The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2509

Chapter 2465 Irreplaceable

“…I think you can record the entire soundtrack, absolutely no problem! I am now considering whether to invite a singer to come to perform, do you have a special recommendation? Jazz, I hope to be a jazz-style singer, it may be there Working in a jazz bar, that’s great.”

“I’ve even conceived your clothes, haha, that day, I passed by the Upper East Side with Justin, and then we saw a tailor shop for custom-made suits. We discussed that you are very suitable for suits. In this movie, you can be perfect. Show your charm and feel like a retro gentleman.”

“As for the character, I tailored it for you. After the last filming of the work, I watched several of the performances over and over again. I still can’t forget the look in your eyes. I think maybe this time Our shooting can converge a bit, but produce better results.”

Damien Chazelei talked about his ideas and thoughts about the “City of Philharmonic” endlessly, dancing and dancing. From the corners of the corner, he can feel his excitement and excitement. He is ready to invest in the brand new. Work, enthusiasm and excitement are overflowing like this.

Lan Li was a little bit envious, he also missed such a self-and, watching Damien like this, he even jumped up with Lan Li.

“What’s the matter?” Damien could sense the temperature of Lan Li’s eyes, paused, and asked curiously.

Lan Li laughed lightly, “I just remembered the encounter opposite the Sunset Tower Hotel. No matter it was then or now, you still maintain this enthusiasm. I believe that as long as you speak, you are now willing to take over this project. The number of companies in China should not be in the minority; don’t you have other considerations?”

“Why should I make other considerations?” Damien asked back with question marks. “In Sisyphus, you are willing to provide funds, listen to my ideas, and actively participate in the creation of works. Not to mention, and you, why should I make other choices?”

Indeed, after “Burst Drummer” became famous in one fell swoop, Damien has undoubtedly become a Hollywood upstart. As Lan Li said, as long as Damien opens his mouth, there are not a few film companies willing to take over Damien’s new work. Damien can “get the higher price” and win a glorious future for himself.

But Damien did not.

Not only did Damien not look for other film companies, but he also waited patiently. Even though Renly’s schedule was busy and he never asked about the progress of the preparations for the “City of Philharmonic”, he still waited silently, ignoring those film companies. Inviting, rushed to the movie wholeheartedly.

This concentration is exceptionally rare.

Perhaps it has something to do with Damien’s experience of going around like a headless fly looking for “burst drummer” investors.

Damien’s rhetorical question made Lan Li chuckle, nodded in agreement, and then took the initiative to talk, “Sisyphus is willing to make this work, have you discussed with the company? The production cost is about How many?”

“I can’t be sure for the time being, but my estimate is 30 million.” Damien was a little shy, because the production cost was ten times that of “Burst Drummer”, and his eyes dodge a little, “It’s mainly the scene. Special effects, I hope to be able to present the golden age of Los Angeles like’Midnight Paris’, but it happens in the current Los Angeles, so the cost may be…”

“Heh. No problem.” Lan Li’s eyes were full of smiles, stopping Damien from explaining, “I will tell them that the budget is still okay. After all, I will receive a big check soon. .”

This is talking about the “Jurassic World” pay.

Because the movie is still being released, and large-scale film companies need to go through the process to settle the remuneration, the remuneration of Lanli has not yet arrived. But as Lan Li said, judging from the current box office trends, it is now possible to ensure that it is a big check.

Damien was also amused by Lan Li’s hand-in-hand joke.

“Damien, you should know how much I look forward to this work. When the shooting of’Burst Drummer’ was completed, you mentioned the outline of this project to me, and I expressed a positive attitude; but unfortunately, I had no choice. Participate in this project.”

Only halfway through Lanly’s words, Damien became confused, his anxious expression could not be concealed, “But… haven’t we already said it?”

“Damien.” Lan Li tried to explain.

But Damien was really frightened. There was nowhere to put his hands, and he didn’t even know what he should do. “Lan Li, I’m serious. This is a character tailored for you. Do you know? Sebastian Diane, this name comes from your middle name, as well as piano and jazz, all of which are done according to your settings, even the final’Casablanca’ ending, I also simulate you in my mind Written in the image of…”

“Damien, I believe, I believe everything you say, not your problem, but mine.” Lan Li’s tone remained gentle, with a slight smile on his lips, but obviously, Damien Eun didn’t believe it. His eyes were filled with desperate heartbreak, just like a poodle abandoned by Lan Li. His wet eyes were clearly full of sadness. This made Lan Li a little bit dumbfounded, and he smiled helplessly. .

