The Green Tea’s Crushing Victories in the ’70s

Chapter 20

Chapter 19 Nineteen cups of green tea

Aunt Cai and the others all had loud voices, and the other people in the compound soon knew about this shout.

Everyone talked a lot.

“This is strange, no one has ever lost clothes in the yard!”

“In other words, the wind was not strong yesterday. Could it be someone’s child who used it to play?”

In order to find out, each family went back and asked the children again, but even the children of Xiong knew that clothes were not for playing. How expensive cloth is these days.

Besides, it’s such a coincidence that all the underwear is lost.

Madam Lin was very angry: “If you let me know who is so wicked, I will kill him first! I have worn my **** for many years. Although I have two holes in my butt, I’m used to wearing them, goddamn. Little thief!”

Everyone: “…”

Everyone looked at the wrinkles and age spots on Madam Lin’s face and thought, this **** thief tastes too strong, right?

Tong Xuelu walked out of the house with a haggard look: “Aunt Cai, what happened?”

Aunt Cai saw Tong Xuelu and said strangely: “Xuelu, why didn’t you go to work? Oh, what’s the matter with your face, why do you look bad?”

Tong Xuelu nodded weakly: “I got a terrible headache in the morning, so I had to ask Jiaming to help me go to the factory to ask for leave. By the way, Aunt Cai, why are you all here?”

In order to make herself look haggard enough to reasonably take sick leave, she didn’t close her eyes all night last night, and now she is desperately sleepy.

Aunt Cai cared about her and told her angrily about the missing panties: “I don’t know which wicked ghost is, even the **** are going to be stolen!”

Tong Xuelu gave a shocked look: “Is it all from women? Or do you mean both men and women?”

Aunt Cai was stunned when she heard her question, and then she patted her thigh and said, “Oh, don’t you tell me that I didn’t expect it to be women’s underwear. There is a second-rate in this yard!”

Xu’s mother reacted very quickly: “Could the person stealing underwear be the little bunny from Tong’s family?”

When other people heard the words, their faces suddenly became a little bad.

The people living in this yard are all well-known acquaintances. It has never happened to steal a woman’s clothes and watch a woman take a shower. So everyone didn’t think about it in the first place.

Hearing what Tong Xuelu said at the moment, this felt something was wrong.

If there is a second-rate in this yard, it will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Granny Lin jumped up and cursed: “No, it must be him, it must be him! Our clothes have never been lost before he came. He lost it as soon as he came. Who else could he be?”

Mother Xu rarely agrees with Granny Lin: “You’re right, it must be because we beaten up yesterday, and she has grudges in her heart!”

It makes sense for everyone to hear it.

“This matter can’t be forgotten, you must report it to the Public Security Bureau!”

“You have to report to the leadership and drive all the Tong family back to their hometown!”

Tong Xuelu looked unbelievable: “How could this be? Although my cousin Tong Yanliang touched the woman’s ass, he already knew that he was wrong, and it would definitely not be him!”

Mother Xu wailed: “Why did we forget such important things? That **** has done such a wicked thing. Needless to say, he must have stolen the underwear!”

Tong Xuelu’s expression became even more panic: “No, listen to me, my cousin Tong Yanliang is not like that…”

Aunt Cai said: “Xuelu, Auntie knows that you are kind, but you can’t look at people’s eyes!”

“After the group of people in your hometown came, they just called you like the landlord master in the old society. I have to reflect this matter to the leaders of the factory!”

Others agreed with Aunt Cai.

“Every day is not a big fish or meat, or go to a state-owned restaurant, not a landlord master!”

“That’s right, this is all the pensions of Tong Dajun and his wife. They don’t feel distressed when they spend it, but the children can’t stand it for any benefit!”

The more people talked, the more angry they became. Immediately discuss who should go to the factory to report to the leadership and who should go to the Public Security Bureau to report.

The fighting power of several aunts was leveraged, and they worked separately after the arrangements were made.

Tong Xuelu Erkang: “Aunts, don’t leave, listen to me…”

Aunt Cai waved her hand: “Xuelu, go back and rest soon, just leave it alone.”

Saying that he didn’t look back and left.

Seeing everyone leaving behind, two shallow pear vortices appeared at the corners of Tong Xuelu’s mouth.

Make a noise, the bigger the noise, the better.


