The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2514

Chapter 2470 Resurrection of inspiration

He closed his eyes tightly, stood in place, straightened his waist slowly, the breathing rhythm gradually stabilized, the whole brain entered an ethereal state, and the frolicking noises in his ears were drifting away. He knew that they had not disappeared. The babble lingered all the time, like a whisper in the water, but he managed to stay focused, his core strength calmed down, and then faintly, he could notice the butterfly in his chest flapping its wings.

Open your eyes, the light enters the line of sight, “I’m ready.”

Along with the voice of Lan Li, the crew that was waiting patiently turned around quickly. This was already the seventh filming. The previous rhythm was always slightly wrong. Lan Li made two mistakes and Cameron made four. There were two mistakes, and there was another time that the filming was completed smoothly but felt wrong. David Fincher hoped to shoot a few more shots, looking for feelings, the crew realized the super difficult shooting of this scene.

Repeated shooting, allowing the crew to stay on the set for more than two hours, but still could not find the right direction, but the staff were not irritable, still maintaining an orderly working state, waiting patiently. Immediately, I could hear the voice of the scene note, and then the password to “turn on”, the crisp sound of the scene clapboard reverberated in the narrow and empty corridor of the hospital, and the filming officially began.


This is the sound of unlocking the door of the ward.

“Hum. Hum. Hum.”

This is the footsteps of leather shoes touching the ground.

step. step.

Holden’s footsteps are steady and orderly, and he can even faintly perceive a little cautiousness. It seems that he can clearly feel the moving steps of the soles of the feet and the heels. The sound of gradually advancing and approaching is light in the cold air of the ward. With a slight noise, a slight vibration fell on the surface of the skin.

Hum. Hum.

Edmond, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes, picked up his glasses from the bedside table, put them on, and then he could see Horton standing at the end of the bed.


Holden let out a long sigh, and the exhausted rush of boats and cars finally reached the end. All the disturbances from work were temporarily put on hold. The negative emotions of exhaustion and sleepiness entangled his ankles, slowly and slowly pulling down. Tugging, the transparency after loosening the shirt button made him take a deep breath.

Seeing Edmund again, Horton was no longer fully alert. He was not sure if it was because of familiarity or the slack caused by tiredness, maybe both, but he didn’t want to and couldn’t think about it now. Just let it go and let the tight nerves relax.

“You are here.” Edmund’s calm voice was slightly joyful.

“You didn’t give me any choice.” Horton said slowly, catching carefully, you can notice that his bite is still clear, but no longer distinct. There is a faint connection between the voice and the voice, revealing one. Laziness and tiredness, without deliberate drag, can still feel the curls in the tail, with a little hoarseness, which gives the voice a sexual/sensory magnetism, but he has no energy to take care of it at this time.

Edmund watched Horton quietly. He was lying on the hospital bed, while Horton was standing. The wonderful position changes allowed him to easily control the overall situation and control all of Horton’s every move in his hands. “I try A gentler approach. Have you received the card I sent?”

“Received.” Horton replied in a low voice, but there was no follow-up.

Edmund raised his chin slightly, as if he was examining the meaning of this sentence, “Perhaps it is not surprising that relying on exaggerated performances to attract you over.”


Edmund’s eyes faintly gleamed behind the glasses, and a simple sentence hides too much and too much information; but Holden, whose brain is almost in a stagnant state, has not been able to detect the abnormality. He really does not have the energy to savor it. With every word of Demond, he even lost his footing.

Looking down, slumping his shoulders, and dragging his feet, Holden walked over to the seat next to the foot of the bed, asked in a low voice, and went straight to the subject, “Why do you want to see me, Ed?” The sound can be recognized. The exhaustion is consuming his attention and mental energy. The procrastination of the tail and the ambiguity of the words are the best proof. His gaze glanced at the seat, and after all, he did not sit down immediately.

All in all, Edmond has a panoramic view.

“I read an article about you, it should be said, about us.” Edmond answered calmly.

The corner of Horton’s mouth was squeezed—this is the source of the countless opinions that Bill and Wendy have had against him over the past period of time. Now Edmond is involved, but he can’t even squeeze a wry smile. , Needless to say, he guessed it right away, “‘Atlanta Charter News’.”

“That report was reprinted by the Associated Press.” Edmund further explained.

“…” It was said by Bill and Wendy. Horton realized this immediately. He tried to argue, he tried to refute, he tried to do something, but the deep sense of powerlessness just made him close his eyes, hold his breath, and search for a second of purity. All sounds disappeared directly.

