The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2445

Chapter 2402 Dark guide

Life seems to be just a fever, like a fever. When the fever is gone, the consciousness is clear, and then everything disappears, and life is over.

So, how should we recognize our existence?

“…I raised my arms high and shouted, let you see my skills; he said, you dare to come closer.”

So Lanly did this.

“Walking around and around, we are wandering around the world; tell me, tell me, you wake up. Unsure of how to express your inner feelings, what you did, makes me feel unable to turn around and leave, lingering like a shadow :”

“I hope you stay (Stay).”

Simple and clear vocabulary, but the struggle and pain in his heart are vividly displayed: he does not understand what happened, and he cannot describe his own feelings in words. He is trapped in a mortar that cannot be shaken off or broken through. So bitterly imprisoned and spinning around in place.

This is love.

It stems from the imprisonment of emotional entanglement, unable to speak or express, just entangle himself in countless threads, and then sink into suffocation bit by bit.

This is not only love.

The self-doubt that originated from the depths of the soul, how firm it was once, how at a loss now, the huge gap fiercely and brutally defeated all defense lines.

The only thing he could find was that wisp of obsession, like some sparks in the dark. If even this bit of obsession disappears, will his existence disappear completely? Because the values ​​and concepts he used to define his life all fell apart.

The confusion of self-doubt and the fear of self-destruction made a cry deep in my heart: “Stay.”

The plain singing voice does not seem to have any special force, but in an understatement, it tells the bitterness and sorrow. The cold and lonely piano keys vent down like moonlight, awakening a thin layer of chicken skin on the surface of the skin. Pimples, chills just one after another.

Sad and gentle, desperate and light.

The entire pioneer village was quiet, and everyone seemed to be able to hear their own voices: standing in the endless barren wilderness, crying lonely and painfully, but received no response.

“For your life, this is trivial. This is not greedy, but selfless dedication. Going around and going around, we wander around the world; tell me, tell me, you wake up. Can’t be sure how to express your inner feelings, yours What I did made me feel unable to turn around and leave, lingering like a shadow:

I hope you stay. ”

The narrative that comes from the whisper, there is no big ups and downs, no stormy waves, no screams, but it flows slowly like gurgling water, ding-dong.

But every note fell on the eardrum of the listener, gently but hardly hitting the atrium, the emotional **** dragged the ankle down slowly, seeming to be witnessing the process of drowning without any struggle. There was no resistance, just staring at his death numbly.

Turning the complexity into simplicity and lifting the weight lightly, Lan Li’s approach makes all emotions fall into the narrative, every lyrics and every note have meaning, and then the emotions slowly stack up like this.

“Oh… the reason for my persistence.”

“Oh… I need to heal the black hole in my heart.”

Between sighs and sighs, the gentle to light touch fell, like the palms of both hands slowly supporting the face, and the slight warmth revealed by the palms made the coldness of the face clear. Only then did I realize that I had already Tears were streaming down my face; that kind of loneliness and confusion was gnawing at my heart, and the whole person became fragmented:

They need a little bit of support, even if it’s just a little warmth in the palm of their hands.

“Ironically, you are the one who is fragmented, but I am the one who needs to be saved; because when the light of hope goes out, there is no way to know who is digging the grave.”


The scars hidden between the lines make every listener feel the same, deeply immersed in their own wounds and pain, unable to extricate themselves.

The fragments in the depths of the soul seemed to be unable to clean up, and there seemed to be no light in the boundless darkness. Even I don’t know who hurt or saved whom, maybe each of them is digging their own graves, and then burying their lives bit by bit.

So, what should they do? What can they do?

Just like the lyrics at the beginning: It’s just a craze for a long time.

The fever is gone, the world is sober, and the world is destroyed. They personally destroyed the once fanatical selves, so what is the meaning of life? Who are they? What are they insisting on? What should I do? Who is still alive for the former self and the present self?

After a slight pause, Lan Li once again hummed in a low voice, “I can’t determine how to express my inner feelings. What you did makes me feel like I can’t turn around and leave, and I can’t go away like a shadow.”

