The Greatest Sin

Chapter 35 – Negotiating with a Hammer

Ilwin lit up a cigarette when he left Arascus’ office, smoked it in just three long drags, and then lit up another. The whole plan relied on using the rifles. Now they weren’t allowed to?

Back to the drawing board.

Kavaa sat with Iniri and Helenna. One in common green, one dressed like summer and one in luscious red. The three where sat in the Spring Garden, trying to build up each other’s confidence in order to try and summon enough bravery to actually go and visit Kassandora. This has been going for a good few weeks now and each time they had a discussion about how to avoid working with the Goddess of War, but the road back from that conclusion would always circle around and end up at the woman they were trying to miss.

“We have guests.” Kavaa said as she looked past Helenna and Iniri.

“Who?” The Goddesses turned around to look behind them. Maisara and Fortia: stunning and beautiful, imposing and cold, domineering and arrogant, came walking towards them. Kavaa looked them up and down, Of Order in her silver amour, Of Peace in her gold. They may as well have been twins, the only difference being the difference in colour. A chest-piece became a battleskirt, which then became tall knee-high boots. They tapped rhythmically as they approached, Order and Peace did not walk; they marched.

“Let me.” Helenna whispered. Kavaa leaned back and gave the Goddess of Love her turn. There wasn’t any sort of idea in her mind that she could somehow be a better than negotiator than Helenna. The Goddess of Love flicked her hair as it became a bloody crimson, she turned her seat, and waited for the two to approach. “It’s a pleasure to see the two of you here.” Helenna said, she crossed her arms and leaned back as Iniri moved her chair closed to Kavaa and behind Helenna. “If we knew you were coming, we’d have brought more teacups.”

Maisara took a heavy breath and took a step back. Helenna smiled smugly and even Kavaa wanted to laugh. If Fortia was leading, then it means they wanted an outcome which wasn’t just an argument. “We come to negotiate.” Fortia sounded as if the words were making her choke.

“You’ve come to negotiate?” Helenna asked idly. “Excuse me? You? To us?” Fortia gave a single to the woman and sighed.

“The Pantheon will soon enter a post-Leona era.” Fortia said. “Our stability will need stronger foundations than pure luck.” Helenna looked back at Kavaa and Iniri for a moment. It wasn’t enough to communicate any expression, it was just another one of her theatrics.

“We are honoured you suddenly consider us relevant enough to let us take part in laying the foundations.”

“The Pantheon works best united.” That reasoning was pure Maisara and Fortia.

“So?” Helenna crossed her arms and asked easily. “I assume you already have some idea on how the foundations should look.”

“We would be more than willing to hear any issues you have with our idea, as well as listen to any alternatives.” Fortia said and Helenna shrugged.

“You didn’t answer the question lovely Fortia. We,” Helenna swept her arm back to Kavaa and Iniri, “wanted to know what sort of house the mighty architects before us have thought of.”

“Shared responsibility with no hierarchy apart from during times of crisis. Then the Divine whose domain is most applicable would be tasked to lead.” Fortia extended an arm to Kavaa. “During a great pandemic, for example, Kavaa would lead until the population is cured. Other than that, every Divine would simply deal with their own field and leave the others alone.”

Kavaa wanted to laugh. To stand up and chase the two out. She had never heard of such stupidity. She felt Iniri grab her hand tight, and Helenna turned around. The woman’s red hair momentarily turned pink before morphing to a gold. Kavaa knew what pink meant, it was embarrassment or humour. Either could fit. “Excuse me?” Helenna asked.

“Each God would be tasked to handling their own domain and nothing else. We would stay out of each other’s way.” Helenna gave them a heavy sigh.

“And this great system…” Helenna said. “I don’t have to point out that Olympiada will collapse before Allasaria agrees to it.”

“That is the issue we want help with.” Fortia said coldly. “To defeat Allasaria, she has already shown signs of growing domineering towards the other Divines. Without Leona’s luck, both of us expect executions.” Kavaa wanted to laugh. Who would have thought being completely stubborn sows who refused to compromise on even the smallest issues would have made them unpopular? Where these two actually serious?

“So in other words, you want us to help you either kill or imprison Allasaria. Elassa too I assume.” Helenna could have been saying the sky above them was cloudy.

