The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 31: A Conversation Pt. 2

Looking down at her, Jaune can see in Salem’s expectant eyes that she thinks a good, rough fucking as punishment for her desire to end it all is precisely what she thinks she deserves. He can tell that she fully believes she doesn’t deserve his mercy or his forgiveness.
But then, the Queen of the Grimm, for all that she might give excellent pep talks and have helped him set his tumultuous thoughts to rest just now while also giving him spectacular head… did not always know what she deserved or needed. She didn’t know exactly what she needed when she’d originally created him, nor did she know exactly what was needed now.
Smiling softly, Jaune reaches down. But not to grab her by her hair and pull on it roughly as she might have assumed. Nor does he manhandle her into position to fuck her from behind in the center of the cratered battlefield he had made while fighting Grimm. No, instead he reaches down… and scoops Salem up in his arms, cum-coated tits and face and all.
The Grimm Queen certainly isn’t expecting that, and she shivers as she has to reach out and wrap her arms around his neck in order to secure herself. Held in a bridal carry, she looks at him curiously. Jaune’s smile doesn’t change, even as he turns and begins walking them both up towards the castle.
“I forgive you, Salem. I forgive you your trespasses, and I trust you to have turned away from those ideals. You are mine now, after all.”
He speaks with an air of certainty and finality, and Salem blushes beneath his cum, her pale white features flushing as she ducks her head and shyly smiles back. Quickly, Jaune makes his way with her in his arms all the way to the master bath that branches off of the master bedroom of the castle. There, he helps her out of her clothes and she helps him out of his. Together, they sink into the water.
They start by getting themselves cleaned up. She’s the one covered in cum, but he’s covered in the dirt and shattered rock of the fighting he’d just partaken in. There’s not a single bruise anywhere on his body, nor was a single drop of blood spilt. He took no damage in the heavy fighting he’d been engaged in. But the land itself had been blasted to shreds, and the dust clouds had to settle somewhere.
Mostly, they’d settled on his clothing, but also his skin. And so there was a bit for him to clean-up as well, until the water they were bathing in was becoming a somewhat murky brown. When they notice, the two of them see about draining and refilling the tub, before relaxing into crystal clear, utterly clean water once again.
It’s then that a cleaned but dripping Queen of the Grimm makes her move, swinging her leg over him so she can sit on his lap. Her cunt beneath the water rubs against his cock as she wraps her arms once more around his neck. Seated there at the edge of the bath, Jaune smiles as he plants his hands on Salem’s hips beneath the water.
“… Forgiving me so easily… sometimes I wonder if you have too much human in you, my King.”
Jaune smirks easily at that, shaking his head as he takes a page from Salem’s book.
“No you don’t.”
Salem jolts at that, recognizing how he’s half-stolen her line and repurposed it from earlier. She opens her mouth to speak, but Jaune cuts her off.
“You might have back at the start, but you and I both know you’ve long since learned to go with the flow. If you cared about my disposition, if you cared about whether or not I was too human or too Grimm… you would have done away with me years ago.”
Running his hand along the back of Salem’s neck, Jaune pulls her in close, resting his forehead against hers.
“Instead, you submitted. You tied yourself to me, irrevocably. You entrusted yourself to my care. And I promise, my Queen, I shall never betray that trust.”
Salem’s breath hitches, and a moment later they both move forward as one. Closing the last bit of distance between them, they kiss deeply and tenderly, their tongues dancing between one another as their bodies press tightly together. Slowly, wiggling her hips up the length of his cock, Salem lifts herself until the tip of his cock lodges in her entrance.
There she remains however, the buoyancy of the water making it easy for her to stay there. She seems disinclined to do it herself, and so after a long moment, Jaune returns both of his hands to her hips, grips them with a firm squeeze, and pulls her down upon his cock.
His Queen moans into his mouth at that, and he groans right back. She’s as tight as ever, while also having curves for days. She is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, made for him. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say he was made for her. In the end, it matters little. They fit together like two puzzle pieces. They complete one another.
