The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 42: Winter Schnee Pt. 2

Walking forward into the Grimm King’s personal space, Winter has… so many ideas regarding what’s about to happen to her. She’s bared herself to the inhuman man both physically and spiritually. She’d exposed her flesh even as she exposed her soul. There’s no denying that she can’t go back at this point. Winter isn’t going to be able to go back to being the Grimm King’s prisoner or anything like that. Not after what she’d confessed to him.
Still, she expected him to treat her roughly. To maul and manhandle her. To ravage and ravish her as consequence for following General Ironwood and Headmaster Ozpin’s orders. She’d been a fool, and she deserved to be treated like one.
Which is why she’s more than a little surprised when Jaune’s first act isn’t to smack her around, or to grab and knead her tits… o-or really any of a number of things she thought he might do to her or demand from her. Instead, the King of the Grimm reaches up and around, his hands moving back behind her head where he pulls her hair out of the bun she’s had it up in for… well, quite a few days now. Ever since leaving Beacon behind, in fact.
Winter just stands there frozen, blinking rapidly as Jaune smiles at her, his fingers pulling her hair apart, his hands sliding through her locks. Then… then, his inhuman digits fall upon her scalp, and Winter’s eyes go wide before half-rolling up in her head as he digs into her skull, giving her an impromptu scalp massage. Her legs turn to jelly and her knees knock together as a particularly embarrassing gurgle leaves her lips.
She barely manages to stay standing, even as he finishes after a few seconds. She thinks she might have just cum a little bit there…
“I like you better with your hair down, Winter. And besides, it’s not like you’re military anymore, are you?”
No… no she’s not. She’s abandoned her post. Abandoned her previous loyalties. She has no doubt that Ironwood will think her KIA and have her labeled MIA, but the truth is, Winter has chosen to go AWOL. She’s chosen to betray her General and her Kingdom… and she can’t really bring herself to be all that upset about it either.
Jaune’s one-word order isn’t nearly as harsh or biting as she’s expecting. Instead, he says it in an almost coaxing, purring tone. Doesn’t stop Winter from dropping to her knees all the same, coming face to face with the Grimm King’s impressive member.
And so Winter sucks. Obeying Jaune… it feels right. Her heart pounds in her chest, but she knows she’s right where she should be. Taking him in her mouth, the former Atlesian Specialist bobs up and down on his cock. He is… everything she always longed for in a man. Everything that General Ironwood refused to ever be to her.
She knows she should be ashamed. She’s not just betraying her Kingdom; she’s also selling out her entire species by surrendering to a humanoid Grimm like this. Sure, the Grimm hadn’t been seen in the Kingdoms in years, but that didn’t change all the damage they’d done before then. And yet… and yet, Winter still sucks.
Bobbing up and down on Jaune’s cock, she gurgles as he continues his massage of her scalp, albeit a fair bit gentler. With him not going quite so hard, it’s nowhere near as intense as it initially was. And yet, it’s still pleasurable. Enough that Winter’s eyes cross. Enough that she has to clench her thighs to hide her overwhelming wetness as she slurps up and down the length of Jaune’s cock.
She’s not sure how long she kneels there in her cell, blowing the King of the Grimm. She loses track of time oh so easily, what with how much she’s enjoying herself. But eventually… he pulls her back off of his cock, his member twitching and throbbing and standing at attention as Winter gasps and pants, her breasts heaving while she stares at it.
Looking from his face to his length and then back again, Winter bites her lower lip.
“Did I… did I do something wrong, s-sir?”
“No. I’m simply ready for the main event.”
He lets go of her hair then, smiling down at her expectantly. Winter jolts into action after a moment of staring up at him blankly. Finally realizing what he means, she feels a thrill rush through her. The main event… mm, she was ready too.
Standing up, the white-haired young woman turns and walks back over to the cot. She bends over without hesitation, planting her hands on said cot and lifting her hips high into the air as she looks back over her shoulder at the Grimm King. The offer is obvious, but just in case, Winter makes sure to shake her hips back and forth as well, even if it’s more than a little embarrassing to do so.
Still, she can take a small bit of embarrassment if it means getting Jaune inside of her. Grinning at her, the humanoid Grimm strides forward, his cock glistening with her saliva as he takes hold of it with one hand and ahold of one of her hips with the other. He guides himself inside of her a moment later, and as shameful as it is, Winter can’t help but moan quite wantonly as she’s penetrated from behind.
