The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2496

Chapter 2453 Seated

Hult McCarney, the 52-year-old veteran actor, has been rolling in Hollywood for nearly 30 years. He has never won his own shining moment, but has gradually polished his skills over the course of time. He is an indispensable blue-collar actor in the film industry.

In the early years of his career, Hult was more active on small TV screens, but even in TV series, he rarely won regular roles, and many of them were guest appearances or alternate performance opportunities, such as “law and order”, “criminal minds”, and “heroes”. “Crime Scene Investigation: Miami” and other dramas can be seen in his presence.

The small details can reveal the reason: most of the roles that Hult plays are police detectives.

Because the facial features are too righteous, he is considered to be a “natural law enforcement officer” face, and lack of features means limitations, which limits Hult’s career as an actor.

In fact, in the actor and model industry, handsome, beautiful, and other exquisite looks are not dominant. Because of the lack of features, there is no possibility of being able to sculpt characters. On the contrary, it is easy to cause the picture to be unbalanced because of the appearance of the scene. It is considered more suitable for the role of vase.

After the golden age of Hollywood, those beautiful faces are no longer popular. Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc. are all like this; on the contrary, May Personality faces like Lil Streep, Jack Nicholson, and Robert De Niro have won more support and love.

Daniel Day-Lewis and Lanly-Hall should be very few exceptions, but even they are the types whose personal charm is greater than their handsome appearance.

The same is true for Hult. The lack of characteristics of his facial features in his youth made him stumbling and experiencing countless setbacks. From TV dramas to movies, he failed to change the situation-either as a police detective or an officer. This is the case for all roles.

“The Three Kings of Gold”, “Gangster Legend”, “Concussion Effect”, “Vengeance in the Dark”, “The Man Detecting Jack” and other works can see Hult, playing a similar role, just like “Harry -Potter” is like an iron triangle, and Hult is also bound by this skin mask, unable to get rid of the breakthrough.

What is dumbfounding is that this “Mind Hunter” is also the same.

Hult is about to play the FBI agent Bill-Tench (Bill-Tench), he is the first member of the establishment of behavioral sciences (BSU), Horton and Wendy are both members he recruited later, they really established the crime The practical application system of psychology, and initially established the systematic application of criminal psychology portraits, which then changed the scientific system of modern criminal investigation-Bill, an out-and-out agent.

In fact, before the “Mind Hunter”, Hult and David Fincher have worked together many times, and David can even be said to be one of Hult’s nobles.

In 1992, David, who used to be a music video director, directed the first work of his career, “Alien 3”. Hult played one of the roles; later, Hult appeared in the “Fight Club”. Continued fate. Unfortunately, the number of David’s own productions is not high, and there is no actor career that can really help Hult. When he meets again, it is already nearly 20 years later.

Like most directors, David has a certain idea of ​​the role image in his mind. They will want to put forward their own requirements and opinions, and then the casting director will find the corresponding actor in the right medicine; and David has the protagonist. The requirements are particularly clear, because his works often put all the drama on the protagonist. The protagonist’s temperament, charm and performance are crucial to the quality of the finished product.

Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman of “Seven Deadly Sins”, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton of “Fight Club”, Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield of “Social Network”, Jack Gyllenhaal from the “Zodiac”, Rooney Mara from “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and so on.

All of the above actors are personally selected by David. The same goes for “Mind Hunter”, Renly, Rooney and Hult, all hand-picked by David.

Objectively speaking, Hult has been in the industry for nearly 30 years, and his image has basically been fixed, and the possibility of breaking the deadlock is gradually disappearing; but on the other hand, Hult has already played the role of police detective and officer. Gun hit has developed its own set of guidelines, and a mature and stable aura can often be able to hold down the formation.

Just like John Goodman.

It’s hard to imagine that John Goodwin has never won any Oscar nominations in his nearly 40 years of acting career, but this old actor is one of the most popular and favorite actors in major Hollywood movie projects. First, the calm and easy-to-follow performances can always stabilize the situation, and at the same time can control various styles of works. Regardless of business and art, there are no restrictions on the type of subject matter.

Lan Li collaborated with John in the “Drunk Country Folk Song”, and he can indeed feel John’s stability from the inside out, and he can adjust without changing his voice.

David is looking forward to Hult becoming such a pinnacle, but whether Hult can shoulder such a heavy responsibility can only be known after he has invested in the actual shooting.