He’s happy he went with this instead of ravaging her out on the battlefield. There was a time and place for everything, but in this case, he needed this and he could tell Salem did too. They move as one unit, her undulating up and down atop him and him thrusting up into her from below with purpose and a sense of certainty.
The water sloshes a bit here and there, but they aren’t going at that fast of a pace. They aren’t rushing to the end goal, or frantically trying to reach a state of nirvana together. Rather, they’re already in that state of nirvana. They’re already at that point where they couldn’t possibly be happier. Their physical pleasure takes second fiddle to their emotional completeness in that moment.
Eventually, they do break apart their lip lock, staring into one another eyes as they slowly couple there in the bath, making tender love to one another. Salem takes that moment to quirk the side of her mouth up as she tilts her head.
“You’re right. I am yours. Whatever decision you make next regarding Remnant, the Kingdoms… or the women you’ve brought home with you, I will stand behind one hundred percent. You are my King, for all that I made you to be a Prince.”
Jaune can’t help but be touched by her support of him. Though, at the same time… he can’t help but let out a sigh.
“Those women… they were Summer’s doing. I had no intention of collecting so many damn… strays. The only one I wanted to keep was Raven Branwen. But things got out of hand fast.”
He half expects Salem to give him a ‘told you so’ regarding Summer Rose. But it’s a testament to how far the Queen of Grimm has come in her hatred of all things ‘silver eyed’ that she just shrugs and giggles.
“I’m sure Summer had her reasons. And I’m sure you’ve already guessed at them, haven’t you?”
Jaune sighs, a smile tugging at his lips in spite of his attempt to remain grouchy. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to do so when he’s got a lap full of Salem, her pussy clenching at his cock… and the understanding that all Summer had done, she’d done to benefit him in the end.
“… They’re gifts, of course. Vernal and Boudicca both. She intends for them to submit to me, I would imagine.”
Salem hums noncommittally at that, nodding even as she gyrates her hips.
“Interesting gifts. A General and an Urchin. Tell me, Jaune… do you see what she sees in them?”
Going quiet for a moment, Jaune considers the question before finally reluctantly nodding. Letting out another giggle, the Grimm Queen just smirks.
“Then are you really upset with her? Or are you just figuring out how to proceed?”
The silence that follows is telling and Jaune knows it. Instead of giving her a response, he grabs Salem a bit more tightly by the hips and begins to move a little faster. Gasping, Salem moans and then runs a hand through the back of his hair, guiding him into her bosom where he begins to lick and slurp and nibble and bite at her tits. As they get back to the fun, the Queen of the Grimm has only one final bit of advice for him.
“Follow your heart, my King. It has not led you wrong so far.”
“Apprentice, this is Pet. Pet, this is Apprentice. You will be training with one another.”
Vernal blinks, eyeing the woman across from her up and down as Summer stands to the side, having introduced them by… titles? ‘Pet’ is a slender, but beautiful woman dressed in a leather catsuit. She looks very lithe and maybe even deadly, but with a lot more curves and a lot less muscles than Vernal is expecting. Her golden eyes stare at Vernal from across the arena they’re standing in, narrowing into slits.
Most telling of all is the bell dangling from the collar around the other woman’s neck though. Heh, ‘Pet’ indeed. Tilting her head to the side, the former bandit smirks as she slams a fist into a palm.
“Really? This seems like it’ll be a waste of my time. But if you say so, ‘Mistress’.”
Summer just smiles, the blind woman not saying anything in response to the tone in which Vernal says ‘mistress’. Instead, she just lifts her hand… and brings it down.
The only warning Vernal gets is the tinkling of a bell before there’s a fist in her gut and the dark-skinned young woman is doubling over it, choking on her own spit. She hadn’t been giving her opponent her full attention, but ‘Pet’ still managed to move faster than she would have thought possible. As the other woman withdraws, Vernal forces herself under control, keeping her legs straight under her even though every fiber of her being wants to collapse to her knees right there on the spot.
