The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 61: Menagerie

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

A fresh perspective.


“Ah! Mrs. Belladonna! Got some good fruits here for you today!”

“Kali, darling! Over here! Fresh bread, straight from the oven sweetheart!”

“Mrs. Belladonna! Got your favorite salmon here, just cause this morning!”

As Kali Belladonna moves through the marketplace with a woven basket tucked under one arm, everyone makes a point of calling out to her, pulling her over to their stalls, gracing her with their wares. Sometimes they even try to give her ‘free samples’ the size of full products, forcing her to argue with them just to be allowed to pay for her own groceries.

Kuo Kuana had changed a lot in the past few years. So had Menagerie in general. But she was glad that the original marketplace still existed. She was happy that for all the progress made, for all the expansion that the Faunus Capital had undergone, this small piece of their history was still preserved for the time being. At least something of the past still remained…

“Kali, sweetie… how are you holding up this morning?”

Stopping in front of the baker’s stall, Kali looks at the wizened old dog faunus standing behind it. For all her eyes are a bit sunken into her skull, they’re still filled with a knowing look that has Kali smiling weakly.

“Better, I promise. I’m doing… better.”

The old baker hums at that for a moment before nodding and handing over a fresh loaf of bread. She takes Kali’s lien without complaint too, one of the few stall owners who knows full well that the widow needs a sense of normality and routine and paying for her things is part of that.

Yes, widow. It felt like only yesterday that she’d lost Ghira, but in truth it had been over half a year now. Half a year since her husband had suddenly taken ill. Half a year since the doctors of Menagerie had failed to save him. He’d gone swiftly, lasting only a week before the mysterious illness had claimed his life.

Kali still wasn’t sure whether that was a silver lining or the worst part of all. On the one hand, he’d been so weak… and her Ghira would never have wanted to spend months slowly dying. On the other hand, if he’d lasted longer maybe the doctors could have figured out what was wrong with him and come up with a form of treatment that could have saved him.

Either way, she was all alone now. Blake came around every so often, clearly heavily burdened with guilt over still being estranged from them at the time of Ghira’s death. But that same guilt that prompted Blake to visit her every once in a while also kept her from truly coming home. As if she wasn’t sure she deserved a place in the Belladonna Home anymore.

Kali wouldn’t try to force her though. And in the end… she was proud of Blake in a way. Sure, when their daughter had first joined the White Fang in direct defiance of Ghira’s wishes, the organization had been nothing like the one they started. Terrorists. The White Fang had become terrorists. But then the Grimm had disappeared and Sienna Khan had a choice to make… and she’d made the right one.

The White Fang had turned around. They’d become more and more like what Kali and Ghira had originally envisioned all those years ago. Protectors of Menagerie. Defenders of the Faunus Nation. Without the Grimm to pen them in and slow progress to a crawl, Menagerie had flourished over these past few years. The world had gone to shit off their shores, with Mistral and Vale and Atlas going to war, but Kali didn’t care about any of that.

Of course, even now, even at war, Atlas still had to try to tear them down. The most recent news to reach Menagerie was that Jacques Schnee was dead… and his widow claimed it was someone wearing a White Fang Mask who killed him. Did Kali believe that the other woman saw what she said she saw? Perhaps. But did she believe that it was the White Fang who carried out the assassination? No, she really didn’t.

Sure, Blake’s ex-boyfriend Adam was still apparently making a lot of noise about the amount of Faunus who were still facing injustice and persecution in the Human Kingdoms, but something as difficult and complex as assassinating the CEO of the SDC seemed like it should be out of Adam Taurus’ reach, especially with how diminished his voice had become within the White Fang in recent times. The bull faunus had started going on about prophecy of all things according to Blake. It sounded insane, truth be told.

No, Kali’s instincts screamed to her that it was Atlas themselves behind it. Perhaps Jacques Schnee had bitten off more than he could chew and their military had decided to remove him from play. The White Fang just made for a convenient scapegoat, in the end.

