The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 50: Willow Schnee Pt. 3

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

In which Willow makes her feelings known.


“… You have some nerve…”
Jaune blinks in surprise as Willow finally answers him. He doesn’t quite understand what she means at first… until she abruptly rises from the chair, grabs him by the front of his shirt, and pulls him into a deep, searing kiss. He’s caught off guard mostly because… well, of everything. Like he’d said, he’d literally just forced her to kill her own husband. He’d made Willow Schnee into a murderer.
On top of that, he knew for a fact that she wasn’t drunk right now. Half-feral? Sure. But drunk? Nope. She was completely sober. He’d made sure of that fact. And yet she’s still kissing him?
His hands instinctively fall to her hips but he can’t quite bring himself to push her away. Not this time. That doesn’t stop her from reacting, however. She stiffens at his touch and then proceeds to try and spin him around and throw him into the chair she’d just vacated. The key word there is try because… well, she finds it all but impossible to move him, even with the full power of her aura-enhanced physical strength.
Instead, Willow comes away having literally ripped his shirt off of his body, exposing her blemish-free but chiseled chest underneath. The Schnee Matriarch isn’t capable of magic or anything like that, so Salem’s disguise spell holds, keeping Jaune looking entirely human even as Willow blinks at the shreds of shirt in her hand.
All things being equal, she SHOULD have been able to manhandle him into the chair. He hadn’t been fighting her after all, he’d just been standing there. If they were both actually aura-awakened humans like they were supposed to be, she should have had no issue getting him where she wanted him. But the truth is, Jaune is far more than an aura-awakened human. He is in fact the first aura-awakened Grimm to ever exist.
Far from getting suspicious however, Willow just looks frustrated. Letting out a somewhat amusing, very cute little growl, the Schnee Matriarch crosses one arm under her chest and then points to the armchair with her other.
“Sit. Down.”
For a moment, Jaune feels nostalgic. Like he’s being told off by his own mother. Ah, but that way lies memories that Jaune has done his best to suppress completely and utterly. Probably best not to be thinking about his human family, especially not at a time like this. He’s gotten this far without getting bogged down by his memories of them after all…
Jaune sits, quirking a brow at Willow, curious at what she’ll do next. The beautiful MILF looks down at his bared chest for a moment, her eyes trailing over his physique. Then, before he can stop her, she reaches up and does the same with her own blouse and brassiere.
He blinks as she rips her clothes off of herself, letting her soft, full, pale breasts bounce free. She’s very, VERY pale he notes. But then, it’s not like she’s gotten much in the way of sunlight in quite some time. Holing up inside of the mansion all day, every day, drinking herself into a spiral of depression. Well, not anymore Jaune supposes. Because Willow is definitely taking what she wants now. First her husband’s life… next, him.
The Schnee Matriarch’s tits haven’t even properly stopped jiggling yet before she’s clamoring into his lap, straddling him and spreading her legs apart as she loops her arms around his neck. Jaune opens his mouth to speak, but Willow silences him with another kiss, their chests pressing together. Her soft pillowy breasts squish against his rock hard pectorals, causing her to moan into his mouth as her hardening nipples rub back and forth across his flat, chiseled body.
Finally, she pulls back for air… but immediately places a finger against his lips.
“Hush. I don’t want to hear another word from you.”
As she glowers down at him, she also grinds her crotch against his crotch. Jaune grunts as his hardening cock strains against the confines of his work pants, while he can feel a developing wet spot in Willow’s panties underneath her skirt as her panty-clad sex presses into his growing bulge. Given what he’s made her do, Jaune does as he’s told and stays quiet, figuring that if that’s what she wants, then that’s what she’ll get.
After a heartbeat of this silence, Willow lets out a shuddering breath.
“You come… whirling into m-my life. You sober me up against my will. You… you let me know that everyone thinks my daughters are missing in action but want to keep it from me. You let me know my daughters are SAFE despite their beliefs. You… you convince me to kill my own husband.”
Leaning in closer, Willow Schnee gives him a gimlet eye, still grinding down on him all the while.
“And then. After all of that. You want to leave? You think I’d let you go?”
