The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 64: Interruption

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Kali gets tag teamed. But what's this?


Even if he’s a little miffed with Salem for sort of forcing his hand with all of this, there’s really only one answer to her question. How did he prefer to finish off their conquest of Kali Belladonna? Together, of course.

He gives Salem a broad smile that makes even his Queen blush a little bit in response. Slowly pulling her off of his cock, his seed already starting to seep out of her freshly fucked pussy, he sets her down at his side on the bed. Kali, meanwhile, freezes up as she suddenly finds herself exposed on her knees before him, looking up at him with wide eyes and a very flushed face.

The cat faunus’ arousal is abundantly obvious, especially when one takes into account the puddle of fluids betwixt her thighs. She bites her lower lip as Jaune stares down at her, shifting back and forth for a moment. When she finally opens her mouth to speak however, Jaune shushes her with a finger on her lips.

“I think by this point I have a fairly good idea of what sort of woman you are, Chieftainess Belladonna. With that said, I’m not about to let you insult yourself again.”

The way Kali blushes even harder makes it obvious she’d definitely been about to launch into another bout of self-deprecation. Beside him, Salem hums her approval.

“If she can’t be trusted to sing her own praises, perhaps we should put her mouth back to use in other ways my King.”

Jaune nods, already knowing what Salem is suggesting. Together, the two humanoid Grimm reach down and pull Kali up off the ground and onto the bed. To her credit, the cat faunus only lets out a single squeak as she’s positioned between them.

Salem moves to the head of the bed, shuffling backwards until she’s laid out with her legs spread wide. Her draconic features only accentuate her already regal bearing as she gazes down at Kali with an imperial sort of look on her face. Her hand curls in Kali’s short wild locks and pulls her face down between her thighs right up to the creampie that Jaune has just finished giving her.

“You certainly seemed to enjoy using that tongue of yours on my ass. So I suppose you’ll have no issue with- ah!”

Before Salem could even finish her sentence, Kali has dived right in, proving the Grimm Queen right. That doesn’t stop Salem from gritting her teeth a bit though.

“Impertinent brat…”

Jaune might have worried that Kali would grow suspicious at being called a brat… she was, after all, not just a woman grown but also a full blown MILF. However, she’s far too busy putting truth to Salem’s accusation, eating out the disguised Queen of the Grimm with an enthusiasm that certainly seems unmatched.

At the same time, Kali’s ass is high in the air, her back beautifully arched in open invitation. It’s clear she wants him to fuck her… but equally clear that she would never ask outright without some serious cajoling. That’s okay though, because Jaune isn’t going to make her ask outright. She’s too busy with Salem’s cunt anyways.

Climbing up onto the bed on his knees properly, Jaune reaches out and grasps the cat faunus MILF by her hips. If she had a tail to go along with her cat ears, he’s sure it would be wagging right now. As it is, the Chieftainess of Menagerie lets out a muffled moan into Salem’s cunt as he lines himself up and sinks himself into her cunt a moment later.

Kali’s pussy is snug as can be but also absurdly wet. She’s not been with anyone in quite some time, but her arousal makes her slick enough that Jaune has no problem stretching out her insides and filling her with every last inch of his cock. In doing so, he drives Kali forward into Salem’s cunt a little bit more, making the disguised Grimm Queen moan in even greater pleasure.

Together, the two of them set quite the intense pace for the poor cat faunus. Stuck between a rock hard cock and a woman who called herself Queen, all Kali Belladonna can do is try and keep up as she finds herself swiftly overwhelmed by all the pleasure. Her body shakes and trembles, shuddering in ecstasy, and her MILFy frame quivers as his every thrust causes her to jolt forward and Salem bucks her hips up into her mouth in response.

In the end, this was always going to be how it was going to go, really. More fool him for thinking that this vacation of theirs wouldn’t end in copious amounts of sex with the locals. He just hadn’t expected to almost immediately run into one of the most important figures in Menagerie and then wind up fucking her back at her place. No matter how ceremonial Kali said her position had become, they were still spit-roasting the Chieftainess of the entire Faunus Kingdom between them.

They were-

We are being spied on again, my love.