He’s not as gentle, once he’s inside of her. She doesn’t know whether that’s because he knows how she wants it, or because Jaune can’t control himself once he’s buried in her cunt. In the end, does it really matter? Winter wanted to be dominated. She wanted to be conquered. She wanted to be able to submit herself to the right sort of man… in order to he used and abused.
Never in a million years had she thought the ‘right sort of man’ would be the King of the Grimm, but here they were. A strange world made for strange bedfellows, and Winter had to admit, Remnant was a strange world indeed.
Regardless, as nice as it had been when Jaune had been giving her that scalp massage and treating her downright tenderly as she sucked his cock… now, she gets what’s really coming to her. A harsh, rough pounding as he reaches up and grabs hold of her loose locks. Despite his previous words that he liked her with her hair down, he nevertheless gathers her white locks up into a makeshift ponytail, one that he proceeds to wrap around his fist.
Winter’s back arches and her moans and squeals of ecstasy fill the prison cell. She’s such a lewd woman, to be broken in so easily by her captor. Except it’s not that simple. She would never have surrendered in this manner if she hadn’t seen how he acted with Ruby and Yang. Nor if she hadn’t been given that peptalk by his Queen.
And yet, at the same time… it was that simple, wasn’t it? Certainly, it turned her on to consider it to be that simple. Playing out the fantasy of being little more than a mewling quim for her captor to fuck… it turns Winter on immensely, her cunt clenching around Jaune’s thick, inhuman cock as he stirs up her insides and stretches her out in a most satisfying fashion.
Eyes rolling back in her head, Winter gurgles as she cums upon Jaune’s member. She climaxes HARD for him, causing him to grunt… and fuck her all the faster. They’re not done until he says they’re done, his thrusts almost seem to say. They aren’t finished until HE’S finished… and she’s not made him cum just yet.
Time seems to lose all meaning. Her body, covered in sweat, rocks back and forth, jarred viciously and jolted violently by Jaune’s powerful thrusts. Only her Aura keeps her from taking any injuries, she can’t help but thinking. The light of her soul made manifest protects her from the Grimm King’s power… but only because he lets it. He’s much stronger than her. He has to be just as strong as Salem, if not stronger. And Winter still remembers how Salem’s fingers had begun to carve right into her flesh, as though she were made of soft butter.
Shivering, Winter climaxes for what feels like the umpteenth time. She’s lost track of just how many orgasms she’s had upon Jaune’s cock. The King of the Grimm still holds her by her hips, even as her legs threaten to give out from under her. Until finally… finally, he lets out one final grunt and thrusts into her one last time.
His seed spills into her womb, but Winter doesn’t mind. In fact, she lets out one last lewd cry of ecstasy, her body shuddering as he fills her womb directly. When he pulls out and lets go of her hips, she collapses to her knees, still trembling and shaking, her legs convulsing uncontrollably through one last explosive orgasm.
When all is said and done, she’s draped over her cot just trying to catch her breath. But of course, she’s still an Atlesian Specialist. Even after such a powerful, deep pounding… Winter recovers in mere minutes. Minutes that are spent in silence, with only her ragged breathing to fill the space. Truth be told, when she finally pushes herself up and turns around, she’s expecting Jaune to be gone.
She’s startled when she sees him still standing there, still as a statue… just watching her. He smirks, once she’s facing him again, and tilts his head to the side.
“Get dressed. I’m quite confident that your… knowledge will be of great interest to those of my inner circle.”
Winter’s eyes widen, and she nods hastily even as she moves to obey. Getting dressed, the Schnee woman bites her lower lip as she considers just who might be in such an inner circle. Salem, obviously. But who else? What sort of monsters might a Grimm King call upon if he were planning a response to General Ironwood and Headmaster Ozpin’s ill-thought out attack?
A shiver runs down Winter’s spine, even as her imagination goes wild with ideas…
“I want them dead. Both of them. Ozpin and Ironwood have gone too far. They turned my daughter into a damn bomb!”
“Summer… Ozpin’s actions are thoroughly reprehensible, don’t get me wrong. But… it’s not as simple as all that.”