But Edmund was unwilling to let him go, “You said we are friends.”

“…” Horton’s nerves were moved by Edmond, and the vigilance of conditioned reflex revived his defensive instincts. He put his hands on his chest and made a defensive posture. He knew that he should be tight at this time. He got up, but the deep tiredness dragged the brain’s rotation. He found that he couldn’t fight back. In the end, he just said “…yes” to delay time and try to get more reaction space for himself.

Edmund noticed it. He carefully caught this difference in reaction speed, his tone remained the same, but his speaking rhythm closely followed, “Are we friends? Holden?”

That little breathing space finally allowed Holden to recover a little bit, “In the context of our cooperation, yes.” The wording and pronunciation have become more rigorous again, and the organization has gradually become clearer, but the words are still short and insistent. The principle of saying more mistakes and saying less mistakes.

“Our cooperation.” Edmond repeated it, seeming to be chewing carefully, and the smile under his eyes slowly flowed out, “This statement is really beautiful, if it is me, it will be positioned like this.” He tightly Perceived Horton’s change, from the wording to the tone, he hurriedly followed Horton.

“However, our research is not over yet.” This is an affirmative sentence, and Edmund directly made the conclusion.

“Okay.” Holden only said one word, still not much content.

Edmund didn’t care, “As I said in the letter.”

Horton recalled it, and gently jawed, “…you have more,” Horton paused, as if looking for a more suitable vocabulary, and as if recalling the content on the letterhead, his eyebrows couldn’t help but faint. Fucked up, the exhaustion invaded again, so that the words became difficult, “…insights.” He said.

“Indeed.” Edmund replied cleanly.

Horton didn’t speak, just stretched out his right hand and made an inviting gesture, expressing meaning with his eyes.

Edmund didn’t buy it at all, “I won’t just throw my opinions out to show off, especially when you are still talking about me behind your back, and use the information I give you to justify yourself.”


The calm words hit Horton’s stomach like a heavy fist. He only felt that his whole body was convulsed and curled up, as if his most private and hidden secret was torn and revealed. That kind of pain instantly evacuated his last strength and couldn’t breathe instantly.

Horton tried to conceal his panic-the remaining sanity issued a red alert, danger! Danger! Never show weakness in front of Edmond!

The chaotic brain sounded an alarm, and Horton faintly realized his mistake. He shouldn’t come to visit Edmund, at least not in this state, but the messy thoughts could not be sorted out at all, tired and painful. The intertwined emotions completely drained the energy of the brain. The only thing he can think about now is: Beware! He needs to be on guard! Otherwise, in front of Edmond, he really has no chance.

Thus, Horton lowered his gaze, concealing the panic in his eyes, and at the same time bends his body, sits on the chair next to the foot of the bed, and relaxes his slightly shaking knees. The strength that was originally used to support standing can provide more energy for the brain. , Used to face Edmond.

Holden leaned on the back of the chair, folded his right leg on the knee of his left leg, trying to show his strength in controlling the audience, but the confusion in his heart prevented him from calming down completely, and his movements and eyes revealed a kind of A guilty conscience, body language that should have been relaxed, was too tight.

At this time, he finally realized what Bill and Wendy meant The report…That **** report did have a problem. Before this, he was just immersed in the joy of “Halo and Glory”. But ignoring the report may also expose himself. Just as Wendy said, he may expose himself to all interviewees and potential criminals. Now, he is exposed in front of Edmund. Then, what should he do?

“That report is not…” Horton tried to explain, but the words stopped because he didn’t know how to explain it. Everything he was proud of now became Edmund’s weapon against him. His hands and feet were bound, which made him into a desperate situation.

Edmond – To be precise, Cameron noticed subtle changes, the dodge of eyes, the stiffness of the shoulders, the hesitation of words, and so on.

Those subtle changes are exposing weaknesses bit by bit, gradually luring / lure / attacking him, not fierce and brutal frontal attacks, but secretly approaching like ghosts, as if… as if the darkness is slowly slowing down Swallowing the soul, invisible, intangible, or even not noticed, it is slowly assimilated in this way.

Lan Li’s performance is like a black hole, vaguely possessing a power that awakens the **** and cruel dark soul deep in Cameron’s heart, which makes him start to sniff lightly—like a dog’s nose. He was looking for the **** breath, like a hunter in the forest.

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