The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 2: Making a Choice

After a long moment, Jaune pulls back, ending their latest kiss and shaking his head with a sigh as he looks down into Salem’s eyes.
“I’m sorry… I don’t think I can hold back.”
On the one hand, this is his Queen, the Queen of the Grimm. He’s supposed to be the Grimm Prince, her loyal companion. But on the other hand, whatever ritual Salem had used… it’d messed up. He was still Jaune Arc under all of these Grimm memories. He was still at least partially human. And when all of the negativity of those memories of being Grimm mixed with his humanity, with his love for his family… Jaune could truly only see one path forward.
Salem almost looks understanding, even as she mewls beneath him. His cock is still buried inside of her after all, her breasts heaving with every shuddering breath she takes as her inner walls clench around his shaft. For all that she has the look of a mature older woman about her, one that can only be described as voluptuous and curvaceous, Jaune can’t help but wonder how long it’s been since she had sex.
“D-Don’t worry about holding back, my Prince. I can take it… I can handle it.”
Jaune just shakes his head again.
“I’m not your Prince… not entirely. Just as you aren’t really my Queen. We’ll have to renegotiate what we are to one another, Salem… we’ll have to find a new path forward.”
He pulls out of her then, and Salem lets out a whining, disappointed cry as she tries to keep him inside of her, as she reaches for him to attempt to hold him to her and not let him go. But Jaune is faster and stronger than her, oddly enough. It was almost like she’d wanted this to happen, like she’d planned for him to be capable of overpowering her. Or perhaps she’d simply thought he would be so loyal to her by default that it didn’t matter how much power she gave him.
Either way, grabbing hold of her wrists and pinning them back firmly on either side of her head is child’s play. Jaune might have pulled out of her, but like he already told her before, he has no intention of leaving her. Instead, he slides himself up her voluptuous body, his eyes locked on Salem’s eyes as he pins her with both his physical strength and his gaze. His cock, a truly massive specimen that he was pretty sure he HADN’T had before now, slides up between the valley of Salem’s porcelain white, voluptuous chest.
The feel of her soft breasts curving around his cock, brushing against his member, send a thrill through Jaune and he tosses his head back and groans as he begins to slide back and forth between them. The thick, bulbous glans of his massive cock push out of the top of Salem’s cleavage after a few of these thrusts, his balls coming to smack against the underside of her tits as his tip pushes into her chin.
Leaning her head forward, Salem doesn’t take her eyes off of his, even as she carefully opens her mouth. Her tongue licks out, and in a truly submissive fashion, the Queen of the Grimm laps at his cockhead, swiping her tongue across his glans and mewling at the taste of his dripping precum. Jaune lets out another groan, followed by a lustful growl as he lets go of her wrists and gives his first true order.
“Press yours tits together. Make the passage through your cleavage tighter.”
A purely selfish demand, but one that Salem follows all the same, their eyes still locked together in a particularly intense moment. Her freed hands come up and press in on the sides of her sizable milk jugs, and the Queen of the Grimm almost seems happy to debase herself in this way, providing a tighter tunnel for him to thrust forward through, even as his cockhead pushes into her mouth and she begins to suckle at it on top of lashing it with her tongue.
Kneeling on either side of the pinned older woman, Jaune sighs as he enjoys her ministrations. This right here, this was what was needed. Domination. Control. He would have to be rough with Salem, and firm as well. She needed to know that… that he was in charge now. It wasn’t like Jaune even really wanted to be in charge. But also, maybe part of him did?
Fuck, it was hard figuring out what he wanted. Was he the Grimm Prince, or was he Jaune Arc? Both seemed to be the answer, at the end of the day. The Grimm Prince desired conquest, desired control. Jaune Arc just wanted to protect his family and by extension, humanity. Those things mixed together to form his current goal, which was to put Salem under his control so that she would submit to his ideas, so that she would follow his orders.