Wait, what? Jaune immediately focuses his senses on their surroundings instead of the woman currently between them. He’d gotten distracted but… Salem is right. There’s someone ELSE watching from the door now where Kali had been just a while ago. Seriously?! How was this happening?

Well, the how was actually pretty easy to answer in this case. Though he doesn’t look over, instead continuing to act like he’s all too focused on fucking Kali silly, Jaune does use his other senses, such as smell, to discern exactly who is watching them. It’s another cat faunus just like Kali… and that statement is especially true in this case, because the scent is clearly familial.

Kali’s daughter. Blake. That’s who’s spying on them at the moment. That’s who’s watching them fuck the Chieftainess… her own mother.

Jaune bemoans his luck. What was he supposed to do now? Invite the daughter to join them as well? Surely not… and yet…

Mm, I would recommend against it this time, my love.

… What? Jaune can’t help but shoot Salem a look of incredulity at that, knowing that the young cat faunus spying on them from the doorway wouldn’t be able to see his facial expression from this angle. Still, in what world was Salem going to convince him to seduce Kali, but not her daughter Blake? In what world was Salem suddenly the voice of moderation and reason?

Giving him a roll of her eyes and a smile even as she continues to grind Kali’s face into her cunt, Salem hums.

She’s the only one watching… but she’s not the only one nearby. Stop relying on just your senses, my King. Start relying on magic.

Jaune frowns, but Salem’s meaning becomes clear a moment later when she reaches out to him with a bit of her magic. Just as she was using it to reach out and speak into his mind, now she uses it to reach out and EXPAND his mind. All of the sudden, Jaune has a far better understanding of the situation they find themselves in.

Put simply, they’re surrounded. Blake is at the door of the guest bedroom, yes, but there are about twenty to thirty faunus surrounding the residence. They’re well hidden of course, skulking among the foliage like a bunch of rats… but there’s no denying the reason for their presence. It has to be him and Salem. After all, they were the only new variable.

The question then became… what were they supposed to do? Jaune didn’t doubt for a moment that Blake was some sort of advance scout. But clearly she’d gotten distracted. How long would the others wait before they came in as well?

You fret too much my King. Worry not about the intruders. Let us finish with Kali and then deal with all of that.

Jaune gives Salem a singularly unimpressed look at that. But at the same time there’s some small amount of wisdom in her words. So long as Blake and the others weren’t going to make a move… there was no point in stopping and alerting their audience that they were aware of them.

With that in mind… Jaune picks up the pace. Kali squeals into Salem’s muff and Salem herself moans as Jaune redoubles his speed. He feels a little bad, because he definitely would have drawn things out a bit more if they weren’t in danger of being interrupted. Alas, they would have to stop after Kali only experienced a paltry five orgasms upon his member.

Ah, make that sixth. Just as he’s finally tipping over the edge and finishing inside of the Chieftainess, Kali lets out a loud moan even through Salem’s muffling cunt and proceeds to climax along with him. Salem cries out as well, shuddering as she orgasms into Kali’s mouth.

The resulting three-way release has an interesting effect on their audience. Namely, Blake tenses up for a moment… and then retreats. Jaune and Salem both watch her go through Salem’s magic. He half expects her to reconvene with those faunus hidden outside, but instead…

“Mooooom! I came for a visit!”

Jaune has just pulled out of Kali’s cunt when Blake makes a loud show of opening the front door and calling out to announce her presence. The way Kali’s head shoots up from between Salem’s thighs, her eyes going wide in horror, would be more amusing if the situation wasn’t so serious. Either way, she looks absolutely mortified as she scrambles out from between them and off the bed, heading straight for her clothes.

“J-Just a second sweetie! There’s some food in the fridge! I’m just… tidying up in the guest bedroom!”

A weak excuse and from the look on Kali’s face, she knows it too. She looks stricken, like she expects to hear Blake coming down the hall towards the guest bedroom at any second. But of course, Blake already knows what she would see if she did that. So neither Jaune nor Salem are all that surprised when instead…

“Thanks mom, I’ll wait for you in the kitchen!”

… Yeah. As Kali hastily gets dressed, trying to fix up her incredibly disheveled, freshly fucked appearance to hide what she’d just been up to from her daughter… Jaune and Salem exchange a glance.

