The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 99

Chapter 98 Fall apart

The gap is really too small, only a trace, but he can feel the little bit of coolness, as if the air is flowing, although it is impossible to confirm whether this is true or his own illusion, but the weak possibility makes the adrenaline completely burst. When he came out, he started to buckle the small seam with his fingertips, trying to lift the lid up a little.

But…not moving.

He remembered the nails he had nailed just now. He had nailed every part of the coffin densely and tightly without leaving any gaps. He tried his best to put his fingertips into the gap, but there was no possibility at all. The fingertips could even detect the thick and warm blood, still not shaken at all, as if a large coffin was sitting on the lid of a coffin. Like, that small and weak feeling dragged him into the bottomless abyss, and after the excitement of free fall, only endless despair remained.

No, he will not give up, he refuses to give up.

took a deep breath, the boiling air started to sting after it entered the lungs, and the stomach tumbling began to retching again. He gritted his teeth and swallowed the feeling abruptly. Then he picked up the shoelace and stuffed the shoelace into the gap little by little.

In the dark, he could not see his own results, he could only rely on his instinct/ability to keep squeezing, but the shoelaces began to accumulate at his fingertips and he couldn’t plug them out at all. All the shoelaces were stuck in the gaps, motionless. No matter how hard he tried, all his actions were just futile, and the shoelaces seemed to be stuck in place without any progress.

He grabbed the shoelace and pulled it back fiercely. He didn’t expect the shoelace to be pulled out easily. The right hand was too hard and it directly hit the wooden board on the top of his head. There was severe pain in the back of his hand and wrist. The restrained irritability erupted, but he couldn’t vent it. He was like a wounded beast, frantically grabbing the gap, fiddling with his fingertips, and finally starting to get angry at himself.

He clenched his fists, opened his mouth wide, and screamed silently. The strength of his whole body burst out in the tight muscles, “Ah!” But there was no sound in the throat, but the mouth was opened wide. The anger, depression, struggle, and pain that were vented heartily, but there was no sign of it, only a moment of sadness. The gray despair climbed up like a vine, wrapped around the ankles, spread quickly, and swallowed the whole person bit by bit. Not even a bit of residue is left.

Despair slowly settled down, the ox-hairy gray emotions penetrated every inch of the blood, wrapped around the heart, swallowing the bright vitality and vigorous vitality with big mouths, and then the chest cavity slowly sank. It seemed that the last bit of strength had been evacuated, and even the spine had been taken away, leaving only a pair of skins left in the whole person, falling down softly, splashing a piece of dust.

The last trace of the eyes also scattered, the pupils began to collapse, and the whole soul was shattered.

Human beings are always so stupid, aren’t they? Just before the explosion, he had a big fight with Linda. They had been in a cold war for two weeks and had not communicated a word. But Linda called him about Sean. I was still discussing the child’s affairs, but in the end it ended in a quarrel.

He thinks Linda doesn’t understand his hard work. He is covered with yellow sand here in Iraq. He can’t even take a bath as much as he wants, not to mention the terrible diet and ubiquitous explosions. The reason why he did it. , Is to make the last effort for this family, but can’t get understanding.

Linda thinks he doesn’t understand her burden. The busyness of work makes her unable to spare any time, but she must take care of Sean, otherwise she will miss the child’s childhood and never have it again. She just wants her mother or His mother came to accompany Sean for a while to relieve her pressure, but he disagreed.

The quarrel ended when Linda hung up his phone. Linda said that she would let her mother come to live for a while, whether he wanted it or not. He was out of the ground and angry, because he knew that his mother-in-law never liked him, even when life was stable before and everything was moving in a positive direction. If his mother-in-law lives in his house, then his last piece of pure land will also disappear. Maybe Linda and Sean will be persuaded to get further and further away from him.

He really thought that their marriage had come to an end, and it seemed that there was no room for recovery. But now, he is here. He is lying in a coffin and buried alive in the middle of the desert. How ironic, he does not want to end their marriage, he still wants to go home, he does not want to continue arguing with Linda, he still I love her deeply, but he still has no chance.

Ironically, his company abandoned him, and all the benefits promised at the time were gone because they fired him. When he was still in the coffin and did not breathe, he shuddered cruelly and coldly, and all of this Just to separate the relationship, everything is not worth the exchange of interests; his government/government has also abandoned him, the so-called “saving every citizen” is just a joke in the face of national interests, and they will not come to save him anymore. , Even the soldiers in Iraq have been abandoned, and the government only cares about oil.