A group of women with loud voices came to the office, and the chairman of the union was quarreled with headaches: “Can you make a mistake? I heard that the child is less than fourteen years old. He should not be so brave!”

“He is so bold!” Aunt Cai shouted loudly, “We now have four people in the compound whose underwear has been stolen. This has never happened before their home came!”

When the chairman of the trade union heard the word “underpants”, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely: “Let’s do it, you guys don’t quarrel, I will let the trade union ask two people to come with you!”

When the two officers of the guild and the public security comrades arrived at the family compound, it happened that a group of people in their hometown came back from the state-run hotel for breakfast.

At this time, a group of people walked in like an uncle touching their stomachs.

Sun Guilan rubbed her teeth with her tongue and said: “Mom, the meat buns are really delicious today, let’s eat them tomorrow!”

Tong Erzhu said, “It’s boring to eat meat buns every day. Let’s eat dumplings tomorrow.”

Xie Jinhua said boldly: “What’s the embarrassment of this, just buy the two together!”

Anyway, if the money is gone, Tong Xuelu will give it to her.

And she will be able to get two thousand yuan soon, Xie Jinhua feels that she doesn’t have to live like she used to.

In fact, Tong Dajun and his wife send back half of their wages every month, and the Tong family has always been better than the rest of the production team.

It’s a pity that people don’t have enough heart to swallow the elephant. They have always resented the Tong Dajun and his wife for not giving up their jobs.

These words fell into the ears of the courtyard and others, as if they became evidence of their corruption!

Seeing this scene, a male public security comrade frowned and said, “Which one of you is Tong Yanliang?”

Upon hearing this shout, the Tong family realized that there were many people standing in the yard, and two of them were police comrades.

The Tong family members trembled with fright, especially Tong Yanliang, his face instantly paled.

He thought it was Xu’s mother who went to the police to report what he said last night that he was going to set the house on fire, and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

Tong Erzhu said: “Brother Public Security, what are you looking for… What are you looking for Tong Yanliang for?”

Big brother?

The male policeman glanced at Tong Erzhu’s dark but not young face, and his face became darker: “Are you Tong Yanliang?”

Tong Erzhu: “I, I am not.”

The male public security officer frowned: “It’s not you who made any noise? Tong Yanliang, who is Tong Yanliang, stand up for me immediately!”

Tong Yanliang’s hands also trembled, and then his whole body was shaking, just like the fallen leaves on the branches in autumn.

Suddenly, his mind was empty and he made a stupid decision—

As soon as he turned, he ran towards the door with his leg drawn.

The male public security officer was taken aback, and immediately caught up: “You stop me!”

Before he ran to the gate of the compound, Tong Yanliang was thrown over by the male public security officer, and his head was pinned to the ground.

Tong Xuelu was stunned by Tong Yanliang’s series of stupid operations.

With this mind, it would be a waste of her to use her mind to dig a hole for him.

The Tong family members were frightened, and they didn’t dare to move in the same place.

In the end, it was Sun Guilan’s maternal love that overcame her fear, and she walked tremblingly and asked: “Comrade Public Security, what are you doing to arrest my son?”

The male policeman said with a black face: “Is your son Tong Yanliang?”

Sun Guilan nodded: “Yes.”

“That’s right, the people in the compound reported that your son had stolen women’s underwear and threatened to kill and set people on fire!”

Tong Yanliang was angry: “I don’t have one!”

Male public security officer: “What did you run without you? You are guilty of conscience!”

Everyone in the compound gathered around.

Mother Xu nodded fiercely: “Yes, why should he run if he doesn’t have a guilty conscience! I think he stole the underwear!”

“Dead old woman, you shut up!”

When Tong Yanliang saw that the speaker was Xu’s mother, he remembered that he was beaten yesterday. This new hatred plus the old hatred made him want to kill Xu’s mother.

Xu’s mother held her chin open: “You heard, Comrade Public Security, this person has grudges with me. Yesterday he said he would set our family on fire, but many people in the compound heard it!”

Tong Yanliang subconsciously denied: “I don’t!”

“Comrade Public Security, he lied, I heard him say yesterday!”

“I heard it too…”

The people in the yard stood up and talked to prove that they heard it.

Tong Yanliang’s face is green, and the faces of Tong’s family are also green.

