The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 59: Weiss Schnee Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Jaune gives Weiss and Ciel a go. They turn out to be filthy degenerates of the highest caliber, of course.


He couldn’t deny his curiosity in the end. What would Weiss and Ciel do when they found out he was already done with Winter and Willow? Did they just want to watch? Or was Ciel hoping for something more? In the end, there was only one way for Jaune to find out.

Well no, that wasn’t quite true. There were two ways, technically… but if he wanted to find out what they would do when they thought he still didn’t know about their plans, then barging into their room and confronting them directly wasn’t an option.

Instead, Jaune pulls back and through a combination of his greater speed and the fact that he had a head start on them, he sets things up so that he’s seemingly just coming down the hall away from his study when the two young women turn the corner and almost run smack dab into him.


Even as he feigns surprise, Jaune is watching for their reactions. Weiss squeaks and immediately tries to turn around and walk away, but Ciel has her girlfriend’s hand in her own and stands her ground, holding onto Weiss and forcing her to stand her ground as well. Playing the ignorant Grimm King, Jaune offers the red-faced Weiss an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry for what you might have caught a glimpse of earlier, Ms. Schnee. I should have locked my door better. It won’t happen in the future.”

Weiss, eyes wide and face red for reasons that honestly have nothing to do with her embarrassment at seeing him and her family members together at this point, just nods her head up and down mutely. But Ciel… Ciel leans in close and whispers in Weiss’ ear.

“Trust me?”

It’s a testament to their bond that Weiss doesn’t even hesitate in the response she gives out of the side of her mouth.


Jaune only hears them because of his enhanced hearing, of course. He pretends like he didn’t, even as Ciel straightens up… and surprises both him and Weiss with her forwardness.

“What if we wanted it to happen in the future?”

Weiss squeaks at her girlfriend’s bluntness, while Ciel stares at Jaune, seemingly unabashedly. But he can see the kernel of worry in her eyes. She’s afraid she’s overstepped but doesn’t feel like she can back down now. And she can’t… she’s just gone straight to the end of the road with those words.

Tilting his head to the side, refusing to be embarrassed himself, Jaune just chuckles.

“Well… I suppose we’d have to ask Winter and Willow what they thought of such a thing. I can’t speak for them after all, so for something like that to happen again with my knowledge… they would need to be told that Weiss was watching. It would only be fair.”

Weiss squeaks some more at THAT thought and Jaune would have given the white-haired young woman a pitying glance but at the moment his gaze is still locked with Ciel’s.

“And… what if… what if we wanted something else to happen in the future, your majesty? What if we had… something else in mind entirely?”

We? Or her? Still, as much as Weiss is squirming, she’s not trying to pull away from Ciel’s grip. And she’s already given her girlfriend the go ahead, in the end. So…

“I suppose that would depend on what you had in mind, Miss Soleil.”

Ciel grins wickedly at that, leaving Jaune to wonder just what exactly it is he’s gotten himself into.


“Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…”

… They were lucky that Salem’s palace had more than one study, seeing how he’d left Winter and Willow in his main study to recover from their rather rough roleplaying. As such, he was able to take Ciel and Weiss to a smaller study for their own little roleplay session, once Ciel explained what she’d wanted. Though Jaune had to admit, he’d never have guessed just what sort of girl Ciel really was…

Maybe he should have caught on after seeing how she reacted to Weiss’ honesty, but even that couldn’t have prepared him for what she and Weiss had wanted of him.

As the sounds of cock sucking fill the small office, a knock at the door causes Jaune to look up from the papers he’d been shuffling around while he waited. Letting out a low sigh, he puts on his game face and calls out.

“Come in!”

“Professor Arc. Have you seen Weiss anywhere?”

As Ciel Soleil steps into his office with those words on her lips, Jaune leans back in his chair and slides one hand into his lap. His fingers glide right through the hair of one Weiss Schnee as she pauses in sucking his cock, nursing at it for a moment upon hearing her girlfriend’s voice.

“Ms. Soleil. Office hours are over, I hope you know.”

Walking right up to the desk, Ciel nods sharply.

“Yes sir, I know. It’s just… I’m worried about Weiss. I can’t find her anywhere.”

To hear Ciel explain it, her and Weiss hadn’t been able to experience regular schooling. Not only had the disappearance of the Grimm made it all but impossible for Weiss to convince her father to let her join a proper Huntsman Academy… but also the war had led to them both enlisting, Weiss doing so under her father’s nose.

