The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2423

Chapter 2380 1 word is hard to say

Latest URL: What is the ending? Did David blind himself? Are myopic women really blind? Also, what will happen between them next?

Or to be more precise, what does the ending mean?

Are myopic women using David from start to finish? Is all this just a conspiracy to return to the city? Or is it from a higher level of social control? What conversation happened between the myopic woman and the leader of the lonely? Why didn’t the leader of the lonely kill the near-sighted woman, and why did the near-sighted woman tell David the truth? Why did David “bury alive” the leader of the lonely before he left, but the short-sighted woman did not tell him in advance?

Can David really poke himself blind for love? Or maybe timid at the last minute? What is the deep meaning of David’s hesitation and hesitation? Just hesitating thinking about love? Or does it have a deeper meaning? Why did David choose to escape the forest and return to the city? Does he understand the situation he needs to face after blindness? Or is it just another blind love of moths to the fire?

Furthermore, extending from the short-sighted woman and David, this is the irony of marriage-the marriage relationship established in honesty and frankness is living in a lie. The situation of hotel managers and lame men is like this. , And the establishment of the role of “children” is also very interesting; or it is an analysis of society-the top-down class setting, the opposition of the two lifestyles of singles and couples, mandatory rules for the form of life framework, and rigidity The rigid presentation mode alludes to the definition of interpersonal relationship in contemporary society.

Just through the setting of an ending, all the details of the corners of the whole movie can be connected together, and then create a reflection of a hundred flowers blooming, everyone can extend their own views on love, marriage, and social systems from the story. , Traditional culture and many other different thinking——

Not only are the advanced social concepts such as DINK family or celibacy, but also an in-depth discussion of the foundation of the entire society: society is composed of people, and the relationship between people weaves the social framework, and finally forms a complete Human civilization, but the key lies in how to define the so-called “relationship”?


Bang bang!

The fierce and turbulent mixed thoughts surged wave after wave, based on David and the myopic woman, the tentacles of divergent thinking spread towards the far boundary, the chaos and confusion, fiercely tumbling and boiling, Then Lumiere Hall took a long time to wake up:

This is Oggs’ true intention!

Throwing out an idea like throwing a brick to attract jade, the abrupt end of the ending leaves endless space for thinking, igniting a storm of reflection for the audience, and truly detonating reflections and excavations. The different ideas of different groups of people also just prove the diversity of society. Form intertextuality with the society in the movie.

Who knows? Maybe the real society is moving towards the fictional society in the movie? Maybe contemporary society is sliding into the endless abyss of hell?


This is the real high-end movie-not asking everyone to like it, but striving for colorful differences, whether you like it or hate it, it really stabs those sensitive nerves and makes the discussion lively, only to discover the problem, face the problem, and face it. Only when the problem is solved can the problem be solved.

It is conceivable that “Lobster” will inevitably touch countless sensitive nerves. The extreme and rigid performance method, cold and sharp narrative lens, always choose the bottom line, just like Oggs’s consistent work style, using utopian irony To insinuate the reality of contemporary society.



The chaotic thoughts in my mind rushed up, and after gradually reacting, the expressions of various images appeared on the corners of the audience’s mouth.

There is excitement, impatience, likes, rejection, curiosity, disgust… Intricate emotions roll in the depths of the eyes, and then helplessly shook his head gently, even if they hate it, what happens-Ougs irritated them The goal has been achieved, and their reaction is exactly what Oggs wants to see. This puts the disgusters in a dilemma. Should they show it? Should they let Oggs succeed?

Someone at the scene stood up, but instead of standing and applauding… Instead, they turned around and walked away. The angry back clearly showed their emotional eruption, and some even yelled, “Absurd! This is ridiculous! It’s so ridiculous! Nasty, self-righteous, arrogant!”

The grumpy and angry emotions continued to erupt and burst, and the sights of the entire Lumiere Hall were projected in succession, hitting the door with a “bang”, slamming the door and leaving, leaving only a continuous shaking after rhyme echoed in the theater for a long time. , Let everyone keep the posture of turning around and looking back.

“Punch.” Someone didn’t hold back, but he laughed out of a punch-such a scene; it is exactly the same as the black humor of “Lobster” and complements each other. A movie mocking social relations ended up being reprimanded by the audience. Isn’t it the best interpretation of Ougs’ philosophy?

