The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Meet again

Jennifer looked around the room at will, and quickly noticed the chaos left on the next hospital bed/, a dark blue backpack, a pair of scraps of paper, and some handicraft making tools, “What is today’s event? ?”

In order to keep the muscles developed and flexible, Heather has to carry out a lot of rehabilitation every day. Even the movement of fingers such as writing can be regarded as a kind of rehabilitation.

“Kite.” Heather replied subconsciously, but immediately reacted and answered the wrong question. “No, today’s reconstruction is not about making anything, but…” Heather was a little irritated and didn’t want to continue talking about her recovery. Jian, so he cut off the words directly, “Anyway, those are not rebuilt things, but… just…” Heather couldn’t find a suitable vocabulary to describe it, this feeling is really terrible!

Jennifer could perceive Heather’s contradictions and entanglements. She did not persecute further, but half-jokingly condemned, “So, what about the kite? Did this guy make half of the thing and then slip away?”

Heather did not speak, turned his head and looked out the window deeply, with an obscure expression that made people unable to guess.

Jennifer couldn’t help being a little surprised, walked to the window, and saw the joyous crowd below-Alex was pulling a kite in his hand, running fast down the slope, and a little girl was standing behind him pulling the kite shaft. Behind her, a tall man squatted down, grabbed the kite string with both hands, controlling the speed of the kite, and then a group of little guys ran aimlessly behind Alex.

Laughter, noise, roaring noise… In the early spring sunshine, the vigorous vitality in the air broke through the shackles of winter, and vented heartily, and there were many hospitalized children and parents standing bustling next to them. Everyone, everyone seemed to be watching the excitement, and a smile appeared on their faces involuntarily.

Inadvertently, the corners of Jennifer’s mouth rose slightly.

Mount Sinai Hospital is a children’s hospital. Although people are close to trying to be optimistic and the children’s laughter is always boiling, but the heaviness in the heart is always lingering, the young lives that have been tortured by the disease. It is always unbearable. But today, the laughter shattered by the breeze made the whole hospital come alive.

Turning around, Jennifer saw Heather loose her teeth quickly, but the slowly regaining **** lips revealed her movements just now, and the stubbornness in her eyes could not conceal the surging envy.

In the past few months, she would visit Heather whenever she was free, maybe because they were both girls and they were similar in age, Heather did not reject her approach, which made the two of them good friends. But today, Heather’s reaction is really abnormal.

After thinking about it, Jennifer deliberately asked, “Heather, is he the one who made the kite?” Although there was no indication, Jennifer’s instinct told her that Heather knew who she was talking about, but Heather did not. He answered directly, but lowered his eyes and avoided the question, which is even more strange.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his head, and Jennifer said tentatively, “So, he is the guy?” The guy who disappeared for nearly eight months because of work.

Regarding the story of that guy, Jennifer heard her ears become calloused. Every nurse here knows him, and many people praise him. Later, he left New York for work, and he also made persistent calls. Come back and ask about the situation. Even Heather is no exception. She always talks about that guy’s funny things, as if her memories are bright bright yellow.

But as time progressed, he never came back to New York. Heather gradually began to lose his smile, almost thinking that he would never come back again, just like those fading friends in her life. As a result, Heather closed his heart again and refused to make new friends. Even rebuilding was not so active, as if…giving up.

Jennifer’s words were only spoken, and Heather’s brows were frowned, and the turbulence in the eyes could hardly be hidden. Even if she didn’t speak, Jennifer had already got the answer she wanted.

Jennifer couldn’t help but turned her head and looked out the window again, because the distance was too far, so she couldn’t see the person’s face, she could only vaguely see a palm-sized figure, but the bright smile that was enough to eclipse the sun was clear. The ground came into view, so that the line of sight was always involuntarily leaning on him.

“Yes, it is him.” Heather replied abruptly, breaking the silence in the room, “He is Lan Li.”

“The legendary Lan Li!” Jennifer joked meaningfully. The code between the girls couldn’t be more obvious. Jennifer almost did not hide the hint that Heather was secretly in love with Lan Li.

This ridiculous remark made Heather gritted his teeth, “I just like the music he recommended.” After the explanation, Heather felt that it was still not enough, so he added, “He is a very knowledgeable person. You all know that I just simply enjoy the process of talking with him.”

