The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 two-way choice

Andy left, and the whole conversation seemed a bit endless, it seemed as if it had no purpose, and it was confusing.

In fact, Andy came to Pioneer Village today just to pass by. He came over to investigate the reality of the truth. He didn’t even do his homework. If he didn’t meet Lanli, he wouldn’t have any regrets. He would sit in the bar and drink a glass of whiskey. Then he went to the airport; if he met, he planned to see a real person and compare the rumored image with it.

After all, the current Lanli is just a rumored image. The “Pacific War” has not yet been broadcast. Media reputation, audience feedback, performance strength, etc. have yet to be measured. There is no need to jump to the conclusion eagerly. Of course, if you are shocked at first sight, you can sign a brokerage contract on the spot.

The results of the final meeting far exceeded expectations.

This twenty-year-old young man has demonstrated a calmness and wisdom that transcends time. He is neither rush nor impatient, humble or overbearing, with clear goals and unwavering determination. On the surface it looks like an unrealistic idealist, but in fact he has a clear understanding of future plans, and even ambitious ambitions.

Andy knows that Lanly is not the type that is at his mercy, and cooperating with such a person with a distinct personality will inevitably lead to a lot of stumbling. But this is a double-edged sword. It may be a legend, or it may be burned. The key point is how much strength Lan Li has, whether he has an accurate judgment of his talents, and whether he understands the boundary between self-confidence and arrogance. .

Regarding the definition of Lanli, Andy believes that it is difficult to find a vague middle ground, either as a superstar or rushing to the street. Therefore, he will not easily draw conclusions, he needs time to judge, but also needs more information to review. “The Pacific War” is undoubtedly the best platform, not only the drama itself, but also the performance of Lan Li in the promotion of the drama, which will be the basis for Andy’s judgment.

Of course, Andy also thought about the possibility that other agents would get on the ground while he was waiting for observation. However, Andy believes that Lan Li is not a person who compromises easily. Just like he will invite him today, Lan Li will never nod his head. Lan Li also needs to investigate. If Lan Li recognizes his ability, then invite him today. Invited a year later, the results are the same; if Lan Li sentenced him out, again, the time difference will not change any results.

This is the reason why Andy chose to leave. He did not further mention his work as an agent, nor did he mention the signing of cooperation with Lanly, or even mentioned his purpose today. He appeared inexplicably and left suddenly. Andy believes that Lanly is a smart man and he understands his intentions.

Lan Li did understand that even if he didn’t say it clearly, the clues were enough for him to reason about the real situation.

Similarly, Lan Li did not rush to make a decision, just like the previous agents who were interested in him, he decided to observe again. It’s not because Lan Li is full of confidence and wants to choose a more big-name agent; it is because Lan Li knows clearly that when an agent selects an artist, the artist should also learn to choose an agent. This is a two-way choice.

Strictly speaking, an artist and an agent are an employment relationship-an artist hires an agent, and they are the buyer’s market.

In Lan Li’s view, the overall situation and values ​​of the agent are more important than the ability, resources and connections. In short, it is the career plan of the artist. An agent who has a long-term perspective, a perspective of the overall situation, and knows how to choose between interests can make an artist even more powerful; on the contrary, the agent may become the tomb of the artist.

Generally speaking, the influence of agents on artists can be divided into three parts.

First of all, it is the choice of interests. The remuneration of the agent comes from the artist’s salary. The top five brokerage companies in the industry are all 10%, while the other brokerage companies are 8%. This also means that the higher the artist’s salary, the greater the income of the agent. high. Therefore, many agents will continue to encourage their artists to take commercial films, even at the expense of selling the artists in exchange for short-term benefits.

Edward Norton is a typical case. At the beginning, he was very eager to participate in the “Big Sale” produced by Paramount. This work invited two big names, Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro, to star. This is their career as an actor. Edward was very excited about the first cooperation. In the end, his agent reached an agreement with Paramount, and the price of Edward joining the “Big Sale” was that he would participate in another Paramount work next. At the instigation of his agent, Edward agreed.

The contract payment was honored a year later. Edward starred in the commercial film “Spick the Sky”, but he was very dissatisfied with the script. After many failed communications with the director and screenwriter, he refused to appear in this work. However, Paramount demanded the contract payment and forced Edward to complete the filming.

After    was finished, Edward fired his agent; the box office of “Stealing the Sky and Changing the Day” also hit the street.

