The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 5: Cinder Fall

Contemplating it long and hard as he looks down at Summer’s slumbering form, Jaune eventually lets out a sigh and shakes his head.
“No. I won’t make that decision for her. Not when she’s like this. Maybe there’s another way. Or maybe she’d prefer to be blind over being one of us. I don’t know.”
Salem, far from being upset with his decision, just smiles. At the same time, the Queen of the Grimm drops to her knees before him, right there at the foot of the bed where he’s laid down Summer. As the tortured, blinded woman sleeps, Salem takes his cock in her hands once more and begins to stroke it up and down.
“As my King wishes. As my Master commands~”
And then she takes him in her mouth almost reverently, letting out a muffled moan that reverberates up and down his dick as she stares up at him with her red eyes. Staring back down at her, Jaune sighs again, this time in a mixture of exasperation and amusement as he grins. Placing a hand atop her head, sliding his fingers through her white locks, he takes control, beginning to guide her back and forth.
“That’s right, Salem. As your Master commands. And don’t you forget it.”
It’s beginning to be a little arousing, having this much control over such a powerful woman. She was, in more ways than one, his creator a million times over. Not only had she made him what he was now, but she’d had a hand in creating most of the Grimm that had been… downloaded into his mind so to speak as well. Jaune might be mostly himself even now thanks to the vibrancy of his human memories and the power of his human soul or whatever, but the memories of the Grimm were not without their influence on him.
The desire to take and dominate and conquer might just be one that he found himself fighting every day for the rest of his life… which meant it was all the more arousing when he didn’t have to do that, when he could simply… indulge in his darker impulses. And so, his grip on Salem’s hair and head tightens after a moment, and he begins to force her further down his cock at a faster pace than before.
The Queen of the Grimm begins to choke and gag on his throbbing, rock-hard member, but not once does she struggle or try to pull away. She takes it, gurgling all the while as her tongue lashes along the underside of his cock.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
If Jaune could just spend the rest of his life like this, maybe it’d be alright. But there were things he still had to do; considerations that had to be made. Summer’s story needed to have a happy ending, if he could manage it. Meanwhile, he needed to make sure his human family stayed safe. His dad was gone, but his mother and sisters… they would never be threatened again by the Grimm, not if Jaune could help it.
Of course, he hadn’t forgotten the other thing either. Yanking Salem off of his cock, watching as she gasps for air, Jaune wastes no time in spinning her kneeling form around and bending her over the end of the bed. Kneeling behind her, he fits his cock into her and takes her from behind, thrusting forward as he maintains his grip on her hair, pulling her head back and forcing her spine to arch all the while.
There’s a reason he’s switched things up though, and it’s not just to hear Salem moaning like a wanton whore for his dick. Leaning in close, Jaune growls into her ear.
“Now, my Queen… you’re going to tell me all that you can about this protégé of yours. I want to meet her, in the morning.”
Salem tenses for a moment, before slowly nodding her head as her pussy walls clench around his cock. As she speaks, Jaune fucks her but also listens, carefully taking in all that she has to say. This protégé might be human, but from the sound of things, she wasn’t to be taken lightly. Jaune wasn’t sure what kind of woman would betray the entirety of humanity to serve the Grimm… but he knew one thing for sure. He was going to have to handle her, one way or another.
Summer is still asleep when they leave the room the next morning. From the look of things, the poor woman has entered a sort of restorative coma, now that she’s out of those chains and actually able to rest properly. Leaving food and water on the table for her, Jaune nevertheless has Salem lead him to her actual pet human, the one she’s tamed and trained up to help her attack the Kingdoms. It’s time for him to meet… Cinder Fall.
They come upon the young woman training, when they finally arrive. The large open room she’s in is filled with targets of all sorts, including some floating Grimm that she’s using as moving target practice. Her skill with a bow is certainly amazing to watch, and her swordsmanship, when she draws her blades from her back, is nothing to scoff at either.
Likewise, the way that she uses the dust woven into her dark-red, shoulder-less mini dress is certainly awe-inspiring. The designs light up as she fights, fiery lines traveling down her arms and empowering her arrows as they explode upon the floating Grimm as well as the stationary targets situated all around the arena.
Of course, Jaune and Salem only get to watch her for a handful of minutes before she finally notices their presence. The moment she sees Salem, Cinder drops out of her combat stance, landing on the ground and falling to one knee immediately as she bows her head.
“Mistress, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there!”
“It’s quite alright, Cinder. Rise. I have someone I want you to meet.”
As she does so, Jaune takes in her appearance and the way she carries herself a bit more closely. Put bluntly… she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. In fairness to Jaune, he’s just a boy, barely on the cusp of what people might generously call a young man. Cinder though… Cinder is all woman, even if she’s probably only got a handful of years on him.
At the same time though, her gorgeous face, her ashen-black hair, her amber eyes… all of it is somewhat undercut by her attitude. She doesn’t carry herself with the sort of confidence and arrogance that one would expect from such a beauty who wore such… challenging and provocative clothes. At least, she doesn’t carry herself like that around Salem.
Walking over, Cinder’s eyes fall upon him as well, and while they widen in shock at his appearance, she doesn’t say a word until she reaches the two of them.
“A-As you say, Mistress. Who… who is this?”
“My Master. My King. As I am above you, so is he above me. He felt it was time for you two to finally meet and ordered me to arrange it.”
THAT gets Cinder’s attention in a big way, even as Jaune notes how Salem is somewhat twisting her words to obfuscate things for her human protégé. There’s no mention of him being barely two days old, no mention of Salem creating him and then him turning the tables on her and dominating her. As far as Cinder Fall is now concerned, he has always been there, always been the power behind Salem, the one truly sat upon the throne. She’s just now learning about it, but that doesn’t change his perceived history in her eyes.
