The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2473

Chapter 2430 National frenzy


“Dear audience friends, dear audience friends, I am Derek-Silver, and welcome to watch Fox TV.”

Hoarse! Just introducing himself, Derek had to scream as hard as he could to release all his voice energy to ensure that the microphone can successfully complete the sound reception. Even if the lens does not capture the panorama, he can still feel the overwhelming momentum of the scene.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd lined up in an orderly manner, stretching out like a long winding dragon, and then winding around nine times and eighteen bends, one circle after another, occupying all the empty space in the nearby blocks, like a scene The grand gathering of movie fans could not help but the blood boiled over.

“I am now at the AMC Cinema in Times Square, and the long line standing behind me is coming early to line up, hoping to be able to watch the audience of’Jurassic World’ for the first time. Today, starring Lanly Hall “Jurassic World” officially landed on major theaters. Since midnight, enthusiastic movie fans have been eager to take action to surround mainstream theaters, showing incredible enthusiasm and excitement.”

At the same time, the helicopter lens is overlooking the entire block from top to bottom. The dense crowds lined up all the way in an orderly manner. The three nearby blocks have been occupied by fanatic fans, and the number of fans who have arrived on the scene continues to increase. , Can’t see the end.

It is hard to imagine that this is a commercial film, and it is a commercial film officially released in the United States-because this work can be seen in major theaters!

Universal Pictures has arranged 4,274 theaters to be released simultaneously, which is only behind the “Avengers” three years ago, and is basically the same as last month’s “Avengers 2”. The second-largest work in film history, anyone can see this work for the first time.

But the movie fans and the audience are still caught in a frenzy. The queues can be seen in major cities. New York is just the tip of the iceberg.

Not only Don Quixote, but also those loyal fans who grew up with the “Jurassic Park” series also came out one after another, and went to the nearby movie theaters for the first time, regardless of the quality of the finished product, just hope Sitting in the cinema for the first time to relive the memories.

With the vigorous and lively scene, even the TV news host was taken aback.

“According to incomplete statistics, only the branch of AMC Times Square has gathered more than 2,500 spectators. Since yesterday, tents have been set up to line up, just to preemptively buy tickets for the IMXA hall and look forward to the most perfect movie-watching experience. . Now this wave is still spreading.”

Derek is still conscientious in completing his news reporting work, but the constant noise at the scene is so turbulent that he has to continue to speak with his voice. The live broadcast only lasted less than five minutes, and he could feel it. The burning pain in my throat.

“I just talked to the theater manager. The proportion of’Jurassic World’ has exceeded 45%, but the movie tickets on Friday are still easy to sell. This is also after the’Avengers 2′ , The AMC Times Square store has created such a feat for the second time in just two months.”

Derek took two steps back a little, stepped aside, and let the camera record the pomp behind him.


Ho Ho Ho!

The audience who were queuing up waved and cheered towards the live camera. The undulating sea of ​​people spread out along the baseline of the camera’s field of view. The line that couldn’t see the end rushed forward to the far end of the line of sight, and finally A turn was made at the corner and extended to the next block.

The rushing pedestrians who were watching the bustling around couldn’t help but turn their heads frequently, and cast their curious eyes because of such a bustling scene.

“From the current situation, the’Jurassic World’ hit the premiere box office record is indeed unstoppable.”

Derek put an end to his live coverage in the simplest but most accurate way, before his voice was completely swallowed by the stormy waves of the scene.

Fox TV station made its fortune with news, and is best at catching current affairs hotspots for its own propaganda, and even doing everything for news breaking points. As a result, it has repeatedly exploded “eavesdropping gate” scandals in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. But so far it is still dead.

Despite their terrible reputation, there is no doubt about their news acuity: “Jurassic World” is the latest hot spot they have captured keenly.

In addition to New York, Fox TV has set up live broadcast sites in 14 other cities across the United States, including large cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle, and medium-sized cities with relatively limited populations such as Boston, New Orleans, and Salt Lake City. There are also Lawrence, Green Bay, Page, and other small towns with a resident population of less than 100,000, are divided into different regions, different sizes, different types and different styles, and broadcast live.