“I’m… I’m so sorry about this. Blake doesn’t usually come over unannounced like this. Hell, she doesn’t usually come over much at all…”

Kali looks torn between happy to have her daughter stop by for a visit, mortified at what she ‘almost’ caught them doing, and confused.

“In fact, she was just here last week…”

It said a lot that Kali tended to temper her expectations of visits from her daughter in terms of once a month instead of once a week. Or even once a day. They were the only family either of them had left!

But then, Jaune supposed he couldn’t really speak on such things. He’d never looked into his family after his… demise.

Regardless, this wasn’t simply a case of a mother almost being caught having sex by her daughter. For one, Blake HAD caught them and Kali just didn’t know it… but Jaune and Salem did. For two, those faunus currently forming a perimeter around the residence weren’t going anywhere. They were still there, lying in wait. The only question was… what were they waiting for?

“Please… feel free to get some sleep. Blake never has to know you were even here. I-!”

“No. I think we should meet your daughter. After all, she’s likely here for us anyways.”

Salem’s imperious tone brings Kali up short, even as the disguised dragon faunus climbs off the bed as well and begins to get dressed. Jaune rolls his eyes and smiles ruefully at Salem’s bluntness even as he does the same. Kali, meanwhile, just looks confused.


Salem sniffs delicately.

“You said it yourself did you not? Your daughter should not have visited you again so soon. As well, our appearance in the market seemed to draw a lot of attention. It would seem that word of our presence in Menagerie reached your daughter’s ears, drawing her over for a visit. If we do not produce ourselves, then I suspect she will ask after us quite swiftly.”

Kali blinks rapidly as she digests everything Salem is saying. The cat faunus looks rather lost for a moment before shaking her head.

“I… n-no, that’s not it. I’m sure this and that are completely unrelated.”

Jaune prepares to step in just in case Salem continues to be her overly blunt self… but the Queen of the Grimm actually looks pityingly at Kali for a moment, her face softening.

“… Very well then. Meet with your daughter alone and we will wait in the wings. If you are right, then once she departs we will, all three of us, retire for the evening.”

Kali blushing at the thought of joining them in their bed for sleep on top of what they’d already all done together is frankly adorable.


Jaune just takes his Queen’s hand in his own once they’re both fully dressed, giving it an affectionate squeeze. He appreciates Salem not making the situation worse. Though it already seems pretty bad. What does Blake Belladonna want with them that would require her to bring over two dozen extra bodies to her own mother’s home? What had they walked into here, exactly?

Staying out of sight but well within earshot, the two hear Kali as she enters the kitchen.

“Blake! I didn’t expect you to visit again so soon… or this late at night!”

Jaune can make out the sounds of a hug being had before Blake finally responds.

“Sorry mama, but… I’m not here for you. I’m here on White Fang business.”

“… What?”

“Your guests. Sienna wants to meet with them. She doesn’t want any trouble, so she sent me to retrieve them… peacefully.”

Jaune and Salem share a look. And there it was. The White Fang wanted them? For what? What had they even done besides show up under mysterious circumstances looking like faunus versions of a legendary, mythological creature that might never have existed in the first place?

… Oh. Right.

Sighing, Jaune gives Salem’s hand another squeeze and then together, the two of them walk into the kitchen.

“And what exactly does this Sienna want with us, Ms. Belladonna?”

Blake goes bright red at the sight of the two of them, no doubt remembering what she just witnessed them and her mother doing. Even if they were clothed now, the image was no doubt seared into her brain. To her credit though, she recovers rather quickly.

“That’s for you and High Leader Sienna Khan to discuss, I’m afraid. Please, come with me.”

“Blake! This is my home and those are my guests! You can’t just come in here and accost them like this! Sienna might have managed to finagle her way into a position on the Council, but that doesn’t mean she can do whatever she wants!”

Blake just sighs and shakes her head.

“That’s why I’m here mom. Asking nicely.”

Jaune and Salem exchange another glance at that. Both of them are well aware that Blake has backup. Is that just in case they prove violent, or is that for when they refuse to go with her? Should they find out… or should they play dumb and let Blake take them?

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Feign ignorance and hide their true power, gracefully accept the invitation to see Sienna - 74%

[ ] Push the issue, say no and tell Blake they have no intention of meeting with Sienna to see what she does - 26%


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