The Greatest Sin

Chapter 37 – Seductive, Magnanimous, Vigorous War

Leona watched Alice as the girl cleaned their hotel room. In two days, they would set off. Her headache had stopped but she knew the signs already. There was something at Pepayel. It wasn’t too big, a small earthquake maybe? An avalanche?

Iniri trailed behind Kavaa who herself trailed after Helenna. The corridor through the Lower Prison of Olympiada gradually got narrower and narrower. Maisara had been the designer, Iniri was sure that there was some horribly dull reason for it but it didn’t affect her too much. Kavaa and Helenna on the other hand had to bow their heads to not brush against the ceiling. “Stop!” Helenna suddenly shouted. Of Love’s hair grew a pale yellow, then a white. The dress she had chosen was a deep black.

“Are we here?” Kavaa asked, her voice dull and emotionless. Her blonde hair had been tied up into a tail and she wore a heavy blue coat.

“We are.” Helenna replied. Iniri tried to say something encouraging but her voice caught. She had been on edge since she had woken up today. What were they even doing? This was such a mistake! They! Kassandora! Now that she had come to the edge of the cliff, she wanted to do nothing more than run back into the forest behind her, even if that forest was on fire. “Are you ready?” Helenna asked slowly.

“Go ahead.” Kavaa replied as Iniri grabbed her dress. She had chosen the white and blue colours of winter today. It fit her mood. Helenna slowly pulled open the door and Iniri leaned past Kavaa to see inside.

Kassandora’s prison cell could be described only as a prison cell. There was a wooden table with two chairs, all plain. The Goddess’ bed on the other side of the room with simple white sheets and the containment crystal which sat in the middle of the room on a tall golden pole. Kassandora herself was lying on her bed, one leg over the other and humming some tune to herself.

The Goddess of War saw them and instantly readjusted herself. She stood up, the woman was a good half-head taller than Kavaa or Helenna, she practically towered over Iniri. “Come in, come in.” She said, waving them forwards. Kassandora carried herself in such a way that the grey prison dress did not detract from her even an inch, Iniri did not know how she did it. War could rival Love in how gracious it looked, today, it certainly did. Kassandora’s crimson hair was the brightest colour in the room, followed by the Goddess’ red eyes. “I did not expect guests.” Kassandora said, her tone light as if she was about to laugh. “So I apologize for the lack of decorum.” She patted her hair, Iniri had not even noticed it was unbrushed.

Helenna turned around to look at Kavaa and Iniri and nodded for them to come closer. Now that they were in with Kassandora, Iniri did not what to say. The Goddess of War apparently had no such reservations, she took the initiative immediately. “Please sit down.” She said, indicating at the bed and chairs. “I can stand, please make yourself comfortable.” Iniri felt her heart beat. She half-suspected Kassandora was being disingenuous but there wasn’t a hint of mockery in her voice, no pity nor disdain. Helenna took one of the chairs, Kavaa took the bed, Iniri followed the latter. Of Bounty glanced at Kassandora and almost let go of Kavaa’s hand in shock.

Kassandora, Goddess of War, was actually curtsying for them.

Ilwin boarded his flight to Pepayel. Hopefully this was the last time he would ever fly public.

Kavaa watched Kassandora, her own hand tightening around Iniri’s. The Goddess of War finished her curtsy as Helenna waved to the free chair. “Sit Kass.”

“Thank you.” This sort of demeanour… Kavaa knew it would be like this, it was precisely the reason Kavaa was against meeting with Kassandora in the first place. The woman was brilliant and charismatic and funny, she knew exactly which moves made her likable, what to say and when to say it. “So, we all know each other here, I’m sure we can skip the pleasantries and introductions.” Kassandora said and Kavaa smiled. Laying it on anymore would have made her seem disingenuous, what a perfect time to cut it off.

“We…” Helenna began, her voice grew weak and Kassandora laughed.

“It’s not like the Goddess of Love to suddenly grow nervous.” She turned Kavaa and Iniri. “So? Helenna’s all red now so can you tell me what you want?” Kavaa blinked. Perfect. Absolute perfection. Allasaria would have said something along the lines of ‘what can I help you with’ as if they were children. Kassandora spoke to them in the way the higher Divines spoke to each other.