… Not that any of it mattered to her. She was just a humble widow, living out her days in a house too big for herself and hoping against hope each and every day that her daughter will come calling for a visit. Really, she told that lovely old dog faunus that she was doing better, but sometimes Kali wondered if she’d just gotten better at lying to herself…

Just as that thought is crossing her mind, Kali sees them. She was in the process of moving towards the fisherman’s stall to grab that salmon, almost on autopilot, when they cross her vision and stop her dead in her tracks. They’re gorgeous, that’s the first thought that runs through her head. The second thought is just how out of place they are… mostly because they’re impossible.

Two faunus, walking arm in arm and wearing somewhat ostentatious but also old-fashioned clothing, stride through the marketplace, drawing almost as much attention as Kali herself. But where she draws attention because she’s known to everyone, they draw attention because they’re unknown to everyone.

Both have black, shimmering scales poking out from under their collars and sleeves, sliding down across the backs of their hands and up the sides of their heads. One might think ‘oh, they’re snake faunus then obviously’. But that didn’t explain the horns. Beautifully curved horns affix themselves to either side of the faunus pair’s head, curled around like ram horns. Except rams don’t have scales. Nor do they have slitted eyes like a reptile, which both of these faunus have.

Dragons. They remind Kali of dragons. Mythical creatures straight out of legend. Less legend and more established fact are that there were Grimm Dragons as well. Very rarely did one crop up, and when it did they were said to take dozens if not hundreds of Hunters to kill. These two though… they didn’t look like Grimm, obviously. The Grimm were gone and besides… they were faunus. But their features… they were definitely dragon-like.

Kali finds herself stepping away from the fisherman’s stall and in their direction, almost drawn to them by a strange sort of magnetism. As she gets closer, she overhears snippets of their conversation.

“-ou were right, my Queen. Getting away from it all… this is everything I needed.”

“Hmph. Of course I was right. Who knows you better than I, my King? Still… I will not be sleeping under the stars. Consider it your duty to find me acceptable accommodations before the sun sets, am I understood?”

“Hah! Of course Salem. Of course.”

Salem. An interesting name. Both of them… such interesting people. Kali doesn’t know how to describe what she’s feeling, even as she comes closer and closer. But hearing them talk… she finds herself clearing her throat and speaking up.

“Ah… excuse me.”

The two Dragon Faunus turn to face her and Kali is surprised by just how intense their reptilian eyes make their gazes. They stare at her and she suddenly feels oh so small, like she’s a mouse faunus and not a cat faunus. She’s the predator, not the prey… she needs to remember that. Wait, no… she’s neither of those things. Faunus are people, NOT their animal attributes. Jeez, she really needs to get ahold of herself!

Flushing, Kali gathers herself up and plasters her best smile across her face.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t help overhearing you. Did you say that you have no accommodations just yet? Am I to assume you’ve both just arrived in Kuo Kuana?”

The two regal-looking faunus exchange a glance at that before the male smiles and nods.

“We’ve just arrived in Menagerie altogether, yes. Still getting the lay of the land, so to speak.”

Kali finds herself nodding along with him for a moment before coughing and getting ahold of herself once more.

“I-I see. Yes, w-well… welcome to our fair lands. I just wished to say… rather, that is… I simply wished to offer you lodging at my home.”

Another exchange of glances before this time it’s the female faunus who speaks up, her eyes narrowed to slits.

“Oh? I am accustomed to a certain level of comfort. Do you believe your home capable of providing that level of comfort, let alone properly housing the two of us alongside yourself and whoever else lives with you?”

Kali’s smile takes on a bitter edge at that, even as she shakes her head.

“There’s no one else anymore. And there’s plenty of room.”

She’s beginning to think that when they addressed one another as royalty, they weren’t being entirely hyperbolic. Or at least, they certainly seemed to believe rather highly of themselves. So maybe… changing tacks, Kali steps forward and stretches out a hand in the female faunus’ direction.

“My husband was Ghira Belladonna, former Chieftain of Menagerie. But… he’s gone now. I am Kali Belladonna, Chieftainess of Menagerie. It’s become something of an honorary title with little political power admittedly, but it does come with some perks. One of those perks being a large house… that I have all to myself these days.”

