The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2536

Chapter 2492 Desert boom

“Go to Indio!”

Tens of thousands of netizens on the social network issued a call, and then spread it from ten to ten, and this evolved into the hottest annual topic on social networks, like a kind of belief, like a symbol, and comparable to a paragraph. During the journey, the young man’s blood couldn’t help but began to boil.

This is a real carnival! This is not the Woodstock of the new century and the new era, this is the pioneering village of the present.

Not only North America, people from all corners of the world are swarming towards California’s Indio. The mighty enthusiasm rushes in the same direction from all directions. It’s already late autumn, but it’s hard to compare in midsummer. The heat wave is blazing.

Don’t talk about Don Quixote, even Gavin Hunter has not been able to suppress his excitement and expectations.

Regarding the Pioneer Village Music Festival, all major media have sent people to report on the scene. However, considering the desert environment of Indio, the weather and the scene are bound to be a severe test. Send interns or young reporters to the front line to endure hardships. , This is the normal operation of the media.

“U.S. Weekly” is no exception. They sent a five-person team to report on Indio two days in advance.

According to past experience, all activities related to the blue ceremony must be fully prepared, otherwise the key points may be missed; facts have also proved this point of view, even forty-eight hours in advance, they still have not been able to catch up with the enthusiasm of Don Quixote, and some even advance. Came camping on the edge of the town in a week, and came to Indio early to start the party.

A week is actually not early, nor alone.

From the photos of netizens on the photo wall, it can be seen that hundreds of Don Quixotes arrived in the Indio Desert early in the same place, and there are also hundreds of young people embracing “Participate in Woods”. Tok’s mood came to the Indio Desert early, and the party had already started early, talking, singing and dancing, and reveling all night, just like celebrating the end of the world, and finally arrogantly on the edge of the isolated desert.

The excitement can be felt only through photos.

While waiting for Gavin Hunt to arrive in Indio, it was already the first day of the Pioneer Village Music Festival, but it had not yet begun.

Gavin did not come to the festival as a reporter for the “U.S. Weekly”, but came to participate in this event as a personal person. He always felt that if he missed it, he might regret it for the rest of his life. Even if he didn’t buy the tickets, he still came on impulse. When I arrived in Indio and slowly entered the town, I began to hesitate-if there is no ticket, how should I enjoy the festival? Was it a futile effort to arrive at the scene?

But soon, Gavin temporarily put this idea behind his head: because the grand scene in front of him attracted all the attention.

From a distance, two miles from the town, you can see RVs and vans neatly parked on the side of the road, bustlingly arranged on both sides of the road, with a two-way lane in the center, and a patch on both sides. The vast parking lot and countless vehicles spread out endlessly, making people think of “The Matrix”, but it is just a version of “Mad Max”, showing a mechanical grandeur above the uninhabited desert.

After an endless array of cars, you will officially enter the campsite.

Although campsites are already near RVs and vans, the big and small tents in front of you are another magnificent sight.

The jagged tents stretched out along both sides of the Yellow Sand Long Road, like a huge nomad camping in the desert. The morning light has just fallen, and the soft gold outlines a golden edge for the countless tents. The early risers stretched out to welcome the dawn.

Obliquely forward on the right, a group of young people are surrounding the extinguished bonfire, beating the soup pot and the wooden bench, singing heartily, “We will! We will! We will shock you (We-will-rock-you) , it is a classic Queen’s song, and the people around who just got up also subconsciously slapped their palms together. It’s so lively.

A little further forward, the crowd in twos and threes is slowly moving forward, keeping the same direction as Gavin, and are heading to the performance venue. They are red-faced and constantly arguing. When they get closer, they can hear that they are arguing about “Blasting Drummer” and Which work of “Drunk Country Folk Songs” is better?

On the left hand side, a tent was pulled down, and a chicken coop was drilled out. Gavin was startled. The other party rubbed his eyes and asked in a loud voice, “What time is it?” He got “A quarter past eight.” After answering, he immediately raised his voice and shouted, waking up the friends in the surrounding tents, “The horn is sounding!” Then Gavin could see that the tents were agitated one after another, vigorously mixed with the smell of sunlight Bashing.


Even the well-informed Gavin is still dumbfounded, he has already imagined the picture in advance:

70,000 people? Although the Pioneer Village Music Festival only sold 70,000 sets of tickets, there are definitely more than 70,000 enthusiastic audiences who arrived in the Indio Desert. A conservative estimate is that 200,000 should be the base; Gavin’s own views should be able to exceed Two hundred and fifty thousand people.