“We do.” Fortia said. “And we are prepared to negotiate.”

“What exactly do you want? I always thought you two were fans of being blunt.” Helenna repeated again.

“Kavaa’s Clerics and your spies.” Fortia said. Kavaa blinked in disbelief. They… Her Clerics? She hand to blink again and replay the words in her head… Yes… Fortia did just say that.

Was she stupid?

Helenna turned back to Kavaa and Iniri. It was one of the few times Kavaa had ever seen the woman carry such a quizzical face. The Goddess of Love chuckled and shook her head, she wasn’t even trying to hide the pity in her tone. “Do you have any questions for noble Peace and precious Order?” Kavaa could see Maisara’s fists tighten behind Helenna.

“What happens when domains overlap?” Kavaa said. Helenna nodded slowly and turned back to the two standing.

“Kavaa read my mind, what does happen when domains overlap?”

“The Divine most applicable to the situation handles it.” Kavaa wanted to laugh. What a terribly bureaucratic answer. Helenna sighed and shook her head.

“Let me phrase it like this: a woman poisons her husband because he cheated on her.” She pointed to Kavaa. “Does the Goddess of Health handle the situation because she could heal the poison?” She pointed to Fortia. “Does the Goddess of Peace, because the Peace was broken?” Then to Maisara. “Does the Goddess of Order? Because the law was broken?” She finished with a clap on her own chest. “Or does the Goddess of Love, because it’s the tragic whims of a scorned wife?”

Fortia and Maisara shared a look. Did they seriously not think this far through?  Maisara sighed and took a step forward finally. “Allasaria will kill us and then she will most likely kill you. If not that, then you will no doubt be used servant Gods for the rest of your existence. You two especially, Kavaa and Iniri. Helenna, you will die. Her opinion of you is about as high as mine is.”

“This is an intriguing method of negotiation.” Helenna cooed.

“It’s not negotiation, it’s a declaration of alliance. You go with us, or you go with her.” Helenna shook her head.

“And what sort of assurance do I have from you that you won’t kill me? That you won’t make Kavaa into your private doctor? That Iniri won’t be sent off to tend the fields.” Helenna asked.

“I will give you my promise, none of that will happen as long as you don’t actively work against me.” Kavaa rolled her eyes. Iniri hugged her closer and Helenna finally stood up.

“Maisara. I am honoured you would even suggest promising something to me, unfortunately a promise with a condition like that is worth less than the paper it would be written on.”

“You know I would not go against the spirit of the word.”

“I know you’re blunt and can’t read between the lines, yes Maisara.” Helenna replied. “But a promise like that, then a disagreement could break it. It’s not good enough.” Fortia came in to back up Maisara.

“Helenna please. We came to you with open arms.”

“Don’t offend my intelligence Fortia. You came to us with a list of demands. You want my spy network and you want Kavaa’s Clerics to serve as cannon fodder in some foolish rebellion against Allasaria.”

“Do you think it’s foolish?” Kavaa had never seen a worse attempt at begging than the words spewing out of Fortia’s mouth.

“I think that if push comes to shove, then you two are the first on the chopping block. Do you really think that we would tie ourselves to a sinking ship? Even worse, a sinking ship which doesn’t even consider us as crew members?” The Goddess of Love started to raise her tone, her hair starting to grow red. “If Allasaria views us as servants to order around, then to you, Kavaa and Iniri are slaves whereas I’m just a nuisance to be removed! WHY WOULD WE EVER WANT TO ALLY WITH YOU?”

Maisara took a step forward and Fortia grabbed her shoulder. “Don’t.” Peace whispered to Order as Love railed on.

“That alone proves what an alliance with you would look like. How much bowing do we need to do to uphold Order’s temper?” Fortia pushed Maisara backwards and stared down Helenna.

“Thank you for your time.” She said, turned, grabbed Maisara’s hand and dragged the Goddess of Order away. When those two finally disappeared from the Spring Garden, Helenna sat. Her face cold, her hair growing black. Kavaa knew exactly what the Goddess of Love was going to say, it was the thing all three of them where too cowardly to suggest and were putting off. Helenna sighed and finally spoke.

“Kassandora. Today. All three of us.”

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