Pulling back from her tits all of the sudden makes Salem let out another mewling cry, the affection-starved monarch looking at him with hurt and betrayal in her red eyes. But even as she tries to pull him back down, Jaune is manhandling her, grabbing her and yanking her up. His superior strength means that ultimately, she ends up right as he wants her… on her hands and knees, facing away from him like… like an animal, rather than the Queen she was supposed to be.
One hand fists in her lush white locks, gripping tightly at her voluminous hair. The other claps down on a hip, gripping at her porcelain flesh as he places the head of his cock back at the entrance of her cunt, running his glans along her slit. Salem immediately tries to push back into him, of course, whining needily all the while, but Jaune doesn’t allow it, holding her in place with his strength and leaning over her to half-growl, half-hiss in her ear.
It’s both a promise and a command, all wrapped up together. When Salem doesn’t immediately reply, trembling beneath him in relative silence, Jaune tugs a bit harder on her hair. He’s neither gentle nor kind as he yanks her back and snarls into her ear once more.
Her pussy lips quivering against the head of his thick, bulbous cock, Salem finally responds, positively moaning out as she shudders back against him.
With that, Jaune thrusts forward, penetrating the Queen of the Grimm once more. This time however, it’s in quite the bestial, primal manner. He doesn’t start slow or take his time, he just starts fucking her, pounding into Salem from behind as he growls into her ear.
“You want me to stay, don’t you? You don’t want me to leave you.”
Salem tenses up at his words, though it’s hard for her to remain tense for long while he’s driving his cock deep inside of her clenching, gushing cunt.
“Y-Yes… please, p-please don’t leave me. Please, I’ll d-do anything…”
For all her beauty, for all her grace, for all her age, Jaune sees Salem for what she really is. Lost and alone. So very, very lonely. But that doesn’t mean he can afford to be nice right now. This is still the Queen of the Grimm. Rearing back the hand on her hip, he brings his palm down on one of her jiggling, bouncing, porcelain butt cheeks.

Salem’s cry echoes through the chamber, her back arching beautifully because of the blow. She whimpers and mewls for him in a way that almost seems to delight Jaune’s senses. Certainly, the Grimm Prince in him loves it. More and more, he’s becoming certain that this was what Salem intended to happen. Perhaps she hadn’t planned for him to remember his life as a human, but she’d given his Grimm half some distinctly non-Grimm-like attributes. Such as an intense libido, and a need for conquest over killing.
The Queen of the Grimm had wanted him to dominate her, hadn’t she? Well, in the end there was really only one way for Jaune to find out. Bringing his hand down on her ass cheek again in another spanking, Jaune growls into Salem’s ear once more.
“Then submit!”
His cock continues to thrust in and out of her drooling quim, and he thinks she’s already cum for him at least once, but Jaune is more focused on hearing Salem’s response at the moment. When she doesn’t immediately reply, merely whimpering instead, he growls and lashes out, not too violently, not too harshly, but layering more smacks across her ass, both cheeks this time growing red under his repeated palm strikes.
Salem’s whines and cries turn into wanton moans, and her pussy clenches up around his cock the more he spanks her. She drives her hips back into his thrusts, acting like less of a Queen and more of a wanton whore by the moment. And yet, still Jaune hasn’t heard what he wanted to hear… namely, her complete and utter submission, vocalized through those pretty, oh-so-kissable lips of hers.
Again and again he lays into her ass as he fucks her from behind. Salem cums for him more than once… before finally something seems to break within the Grimm Queen as she cries out in a new fashion and then speaks.
“I-I submit! Take me! Conquer me, my Champion! I submit to thee! I submit to you, m-my King!”
Hm, better than Prince, Jaune supposed. Ceasing his relentless striking of her buttocks, both cheeks now red with the impacts of his palms, Jaune yanks Salem’s head back again by her hair, his other hand coming around to clasp at her throat this time. He pulls her upper half back and back until she’s looking right up at him, his cock still driving into her from behind, even as their eyes meet. Savagely, he leans in and kisses her, attacking her mouth with his own in spite of the weird positioning.