Jaune blinks at that last bit. Technically, Willow has no ability to stop him from leaving if he wants to. But at the same time, she has quite a bit of power over him at this point. He feels… responsible for her in a way he can’t quite define. This isn’t the Willow Schnee who existed when he first arrived. This right here is a Willow Schnee of his own making. A Willow Schnee HE created. So yes, he feels like he owes her something in a way he can’t explain.
“… I’m not drunk anymore. That was your reason before, right? You wouldn’t fuck me because you didn’t want to take advantage of me. Well, I’m sober now thanks to you. And I want it. I still want you to take advantage of me. So what do you have to say to that, handsome? What are you going to do with THAT information?”
Fuck. He’d backed himself into a bit of a corner, hadn’t he? By all rights, he could still turn her down… but was he going to? Was he really going to reject this woman, grinding onto his lap and breathing so heavily that her naked tits were jiggling up and down right in front of his face?
… No. No he wasn’t. With a growl, Jaune lifts Willow up into the air, rising to his feet. Instinctively, the MILF wraps her legs around his waist like she already has her arms wrapped around his neck. She squeaks a bit at being so casually picked up but clings to him nevertheless as he carries her over to the bed and tosses her down on it.
As soon as she sees him unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, Willow frantically moves to strip off her skirt, pantyhose, and panties, getting herself the rest of the way naked just in time for him to climb onto the bed after her. Eagerly spreading her legs for him, the Schnee Matriarch licks her lips as Jaune falls upon her tits, snagging a nipple between his teeth and making her moan as he gives it a good, solid tug.
At the same time, he brings his cock up with one hand and places it against Willow’s drooling slit. Thrusting into her a moment later, Jaune can’t help but admit that he enjoys her cry as he fills her with his mast, splitting her open on his shaft. Her back arches, pushing her pillowy breasts further into his face, and her cunt clenches down on his dick hard. She’s quite tight and it’s clearly been a time since she was last with a man.
That surprised Jaune a little bit. He’d thought when Willow initially grabbed him from the rest of the new hires that she’d been doing something she always did. That she’d just been picking out her latest boytoy. Her drunken claims had certainly supported that fact. But no, as she cries out under him, as she flexes down on his length, Jaune can tell… it’s been a while for the gorgeous MILF.
No wonder it had been so easy to push her into killing her husband. She’d already been at some sort of breaking point when she’d drunkenly decided that she was going to fuck him. Whether that was because of the prolonged absence of her daughters or something else entirely, Jaune didn’t know. Either way, as he fucks her now Willow clings to him for dear life once more, lifting her legs into the air and clenching her thighs on him as she moans happily.
As her feet knock back and forth, Jaune grunts, fucking her hard and fast while continuing to gnaw at her nipple. When he pulls away from one to move to the other, however, Willow suddenly says something that causes him to pause for a moment.
“… Am I the first Schnee woman you’ve had, handsome? Or have you enjoyed my daughters in the same way?”
It was strikingly similar to something she’d said to him while she was under the influence. But she’s sober now and the context is far different. Jaune doesn’t think he can lie to her either… so he tells her the truth, even as his cock remains buried in her flexing, clenching cunt.
“Your eldest and I have had relations, yes. Weiss… not so much. She’s in a committed relationship already with a young woman her age.”
Willow blinks as she processes that information. Then she giggles.
“That’s… you and Winter had ‘relations’? You know you can just say it, right? You fucked my daughter.”
Even as she says the words, Willow clenches up around his cock. Licking her lips, she moans at him.
“And now you’re fucking me. Your big fat cock has already been in two Schnee women… you should complete the trifecta. Fuck my youngest and her girlfriend. I’d bet they’d love that~”
Jaune is pretty sure that’s the horniness talking more than anything. He’s certainly not about to touch Weiss or Ciel without their express permission anyways. Willow is probably just too lost in her own arousal to realize the sort of things she’s saying. It’s dirty talk, plain and simple. He has to admit, the idea of having both Schnee daughters and their mother kneeling at his feet, all three of them worshipping his cock… yeah, it’s somewhat appealing.
With a growl, he fucks Willow harder, playing into her fantasy a bit more.