Surprisingly, it’s the male faunus who speaks up first, his face becoming one of pity and sorrow.

“We’re sorry for your loss.”

That seems to be a catalyst for the female faunus, the one called Salem, because she reaches out and takes Kali’s hand in her own, nodding sharply.


When Kali glances purposefully at the other faunus, he grins.


No last name. But then, they’d only just met she supposed. Nodding sharply right back, she gives them both as welcoming of a smile as she can manage.

“Well then… what do you say?”

Salem is the one to answer, humming as she gives Jaune a considering look for a moment.

“… Very well, Kali Belladonna, Chieftainess of Menagerie. We shall take you up on your offer. Lead the way.”

Ah, she wasn’t done with her shopping just yet… and she hadn’t managed to get to the fisherman to get her salmon either. But the imperious way in which Salem speaks makes it clear she isn’t the type to take excuses very well. And so, sparing one last regretful glance towards the fish stall she’d never made it to, Kali plasters a bright and sunny smile on her face as she leads Salem and Jaune out of the marketplace and down the road towards her and Ghira’s… or rather, just her home. Her too-large, too-empty home.


Blake Belladonna quickly slips back behind the corner as the trio passes by the alley she’d ducked into the moment she’d seen who her mother was talking to. Fuck, she was so fucking glad she hadn’t told Kali ahead of time that she was coming for a visit today. She’d decided to make it a surprise… mostly so that she could chicken out at the last second if need be.

But really, she’d had every intention of spending the day with her mother. She wasn’t going to chicken out… until she saw who her mom was talking to. Dragon Faunus! That wasn’t possible! That just didn’t make any fucking sense!

The last year had not been very good to Blake Belladonna. It had started with Adam getting more and more insistent that the White Fang needed to be out there being more proactive. Never mind that all of the Human Kingdoms were currently on war footing with each other, Adam wanted to go and piss them off and prompt them to turn those large militaries they were all sporting in the direction of Menagerie.

Blake… it had taken her a while to realize it, but ultimately Blake had figured out that Adam wasn’t who she wanted to be with. She’d realized that they just weren’t compatible with one another. He was too full of hate and anger to ever stop fighting. He couldn’t see that the war was already over. The faunus had won and now with the Grimm gone, they could build Menagerie up to be a utopia for their kind.

Adam wanted to ruin that, so Blake had left him. They didn’t see much of each other anymore, mostly because Sienna had been swift to take Blake under her wing as her apprentice. A protégé if you will, one with the name Belladonna tacked on.

Of course, shortly after she’d broken up with Adam, her father had grown sick and died. Blake was well aware she was still repressing the hell out of that fact but she needed to. She couldn’t deal with that right now, even after all these months.

Especially because shortly after Ghira’s death, Adam had started claiming he’d uncovered a prophecy. A prophecy regarding the Faunus People. A prophecy talking about… about dragons.

Blake hadn’t paid his rambling any mind and neither had most of the other White Fang either. He still did missions and still helped out around Menagerie so he hadn’t been kicked out of the organization entirely, but Sienna had completely and totally marginalized him by this point, leaving him with barely any power or supporters to his name.

Now she wished she’d paid more mind to what the fuck Adam had been saying. Because there was simply no denying that her mother had somehow stumbled upon two impossibilities in the form of those Dragon Faunus. Who the fuck were they? Were they tied to Adam’s crazy prophecy in some way? What did this mean for Menagerie? What did this mean for the White Fang?!

One thing was certain. Sienna needed to know about this as soon as possible. Working directly under the High Leader of the White Fang had been one of the few highlights of the past year for Blake. It had especially helped her ignore her grief and anguish over the untimely passing of her father. Sienna had been there for Blake when no one else had, either because she’d pushed them away or because they hadn’t even tried.

She needed to be told immediately.


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[X] Follow Kali next chapter - 80%

[ ] Follow Blake next chapter - 20%


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