The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Grand introduction

Almost the moment when Tom and Steven appeared, the audience boiled, like a pot of boiling water, one by one blisters burst, and fans on both sides of the road waved the posters in their hands vigorously, screaming and shouting. The reporters on both sides of the red carpet rushed toward the front in a swarm, and the flashes were fully lit, giving people the illusion of blindness.

Until this moment, the premiere of “Pacific War” really ushered in its peak.

Bradley hesitated for a moment, struggled a little deep in his heart, and then gave up the blue ceremony, followed his colleagues towards the beginning of the red carpet and crowded, aiming at Tom and Steven’s cannon barrels. Add one more.

Although Lan Li is worth an interview, there are a lot of gimmicks on him; but the Tom and Steven who hired Lan Li, they are the real focus-not to mention Lan Li, at this time everyone else on the court was temporarily put in Aside. For this multiple-choice question, journalists don’t need to struggle.

Following the turbulent direction of the crowd, Lan Li also looked over. Tom and Steven, shrouded in silver light, could only vaguely see the outline of a figure. They could not see the facial expressions at all, and they veered towards The surrounding crowd waved their hands, and the shock of the scene took another step. The fanaticism truly interprets the meaning of “superstar”.

Lan Li couldn’t help showing a big smile, turned his head and exchanged a glance with Lamy, as if to say, “Sure enough, it is a real big name, and the appearance is still different.”

Lamy stood on tiptoe and yelled into Lan Li’s ear, “Next time you attend the premiere, remember to check in advance and don’t pick the wrong time.” After the shining debut, Tom and Steven, let alone newcomers, even those first-tier stars must be overshadowed. The timing of Lan Li’s debut is not a good one.

On the contrary, Lan Li, who was the client, was very open, and the corners of his slightly raised mouth deliberately tugged, and then shrugged helplessly. The innocent and calm appearance, even if he didn’t say a word, the meaning could not be more obvious. It made Lamy laugh dumbly.

The two industry leaders became the focus of the audience, and the spotlight shrouded the two people like a shadow. It seemed that the center of gravity of the audience was tilted. This gave Lan Li enough social space. Accompanied by Lamy, the two people When I came to the entrance of the theater, I took the initiative to greet my colleagues in the crew of “True Love is Blood” and “Brothers Company”.

Although this is a little different from the premiere that Lan Li imagined, there is no spotlight to follow, no cheers, or even the enthusiasm of reporters to visit, it is more like a formality, walking on the red carpet, strolling around, and then It’s over; but the feeling of loss just stayed in the chest for a moment, and soon disappeared. Participating in the shooting of the “Pacific War” is amazing enough in itself. This is just the beginning. He shouldn’t Too greedy, isn’t it?

In a blink of an eye, Lan Li made a lot of new friends.

“So, what does it feel like when you see your father full-face/naked in the movie?” Alexander Skarsgard was taken aback when he heard Renly’s question, and then he slapped his thighs and laughed. Get up-his father, Strand Skarsgard (-Skarsgard) is a Swedish national treasure actor, also has a good reputation in Europe, and later four of their six siblings became actors.

Alexander realized that he was a little rude, he could not help touching part of the person, concealing his mouth that was unable to close together, “My sex/enlightenment education is that my father took me to watch limited/standard/grade movies with me. This is for me Established a psychological foundation, and later when I saw it in the movie, I was not too surprised.”

Compared with American actors, European actors are always more free and more casual in showing their bodies, purely as part of art, which is also one of the reasons for the differences in the styles of film works between the two continents.

“I have watched two Lars-von-Trier (Lars-von-Trier), both starring Strand. So, sorry, I know that the behavior just now was a bit rude.” Lan Li politely expressed himself I apologize. For most of the second and third generations of the performing arts family, what they are most annoying is that others mention their family background. Once they enter the entertainment industry, they can’t wait to get rid of the halo of family background and want to break out of their own. day.

Alexander really doesn’t like others mentioning his father, but he has to admit that Lanly’s way is really ingenious. He didn’t feel offended or resisted. “No, no.” Alexander shook his head with a smile, “Call next time.” At time, I will tell my father about this, I think, he should be very happy to be friends with you.”

“Lan Li? Lan Li?” Just as Lan Li was about to respond to Alexander, there was a call from behind, which came out of the speaker. It was really abrupt. This made both people turn their heads, and then they saw what was in front of them. The crowd gave way to a channel-they stood in the cast chatting, and at the end of the channel were Tom and Steven who were being interviewed by the media.

