The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 57: The Schnees

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Winter and Willow use "Roleplay"! Its super-effective! But... not just on Jaune :P


… Yes, it was much too early to check in on Pietro already. Repairing Penny and making it so she was no longer vulnerable to General Ironwood’s machinations would probably take longer than day and some change that the man had had so far.

On the other hand, Jaune had probably given Winter and Willow too MUCH time. The fact that they hadn’t shown up again since he’d watched them walk away together the day before was a little concerning. Especially when he didn’t fully know how Winter was feeling about having her mother sober and in the palace all of a sudden. She probably wouldn’t do anything too drastic… but he should still make sure all the same.

And so, Jaune ambles his way through the palace, hunting for the mother-daughter duo. Until finally, he finds them in the oddest place imaginable… his study. Why is this odd? Well, the thing is, Jaune doesn’t use his study. Salem had given it to him a while back, and it came completely furnished with a massive desk made out of mahogany and all of the other trappings one would expect a study to have as well.

Yet… Jaune had left it to gather dust because he didn’t really have a purpose for it. Well, he’d left it to collect dust metaphorically speaking anyways. Pyrrha and her mother took their roles as his battle-maids quite seriously, and wherever they couldn’t get to, the Grimm that Salem had constantly cleaning the palace did the rest. So the study wasn’t that dusty of a place, despite its lack of use.

Except it could no longer be said to be going without use either. Because when Jaune steps into the large, long study, it’s to find that Winter and Willow have done a little bit of redecorating, both of themselves and of the room as well. The two have found smaller desks from somewhere else in the palace and moved them into the front portion of his study, setting themselves up on either side of the large double doors at the entrance like… well, like a pair of secretaries.

They’re dressed the part as well, which is where the ‘redecorating of themselves’ bit comes in. Clad in tight white blouses and black pencil skirts with their hair done up in buns, they would look more like businesswomen instead of secretaries, save for the fact that their clothes are a couple sizes too small for them and the top three buttons of their blouses are undone, showing just a hint of their lacy black bras.

There’s also the fact that when Jaune finally steps foot into his ‘office’, both women immediately rise from their chairs and move to the sides of their desks in eerie synchronicity, bowing at the waist as they greet him.

“Sir, welcome back!”

“Welcome back, Mister Arc!”

Jaune just stares for a moment, nonplussed. Then, he looks to their desks with a note of incredulity.

“How long have you two been waiting for me here?”

Winter is the one to field that question as they both come out of their bows, a broad smile on her lips.

“Not long at all, sir. And we weren’t really waiting… we had plenty of work to get done on your behalf!”

… He doesn’t doubt it, actually. Despite all of this seeming like some really deep roleplay… their desks ARE covered in papers, and both of their scrolls are on and active. Furrowing his brow, Jaune can imagine that Willow had lots to do as the actual CEO of an actual company even if she was currently working long distance. But what was Winter up to?

“Now that you’re here though, sir… perhaps we could take care of you?”

“That’s right, Mister Arc. If you need anything from us… anything at all, you only need to ask~”

Pulled from his thoughts, Jaune gives both Winter and Willow a dry look as the pair of white-haired ‘secretaries’ get really suggestive really fast. Willow is even playing with her unbuttoned blouse, biting her lower lip suggestively, while Winter looks red in the face but just as eager to play as her mother. Of course, this was almost certainly Winter’s idea. Willow was just better at it from the look of things.

Though in this case, ‘better’ was not only subjective… it was downright meaningless. Much like Pyrrha and Boudicca had been absurdly sexy in their maid uniforms, with neither truly managing to overtake the other, Winter and Willow were the exact same way. Jaune can already feel himself growing aroused just staring at the two of them, and as he stands in between their desks… he chuckles.

“Well, if you’re both going to offer such a thing… hm, though I really only need one of you, don’t I?”

Winter and Willow manage to pout damn near simultaneously at that.

“I assure you, sir… we can work even better together then apart!”