“Oh? How is it not, Glynda? They sent me to die! They sent you to die! And when that wasn’t enough, they sent my daughters to DIE! It feels rather simple!”
Winter stands in the background of this gathering, wide-eyed and caught off guard. On the one hand, she’d been right that Jaune’s inner circle was filled with monsters. On the other hand… she was entirely off-base in what those monsters looked like.
Jaune and Salem were the only members of the inner circle that Winter had managed to guess. Aside from them… she never would have thought that the Grimm King’s inner circle consisted of Summer Rose, Glynda Goodwitch… and Boudicca Nikos, the Queen of Victory. The latter is still looking a little… hungover, for lack of a better word. But she was still present all the same. And watching on as Glynda and Summer argued.
“Because Ozpin can’t die! Because we kill him and he’ll just reincarnate and return in a few years’ time!”
Winter supposed it should have been more surprising that Glynda’s only qualm with Summer’s demands was the logistics of it all. But then again, knowing what she did now… she wasn’t at all shocked to hear that Glynda didn’t actually see anything morally wrong with killing the Headmaster and General Ironwood.
In the face of Glynda’s logic, Summer just scowls. The blind woman’s Aura Usage is masterful… and a little suffocating, from what Winter can feel. Then again, the former Atlesian Specialist thinks she might be feeling the pressure from the displeased mother on purpose… given her part in nearly getting Ruby and Yang killed.
“Tch. So then what do you propose we do? Leave Ozpin and Ironwood to their own devices? Because so far… that’s proven to be damn near disastrous. It wasn’t enough for Ozpin to lose you, Glynda. He had to throw away his last ‘Silver-Eyed Warrior’ as well.”
Salem speaks up at that, the Grimm Queen sounding HIGHLY amused.
“Who knew that leaving Ozma to his own devices for a couple short years would cause him to unravel at the seams? To think, he’s completely lost the ability to play the long game. Instead of spiriting the girl away to make her start a family, he’s gone and spent his resources in a failed attempt to do away with me before my grand ‘master plan’ can take place. Unaware that all the while… there is no plan.”
Summer bristles at Salem as the Grimm Queen laughs at her own words. Winter winces. It was… pretty dumb. Then again, knowing what she did now about Ozpin and Salem’s history… it put a lot of things into perspective. At the same time… it was clear that Headmaster Ozpin HAD unraveled. The man had gone insane, and dragged General Ironwood down with him.
Still, she sees a way to contribute, and though Summer’s Aura is pressing down on her, Winter steps forward all the same and clears her throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
“… Pardon the interruption, but if killing Headmaster Ozpin is out of the question… why not simply incapacitate him instead?”
It’s Salem who answers her, scoffing and waving a hand dismissively.
“You think I haven’t tried that over the years? Ozma is more than capable of killing himself if he sees no way out. He can use his magic to stop his current host’s heart at the drop of a hat, sending him on to his next incarnation if need be. If we capture him, he’ll be as lost to us as if we’d assassinated him.”
Winter tilts her head to the side at that.
“But… why not put him in a medically induced coma? If he’s not conscious, he can’t use his magic, right?”
Judging by the befuddled look on the Grimm Queen’s face, she has no idea what that is. Winter bites her lower lip, not sure if she should say anything else. The next moment, a small amount of the pressure from Summer’s Aura suddenly alleviates.
“Then that’s what we do. We capture Ozpin and keep him in a coma for as long as possible. His body might give out eventually, but even if we can keep him alive for a few decades, it will be for the best. Meanwhile… Ironwood dies. No matter what.”
Winter stays quiet. She’s not sure its her place to interject further. Luckily, Salem has no such qualms.
“You get ahead of yourself, Summer Rose. In the end… how we proceed is up to Jaune and Jaune alone. Do you think that your King has kept his existence hidden and played it safe for this long just to throw away all subterfuge and commit to the assassination of a General and disappearance of a Headmaster? Your plan lacks all subtlety. There are better ways of achieving your goals… but they will take time. And patience.”
Privately Winter agrees with Salem. But she’s not going to say so. It would seem neither Glynda nor Boudicca consider it their place to speak either. In the end… all eyes go to Jaune, even Summer’s attention turning his way as they wait for his decision.

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