge to scream and shout, turning his head, Drake asked, “Is it mine? Illusion? What do you think?”

Jennifer’s eyes fell on Lan Li again. Felicity turned and sat on the edge of the bed, calming her turbulent emotions; but Lan Li still sat cross-legged in place, lost in thought, as if she had entered a world that belonged to him, and everything outside could not be disturbed. He, even if it was accidentally chopped off just now, his performance rhythm was not affected in any way.

“It’s not your illusion. At that moment, Felicity really fell in love with Renly.” Jennifer said affirmatively, and then shrugged, “Or, who would not fall in love with him?”

Drake fell silent, taking a closer look. However, Jennifer did not give Drake more time to think, and then said, “Director, as an actor, can I make some comments?” Drake is approachable, UU reading did not hesitate. I just nodded to express affirmation, “When you re-enter the shooting, remember to capture the details of Lan Li’s performance, such as hand movements, foot movements, mouth movements, especially the eyes. His eyes will change the whole scene. The content has been brought to the extreme.”

Why does the performance of the same actor appear so different in different episodes? In addition to the script and the characters themselves, there are actors who perform themselves on the spot. In fact, the director plays an important role. In the same scene, some directors like to use the middle shot or the panoramic view, so the actor’s body movements will be magnified; but some directors like to use close-up and close shots, so facial expressions are crucial; some directors like to use back shots Or it is a profile, then the effect of light and shadow on the performance of adding and subtracting points is worth noting.

Simply put, the actor is responsible for the performance, and the director is responsible for recording and presenting. But if the director does not show it, even if the actors exhaust all their abilities, the audience will not feel it.

Drake nodded and expressed affirmation, “I know that this is my plan and the focus of this movie. However, is there any content in Lan Li’s eyes just now?” As a director, he is also a man, Drake Ke’s mind is really not delicate.

Jennifer patted Drake on the shoulder and said earnestly, “You are not a woman, you don’t understand.”

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