“Pitiful. Be aware, if you continue to disappoint me, the titles of Apprentice and Pet can change hands at any time…”
Vernal’s head snaps up at that, first to look at Summer with wide eyes, and then to her opponent. Said opponent is busy licking the back of her gloved hand like… like it’s some sort of paw. Like she’s some sort of cat. What the fuck? Just what the hell had Vernal gotten herself into?
No time to think about that. All she could do was throw herself into the ‘training’ from hell and try not to take another sucker punch as ‘Pet’ races forward once more with blinding speed.
Boudicca didn’t know what to do. Jaune Arc wasn’t just some spy or criminal or… robot as she’d momentarily believed. He was something much worse. He was a Grimm. She didn’t know how that was possible, only that it was. She’d seen it with her own eyes, and so there was no real point in denying it any longer.
More than that, the blonde woman that had shown her and her daughter to their rooms had explained where they were now. They were in the center of the Land of Darkness. They were in the palace of her Majesty, Salem, Queen of the Grimm. Another Grimm Humanoid just like Jaune Arc.
Having fought Jaune herself, Boudicca now understood why he was so powerful despite not having an aura. And yet, her sword had cut through countless Grimm over the years before they’d disappeared. Why hadn’t it cut through him? Why had her power failed her against him? The only answer was that the gulf between them was… immeasurable.
She needed to get herself and Pyrrha out of here. There was just one problem, and it wasn’t that they were prisoners. Glynda Goodwitch had actually made it quite clear that they were free to try their luck at leaving any time. The likelihood of them making it back to civilization was low, even without Grimm attacks. Apparently, it was a months-long trek through thousands of miles of wilderness.
Boudicca would still have gone for it… if Pyrrha weren’t currently refusing to go with her. Her daughter was insistent that they stay and be model prisoners. She was… unwilling to leave. Something about Jaune Arc had caught her daughter’s eye wholeheartedly.
And the worst part was, Boudicca couldn’t truly blame her. Now that she knew Jaune wasn’t a robot, even if she also knew him to be inhuman… he was still a sentient, sapient being. He was a man, for all that he was also a Grimm. And he… he had beaten her.
Initially, in the wake of her defeat, her theory that he was an Atlesian Mechanical Infiltrator of some sort had prompted Boudicca to ignore her humiliating loss. Now that she knew better… well, she was struggling to come to terms with being defeated by someone stronger than her. She was having… impure thoughts regarding Jaune Arc.
But surely she couldn’t act on those thoughts. Surely she couldn’t let her daughter act on her own impure thoughts either. It wouldn’t be r-right. She needed… she needed to find a way to convince Pyrrha that they had to go. She needed to get her daughter on board with leaving so they could begin gathering the necessary supplies and depart.
That was why she was heading over to her daughter’s room again. However, before she can announce herself, she hears… noises coming from within. And she finds herself stopping… and listening.
“Please Jaune… please f-fuck me. Yesss… h-harder. Nnngh, p-please!”
Eyes wide, Boudicca finds herself leaning forward silently to peer into the room beyond. She’s expecting to see Pyrrha and Jaune together… but the Grimm man is nowhere to be found. Instead its just Pyrrha, on her back, legs spread wide. Betwixt her thighs, she has a toy in one hand that she’s using on herself. It’s a long, thick, veiny thing… it looks very wicked, almost like it might be what someone would imagine a Grimm cock to be like. A perverted fantasy, to say the least.
Where Pyrrha would have gotten such a sex toy, Boudicca doesn’t know. Likely from one of the other women in this castle, she supposed. Pyrrha’s other hand is on one of her breasts, and the younger red head is toying with a nipple as she lulls her eyes shut and fantasizes about Jaune having his way with her, with him fucking her and using her.
Boudicca’s face is bright red as she watches, as she lives vicariously through her daughter’s fantasy. She only realizes she’s begun to subconsciously touch herself after Pyrrha climaxes and Boudicca is forced to withdraw.
… This isn’t good. This is very, very bad. They need to get out of here… she needs to get out of here. If she doesn’t, she’s not sure what will happen…

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