Next is the vision of selecting works. Generally speaking, the artist’s selection of works all come from the recommendation of the agent, after all, the source of the artist’s information is very limited. This also means that the taste of the agent will determine the quality of the artist’s work.

Someone once wondered how Nicholas Cage (-Cage) became the king of bad movies. The origin was that Nicholas went crazy to repay the gambling debts, but the fuse was that the agent’s judgment on the script was greatly disqualified. A tragedy.

There is another situation, that is, the artist proposes a project that he hopes to participate in, but the agent thinks that he might be rushing to the street, so he steals the ball and recommends other works.

The most famous is Sean-Connery (Sean-Connery). At the turn of the century, he was very interested in fantasy stories. Both “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Matrix” entered his vision. However, his agent thought that these two works were too difficult to understand and were likely to hit the street, so he persuaded Sean to abandon these two works, and instead chose the 20th Century Fox’s “A Warrior from Heaven” “. The final outcome couldn’t be clearer.

The last one is to deal with the crisis, the cooperation of the agent and the public relations team, which will become an indispensable part of the artist’s image project.

Kristen-Stewart (Kristen-Stewart) is a typical case.

Born in a small-cost independent film, her good acting skills make people optimistic about her future. With the “Twilight” series, she became popular all over the world. But in fact, Hollywood academics don’t like actors from idol movies. It is often said in the industry that if you star in an idol movie, you will miss the Oscar statuette in the next ten years. This is also the path for idol actors to become narrower and narrower. One of the root causes is easily replaced by a rising star. The popularity of “Twilight” has brought Christine exposure, but it has also caused her to be repeatedly blocked in the independent film industry, and her facial paralysis acting skills have been criticized.

Later, Christine cheated on the director Rupert-Sanders during the filming of “Snow White and the Huntsman”. Not only did he betray his fiancé Robert Pattinson, but Rupert also had a happy life. family. This negative news almost completely ruined her career, and fell to the bottom in the allegations, like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouted and beaten.

Later, she changed her agent. Only less than a year later, she successfully starred in “Still Alice”, “Sirs Maria”, “Waste Agent”, “Private Purchaser”, “Coffee Commune”, “Billy Lynn’s Midfield Battle” and many other works, the partners include Lee/Ann, Woody Allen, Julianne Moore (-Moore) and many other big names.

The career has not only not declined, but it has also flourished and blossomed. In contrast, the other protagonist of the derailment scandal, Rupert has not received any new works for three years, the contrast is evident. Especially considering that when people face the news, they are always more harsh on women and more tolerant to men, but this time it seems to be turned upside down, which makes it more obvious that the agent’s ability is.

Of course, apart from the agent, Kristen’s turnaround was also contributed by an excellent public relations team. This is another matter.

It’s just like when an agent chooses an artist, he will consider their own talents, market value, image packaging, and development possibilities; when choosing an agent, an artist must also consider their business ability, long-term vision, communication skills, and potential. Many reasons such as value.

Leonardo DiCaprio had changed five agents in just two years, with the goal of cooperating with Martin Scorsese (Martin-). UU reads, but if you can, no one wants to change brokers frequently.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise of choice. Most newcomers have no choice. They can only passively wait for the agent to dig, and then climb up step by step. There is nothing else. Other ways. Lan Li is the same.

However, Lan Li has an advantage beyond the reach of others-Rebirth. He understands which works can be successful and which works will hit the street. Even without the guidance of an agent, he can rely on his own efforts and drills. Create a world. Although under the grand framework of Hollywood, independent individuals will struggle without the help of an agent, but at least Lan Li has other possibilities, which is why he is not in a hurry to decide on an agent.

It would be better to be incapable of lacking, and the advantage of rebirth makes Lan Li possess such capital.

In the short confrontation with Andy just now, Lan Li had a preliminary impression of him. From start to finish, he looked like a very nice agent with a smile on his face, but he could feel his calmness and wisdom in his words, but Just the tip of the iceberg is not enough to see the whole picture. What’s more, being able to become a senior broker in an innovative artist brokerage company cannot be underestimated.

He is looking at the other party, why isn’t the other side looking at him? Lan Li believes that they should not wait too long for their next meeting.

“Who was that just now?” After sending Andy away, Lan Li turned and walked towards the party, Neil asked.

“Old friend.” Lan Li replied with a smile, and then took Neil’s shoulders, walked to the table, and said cheerfully, “The party time is here!” Everyone made their own voices and welcomed Lan Li to join the Saint. In the first wave of the Patrick’s Day carnival.

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