Tong Xuelu walked over, with a look that he was really worried about: “Liangliang, be lenient in confession, strict in resistance, you should explain it honestly!”

When Tong Yanliang heard the word “liangliang”, he subconsciously started to throb somewhere.

The female public security officer who made the transcript on the side said: “This **** is right. You should be lenient in confession and strict in resistance. You’d better explain it honestly, young comrade, otherwise, if you look back, the crime will be even more serious!

Sun Guilan heard that it would be more serious, and quickly persuaded her son: “Yanliang, you can be honest!”

Tong Yanliang stubbornly said: “I said it, but if she didn’t wrong me touching a woman’s ass, I wouldn’t say that. I just wanted to scare her!”

Mother Xu jumped three feet high like a grasshopper: “If you are wronged, you touched a woman’s ass!”

Tong Yanliang gritted his teeth with hatred: “I don’t have any, dead old woman, if you talk nonsense, I can’t spare you!”

Sun Guilan jumped out to help her son: “Yes, if you talk nonsense, I will let Comrade Public Security arrest you!”

Mother Xu: “Everything I said is the truth. When I went to the Public Security Bureau, I still said the same. Your son touched a woman’s buttocks, and his children and grandchildren’s bags were broken like this!”


Male public security officer: “Be quiet! The matter of touching a woman’s **** has nothing to do with this case. Don’t mention it anymore! Tong Yanliang, did you steal the underwear?”

Tong Yanliang’s face is ugly: “It’s not me!”

He just wants to steal the underwear, he will not steal the underwear of a group of old women!

He is not sick!

Mother Xu: “Comrade Public Security, he must be lying again. Just now he did not admit that he wanted to kill and set people on fire, but now he admits it again. This **** is very cunning!”

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the male public security officer interrupted them: “We pay attention to evidence in everything, we are going to search your stuff now!”

Tong’s family members all expressed no opinion.

Tong Yanliang has no objection, he hasn’t done it yet, what is he afraid of.

In order to show justice, two officers, the female public security officer and the trade union, were responsible for the search.

Soon, they found four pairs of big flower underwear from a travel bag. One of them had two holes in the butt, which was very consistent with Lin’s description.

They came out carrying the travel bag and asked the Tong family: “Who is this travel bag?”

The Tong family did not say anything when you look at me and I look at you.

When Tong Yanliang saw the travel bag, his heart was throbbing wildly, his instinct was very wrong.

Suddenly, Tong Jiaxin squeezed out of the crowd and pointed at Tong Yanliang and said, “It’s my cousin! He bought it from the supply and marketing agency the day before yesterday!”

Tong Yanliang secretly gritted his teeth, wishing to go up and smoke him!

Being stared at by two police officers, he could only nod and admit: “The travel bag is mine.”

The female public security cursed shamelessly in her heart, and then took out the four pairs of underwear from her travel bag: “Let’s recognize it. Are these the underwear you lost?”

It’s best to recognize Granny Lin’s torn underwear. Holding her underwear, she was as excited as finding a relative who had been lost for many years.

“This one belongs to me! I just said that I didn’t steal it. How come the **** of my old lady were in your travel bag if I didn’t steal it?”

Tong Yan was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood: “Who would steal…”

But before he could speak, he saw a shadow rushing in front of him quickly.

Without saying a word, “Papa Papa” on his face was just a few slaps in the face!

“Why are you doing this, Liangliang, you really let me down!”

Tong Xuelu looked at him incredulously, clutching her heart, and shouting “Liangliang” almost heartbreakingly.

Tong Yanliang was slapped with gold stars in his eyes, his ears buzzed, and his cheeks were tingling.

Bitch, she must be deliberate!

He wanted to jump on, but the male public sternly twisted his arms.

He wanted to speak, but Comrade Public Security did not give him a chance to speak at all.

The male public security officer said: “First take away the person and material evidence, and the others will go back and talk about it!”

Tong Yanliang panicked and could no longer take care of Tong Xuelu: “Dad, mom, help me!”

“Comrade Public Security, my son was wronged!”

Sun Guilan was so scared that tears and nose came out, crying and chasing after her.

Tong Erzhu glared at Tong Xuelu, and then followed him.

Tong Xuelu looked at Tong Yanliang who was being taken away and waved gently.

I shouldn’t have been so hard just now, my hands hurt so much.

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