Don’t underestimate this set of data. Now the world’s top music festivals have a throughput of about 100,000 people. The most sensational German Nurburgring track music festival (Rock-Am-Ring ), the number of people mobilized is the cap of 150,000 people-and this set of data is difficult to achieve in any performance venue in the world.

Indio’s stadium is located in the desert, and there is no need to accommodate the upper limit for the time being, but 200,000 people are still an unusually terrifying number of predictions.

Gavin’s forecast of 250,000 is already frantic, but only when he arrived at the scene did he realize that he was too naive.

More than 250,000 people?

At this time, Gavin really understands what is called a sea of ​​people. He now strongly hopes to have a helicopter from God’s perspective, overlooking the panoramic view of the entire desert. Only in this way can he see the grand situation of the whole world. What is the magnificent situation? scene.

If you look down from the top, you can see a yellow ribbon-like stream that undulates and outlines the magnificence of the entire desert. On both sides, dotted, colorful squares build up the majestic forest of dense forests like villas on the sea. , If you look closely, you can see that the dense crowds are like waves and huge waves tumbling violently toward the dark blue black hole. The deep blue is so rich that it is almost blue-black, and the quiet but turbulent whale swallows all the light, the whole The vastness of the world is all gathered there, and the mystery of the universe makes people small.

People, everyone.

Those colorful little dots are all people, like countless sand in the desert, small particles converge into a vast ocean.

According to the data released by the Los Angeles Times, the small town of Indio attracted a frenzy of 500,000 people, which was incredible, surpassing Woodstock’s 450,000 people that year, and truly wrote its own history. But the newspaper also admitted that the statistics are only vague estimates, and the actual figures may be even more. In just three days, this barren desert is even more noisy than half of the cities in the United States.

Gavin was willing to believe that a sea of ​​500,000 people would easily drown him.

Even if the tickets were not available, fanatics from all over the world still gathered together. In these three days, Indio became the heart of the earth, and all blood was transported and pushed in the direction of the heart, even if it was impossible to reach it in person. At the scene, he still cast his sight.


Gavin greedily and shockedly gazed at the grand scene in front of him. The scorching air drilled into the blood vessels along the pores, and then couldn’t help but jump for joy. It seemed that he was back in his youth again. The throbbing and hotness of youth hormones kept the heart constantly burning. Moment is hitting his chest strong and powerfully.

Once, he believed that a passion can change the world; now, he is willing to believe it again.

“Hey, hey! Man!” Gavin is a little rusty. He has almost forgotten how young people talk and party, but he still clumsily regains that feeling. “Do you have tickets? If you don’t have tickets, , What should I do? Uh…I’m not asking the scalpers.”

Gavin was worried that his words might cause misunderstandings, and quickly explained in addition, which made the group of young people laugh.

“Trust us, no one will sell scalpers here, and no one will buy it.”

“Standing here with your feet, this is the best ticket!”

“Tell you, this is an open-air music festival. As long as we show up at the scene, we will be able to carnival together, even if we can’t see the stage performance in person.”

“Yes, right, right, after the music starts, you can enjoy it outside the venue. We have our own party.”

“Come and join us! We don’t have tickets either. We are going to the back of the venue. There is an open space where we can party and listen to the performances on the main stage.”

The young people didn’t give Gavin a chance at all and they talked all together. Before Gavin could react, they had already greeted Gavin to move forward.

Gavin followed in confusion, but still a little anxious, “Uh, I made a special trip to appreciate Lan Li.”

“Haha, of course!” Everyone laughed.

Gavin is unclear.

One of the young girls with an explosive head happily said, “More than half of the audience are here for Lan Li, or, in other words, who is not here for Lan Li?”

Gavin also laughed.

“We asked, and the organizers realized that the scene was a little bit beyond expectations, and they are thinking about solutions. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to enter the infield to see Lanli, but in the evening of the last day, they Temporary admission should be opened on the spot, allowing queues to enter the venue on a first-come, first-served basis. This is the current temporary plan. The specific implementation needs to be notified, but we are sure that we still have a chance.”

Then, she turned her head to look at the little friend next to her, and everyone said in unison, “No one can refuse Lan Li!”

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