“Ah… but if Mister Arc wants to split us up, that’s okay too~”

The betrayed look that Winter shoots her mother is hilarious, though Jaune is careful not to let his amusement show on his face TOO much. Still, he does smirk a little bit as he glances between them.

“… We’ll have to see which of you deserves to be nestled under my desk while I get some work done and which of you is only fit for getting me some coffee then.”

As he gets into the roleplay, both Winter and Willow get determined, competitive looks on their faces.

“O-Of course sir… if that’s what sir wishes.”

“Yes, Mister Arc. I’m at your disposal.”

Hmm… Jaune crosses his arms over his chest, side-eyeing the two women for a moment speculatively. They’re both gorgeous of course. But Winter’s body is that of a warrior. As an Atlesian Specialist, she has a rock hard, tight, athletic figure. Meanwhile, Willow might have her aura active, but the older woman is still soft in a way Winter can’t quite match up to. She’s a voluptuous, full bodied, matured sort of woman. A total MILF through and through.

“… It’s too close to call, honestly. Let’s move this over to the couch and you two can… make your case.”

Stepping past them, Jaune heads over to the couch in the center of the study, put right between his desk and their desks near the double doors. He sits down and they hurry after him, making him realize they’re both wearing high heels as well. Willow wears them best, walking in the heels like she was born to it… a byproduct of who knows how many high society events over the years, Jaune imagines. Winter, meanwhile, is clearly a little… stilted in the heels.

Still, they both make it over to the couch without falling over, climbing up onto the piece of furniture on either side of him as Jaune spreads his arms over the back of the couch and lets them cuddle up nice and close. He gives them both a grin, even as they begin running their hands across his chest and down his front.

“Ah-ah. None of that yet, you two. Use your words. I’ll let you decide between you who gets to speak first.”

Winter and Willow exchange a glance at that, and both he and Willow are equally surprised when Winter jerks her head in Willow’s direction, ceding the floor to her mother. Leaning in close, Willow pants heavily as she presses her sizable bust against his side.

“Well, Mister Arc. I believe my place is under your desk, between your legs… because that’s all a lousy slut like me is good for. I’m terrible at numbers. Horrible at keeping track of your appointments. And I ALWAYS fuck up your coffee order. Plus… this foolish mouth of mine runs on and on and on… unless I have something in it to shut… me… up.”

She walks her fingers down his chest at those last few words, and on ‘up’ she places her hand on his bulge meaningfully, making it quite clear what she thinks he should use to shut her up. Jaune, meanwhile, is surprised but also a little impressed. It’s an unorthodox argument, to be sure. Rather than relying on her own merits, Willow has taken a self-deprecating route all the way through.

Jaune has to admit, the idea of the beautiful CEO sucking his cock under his desk is pretty hot. And he kind of likes her playing dumb like this, acting like she’s just the absolute worst at being his secretary. Still…


Looking over at the younger of the Schnee Women, Jaune smiles at her, giving her his full attention. It’s what he’d given Willow, so she deserved at least that much he figured. Winter, meanwhile, looks almost as shocked as he was by her mother’s ploy. But she quickly rallies upon hearing her name, shaking herself out of it and giving him a broad smile.

“I’d say that my fellow secretary outlined my own argument for me, sir. Namely… she doesn’t deserve to worship your cock with her mouth. She hasn’t earned it. Not like me. I’ve been a solid worker, sir. I’ve been a good girl, haven’t I? If anyone deserves to get to suck your big fat dick, it should be me~”

Like her mother, as Winter speaks, her hand travels down to his crotch. Like her mother, she ends her argument with her hand on his bulge. Both women are all but stroking him through his pants now, their unbuttoned blouses exposing lacy black bras and a sizable amount of cleavage. Winter might not have the full voluptuous body that her mother is rocking, but what she does have, she certainly knows how to accentuate and use.

