The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Return gift

“Okay, okay, then we still have enough time to slowly spy on those gossips, but for now, we’d better let Lan Li go back to rest.” Stanley walked out from the backstage and saw everyone surrounded by others. The Lan Li in the middle clapped his hands, and after attracting everyone’s attention, he began to disperse the scene.

Pioneer Village closed an hour ago, but after closing the door, everyone kept Lan Li, discussing what happened in the past six months, and the passage of time has been completely forgotten.

“But then Lan Li will become a big star, and we won’t have a chance.” Neil took the lead and yelled there, causing everyone to laugh.

Stanley didn’t buy it, and gave Neal a look at the back of his head, “Even now, you don’t have a chance.” The same words and different interpretations, everyone was stunned, and then collectively laughed, and Neil had a face. With an unwilling expression, he stood up and waved his hands, “Who knows? Lan Li, don’t you think?”

Before Lan Li could answer, several people rushed forward, dragged Neil away, “Don’t embarrass the client here.”

Looking at Neil’s drag and embarrassment, Lan Li shouted, “Alicia is hiding in the bathroom holding the toilet and crying.” Alicia is Neal’s girlfriend and a kindergarten teacher. I often come to the Pioneer Village to play, and everyone is very familiar with it.

Lan Li’s ridicule caused everyone to laugh, and the ridicule and banter came and went one after another.

“Go back and rest early.” Stanley patted Lan Li on the shoulder. “Long-distance flights are always torture.”

“I slept all the way.” Lan Li replied with a smile without being too tired.

“Ha. I should have expected it.” Stanley was also very happy tonight, “But, I should go back to rest, my heart is protesting.” Normally Stanley will go back around 12 o’clock. Today Because of Lan Li’s return, he also stayed in the bar, and everyone drank two rounds of beer.

After confirming that all the windows of the bar were ok, and then locked the back door and the front door, Lan Li was the last one to leave the pioneer village.

When he returned to the house, the cold air in the room made Lan Li shudder. There was a black light in the room, and there was no trace of anger. The temperature seemed to be lower than the outside. After turning on the light, you can clearly see the thin layer of ash on the coffee table and sofa. It seems that Chris Hemsworth has not been at home for a long time.

I walked to the coffee table in the middle of the living room. There was a piece of white paper on which was written a line with a carbon pen, “Haha! Please call me the actor!” All the words are in capital letters. , Even just looking at this note, you can clearly feel the ecstasy in Chris’s heart.

It seems that he finally realized his wish, got that role, and is about to lead the starring in his first Hollywood work.

Below that line, there is a note, “Hint: Sean-Bean.”

British actor Sean Bin is absolutely famous. The tough guy’s masculinity and delicate performance style have won him an unshakable place in Hollywood. “Patriot Game”, “007: Golden Eye”, “National Treasure”, “Troy”, He can be seen in works such as “Silent Hill” and “The Lord of the Rings” series, and of course the famous “Game of Thrones”.

was able to cooperate with Sean and became the leading actor. No wonder Chris is so excited.

Lan Li couldn’t help but laughed, really happy for Chris, put the note back on the desktop, picked up the carbon pen next to him, and wrote his own comment below, “HOT”, to express his gratitude to him. Congratulations from Reese. Then Lan Li chose to take a shower first, washing away all the dust and exhaustion, and truly felt the familiarity of going home.

Although he fell asleep all the way on the plane, Lan Li was sleepy again at this time, and was about to lie down on the bed to be summoned by the daughter of Zhou Gong, but his eyes fell on the acoustic guitar in the corner, and his footsteps couldn’t help but stop.

Although the days in Pioneer Village were very relaxed and happy before, this feeling was especially strong tonight. The dimensions of time and space lost their original meaning in the relaxed atmosphere of the partners. The bond between each other was not only No estrangement, but closer together.

Lan Li knows what Stanley’s “gift” is, not a performance on stage, but a real recorded music.

Stanley is a person who cherishes his talents, as can be seen from the way the pioneer village operates and the way he selects performers. When Lan Li came to the rescue for the first time, Stanley was very pleasantly surprised. He excitedly expressed that he was willing to give Lan Li a chance to perform and really step onto the stage and have his own 30 minutes. But Lan Li refused.

