The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Intertwined fate

Chris was leaning against the door of the room tightly, as if worried that the Blue Ly would break in, his heart beating hard like a drum, his dry throat began to itchy, he couldn’t help coughing twice, he could only forcefully I held my mouth to avoid making a sound.

After finally waiting for his breathing to stabilize, Chris locked the door of the room, walked quickly to the bed, and pulled out the “Thor” script under the mattress. Ecstatic emotions surged, and the real feeling of touching with his hands It almost blurs the brain into a blank, and almost loses his breath.

Calm, Calm!

Chris had to force himself to calm down and start planning for the next step.

He must fly back to Los Angeles immediately, read the script thoroughly, truly understand the role of Sol, and even find an acting teacher to guide him to ensure that he fits 100% with Kenneth’s perfect candidate; and then through an agent. , To get in touch with people related to Marvel Studios or Paramount Pictures, you only need a non-essential person around, if you can meet the director, then it would be great. After getting the opportunity, he stepped forward Show yourself, the next step is to wait for the call of the key figures, which is enough.

If necessary, he can also contact Bryan-Burk, the producer of “Star Trek”-this work is also produced by Paramount, and Bryan is still inside Paramount. Some connections. When filming “Star Trek”, Brian always showed his favor, and it was time to take advantage of it.

In the absence of a script, it depends on personal connections or works. The road to top big productions is too narrow, especially for actors like Chris with poor acting skills. But now the situation has changed drastically. He can prepare in advance, and still prepare according to the official standard of the film. As long as a gap is opened in the airtight network, this is enough.

Thinking of this, Chris couldn’t help being excited!

During the time he was working hard in Hollywood, he had seen enough of those proud and indifferent faces, one by one seemed to be aristocratic, but in fact they were just a group of pugs who bit their tails to please others! They have been discriminating against him, and they are not even willing to look at him with a straight eye. In the future, he will pay back ten times! There is also Lan Li, and Lan Li is the same!

Lan Li got the opportunity of “Thunder God”, but he didn’t know how to cherish it, so he pretended to be lofty and disgusting. But he must thank Lan Li, right? Now, the initiative of opportunity is already in his hand, and he will never give up easily. When he stands at the top of the Hollywood pyramid, if he is in a good mood, he can completely pull a blue gift and express his gratitude.

As for guilt? Why should he be guilty? This is Hollywood, Hollywood with no compromises. He seized the opportunity wisely, so he was the one who had the last laugh!

Once, Gwyneth Paltrow (-Paltrow) and Winona-Ryder (Winona-Ryder) are Hollywood’s most famous best friends, a pair of beautiful sisters. Winona became famous when she was young, her acting agile, she was the co-worker that countless directors longed for; Gwyneth had a prominent family background, her father was a producer, her mother was an actor, and Steven Spielberg was her godfather.

In 1997, Winona at the time was tired of Hollywood’s intrigue and public attention. Her mental state fell into a trough, and her acting career began to fall into a quagmire. But even so, she was still the director’s darling, and she was constantly invited.

One day, Gwyneth went to Winona’s house to play, but Winona lay groggy on the bed because of taking too much cold medicine. Bored, Gwyneth was under the coffee table in Winona’s living room. When she found a script, she flipped through it under curiosity.

Gwyneth saw the script, and in desperation, she took the script and didn’t tell Winona. Winona, who was in a terrible state of mind at the time, did not notice this incident at all. Later, Gwyneth relied on the study of the script and found the producer and director through his contacts. The audition was successful and the role was won. With this work, he won the Oscar for Best Actress, the Little Golden Man.

Yes, this work is “Shakespeare in Love”.

Later, Winona learned about this and confronted Gwyneth in person. Gwyneth confessed, but this pair of friends who had once loved sisters completely tore their faces and became strangers ever since. Winona has gone further and further down the road of self-sacrifice, and although Gwyneth has been the most annoying actress voted by the Americans for many years, her career has flourished.

This is Hollywood. The one who laughs last is the winner. As for the means? No one cares.

A picture of everyone surrendering to his feet appeared in Chris’s mind, and his smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth. Because he was so happy, he almost laughed out loud. Chris buried his entire head in the pillow. Inside, smiling sullenly and wantonly, the result was still not enjoyable enough. He stood up and shook his fist. The whole person was flying in the air, but he didn’t want to be under his feet but was mixed with garlic, and kicked directly to the corner of the bed, the unspeakable pain It swept over, “Ah!” I couldn’t help but screamed.

“Chris?” Lan Li’s caring voice came from the living room, “Are you okay?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Chris explained hurriedly. The script in his hand was thrown under the bed again, lest Lan Li came in directly, “It’s just that it just hit the threshold.”

“Haha, Hulk.” Lan Li’s teasing words came again, and Chris chuckled twice as a response, but there was already a cold sweat behind him.

After such a small accident, Chris finally calmed down, took the script and hid in his private bathroom, and began to read carefully.

Fate is a very wonderful thing. Many people always push the luck and misfortune of life to “destiny”. It seems that this is the answer to all questions. The invisible hand of God controls all of this, which will make Life becomes simpler.

But in fact, destiny is always in the hands of everyone. A key choice at a critical moment will lead to a completely different life principle. However, standing at the node of the future to re-examine the past, no one knows whether or not he will make the same choice once again. Perhaps, the destiny has long been determined by the character, and the choice has long been doomed.