That said, Jaune didn’t really think any part of this scenario was really ‘the average academy experience’ that Ciel had talked about them missing out on. No… not one bit.

“And you think I know where she is, Ms. Soleil? I wonder why…”

Down below, Jaune pushes slightly on Weiss’ head, playing the role of domineering professor and forcing the young Schnee woman to resume her activities. As she sucks his cock dutifully, Ciel seems to grow frustrated with him, flushing as she glares at him.

“I know… I’ve seen the way you look at her, Professor. You do know we’re dating, right?”

Jaune rolls his eyes at that, giving Ciel a wicked smirk.

“I’m aware, yes.”


Abruptly, the dark-skinned girl brings her hands down on his desk, leaning over it as she growls at him.

“S-Stay away from her then!”

Jaune just raises a brow. He can smell Ciel’s arousal right now. Weiss’ too. But then, of course they’re both aroused, the naughty little perverts. This is THEIR fantasy he’s playing out. Ciel is clearly getting off on secretly knowing that Weiss is under his desk while she pretends to not know. And Weiss is getting off on being ‘trapped’ under his desk with his cock in her dutiful little mouth.

But even still, Jaune has a role to play. The duplicitous and amoral Professor, taking advantage of the beautiful young women in his power.

“And if I don’t?”

Ciel shivers at his drawling tone.

“I’ll… I’ll go to the H-Headmaster. I’ll… tell on you.”

Jaune just smirks.

“Tell him what? What you THINK is happening? Silly girl. Do you really think he’ll believe you?”

Ciel flushes at that but before she can answer him, Jaune strikes. He’s decided he’s going to speed things up a bit. He just can’t be bothered with all this talking. Reaching out, he grabs Ciel by the front of her buttoned shirt and yanks her forward. Her eyes widen in genuine surprise when he forces her to kiss him, while down below Weiss involuntarily chokes on his cock as Jaune leans forward, forcing her head further into his crotch.

Both girls love every last second of it. Jaune can hear Weiss’ fingers working at her dripping wet slit and clit at lightning speed. And he watches as Ciel squirms while they kiss, her hips shaking back and forth like she’s already inviting him to fuck her. When Jaune finally lets Ciel pull away to breath, he just smiles at her, releasing her shirt.

“Come here.”

Ciel shivers as he directs her to walk around to his side of the desk. She knows what he’s going to show her, but she’s also pretending like she doesn’t know. She’s trying to maintain the façade, to play the character… but they both know the very real effect he’s having on her. Just one kiss and the beautiful dark-skinned young woman is already walking on unsteady and shaky legs as she circles the desk and comes to a stop next to him.

At which point Jaune leans back in his chair again and pulls Weiss slightly out from under his desk at the same time, letting Ciel see her girlfriend’s white hair as her head bobs up and down on Jaune’s cock. To her credit, Ciel manages a halfway decent gasp of surprise when she sees Weiss.


Weiss, for her part, doesn’t dare look Ciel in the eye. But the sound of fingers shlicking in and out of her cunt is all the more audible on this side of the desk.

“As you can see, Ms. Soleil… Ms. Schnee is earning some extra credit right now.”

Ciel bites her lower lip for a moment before scowling at him furiously.

“She… Weiss doesn’t need extra credit! She has perfect grades!”

Jaune smirks and once again shortens the script.

“You’re right. She doesn’t.”

There’s a beat of silence as Ciel is forced to digest those words and understand what he’s saying. The original scenario called for Jaune to be the evil monster of a Professor who had given Weiss a bad grade and forced her to submit to him. But Jaune is turning the tables on the pair now just a little bit. By admitting that Weiss didn’t need extra credit… that made this more her ‘choice’ instead. Basically… he’s saying that Weiss is doing this willingly. Which she is, of course, but Jaune is also implying that she’s doing so willingly IN the roleplay.

“I… I d-don’t understand…”

“Come now, Ms. Soleil. You understand perfectly. Your slut of a girlfriend is currently under my desk sucking my dick for extra credit she doesn’t need. Not because I tricked her into it… we both know Weiss is too smart for that. But because she wants to be here. Because she can’t get enough of my big fat cock.”