Jaune doesn’t mind the obfuscation one bit, not after the briefing Salem gave him the night before at his bidding. Cinder Fall is a dangerous girl, no, a dangerous woman. She’s ruthless and sadistic, power-hungry to the extreme and only respectful of those who are both stronger than her and can offer her the power she so desperately craves. She’s ambitious, more than anything else, and eager to lead, eager to be in charge.
There’s no doubt in his mind that if they met under different circumstances, Cinder would either ignore him as the ant he’d previously been, or walk all over him, easily seducing his stammering, young self into doing whatever she wanted him to do. Just as there’s no doubt in his mind that if Cinder were to find out what the true story was behind his and Salem’s… relationship, she would immediately lose all respect for the Queen of the Grimm and start plotting behind Salem’s back. And behind his back, by proxy.
So no, that couldn’t be allowed. Cinder needed to be neutralized as a threat, but even after everything Salem had told him about the girl’s bloodthirst, Jaune was disinclined to just kill her or anything like that. He wasn’t sure he had it in him to order anyone’s execution, let alone carry out the deed himself. And maybe, Cinder’s immense beauty had something to do with it. Just maybe.
Regardless, Cinder finishes processing what Salem has just told her, and after staring at him with wide eyes for a moment, she drops to a knee and bows her head once more, as if realizing what that meant for her, and the fact that she was… well, that she was as beholden to him as she was to Salem.
“Y-Your Majesty, it’s… it’s an honor to be entrusted with the knowledge of your existence!”
Jaune hums noncommittally at that, not immediately answering her, nor telling her to rise like Salem so quickly did. Instead, he pretends to study her… while considering his course of action. Salem had her suggestions for what he should do next, but Jaune was still on the fence.
“Cinder Fall. My Queen has told me much about you. She says that you hunger for respect and desire the power to command that respect.”
A shiver runs down the gorgeous femme fatale’s spine at that, and she carefully lifts her head as she nods.
“Y-Yes, your majesty…”
Lifting his own gaze up to sweep back and forth across the room for a moment, Jaune eventually brings his red eyes back down to look upon Cinder’s face once more. Really, he’s truly lucky that the circumstances conspired to have him approach her like this. She really is almost too beautiful for words, but after waking up as a Grimmified Human Hybrid and fucking Salem and even Summer, Cinder is… merely Cinder.
“I could give you that power. But I suppose the question becomes… why should I?”
Cinder jolts at that, her amber eyes widening even further as they dart over to a silent Salem for a moment before going back to him. She fidgets and squirms under his stoic gaze for a little while, until finally mustering the courage to speak up.
“I… I thought the plan was to h-have me take the powers of one of the Maidens for myself. To have them in the hands of a… l-loyal subject to my Mistress. I would use them only as you and she see fit, o-of course…”
“Plans change.”
Cinder stiffens at that, but Jaune just continues on, like he hasn’t noticed.
“My Queen overstepped. She thought she was doing what I would want her to do. Now she knows better. The Maidens will be left alone. In fact, humanity will be left alone. The Grimm are already pulling back as we speak. The Kingdoms will not be harassed by me or mine for a moment longer. The question then becomes… what use are you to me?”
The gorgeous young woman’s eyes had been getting progressively larger and larger as he spoke, her full lips parting more and more with each word that leaves her mouth. She’s left pale and gobsmacked, completely baffled by his words… and when he finishes, the blood completely leaves her face as she blanches heavily, perhaps realizing that she’s trapped in a room with two monsters while one of them explains how they have no use for her any longer.
Jaune watches as Cinder’s fight or flight response activates and then just as quickly deactivates, the young woman momentarily deflating as she realizes she can neither fight them, nor escape them. Not in the middle of Salem’s castle, not in the middle of the Grimmlands. There’s no hope of survival for Cinder… unless she can make herself useful again.
The moment her eyes dart down to Jaune’s crotch, he knows she’s going in the exact direction that Salem wants her to. He says Salem because while Jaune wouldn’t mind, he’s still a little on the fence about all of this. And yet… it does feel like the best way to handle Cinder at this point in time.
“P-Please, your majesty. I can… I can be whatever you or my Mistress needs me to be. Have I not been loyal to the c-cause? Even if the plan is changing… I am still at your s-service…”
Cocking his head to the side, Jaune just hums. This makes Cinder blanch further, as if she thinks she’s failing to get through to him. For all she knows, she is. He is, after all, some sort of alien eldritch horror that’s in charge of the equally eldritch and alien horror she’s been dealing with up to this point. But he’s also a man, and from what Salem has told him, Cinder is convinced that she can control men.
Dropping her other knee as well, Cinder looks up at him, arching her back just a little in a subtle fashion that pushes out her tits and draws the eye to her cleavage. Her lips parted, her eyes darting back and forth, she’s breathing heavily in fear.
“A-Anything… any role you need me in, your majesty. I’m sure I can fulfill it. I’m sure I can… I can be of use to you.”
Finally, Salem steps in, hugging him from the side suggestively and cooing down at Cinder as she speaks up.
“Didn’t I tell you, my King? She’s a smart girl, isn’t she? She knows what she has to offer to your August self. All you need to do now… is claim her.”
Indeed, that was the plan Salem had put forward. Convince Cinder that she was completely out of her league, convince her to offer up her body… and then drag her into their bed for some not-so-amoral fun. It was easier to feel alright about it then the stuff with Summer, if only because Cinder was an awful human being who deserved to be the plaything of Grimmified humans like them.
There was no doubt in Jaune’s head that now that Cinder had offered herself up and wasn’t rejecting Salem’s words… he was going to fuck her. He just needed to decide what form that fucking was going to take.

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