She moans into his mouth, her tongue working along his for a moment before she submits utterly to the domination, her quivering, trembling body relaxing completely into his touch. Rather than slow down, Jaune picks up the pace, and when he pulls back next and looks down into Salem’s eyes, she’s shaking, spasming, and seizing with the latest explosive orgasm.
“Mine. You are mine. No one will ever take you from me.”
“N-No one… no one, m-my King. I am yours… your slave, your plaything, your servant. A-Allow me to please you. Use my body to your heart’s content! Fuck me, my King! Use me like the bitch in heat that I am!”
Well, all of that was certainly very revealing. He had never mentioned anything along the lines of slave or plaything. If this wasn’t confirmation that Salem had wanted this, had wanted her creation to rise up against her, Jaune didn’t know what is. And so, with a growl, he does exactly as she bids, fucking her harder, ramming into her with all of his strength and every last inch of his thick fat Grimm cock.
Salem cries out at that, her comparatively soft, feminine body all but buckling before his strength. With her mouth open in a continuous moan, Jaune can’t help himself, dark and lustful instincts rising up within him as he leans forward and slowly drools saliva down into her waiting mouth. Salem blinks in surprise, but to her credit she swallows his drool, showing just how far her submission extends, allowing him to degrade and humiliate her.
With one final thrust, Jaune groans and fills the Queen of the Grimm, now his ‘slave’ if she herself is to be believed, with his cum. He pumps it deep, deep inside of her and creampies her on the spot, resulting in one final explosive orgasm on Salem’s part as well. For a brief moment, he just holds her back against his chest as they both ride out the wave of ecstasy.
Then, as they each start to come down from their respective pleasure highs, Jaune slowly releases the Grimm Queen, letting her slump forward onto her hands and knees again before him. Pulling out of her, he climbs off of the slab and then helps her down as well, before looking around the ritual chamber. It’s clearly something of a laboratory, and he doesn’t see any beds anywhere…
Frowning, Jaune helps Salem stay on her feet, even as he murmurs to her in a gentler voice than before.
“Show me to the bedroom, Salem.”
It’s still an order though, and one she follows as she leads him to an extravagant set of quarters. Pulling her with him onto the bed, Jaune wastes no time in cradling her against his chest, rubbing soothing fingers deep into the abused parts of her flesh, giving her a relaxing massage as the quaking aftershocks of what had just happened between them slowly abate from her body.
As he holds her, Jaune is… thinking. He’s thinking about the future, about what happens next. He’s just… well, he’s just made the Queen of the Grimm his bitch. She’s calling him her King now and naming herself his slave. Which Jaune thinks means that he now controls the Grimm? How does that work, exactly? Could he… could he command Salem to have all Grimm stop attacking the human Kingdoms?
… No, he needed to take this one step at a time. He couldn’t get ahead of himself. Brow furrowed, Jaune looks down to see Salem looking up at him fondly, something like adoration in her red eyes.
“Yes, my King?”


“… Is there anything that requires my immediate attention? Anything here in this place, right now?”
Salem thinks for a moment, before slowly nodding.
“Two things, my King. My protégé is currently staying with me. She’s been learning at my feet for some time now. A human, but one who cares only for power. I intended for her to assist me and you in destroying humanity once and for all.”
That didn’t sound good, but Jaune stays quiet as Salem hesitates for a moment before continuing on.
“There is… also the prisoner. Another human, she has been in my… care for quite some time. She lives for now, though I admit I haven’t been… gentle with her.”
Right… he’d known Salem was a monster, and technically he was one too now. But still, it was hard to accept it… while also being so very easy. Fuck, he really had to get his head on straight and sort through his priorities, didn’t he?
First things first, did he handle the protégé or the prisoner?

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