No one can know everything. But Jennifer didn’t burst Heather’s fantasy bubble. Every girl would have a crush. That object seemed to be omnipotent, glowing like the sun in every move. As long as he appeared, it would be the whole world. Every girl is the same. Jennifer couldn’t help but think of her crush. It was… high school? Junior high school? The memory has become so fuzzy.

“So, Lan Li is finally back, shouldn’t you be happy?” Jennifer asked curiously.

Heather looked out the window quietly, with a hint of envy in her eyes. She envied those people who could run wildly and feel the solidity and weight of the earth with her feet; she envied those people who could laugh wildly, but the lungs would never feel it. Scorching and clogging; she envied those people who could enjoy the sun like a normal person, talking, writing, and walking, which were taken for granted to other patients, but they were stripped from her body bit by bit. She has a sense of humiliation.

“But, he will leave again after all, won’t he?” Heather said softly. After going through the parting time and time again, she was tired of it.

Jennifer sighed lightly, “How do you know that he is not worried about your leaving deep in his heart?”

“How can I leave? I’m trapped here! Forever!” Heather shouted excitedly, even sitting up, clenching his fists, his cheeks flushed, and using all his strength to express his anger.

Jennifer wanted to give her a hug, but she resisted it, because she knew that at this moment, Heather did not need the comfort and mercy of others, “Heather, you know what I mean.” Gradually freezing the disease, There is no treatment now. Therefore, at the end of time, it is very likely that Heather will leave first, not Lan Li, or someone else. “Lan Li chose to come back. He is more courageous than others, and you Chose to escape.”

Jennifer’s words were so cruel. He cut Heather’s fig leaf cruelly and made her feel ashamed, but she didn’t stop there. Instead, she went on to say, “The doctor said, you can still walk now.” Heather is sick. The speed of development has exceeded expectations, but it has not deteriorated to a terrible level. Now Heather can still walk, but she chose to give up.

Heather was stabbed in pain, speechless, and could only shout at Jennifer, “You don’t know, you don’t know anything, you are a healthy person, just stand by and watch my jokes, yours The words are so easy, but you don’t know what it means to me!” Heather pointed to the door, “Go out, I ask you to go out!”

Jennifer opened her mouth, still wanting to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he finally left in strides.

She wants to help Heather, she desperately wants to help Heather, but after all, she is still too young. In her twenty-year-old life, she has not experienced so many winds and waves. Sometimes, even if she wants to help, she has no energy. . This sense of powerlessness and frustration made her hate herself a bit.

But, she also knows that this is not about her. The patients who are suffering from the illness are the protagonists. She can’t force the patients to accept her kindness because of her powerlessness and eagerness, right?

Leaving the ward, Jennifer’s brain was numb. Before she could look up, she saw a wall at the door. She couldn’t help but step back half a step. When she raised her head, she saw Lan Li standing at the door. She was stunned. ——Because she recognized it at a glance This is the man I met at the Los Angeles airport last time, and the kite in his hand at this time implies that he is the one Heather said Lan Li, the amount of information is a bit too big, and Jennifer can’t handle it all at once.

Lan Li also saw Jennifer in front of him, and his eyebrows rose slightly. He heard the tail of the quarrel just now, and was still wondering who it was. He didn’t expect to see a completely unexpected character. However, at this time there is a more important task. Lanly nodded at Jennifer with a smile, without saying much, opened the door of the ward and walked in.

“Get out!” Heather didn’t even see who came, so he roared over. However, this time she didn’t get a response, so she shouted again, “Get out!” Lifting her head, she saw Lan Li.

Lan Li held a butterfly kite in his hand, and stood there with a smile, not showing any abnormality due to Heather’s emotional ups and downs, but standing calmly and calmly on the spot.

Heather only felt that she had hit a cotton wall, and it felt really bad that she couldn’t make it out, so she turned her head angrily and refused to communicate with Lan Li in any way.

Lan Li stepped forward again, walked to the window, carefully set the kite up, and then took two steps back and looked at it. After confirming that it was correct, he smiled at Heather, “I’m leaving now. See you next week, Heather.” As if nothing happened just now, Lan Li walked to the side, packed his things, and then left the room.

The room was quiet again, but Heather couldn’t help but fall on the kite. Behind the transparent windows was the blue sky. The kite was placed there motionless. It looked a bit contrary but incomparably harmonious, and he could bear it in his mind. I couldn’t help but began to describe the appearance of this butterfly kite flying into the sky.

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