Ciel whimpers at that and Jaune isn’t sure that it’s faked. Humming, he reaches up again, this time winding his hand back behind Ciel’s head. He slides his fingers through the dark-skinned girl’s hair and pulls her down into another kiss. She doesn’t fight it at all, moaning into his mouth right off the start as he slides his tongue into her mouth and wrestles her tongue into submission.

But he doesn’t just stop there. Moving his other hand off of Weiss’ head, he begins to unbutton Ciel’s top. At first, the dark-skinned girl reaches up and grabs his wrist, a silent effort to stop him. But Jaune just gives her a look… and her grip becomes limp and weak before her hand falls away from his arm altogether.

As she stops ‘resisting’, Jaune proceeds to unbutton and open up her top, and then tug away her bra for good measure. Her chocolate-toned breasts come bouncing out of their confines, each of her nipples rock hard and giving away the game just a little bit. Her arousal is obvious as he rolls one of her teats between his fingers and finds it hard enough to cut diamonds.

But of course, Jaune doesn’t stop there. Continuing to makeout with Ciel while her girlfriend sucks him off down under the desk, the ‘Professor’ reaches down from her exposed tits and sticks his hand down the front of her skirt. Ciel Soleil squeaks as he shoves his fingers down her panties as well and then right up against her pussy mound.

Cupping her cunt with his palm, Jaune isn’t surprised at how wet she is. Dipping two fingers into her sopping slit and listening to her moan against his lips, he pulls her head back from his and ends their lip lock again so he can look her in the eye.

“You’re turned on, Ms. Soleil.”

“N-No… I-I…”

Pulling his hand out of her panties rather roughly, Jaune makes a show of letting Ciel see his glistening fingers, drooling with her pussy juices. That shuts her up until he pushes them against her lips.

“Suck them clean.”

Moaning softly, Ciel does as she’s told, licking and slurping his fingers clean while Wiess continues to bob up and down on his cock entirely of her own accord down below. Finally, he pulls his digits free of Ciel’s lips and looks her in the eye.

“You’re turned on. You’re enjoying this. Did you know your girlfriend was under my desk giving me head when you first came in, Ciel?”

Whimpering, Ciel shakes her head as best she can in his grasp, only for Jaune to tighten his grip on her hair.

“When I ask you a question, you will answer it with ‘Yes sir’ or ‘No sir’. Am I understood?”

“Y-Yes sir!”

“Good girl. Now did you know?”

“I-I… I had suspicions, sir. I didn’t know f-for sure, sir…”

“But you hoped.”

Ciel goes still at that accusation, freezing up for a moment before shutting her eyes tightly and nodding again. Jaune is about to reprimand her when she follows it up with a verbal response.

“… Y-Yes sir.”

He wonders how much of this is still roleplay and how much Ciel has been fantasizing about feeding her girlfriend to the big bad Grimm King ever since they arrived here. In the end though, he’s not going to ruin the moment by asking that. No, they’re still playing out a scenario here, even if Jaune has altered the rules of engagement something fierce by this point.

“Good girl. You like seeing your girlfriend sucking my cock, don’t you?”

“Yes sir…”

“You like watching her debase herself for me?”

“I-I do, sir…”

“And you enjoy it when I kiss you, don’t you? You enjoy it when I play with your body while Weiss is down between my legs, getting me off.”

“Yes… yes s-sir.”

Reaching up, Jaune grabs one of Ciel’s nipples again and gives it a sharp tug, making her gasp and shudder, her thighs grinding together down below and her entire chest thrusting out in his direction almost certainly on instinct. Smirking, Jaune hums… and then lets go of her nipple.

“I appreciate your honesty, Ciel. That’s why… I’m going to give you a reward.”

Ciel’s eyes drift open at that, looking at him through a haze of lust and arousal that is definitely NOT feigned.


Grinning wickedly, Jaune leans back a little further, making sure Ciel and Weiss can both see each other as he hums.

“Simple. You decide what happens next. Do I fuck your girlfriend first while you watch? Or do I fuck you while she watches? Did she just suck my cock all this time to get me ready for you? Or are you merely the type of woman who longs to watch a big, strong Professor fuck your girlfriend into a squealing mess right in front of you?”

Ciel quivers as she and Weiss look at one another, his words washing over them both. Then… she opens her mouth and gives Jaune her answer.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Ciel tells him to fuck Weiss first while she watches - 85%
[ ] Ciel tells him to fuck her first while Weiss watches - 15%

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