In this way, the grand opening day of “Jurassic World” is shown in an all-round way:

The response differences between the East Bank, West Bank, and Central China, the differences in attention between large cities and small towns, the same level of participation in different regions in large cities, and the level of interest in different ethnic clusters in medium-sized cities… and so on, etc., It’s not a set of cold data, but the host actually walked into the living area of ​​ordinary people and showed the most authentic reaction.

Of course, this kind of sample survey also has tricks: nominally it is to add a variety of tricks and categories, but the right to choose is ultimately in the hands of the TV station, and they can decide what kind of scene they are going to present to convey what information-in the end. Choosing the most crowded area in Times Square or the sparsely crowded area on Long Island is very different for the “feedback phenomenon” in New York.

There are many people, but few people; enthusiasm and coldness; positive and negative.

These deviations are the possible results of sample surveys, and the final impact on box office data is also completely different. But fortunately, the noisy scene presented by Fox TV is suggesting in every respect that the entire North American continent is ushering in a party:

A party for all the people!

A small reference data. If inflation is taken into account and the box office is re-adjusted, then the “Gone with the Wind” released in 1939 will top the list with a data of 1.8 billion U.S. dollars in North America, and the “Star Wars” in 1977. And the “Sound of Music” in 1956 ranked second and third respectively.

“Jurassic Park” in 1993 ranked sixteenth in movie history with a data of 820 million. Among the film works released after 1993, only “Titanic” and “Avatar” can surpass this work.

This shows what?

This shows that “Jurassic Park” is definitely the most influential work in the North American market in the past two decades. It breaks geographical restrictions and racial differences, ignores age and class, and truly makes all viewers willing to go. Enter the cinema and enjoy the charm of movie magic on the big screen.

Now that “Jurassic World” has officially landed, the entire North American region is also welcoming with the highest level of attitude. No wonder the “New Yorker” said in the comments, “In addition to the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens at the end of the year, I am afraid that no movie can effectively compete with the dinosaurs.”

It can be seen from Fox TV’s 15-city linkage that those joy and happiness are shining in the eyes, and I really feel the excitement from the heart. Even the residents of the remote small towns in the central region are better than New York. A big city like Los Angeles is still excited.

Many people wearing “Jurassic Park” T-shirts, disguised as dinosaurs, and wearing dinosaur masks seem to have returned to their childhoods overnight and happily went to watch this movie. This kind of sincere enthusiasm and Excitement has surpassed the limit of the movie itself.

After the show was broadcast, people deeply felt the frenzy of “Jurassic World”. The excitement of the premiere and the excitement of media commentary was just a warm-up. The first day of the film’s official landing in theaters was the opening of the carnival. ——On the working day of Friday, countless fans and audiences can’t wait to walk into the cinema.

No one wants to be late, let alone missed it.

Such a frantic scene has completely dumbfounded the millennials born after 1993. It seems that they can’t believe it. It turns out that their parents and elders also have such a side, and the situation is not inferior to the fanaticism of Mangai heroes, so much so. A sense of wonder of “what happened to the dinosaurs” could not help but breed.

The raging heat wave lasted from the midnight field on Friday morning to the midnight field on Saturday morning, all day long!

Then, everyone couldn’t help but get excited: Under such a wave, what is the first-day box office number of “Jurassic World”? Can it really set a record? Or is it said that these popularity booms are just a bubble illusion. Is the proportion of real box office conversions still too small?

Ten million’s attention was all focused on the exhibitor relationship. They chose to announce Friday’s box office data at 9 o’clock on Saturday morning.

The major media, major film companies, and major authoritative self-media are all constantly refreshing their website pages hoping to grab news hotspots, but because of the large number of logins and the rapid refresh rate, As a result, there was a short black screen on the website, and a cry of exclamation could be heard throughout North America, and only the Burbank area of ​​Los Angeles could truly hear the shouts from all directions.

Too real.

Fortunately, the black screen was only temporary, the website quickly returned to normal, and the exhibitor relationship did not break the contract, and the update was completed in time.

The much-anticipated and eagerly anticipated “Jurassic World” single-day box office numbers on Friday are now in sight:

One hundred and four million dollars!

One hundred million, zero, four million.

Record, birth!

In the history of North America and the history of the world, the first single-day box office to break through 100 million U.S. dollars is officially born!

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