Looking between the two Schnee Women, Jaune appreciates what he sees. Truly he does. And there’s no doubt in his mind he’s going to wind up fucking both of them before this is over. But before he can make a ‘decision’ regarding which of them has won this initial bout… the slightest bit of movement catches his attention out of the corner of his eye.

Jaune doesn’t jerk his head in the direction of that movement. But he does look over, making it seem like he’s merely deep in thought. Winter and Willow don’t realize he’s looking anywhere in particular… but the single light blue eye belonging to one Weiss Schnee definitely does. From her position at the crack in the large double doors leading into his office, Weiss Schnee has been caught watching him with her mother and sister. She can see EVERYTHING from this position too.

That single visible eye goes wide when Weiss realizes he’s looking her way and that she’s been had. But before he can decide what to do with her… it vanishes. Jaune has to admit, he’s a little surprised. He’s been spied on before by a beautiful girl, but they usually stick around once they’re caught, too tempted to stay away.

But to be fair, Weiss Schnee was already in a relationship with that lovely Ciel girl, wasn’t she? So in the end… maybe Weiss hadn’t intended to catch an eyeful. Maybe she’d been following him to talk to him about something else, only to stumble upon her sister and mother making utter fools of themselves in such lewd and depraved ways.

… He would have to talk to Weiss about that later, Jaune supposed. But for now? Well, for now he had a lovely pair of secretaries to enjoy. Looking between the two of them, gazing into their expectant and hopeful faces, Jaune makes his choice and opens his mouth, fully intending to enjoy this little roleplay scenario for all it’s worth…


What the fuck was wrong with her? She couldn’t believe how long she’d watched. But then… she also couldn’t believe the things she was hearing either. She had wanted to speak to the Grimm King about… actually, Weiss didn’t even know what it was about anymore. That’s how frazzled she currently was. She couldn’t think straight.

Either way, she’d wound up tracking him to his study just as he was entering. She’d intended to call after him, to follow him into the study, but just as his name was on her tongue… she’d heard her mother and sister’s voices from inside. Addressing him as sir and ‘Mister Arc’. It was… weird. So Weiss had turned into a snooping Schnee and snuck closer.

What she’d witnessed had shocked her to her very core. But also… aroused her? Weiss was very happy with Ciel, okay! She and the other girl were very, very happy as girlfriends! But… Weiss wasn’t only a lesbian. She’d known that for a while now. She… she liked both. However, there was a huge difference between liking both girls and boys… a-and spying on her mother and big sister doing their level best to compete to seduce a literal Human-Grimm Hybrid!

She should have been disgusted. She should have needed something to wash the image out of her brain! But instead… instead she was panting a little bit at the thought of it. Worst of all, she’d been caught! At least Jaune finally noticing her presence had given Weiss the push she needed to finally run away, but even s-still… the Grimm King knew. He knew she was a pervert. Would he come for her like he’d c-clearly come for her mother and sister? Oh god…


Blinking, Weiss looks up to realize that her feet have taken her back to her and Ciel’s shared quarters. More importantly, her feet have taken her back to Ciel herself. Her dark-skinned girlfriend furrows her brow and frowns at Weiss as she stands there, looking concerned.

“Is something wrong, Weiss? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. But you’re also… well, you’re also quite red in the face.”

She can imagine the sort of face she’s making right now. It’s not the sort of face she SHOULD be making. But as she stares back at Ciel, Weiss doesn’t know what to say. She can’t tell her girlfriend what happened… can she? She definitely shouldn’t. Ciel wouldn’t understand. She would be mad. But by the same logic… she shouldn’t keep it from her. They were lovers. They were a couple. Trust was paramount. But if the knowledge wound up driving Ciel away, Weiss didn’t know what she would do.

For a long moment, she just stands there wordlessly. Then, she opens her mouth, still not entirely sure what’s about to come out of it.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Weiss tells Ciel what she witnessed and how it made her feel - 87%

[ ] Weiss attempts to distract Ciel by seducing her and taking her to bed - 13%


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