Therefore, he has nothing. He has lost his wife, lost his son, lost support, lost his homeland, lost his life, and even lost his faith. So, what is left of him? When he died, was there only a soulless skin left?

He began to lose consciousness gradually. He couldn’t feel his feet or hands. The narrow space was compressed to the extreme, and even the air adhered to the skin obediently, and all his sensations seemed to be magnified. Extreme, but it seems to be imprisoned to the extreme, that kind of suffocation is so clear, so clear that it makes people desperate. In a daze, he returned to the hospital bed. He was still Chu Jiashu, and still Chu Jiashu who was paralyzed from a high position.

He struggled with his body, but found that he could not move at all. The nightmare that had haunted him for ten years returned to his body again, and his soul was imprisoned in his body again. The panic swept across his eyes. The warmth piled up, no matter how he struggled, his body didn’t feel any, cold, only a piece of cold remained.

Everything is back to the original point. His dream is just a joke, and his efforts are nothing but vain. His persistence, his hard work, and his efforts are all just dying struggles. What is even more ridiculous is that, He thought that he had finally won the opportunity to spread his wings again, embracing freedom like a moth into a fire, but in the end he fell into the abyss and broke his bones.

He is not reconciled, but what can he do if he is not reconciled? Regret can’t help him, and anger can’t help. Even if you try your best, it won’t help. The kind of suffocation firmly grasps the throat, heart-piercing but silent, and watched his soul bit by bit, bit by bit. Swallowed by gray despair.

vivid and cruel, real and cold.

The dimensional wall of reality and illusion was completely broken at this moment, and he could no longer distinguish clearly whether he was Renly or Paul, or Chu Jiashu, or else he was a wandering soul without identity. Everything in the past was just A dream, even the thirty-two years of the previous life is a dream. When the dream awakened, it was unable to accept the reality and fell into madness, falling apart. All the clues of the story are chaotic and into a ball, Paul’s, Lan Li’s, and Chu Jiashu’s, as if three memory puzzles have been knocked over, all the fragments are mixed together, the reflection is in the kaleidoscope, dazzling, But it’s hard to tell the truth.

He tried to clenched his fists, but found that his brain had lost control of his hands; he tried to breathe, but found that his throat had been completely locked; he tried to move his thoughts, but found that his mind had been turned over and in a mess. Even the warm tears in the eye sockets gradually lost their temperature and were biting to the bone, then evaporated into air and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, time has completely lost its meaning. I don’t know whether one second or one hour has passed. The air becomes thinner and thinner. The boiling oxygen burns in the lungs, like thousands of embroidery needles are moving. The tearing pain passed faintly, and the unconscious body seemed to be able to feel a little movement at last.

But the slightest movement is the death knell.

Grim Reaper’s hands firmly grasped his neck, UU Reading’s sharp nails pierced his throat, and then with force, pinching out the traces of blue and purple, the torture of suffocation caused darkness to pour into the body, the whole The person began to sink, as if sinking into the vast and deserted sea, surrounded by the icy sea, and the biting despair slowly frozen the blood into ice, and the whole person sank like this, continuously sinking, the unfathomable sea water As if it would never reach the bottom, it would never reach the end, only to be imprisoned in endless nothingness.

The soul is withering.

He can’t move his body, but his mind is still active; the dream is still dead, but he still has the qualifications to dream; the progress is hindered, but he can still try again after failure; life is trapped in reality, but he can still have it Little happiness. However, the wings of freedom were broken, and the soul was slowly withering and dissipating. “He” no longer existed. Whether it was Chu Jiashu, Lanli, or Paul, he would dissipate, and the last thought was extinguished. It was the moment when he completely disappeared in this world, completely obliterated.

is over, everything is over.

light, a ray of light penetrated, but the faint light was so sharp that it stabbed my eyes with a dull pain, “huh…” exhaled a long breath, is this the light of rebirth? Or the light of the end? He wasted the chance of rebirth, so it ended completely, right? How ridiculous, how ridiculous, how nihilistic, but it really is over.

“Lan Li? Lan Li! **** Christ! Lan Li! Wake up, please, wake up!”

The sound from far and near, like Hong Zhong, slammed on the soul, and the pain was surging, and every cell in the body began to roar and shout. In an instant, emerged from the deep sea!

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