“We have a problem.” Kavaa said and Kassandora laughed as leaned back in her seat.

“It can’t be any larger than mine.” She waved towards the containment crystal in the middle of the room. It there, a golden obelisk topped off with a gemstone darker than obsidian.

“It may indeed be.” Kavaa replied. Now that the surgery had begun, it was considerably easier to speak. “I don’t know how much you’re aware of what’s been happening in the outside world.”

“You’ll find I’m much more knowledgeable than people want me to be.” Kassandora said and shrugged. “Naturally, I don’t want to be executed so I’d pre…”

“We won’t say anything about what happens in here.” Iniri blurted out.

“Well that’s good to know.” Kassandora said, she spread her arms out. “Trust is a rare commodity on this mountain, and I’m sure you have nothing to offer me but beggars can’t be choosers, can they?” She cracked a laugh and Kavaa found herself smiling along to the humour. The Goddess of War looked to the three of them, her eyebrow high as if waiting, her smile wide. “Well if you’re all shy. I’ll tell you what I know first, how about that?”

Kavaa felt Iniri let go of her as they listened to Kassandora. “I know that Leona is going to die. I know there’s a fracture between Allasaria and Maisara. Maisara has Fortia on her side. Allasaria has Elassa, I assume Zerus will go with her too.” She shrugged as if this treacherous talk was simply a comment on the grey walls around them. “There’s a war brewing in the White Pantheon, that much I’m sure of.”

Kavaa wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. All three of them knew what approaching Kassandora would be like, and now they were here and the woman was actually wooing them. They had preparations for this, to not fall for her easy nature, to not believe a word she said.

How could they not believe the truth?

“I assume the silence means I’m correct.” Kassandora said with a clap of her hands. “And because of that, since it’s you three, I assume you want assistance from me.” She pointed to the crystal in the centre of the room. “Now my services don’t come free, but I promise I’m not a cheap mercenary who will turn their back on my allies.”

Kassandora was a damn drug. A horrible, terrible drug that intoxicated and addicted after a conversation.

They had all willingly taken it.

“I want to stay at the airport when we get there.” Leona said.

“Really? The airport?” Alice replied.

“Yes, something is going to happen there.”

Helenna cooled the blush in her cheeks. Kassandora was a beast and a monster. And yet… And yet she found herself wanting to tame this wolf in front of them. “So?” Kassandora said. “I have all day to kill, your welcome to stay but I’d prefer not to sit in silence.” Kavaa spoke first, always like the doctor she was.

“Your correct on almost every front.” Kavaa replied and Kassandora nodded. “First though, I would like to ask how you know all this. Especially Leona, no one was supposed to leak that.”

“Is it a leak if it’s to me?” Kassandora replied and laughed. She shook her head, that crimson hair was something Helenna could never reproduce, it flew in the air like a stream of blood behind her. “Never mind Kavaa. Maisara told me.”

“MAISARA TOLD YOU?!” Kavaa shouted.

“My services are in hot demand.” Kassandora said. “But I’d prefer you not let this secret out.” The woman shrugged as if the secret meant nothing for her.

“Why did she tell you?” Kavaa asked. The Goddess of War’s smile showed her teeth.

“For the same reason you’ve come here of course. Leona is going to die and the luck binding you will burn out. There’ll be a power a struggle and she wants to secure a spot at the top.”

“Will you help her?” Iniri asked.

“I said before, beggars can’t be choosers can they?” Kassandora said lightly. “And besides, she’s already promised my freedom.”

“SHE PROMISED THAT?!” Kavaa shouted again. It did not surprise Helenna in the slightest. If there was ever a person to tame mighty Maisara, it would be Kassandora.

“Like I said, I’d prefer if you don’t say anything to her but who am I to decide for you?” Kassandora said. There it was, Helenna knew this move. There was no better way to make a person do something than to let them decide for themselves. Helenna knew, and Helenna knew she fell for it. “So I assume you’ve come to me for advice on what to do.” Kassandora continued. “Flee, that’s what you should do. You three, I apologize for being blunt. But you three are rather inept when it comes to combat. Whoever wins, you will fall in line with them whether you want it or not. Allasaria will be better for you but you’ll have to deal with her moodiness. Maisara will write out a hundred or so rules and then she’ll expect you to follow along. To the spirit of the law, not to its letter.”