So simple but so deep, so light but so real, so fiercely, hit the bridge of the nose so fiercely, the softest part of their heart is fiercely tangled up, they don’t know what’s wrong with them, and they don’t know what to do How to express it is just trapped in a feeling of confusion.

confused. confused. hesitate. Fear, panic.

The fear of age, the question of life, the interpretation of life… From youth to middle age to old age, everyone has their own puzzles. Like a middle-age crisis, everyone in modern society has their own problems. , But no one can know the answer.

As a result, the “mourning” culture is becoming more and more popular, life seems to be meaningless, everyone is just an island drifting aimlessly.

“I hope you stay.”

Lan Li whispered softly, the phrase “Stay” slowly prolonged, the tone rose a little bit and his emotions were released a little bit, and then it exploded.

It was not a heartbreaking roar, but a helpless cry in despair. That kind of pain slowly flowed out in the increasing scale, but Lan Li’s voice was exceptionally restrained and touched the high point lightly. He whirled down gently, lest he might break the balance if he exerted too much force, and then leaked the fragility in his heart, so he drew back cautiously, the lightness, but the heavier and more powerful.

There was no dazzling skill or fancy, and then he recovered his calm again, but the voice was hidden and trembling, and sang again, “I hope you stay.”

This is all the requirements.

No one knows what will happen, no one knows whether life is really meaningless, and no one knows what is after the end of death.

Lan Li’s question, like everyone’s question, has no answer. Because life is different, everyone’s questions have their own worries and pains. There is no standard answer to answer. You can only find it by yourself. Some people find it, but more people can’t find it in their lifetime.

But their only requirement is to “stay.” Maybe it is a lover, maybe a relative, maybe a friend…maybe a fanatical love, maybe a brave adventure, maybe a misty extravagance, maybe a distant dream…everyone has his own obsession No matter what the obsession is, I hope that “you” can stay and be by my side, so that life can find its center of gravity and weight again.


What a humble and desperate call, I didn’t even dare to ask too much, I just hoped to stay, even if I just stood not far away like a good walking corpse, don’t go far, that’s enough. I pray that such a trivial little wish can be realized.

The bitterness and sadness hidden behind the call, only one can know.

More than Renly? Every drinker who chose the pioneer village at the scene more or less had their own obsessions, but also their own confusion and confusion. Those armors and masks disintegrated little by little in the singing of Lan Li, and then It collapsed completely and surrendered.

“Oh… stay.”

Lan Li called out softly, and then he closed his eyes abruptly. Before the tears broke through the shackles of the eye sockets, he firmly left his fragility on the tip of his tongue, allowing the bitterness to spread like this; fingertips quickly Close up, clenched into a fist, avoiding the slight tremor from exposing himself.

But the inner turbulence and turbulence were a little out of control.

He remembered, he remembered everything, why he didn’t like to stand on stage to sing, because actors wear masks to show their true emotions by playing other people, while singers need to take off their masks and show their truest self ; Why Heather Cross loves acting so enthusiastically just likes what he hates, that song “The Beast” reveals too much of his fragility and loss.

Why has he never performed publicly again in these years, because the wounds that belonged to Heather in his heart have never healed; why he has repeatedly postponed the recording of the second album, because he was afraid that Heather would never hear his own singing again; those countless “Why”, now I have found the answer.

Perhaps this is what he desperately needs now: to face his true self.

No longer evade, no longer hide himself behind the character, calmly face the pain and scars of these years, Heather, Paul and Edith, as well as Philip, as well as George and Elizabeth… He is not Superman, every An injury will leave a wound, even if it is healed, it will not disappear completely.

He needs to show his true self through melody. As Heather said: When the music is flowing, I will realize that there are some things that darkness cannot take away from me after all.

Such as dreams. Such as obsession. And…such as memories. Such as himself.

Unexpectedly, fate once again sent him back to the pioneer village, and then stepped on the stage again, looking for the first beginning here, maybe this is the answer.

After a song was sung, Lan Li sat quietly on the spot, bathed in the spotlight, feeling the beating of the heart hitting his chest, at least, this is the familiar rhythm and sound, now! At this moment! All this is familiar, and it seems to be the starting point of everything.

The air just settled down.

Note: Stay (Stay——Rihanna&Mikky-Ekko)

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