Originally, Lan Li did not intend to explain to Damien, because this was not his style of acting. When he moved, he shared his personal affairs with others, but now, Lan Li calmed down instead, “Damien, in fact, After the filming of Rogue One, I fell into a low period.”

Damien was slightly stunned.

“I don’t like acting, and I’m not used to acting. Once the acting can be very pure, with only me and my role, but now my life is…complicated.” Lan Li did not explain further, but the sentence was “complicated”. It contained too much, which made Damien gradually calm down.

Although Damien did not reach the height of Lan Li, he could also feel the “noisy”-after the Oscar ended, his life with Justin Hurwitz became noisy, and the ghosts and snakes began to approach him actively. He didn’t like the chaotic and messy feeling.

“I originally hoped to be able to rest for half a year to a year, to really keep myself away from those disturbances, to clarify my thinking, and then to rethink my future.” At this point, Lan Li cast a line of sight towards Damien.” Therefore, I felt a little envious of your enthusiasm just now.”

“Envy”, there is a little loneliness and loss hidden behind it, even if there is not much explanation, Damien feels the same.

“I’m not sure what I am in right now. This TV series is an accident, Andy…” Lan Li fell silent and thought about it for a moment. “Andy hopes that I can cheer up and find the enthusiasm I once again, even though I cannot go back in time, at least I can enjoy the performance again. Andy and David persuaded me that I am trying to rejuvenate the source of enthusiasm through a long running-in process.”

“I…I have recovered a little bit now, but I am not sure how much time it will take, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, I don’t know.” Lan Li said sincerely, “but I don’t want you to delay for me. Come down…”

“I don’t mind.” Damien said bluntly, “Lenly, I’m serious. I don’t mind. If we need to wait for a year, then we will wait for a year.”

“But Sisyphus Pictures can’t wait for a year.” Lan Li made another joke, but Damien did not laugh, which made Lan Li laugh softly, “Damien, I believe you are serious, I I also believe that the role of Sebastian was indeed created for me, but I sincerely hope that I can see this work as soon as possible. You should continue at the original pace. If you miss me, Hollywood still has countless excellent actors. ”

Damien’s eyes showed despair. Although he could understand Lan Li, the disappointment was still hard to conceal. He hugged his head in annoyance.

“Ha, Damien, I feel honored by your response. I know that I am an irreplaceable actor and not… not one of the countless actors in Hollywood. This is the best affirmation of an actor.” Lan Li showed a big smile.

Damien immediately raised his head, “Of course, you are the best, and you are irreplaceable. Lanly, trust me, no actor can take your place.”

“Indeed, this is the truth.” Lan Li is also rare to show off arrogantly, but Damien is still full of seriousness, Lan Li can only helplessly continue, “Choosing other actors, not to replace my position, but Seek a different position to make the role of Sebastian a brand new image.”

Lan Li didn’t want Ryan to think of himself as a substitute, nor did he think of Ryan as his substitute.

“Damien, listen to me carefully. I think Ryan Gosling is a very suitable choice. His gloom and coolness can give Sebastian different qualities; and, believe me, in the actor’s dream Ryan is more ups and downs than me on the road, and I can be considered a lucky one.” As he said that, Lan Li laughed himself-the advantage of two lives This is Rui En can’t match the key point.

“Did you know? Ryan was interrupted by a sandwich takeaway during an audition. His performance could not go on at all, just like a fool.” Lan Li recounted the funny things Ryan had in chat, “Ryan was the biggest one ever. The dream is to complete an audition without interruption.”

It is not even a successful audition, but a successful completion of the audition.

Damien’s attention was attracted, slightly lost.

“Ryan and I…well, both dreamers. I am more persistent. Ryan is more bumpy. I think Ryan can interpret a different Sebastian. From a certain perspective, Ryan It may be more suitable than me.” Lanly’s words opened the door to another world for Damien.

Sebastian chose to compromise in the face of reality, and was even forced to give up his dream.

This was the pain Ryan experienced, but it was not Lanly’s.

As Lanly said, he and Ryan are two different actors, and their interpretation of Sebastian will also be two different roles. Perhaps Ryan is more in line with Damien’s perception and understanding of Sebastian.

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