What’s more, here is France. France, which is relatively open in concept and advanced in speculation, just as Lanly’s ridicule on the red carpet alluded to. France has a philosophical heart in opening up emotional relationships and breaking traditional relationships. They tend to look at those more positively. The act of “selecting traditions” has also led to the birth of many different styles of works in the history of French cinema.

In contrast, the United States, which is based on traditional Protestant immigration, is more stringent and more conservative in maintaining traditional social culture. It is not as beautiful as the international image of “open-minded”, and the tradition in its bones has never been changed. .

So, even in France, there are still audiences leaving the scene in anger. Does this mean that “lobster” has really provoked some audiences to the bottom line?

Of course, the leaving audience may also be American-because the words just now are pure American accents. If Lan Li analyzes it further, it is a Boston accent.

A laugh broke the deadlock in Lumiere Hall, and then the surrounding audience couldn’t help laughing. In the final analysis, this is France and this is Cannes. The open thinking and positive mood of watching movies have relaxed the audience. The ridiculous and helpless emotions began to surge, and the laughter overflowed the corners of the mouth.

Not the kind of “haha” belly laughter, but the kind of helpless “haha” chuckle, rolling deep in the throat, with a little sarcasm, a little joke and a little joy, rolling in secret like a muffled thunder, hum Buzzing above the eardrums, there is a wonderful experience of watching movies.

Then, Lumiere Hall finally recovered, one after another, the audience began to stand up and applaud the movie.

At this time, the movie’s subtitles have been tumbling for nearly sixty seconds, and the length of this response arc is a bit exaggerated.

Lan Li turned his head and looked at Jack Gyllenhaal, who was covering his mouth. There was a smile in his eyes. Jack put down his right hand and said silently with an exaggerated mouth, “Sorry, I really I’m really sorry”, but the smile on the corners of the eyes and the corners of the mouth cannot be hidden at all—

Jack was the first to laugh out loud just now.

Jack honestly believes that the scenes and conditions at this moment are too ridiculous and too funny, especially the audience who slammed the door away, just like the carefully arranged but failed Oolong bridge section, so that the film studio The cruel reality of the allusion became more and more real, and then the humorous effect came out.

It’s like Charlie Chaplin’s “sad” comedy. I should be scared, sad, and crying, but I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Then, smiling and just starting to cry silently.

Jack is trying to control his emotions, but obviously, the effect is mediocre. He holds his slightly stiff abdominal muscles and laughs silently.

Faced with the look in Lan Li’s eyes, Jack was very sorry. He felt that he had ruined the shock of the movie’s ending, but the laughter just couldn’t stop.

Lan Li couldn’t help but laughed. It wasn’t the kind of forbearing smile, but the laughter that couldn’t help but chuckled out. He just chuckled lightly, looking at Jack in front of him, shaking his head again and again, as if he was talking. , “It was all caused by you”, but the laughter from the heart continued to overflow.

Then, applause rang.

Snapped. Slap.

Bang bang bang.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

From the sparse applause, people came back to their senses one after another. The reverberations and lingering rhyme of thoughts temporarily settled The intricacies and shocks violently hit their chests, and eventually evolved into applauses to stand Way to give praise to the crew and express their support.

Gradually, there was more and more applause, because the reflection became more and more turbulent, the intricacies of a word, let the audience realize that the powerful force of the film is just beginning to come into play, and that kind of admiration and praise are becoming more and more fierce. Let the applause gradually become enthusiastic.

In the end, the audience in the entire Lumiere Hall stood up, and thunderous applause reverberated continuously in the empty projection hall-not because the film was loved by everyone, precisely because This movie caused a sharp disagreement. Even the figure who left the scene just now became the best footnote, clearly and profoundly showing the infinite possibilities of the movie’s theme.

From the 60 seconds of silence after the end of the movie, to the successive gathering of applause, to the standing applause of the audience two minutes later, the post-screening reaction of “Lobster” showed a wonderful development curve, which made the audience indescribable. His emotional feelings showed up, but after all, they gathered into thunderous applause, resounding through the Lumiere Hall, and continued to rise, hovering in the chest for a long time like a roar.

This storm has just begun now.

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