“Mind Hunter” is not a traditional crime drama series, but a pseudo-documentary series with crime as the background, just like “Zodiac” shows the process of police detectives pursuing the zodiac killer. This series of dramas The core significance of the collection is also to show the beginning of criminal psychology and the practical application of psychological profiling, and to find a combination between theory and practice, hoping to open up a new field of criminal investigation.

The so-called “psychological portrait”, the most famous representative drama is “criminal psychology”. A BAU was established based on BSU. The members use technology to assist the police in hunting down serial killers, but the “criminal psychology” presents psychological portraits. The story of the mature stage of the system, and the “Mind Hunter” presents the entrepreneurial history of the “criminal mentality” predecessors.

After the “criminal psychology” became popular, the number of film and television works about psychological portraits gradually increased. “Don’t lie to me” even pushed this “mind reading” to the altar. To a certain extent, these film and television dramas have made psychological portraits. The exploration is deified, because in real life, this investigative method can only provide a reference value, but in the absence of substantive evidence, it is difficult to convict the suspect, and it is difficult to apply it in court.

In the 1970s, criminal psychology was just emerging, and even the name “serial killer” did not exist. People still do not know how to face these continuous, long-term, and coherent violent crimes. Traditional investigative methods seem to be unable to track down the murderer.

The situation of strangers killing strangers makes the judgment of criminal motives prone to errors, and even criminal suspects are not easy to locate. This also makes the investigation deadlock, and the number of outstanding cases is gradually increasing, and local investigators are confused. I don’t know how to start.

It is against this background that the research of “criminal psychology portraits” slowly rises under numerous resistances. The “Mind Hunter” tells such a story.

The two protagonists of “Mind Hunter”, Holden Ford and Bill Tench, have prototypes in real life. The whole story is adapted from the documentary novels of John-Douglas (John-) and Mark-Olshaker (Mark-Olshaker) , “Mind Hunter: Secrets Revealed in the FBI Series of Crimes”.

The former FBI agent John Douglas is undoubtedly the core figure. He has been used as a prototype in many film and television works to create a character image. Jake-Crawford in “The Silent Lamb” is a typical representative. Later, “criminal psychology” also referred to his experience and personality.

In the series, Holden Ford corresponds to John Douglas, focusing more on the image of John when he was young, but still made changes.

Compared with Bill Tench and Wendy Carr who can find exact corresponding roles in real life, Horton’s background and characteristics incorporate more images and personalities of FBI agents, according to the needs of the work. , Re-creation, and the main line and branch complement each other to construct the whole story:

How to establish the entire “criminal mental portrait” system; how to blend psychology and criminology; how to use systematic alienation for positioning; how to generalize individualized behavior, and then reduce it to individualization again, so that the police can Make judgments based on different cases?

And so on and so on.

Compared with the magical profiling in “criminal psychology” and “Don’t Lie to Me”, “Mind Hunter” pays more attention to the early stage of groping in the dark, which also makes Horton, Bill and Wendy the three roles The interaction and influence, growth and transformation between them have become the core content of the drama.

In other words, the characters are bigger than the cases, and the psychological exploration is bigger than the suspenseful layout.

It is precisely because of this Mind Hunter has been unable to find investors, because it does not meet the definition of a popular drama, just like a boring documentary; moreover, “criminal minds” can always make Justice wins, but “Mind Hunter” may continue to make mistakes during the exploration process, which makes it more difficult to please the audience.

It is also because of this that “Mind Hunter” puts forward strict requirements on the actors of the main three roles, and the chemical reaction between them will determine the quality of the entire series; and, as Rooney said before, the roles require actors Showing delicate and rich changes on the psychological level, this is precisely what Lan Li is best at.

Now, everything is ready and only owes east wind. Next, it’s to see if Lan Li can regain the simple mentality of the “Pacific War” period, put aside all the skills and burdens, return to the original heart, step by step to find the rhythm of the performance, and more importantly, find the fun of the performance. .

At least from the first meeting of the actors, David’s choice proved to be wise.

“Should we read the script now? Or should we talk about the characters?” Rarely, it was not Lanly who had the initiative, but Hult.

He smiled at Lan Li and Rooney, and opened the chattering box in a questioning tone. The performance of the TV series is now ready to begin.

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