“That’s what we’re afraid of.” Helenna finally spoke again.

“Looks like you can speak!” Kassandora turned and leaned in to Helenna. “What I just said will ensure your survival, although your happiness I can’t vouch for.”

“That’s the issue Kass.” Helenna said.

“You want more than that, don’t you?” The three Goddesses nodded to Kassandora and the Goddess of War leaned back and smiled. “To be honest with you, Fortia predicted someone else coming to me already.”

“Did she?”

“Well I assume it was Fortia.” Kassandora said quickly. “Maisara isn’t a schemer, is she? But they offered me a good price for my services.”


“I promised not to share, but one of the conditions was freedom.”

“We came in knowing that.” Helenna said. “But…” She looked to Kavaa and Iniri. What could they offer? There was a reason they were always at the bottom. There was no power or strength to lend…

“Total control during the war.” Kavaa said cooly and Kassandora raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t insult me like that.” She said coldly. “The fact I’m entertaining you implies that’s a given.”

“You just said beggars can’t be choosers.” Iniri weakly tried to back up Kavaa.

“I wasn’t talking about myself.” Kassandora said. Helenna felt her hair go white and she saw Iniri grab hold of Kavaa’s hand again. “This is what I offer: I don’t want any part in your post-war order, you will simply let me go and disappear into a hut somewhere. During the war, I will want your assistance. The three of you are looked down upon as mere support, it’s an insult to you ultimately, but there’s a certain truth in it.” Helenna tried to stop her hair from going red, it still ended up orange. Kavaa and Iniri shared a look of pure disbelief with her.

This was exactly what they wanted.

“Is there anything else?” Helenna asked.

“I’m sure I’ll think of something but I’ll be frank with you girls. You’re a damn lot better to work with than Maisara and Fortia, or Allasaria and Elassa for that matter.” Helenna knew exactly why Kass had said that, it was to tell them that everyone had come to her for assistance already.

“Because we can’t hurt you?”

“Beggars can’t be choosers, can they?” Kassandora asked. No one answered. “I will request your clerical orders, and your spies.” She turned to Helenna directly as she said that. Helenna felt her cheeks go red again, comments to her from the others were always offhanded. “Likewise you Iniri, I will want you to feed our army.”

“Me?” Iniri asked.

“Full bellies are more important for war than they are for peace. You’re essential.” The Goddess of Food and Bounty blushed and then smiled as she started to fuss over her white and blue dress. Helenna knew it was petty, but where were her compliments?

“I don’t want you command my Orders to suicide.” Kavaa said.

“Unless the situation requires immediate action, like this.” Kassandora snapped her fingers. “I’ll run all commands past you.” Kassandora turned to Helenna. “Likewise with your spies.” The woman laughed and stretched her arms. “Besides, I don’t think you have to worry, I’ve grown weaker physically but what’s in here.” The Goddess of War pointed to her head. “It’s still as sharp as it was during the Great War.”

“You’ve grown weaker physically?” Kavaa asked, her voice suddenly nurturing.

“I’m sure the three of you could defeat me.” Kassandora said. “But likewise, the three of you could defeat Maisara if you tried.”

“You think so?”

“She’s not the Maisara of a thousand years past, is she?” Helenna blinked. She hadn’t even noticed.

“So…” Helenna turned to the two sitting on the bed. “Are we in?” She got two nods. They had come in expecting to argue with Kassandora about everything and yet the woman had given them more than they could have hoped for.

“I am.” Iniri spoke first.

“As I am.” Kavaa said. Kassandora stood up to speak.

“A gladiator fights alone, but not without support. Someone arms him, someone feeds him, someone tends his wounds. Support me and I will be your gladiator.” Her voice echoed down the corridor and then she did something that stunned Helenna. She offered her hand.

It was a silly gesture, something mortals did with each other. Something that no Divine would ever do for the measly Goddesses of Love, of Health and of Food and Bounty.

But Kassandora, glorious Goddess of War, did.

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