The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2541

Chapter 2497 Geronimo

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The mighty applause of the audience continued to circulate and reverberate under the sky for a long time, “In the big world, you can never achieve what you want; let things come first, chase what you should get.” The cry from the heart is releasing infinite energy, Even if Lan Li has stopped singing, they still can’t stop.

Smile, blooming at the corner of the mouth.

Enthusiasm is ignited in the eyes.

However, Lan Li, standing in the center of the stage, is already ready to continue. His hands are still raised high, but the beat rhythm is accelerating, and the whole rhythm has obviously doubled, starting from “pop! Pop! Pop! ! Happiness!” evolved into “Happiness! Happiness!” The brisk and bright rhythm spread like a wave of air, and the audience immersed in the state of excitement all jumped for joy, and the beat speeded up one after another.

At the beginning, there were some jaggedness, and it seemed to be adjusting; but gradually, the audience found the code for the carnival:

While hitting his hands, he jumped up. The palms of the hands and the footsteps fit perfectly, and even the head started to shake. There is no need for melody at all. Only the beat is enough, so that the whole audience dances, and the dust that is quietly engulfed begins. The scene was filled with publicity.

boom! boom! boom!

The faint vibration from the ground allowed all audiences to find the perfect rhythm, and then the melody of the live band intervened briskly.

Ding Ding Ding. Ding Ding Ding.

The drum beats like a pony horse are cheerful and comfortable. The sound of electric guitars and bass bass rushes around the drum beats, and the joy of jumping slowly penetrates. The audience immersed in the rhythm can’t help but happily. Laughing, it’s like returning to a carefree childhood.

Then, Lan Li’s singing sounded in his ears:

“Can you feel it? Looking back, we can persevere to the end; if we cross the gully, I can see you, across the sky of the waterfall.”

The lyrics of Dazhu and Xiaozhu falling on the jade plate jingle in their ears-now that they have decided to stick to themselves, since they have decided to pursue their dreams first, then it is time to set sail and cross the mountains and rivers. , Crossing the rivers, lakes and seas, looking for an oasis on the other side of the desert.

“When I got lost in it, yes, you held my hand tightly, but I threw it away. I also couldn’t understand. You waited so hard. When I jumped into the waterfall without thinking, I said:

Geronimo! ”

Geronimo was born in the west of present-day Mexico in 1829. As the leader of the Apache Indian tribe, he led the Indian tribes against the invasion of American immigrants.

Geronimo is familiar with natural survival skills, is very good at using guns, and is witty and brave. He has led the tribe to fight against invaders many times. Even among the immigrants, he is well-known. He is a recognized warrior. With brave, wit and civilization, he once led 35 fighters to deal with 5,000 foreign invading immigrants for five months. An Apache leader escaped from the enemy four times before becoming a farmer.

In 1886, Geronimo surrendered, and there has never been a large-scale resistance movement by the Indian tribes ever since.

In 1909, at the St. Louis World’s Fair, Geronimo attended the inauguration ceremony of Franklin Roosevelt and became a celebrity. To this day, he is still an important symbol of the unyielding spirit of the indigenous Indians.

During the Second World War, the U.S. Army organized paratroopers for airborne operations. The night before the paratroopers organized parachuting, they happened to watch a movie about Geronimo. To boost morale, they agreed: before the jump the next day, everyone shouted “Geronimo” to cheer for themselves.

After that, this became a tradition of the American airborne troops, symbolizing that no matter what the situation, they need to be as brave and wise as Geronimo.

Now, “Gerónimo” is not only used for skydiving, but also for all kinds of extreme sports. Before the formal challenge, people shout for themselves and then bravely embrace all the unknown.

At this time, Lan Li is launching a call:

“Shout, Geronimo!”

“Shout, Geronimo!”

boom! Snapped! boom! Snapped!

With a clean rhythm and catchy lyrics, it doesn’t take any effort to detonate a response on the scene of the Indio Desert.





Lan Li shouted, and the audience responded. The excitement/love between the back and forth was released, and the audience shook their heads and entered the carnival mode.

At the end of the intensive drumming, Lan Li sang softly amidst the restless heat wave of the audience, “Can you feel my love?”

Then the singers who were in charge of the backing vocals replied in unison, “Bombing wildly! Bombing wildly! Bombing wildly!”

The audience, boiling!

Crowd of demons, flurry!

No one can be an exception.

“We immersed ourselves in the front, we were fast enough to break our bones, but everything passed by the wind, we were able to jump across the curtain of the waterfall.”


be quiet!