After    widened his vision, Tom saw the low-key but ingenious Lan Li at a glance, showed a big smile, and waved at Lan Li.

What happened?

Lan Li was not clear, so he said sorry to Alexander, and then stepped forward. When passing by Lamy, he cast a suspicious look, and Lamy showed a big smile and took the lead in applauding.

Applause? Why do you applaud?

Tom also took the lead in applauding, and the sound spread through the stereo, “Gentlemen and ladies, give our boy a little encouragement.” Applause and whistles on the scene gradually rose, and the reporters’ flashes were all lit up instantly, killing Lan Li. One was caught off guard-he thought the premiere was nearing its end, why did it feel like the **** had just begun?

There are countless question marks in his mind, but Lan Li’s footsteps are very steady, not slow, but there is always a kind of calm and calm calmness, and finally stopped by Tom’s side, raised his head and nodded to Steven next to him. We said hello, and then we saw James Becky Dale and Jon Seda who were one step behind. So, is this an introduction to the main actors?

“This is Renly Hall, the soul character in this TV series.” Tom took the initiative to introduce, “As you all know, the role played by Damian-Lewis throughout the’Brother Company’ is played by Damian-Lewis. Yes; however, this time it’s a bit different. The whole story is divided into three narratives, but the character played by Lan Li is the core soul of the whole series.”

“Swipe”, Lan Li could even clearly hear the sound of air friction. In an instant, everyone’s eyes fell on his shoulders, and the pressure surged, pressing heavily on his shoulders, as if to top it. The weight of a mountain makes it difficult to breathe.

Perceiving the touch in his hand and lowering his head, Lan Li saw the staff handed him a microphone. He subconsciously took it and scanned the audience. One second before he was still chattering behind, and the next second. It became the focus of the audience’s attention. He originally thought that today’s premiere would be like this, but he didn’t expect that after the turn of events, he was a little surprised.

“Tom, James and Jon are watching from behind.” Lanly’s tone did not deliberately fluctuate, just a serious reminder, but people quickly reacted, and the whole audience laughed in an instant, even standing next to them. Steven couldn’t help but smile.

Bradley’s eyes lit up suddenly, and Tom’s actions just now explained many problems-he not only selected a newcomer to be one of the three main protagonists of the “Pacific War”; he was also very satisfied with the performance of this newcomer. This signal means too much. As a result, Bradley raised his right hand high, he seized the first opportunity and successfully got the opportunity to ask questions.

“Tom, as far as I know, Renley is a complete newcomer. He hasn’t appeared in any works before. Why did you choose him to play the core soul?” Bradley is still in the term “core soul”. Shang bite hard, accentuating his tone, and the reporters began to look forward to the answer.

“In fact, Steven and I had a dispute about whether to use the blue gift. We all know that activating a newcomer is an adventure, and it may even be a risk of losing everything.” Tom’s words successfully lifted everyone up. “But it turns out that our choice is correct. Lanly is a very special actor, and his performance has a special spirituality that is impressive.”

“Wow,” all the reporters were in an uproar. Tom’s praising attitude was really clear. The sight that fell on Lan Li’s body suddenly became complicated. Apart from envy and jealousy, he was also picky and expectant. People are always harsh on newcomers, in any industry and at all times.

“Steven, what do you think?” Tom’s transfer question caused the reporters to divert their attention.

Steven put his hands on his chest and made a defensive posture. He gently shook his body twice before saying, “The Pacific War and the Company of Brothers are completely different works. For the actors The requirements are also very different. So we are always very careful in the process of selecting actors. Choosing a newcomer like Lan Li is a gamble.” There was a slight pause, and the eyes hidden behind the eyes flashed. Shem, “But as Tom said, our choice is wise.”

Although there is no positive compliment, Steven’s words are undoubtedly more solid, and all the reporters on the scene immediately have a buzzing discussion.

In the much-anticipated work “Pacific War”, Lan Li instantly stood out and became the focus of attention. However, this is definitely a double-edged sword. The existence of expectations and attention has made people put forward higher requirements. If the final product is not satisfactory, then Lanly, a newcomer with no foundation, will face the ruthless criticism and criticism from the media. Taunt; of course, if successful, the effect will naturally increase exponentially.

The situation began to become more subtle.

“Lan Li! Look here! Look here!” The reporters in the audience shouted and quickly captured this moment, but whether this is a moment of honor or a moment of shame, only the audience can judge.

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