Lan Li looked at the door of Chris’ room, and he could feel that Chris’ performance tonight was a bit unusual. He was upside down and panicked, as if he had done something wrong. But after thinking about it for a while, Lan Li couldn’t figure out what was going on. After all, Chris had been to Los Angeles for so long before, and he just came back today. The intersection between the two is really limited-isn’t it?

Could it be that there is a woman hiding in Chris’ house now? An idea suddenly popped into Lan Li’s mind. If that was the case, it made sense, especially if the woman was still a famous actor, then it made sense. They don’t want to be known by other people, or break the news to tabloid reporters, so it is only natural for them to act low-key.

Thinking of this, Lan Li couldn’t help but chuckle, turned off the hall lights, turned back to his room, and left some private space for Chris. Look, what a considerate roommate he is.

The next day, Chris packed his bags again and set off to fly to Los Angeles. He didn’t even say hello to Lan Li. Lan Li was a little surprised by his resolute attitude.

However, this is not uncommon in Hollywood. The newcomer actor travels long distances for an audition, eagerly hoping that this audition can be a breakthrough to break the deadlock, and even desperately puts it all, but the results are often not satisfactory. This is also the reason why most actors choose to settle in Los Angeles and New York-there are enough opportunities here, they do not need to travel long distances, they can invest in auditions anytime, even if they need to go to different places, the traffic in the two big cities will be Many conveniences.

Lan Li didn’t gossip about Chris’ career development. After he finished cleaning up, he called Roy. After a night of thinking, he decided to refuse the audition invitation.

Whether it is Thor or Rocky, it can be seen from the development context of the previous life. Once you decide to play, you will be bundled with the armored car Marvel; even Tom-Hiddleston (Tom-Hiddleston) ) Through Loki, he won super popularity, but Marvel still refused to give Loki more room to play. Under the entire Marvel universe, actors have very little say.

After comprehensive consideration, Lan Li gave up this opportunity altogether, without any muddling, which made Roy strangled; however, Lan Li didn’t care. After packing up his things, he left the apartment. This morning, he left the apartment. To go to Brooklyn, where there is a street skateboarding contest, he is one of the contestants.

As for the script, after deciding to refuse, Lan Li also left behind, completely unaware that the place where the script was originally placed is now empty.

In fact, Lanly’s skateboarding skills are not superb at all. Even if he participates, it is estimated to be the bottom of the bottom. After all, his study time is too short and the energy invested is limited. But for Renly, the result of the game is not the focus. The process of the game is the one. This is also a major goal after his rebirth-enjoying life to the full, learning skateboarding, learning guitar, and learning surfing. It is planned to look for a basic trekking route in the second half of the year, put on a backpack and start hiking.

Dreams are very important, and life is also very important. In this life, he will live his life out of his own color.

Walking downstairs, Lan Li threw the skateboard to the ground, and slid out with a “boom”, but there was a call from behind, “Lan Li! Lan Li!”

Lan Li stepped on the floor with his left foot, looked back, and saw a chubby figure, a dark gray shirt with a black trench coat, even the chubby belly is just right, quite Italian black /Hand/The party’s powerful aura, but he trot over all the way out of breath. Not only did he not look imposing, he was even a little embarrassed. The sweat on his forehead was falling down. People who didn’t know thought he had just Finished the marathon.

“Huh, God… God…” He supported his knees with both hands, panting heavily, Lan Li looked at the distance to the door of his house, even less than thirty yards, and then looked at this place in front of him. The figure sweating profusely has a sense of comicality inexplicably. “Give me a minute.” The fat man adjusted his breathing and said with red light on his face.

Lan made a “please” gesture politely, “Such a beautiful morning, I still have a minute. Mr. Rogers.”

The fat man standing in front of him is Andy Rogers, the agent of the creative artist agency Before the “Pacific War” started, he personally visited Lanly in the pioneer village. I originally thought that he would come to the door immediately after the episode started, but I didn’t expect that the episode would have been played last week, and he didn’t appear until today.

“Is it only a minute?” Andy took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, “I don’t know if you have half an hour, we can sit down and talk.”

He still needs to fly back to Los Angeles this afternoon. The “Thor” casting competition has reached the fiercest moment. The three actors in the hands of the creative artist agency are infinitely close to the final victory. He must be there in person and participate in the audition process; In this way, he gave up his plan to fly directly back to Chicago, and instead took a detour to New York. He arrived at the airport at 6:30 in the morning and rushed over without stopping.

Because he knows that the time to sign Renli is ripe, he doesn’t want to miss this potential new star.

“I’m heading to Brooklyn now. If you don’t mind, we can walk and talk while walking on the road.” Lan Li was not flattered. During the “Pacific War” broadcast, the agent who contacted him had broken through double digits. At least three are from the top five brokerage companies, and Andy is just one of them.

Andy didn’t seem surprised at all about Lanly’s answer, and made an invitation gesture, “Of course there is no problem.” As if the afternoon flight did not exist at all, “There has been a lot of discussion about you in Hollywood recently. I wonder if you heard the wind in New York?”

“I hope it’s some compliments.” Lan Li’s answer made Andy chuckle. “Of course, of course. If I guessed correctly, you should have received some big project invitations. This is the best proof. Now. For example,’Thor’.”

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