Lan Li clasped the microphone tightly and stared at the audience brightly. The black and overwhelming crowd remained still, seeming to be waiting, waiting for the moment to give orders. The gurgling emotions were compressed, compressed, and again. Compression, the quieter the more turbulent.


Lan Li waved his right hand heavily and jumped up on the spot, shouting, “Shout!”

The emotions compressed to the extreme erupted like this, and the audience jumped collectively, shouting, “Gerónimo!”

Standing on a small sand dune, Gavin is no exception.

At this moment, he truly believed that he could only stand on tiptoe gently, and with a strong leap, he could soar in the wind, flying over the boundless ocean in front of him, and the sound of hunting wind came from his ears. Let the gurgling blood become clearer, even the beating of the heart becomes so real and so appropriate, as if he can hear the pulse of the earth’s heart, real, deep, and beautiful.


Such a simple and passionate slogan awakens all the courage deep in his heart: He believes that he can change the world, he believes that he can realize his dream, he even believes that he can spread his wings and soar omnipotent! Unstoppable! It’s like a superman standing upright.

The spirit of the Pioneer Village Music Festival was fully condensed at this moment, with half a million people working together.

Lan Li raised his right hand and made a rest movement in the air, and then the loud cheers on the scene stopped. All the audience gasped, but still stared at Lan Li with bright eyes, and the excitement around him did not stop. , Always ready to break out again.

In the muddy and heavy breathing, Lan Li’s voice still remained brisk, stepping on the bright drums to sing loudly, and the singing voice rose little by little above the rhythm.

“I’m just a boy with broken toys and everything that has disappeared. Just behind the curtain of water in the waterfall.”

“So I’m standing here, as fragmented as I am, but I found my companion. Right in the curtain of the waterfall.”

“Now I leap forward, passing through the sound of a crack, and then you appear. It’s deep in the curtain of the waterfall.”

“You ran towards me, and we were all completely free, so I knelt down on my knees. Just under the curtain of the waterfall.”

Then, pause again.

Lan Li’s drooping eyelids lifted up, and the bright eyes on his sweaty face firmly grasped the audience’s attention, but did not make any sound, just kept breathing, waiting, waiting, the corner of the mouth The smile suddenly rose, and the dazzling light instantly released.


With just one sentence, the audience is willing to go through fire and water, releasing all their energy like moths to the fire, until the end of the world.


The voice buzzed above the eardrums, and it seemed that I could feel the trivial movement of emotions crackling, and along with my own cry, those trivial movements were expanding little by little, as if…as if the hard body was being Shattered, the soul hidden in it is showing the most authentic and primitive appearance, that is their innocent heart.

In the process of growing up, in the hurt and disappointment, in the experience and polishing, the soft and fragile heart of the child has built up layers of barriers bit by bit, protecting themselves strictly and solidly, so that they all Forget, I once had such a hot and hot heart.

until now.

After three days of polishing in the Pioneer Village Music Festival, and experiencing the impact of three consecutive songs by Lan Li, the protective shell built over the long years began to shatter, and then they saw the truest self, but it was so unfamiliar—and The familiarity behind this unfamiliarity made the line of sight blurry involuntarily.

“I miss myself.”

This is such a hypocritical and self-sufficient sentence, but it is true deep in everyone’s heart, thinking of the self who used to be ignorant to explore the world and hold enthusiasm and faith. When they grew up, they thought that they had disappeared, but they didn’t want to. He was always deep in their hearts.



They shouldn’t be afraid, just like parachuting, pluck up courage, cheer up their confidence, and take a jump.



Things are destined not to be simple and easy. The road ahead is full of thorns, but they are ready.



For this dream! For yourself! Also for life! They really bloomed their endless enthusiasm in the Indio Desert and felt the heat and weight of life. Life shouldn’t be just living simply, every minute and every second is precious, only true Only after blooming can you be considered alive.

Now, they are ready-even if they are not ready, they will have the courage to jump down, through the curtain of the magnificent waterfall, looking for the truth hidden behind them, those who have been forgotten by themselves, hidden by themselves, and hidden by themselves To obliterate the truth, they just need to shout:


With one cry, another, shouting, courage and courage began to gather, stirring in the chest for a long time, and the powerful and vast resonance made the vision blur, and he embraced himself again with tears in his eyes: it’s really been a long time.

Then, Lan Li’s softly humming melody came in his ears, “Can you feel my love?”

Nodding vigorously.

Note: Geronimo (Geronimo——Sheppard)

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