“Yeah? Would YOU love that, Willow? Do you like the idea of me fucking your daughter after I’ve fucked you? You wouldn’t bring it up if you didn’t want me to complete the trifecta because the idea turned YOU on.”
Willow shivers and bites her lower lip for a moment before nodding as she pants needily.
“Nnngh… h-harder. Harder, handsome.”
It’s only then that it hits him. She doesn’t even know his name. He’s fucking the Schnee Matriarch on her back with her legs in the air after convincing her to kill her piece of shit husband and she doesn’t even know his name. It’s a bit sobering truth be told, though he doesn’t stop fucking Willow into the bed. He does fall silent for a long moment, with only her wanton moans and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh to fill the air.
Finally though…
“My name is Jaune by the way. Pleasure to meet you properly, Ms. Schnee. Sorry to hear you’ve recently been widowed.”
Willow blinks, staring up at him for a moment and going through the same thoughts as him no doubt. He was ball’s deep inside of her and she hadn’t known his name until this moment. But far from being upset by this realization, Willow lets out a laugh that turns into another moan as she cums on his cock yet again. Her body spasms beneath him and her pussy walls flex and clench rhythmically up and down his pistoning prick.
“Y-You… h-heh… thanks… but I’m not. I’m so very happy to no longer be married to that shit stain. And frankly… I’m glad I did the deed myself.”
Something wild in Willow’s eyes tells Jaune that she means it too. She might have wanted him to kill Jacques for her… but ‘pulling the trigger’ so to speak has been… good for her, perhaps? Jaune might not be the best person to ask about that though. He’s tried so very hard to be good. To do the right thing. But he’s still Grimm at the end of the day. Grimm and Human technically, but sometimes it definitely feels like he’s more Grimm than human. And sometimes… sometimes Jaune can’t help but wonder if the Grimm is seeping into the human in him.
Either way, Willow slides her hands down his back, raking at his back with her nails. She can’t actually rend his flesh unfortunately, she’s not strong enough, but she can certainly scratch him enough that he feels it. Groaning and growling, Jaune picks up the pace yet again, until Willow is truly squealing. Of course, at a certain point one has to worry about how far the noise might be traveling. Which is why Jaune leans in and captures Willow’s lips with his own, silencing her squeals and shrieks and screams of ecstasy once and for all.
His tongue forces its way into her mouth and he wrestles her tongue into submission, even as Willow seizes up on him, cumming yet again for him as he dominates her lips with his own and kisses her just as deeply as he’s fucking her.
They go at it like animals truth be told. They fuck the night away, with Willow’s aura allowing her to last many hours longer than she could have without it. But finally, he exhausts her. After who knew how many climaxes on her part and a handful of creampies on his, Willow passes out beneath him, sleeping quite soundly as Jaune collapses next to her and lets her curl up against his side.
He doesn’t sleep of course… which means he has all the time in the world to plan. Willow Schnee, now CEO of the SDC, will be helping out by pulling the SDC out of the war. Unwinding their contracts with the Atlesian Military will take some time but having the ‘White Fang’ attack and kill Jacques Schnee was more than enough reason for the company to want to turn their eyes away from Mistral and inward instead.
Did Jaune feel bad for once again performing a false flag operation involving the White Fang? A little bit, be he figured it would probably be fine. They were all but absent from the Kingdoms these days, but that didn’t mean there weren’t pockets of them still claiming the name here and there. Just because Willow Schnee said that someone in a White Fang Mask stabbed her husband multiple times in the chest before running away, didn’t mean that the main White Fang back in Menagerie was necessarily to blame.
… Anyways, with Willow weakening Atlas’ Military in her own way, Jaune needed to decide how he was going to handle his other mission objective. Namely, Pietro Polendina. Technically he could use Willow and the SDC to try and grab the inventor… or he could just go himself to kidnap Pietro, though that would mean splitting up from Willow for a time.
And the Schnee Matriarch HAD made it abundantly clear that she didn’t want him to go anywhere…
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Go after Pietro Polendina on his own and kidnap the inventor by himself - 11%

[X] See if he can use Willow and the SDC to get to Pietro through more legal channels - 89%


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