The reason is very simple. For him, music is just pastime, conditioning, and relaxation. The source of his enthusiasm has always been actors, which has never changed, at least for now, there is no sign of change.

Stanley is very awkward. He is a person who is truly passionate about music. In his opinion, there is nothing in the world that can be compared with music. Therefore, every time he sees a person with outstanding talents or persistent dreams, Stanley always It will give full support. After being rejected by Lan Li, Stanley expressed his understanding, but he did not give up easily. After that, he half-joked and half-seriously mentioned this matter with Lan Li many times. The perseverance made Lan Li somewhat helpless. I was also a little touched.

Lan Li knew that Stanley was just as passionate as he was for acting.

After thinking about it, Lan Li walked to the bedside, picked up the guitar in the corner, took off the dust on it, and then turned on his computer. He decided to record “Cleopatra” and give it as a gift. Stanley. After all, he still owes Stanley a Christmas gift, and also, St. Patrick’s Day is coming, isn’t it?

After entering the new century, with the strong rise of social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, the gradual improvement of online digital audio source sales networks such as iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify, as well as the progress of a series of electronic recording equipment led by Apple Computer. Even smart phones can record music, and more and more grassroots singers and independent singers are beginning to rise strongly. This is also the inevitable development trend of entertainment to death and national entertainment. It can be seen as the inevitable development of “American Idol” and other music talent shows after the highly mature.

For independent musicians, it is not a problem to have no advanced professional recording equipment. Modern technology has solved all the problems. What they really need to face is the sound insulation of the recording studio. Many independent musicians have chosen the garage as a recording studio, and then stick the egg-bearing tray on the wall as a soundproof board to create a simple soundproofing effect for recording.

Lan Li also faced the same problem.

I slammed the wall hard, and the whole wall shook like a bed sheet floating in the wind. “Shut up!” The whispering love words in the next door came to an abrupt end, paused for about half a second, and then a man full of foul language. The voice roared, but Lan Li didn’t care at all, and shouted, “No matter how loud it is, I will tell Kingston, what the **** are you doing!”

A word stopped the voice next door abruptly. The man next door kept stealing food with his girlfriend behind his back, and he didn’t know how to restrain himself. He was annoyed. His girlfriend’s brother was called Kingston. He opened a butcher shop three blocks away—specializing in pork, beef, lamb, etc. , And close to the Italian black/hand/party.

It was finally quiet, and it is rare to find a trace of peace in New York at four o’clock in the morning.

Turning on the computer and holding the guitar in his arms, Lan Li was a little dazed. The creation of “Cleopatra” was just an instant inspiration. He didn’t really record the melody and lyrics. In the past six months, he didn’t play it again, and his mind fell into a blank for a moment.

Simply let go, let the fingertips find the strings, and outline them at will. The story of Cleopatra and Marc Anthony resurfaced.

When later generations stand at the contemporary node to examine history, it is always very interesting when historical events are given special meanings again because of the outlook on life, world outlook, values, and changes and progress of the times. It’s as if heliocentric said that it was once a monster, and it was like the Internet was the end of the world. After time has passed, things will always deviate from their original appearance, and no one can accurately restore the truth at that specific point in history.

Countless people, including Shakespeare, believed that Cleopatra was an ambitious woman, who influenced the rise and fall of the Roman Empire almost on her own. But in history, has anyone understood Cleopatra’s mood? Just like Wu Zetian, people have seen her great achievements, her uncompromising methods, her rulership, and her iron-blooded wrists, but they have never seen her softness as a woman, as a historical creation. The hardships of a person, the thorns of being a destiny disruptor.

“But it’s too late, it’s all too late, I missed the love of my life. When I die alone, when I die alone, I won’t miss it again.”

The familiar melody once again flows down from your fingertips, not just Cleopatra, everyone in real life, how many people have missed the love of their life, how many people are in the choice between love and career Under the yoke of fate in Zhong, how many people have reached the end of their lives struggling to reach the end of their lives in misunderstanding and suffering.

How many people can win the second chance in life like him?

Joy and sadness, joy and loss, joy and confusion…The bitterness hidden in the brisk melody dances quietly on the tip of the tongue, the smile at the corner of the mouth is outlined, but it cannot hide the loneliness under the night, the music is in A charming halo shined under the clear moonlight.

“Wait, how does this recording work?” Lan Li looked at the recording software on the computer, full of question marks.

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