The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 67: Survival of the Fittest

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Overwhelming Power allows for magnanimity.


“Excuse me?”

Sienna’s tone is dangerously dark, and it’s obvious that she would be standing on her feet right now if not for the poison. She clearly doesn’t appreciate Salem’s assertion that ‘submission’ is the obvious solution.

“What exactly is that supposed to mean?”

Salem doesn’t so much as waver in the face of Sienna’s anger. Of course not, she’s the Queen of the Grimm for all that the White Fang’s High Leader doesn’t know that. Standing tall, Salem just shakes her head.

“I wonder at your leadership capabilities, that the meaning of one word can be lost on you. Is it not simple? If you wish for me to heal you, you must submit. Specifically, you must submit to my King.”

Wait, what? Jaune jolts at suddenly being addressed, even as all eyes in the room turn to him. He gives Salem a long-suffering look, but his Queen refuses to back down, smiling thinly.

“After all, a creature like you, Sienna Khan, only answers to strength, yes? My King is the strongest being in this room. No, more than that. He is the strongest creature on this entire island, if not the whole of Remnant.”

Sienna blinks, caught off guard by the certainty in Salem’s voice.

“… Stronger even then you?”

That just causes the disguised Grimm Queen to laugh.

“But of course! I might have magic… but my King is still my superior in every possible way. Do you not believe in strength above all else, Sienna Khan? Do you not believe in Survival of the Fittest? Consider this your chance to prove the depths of your convictions. Submit to your better. Submit and be saved.”

Letting out a rattling breath, the High Leader of the White Fang grips tightly at the arms of her throne, gnashing her teeth as she looks between the two of them. Kali has been all but forgotten off to the sides, seeming uncertain of where Salem is taking this. Jaune doesn’t blame the Chieftainess of Menagerie for her confusion though. While he doesn’t share in it, he is a little exasperated by his Queen’s insistence.

He didn’t come to Menagerie looking to add more women to his… harem. And yet here they are, going for the second in less than a day.

“I… I am just supposed to take your w-word for it? That he is s-stronger than me? Weakened by poison, dying right before your eyes, you would have me submit to this stranger?”

Suddenly making up her mind, Sienna snarls.


She and Kali both tense up at that, anticipating the doors flying open and White Fang pouring into the room. Of course, that doesn’t happen and when Jaune and Salem remain completely relaxed and at ease, Kali untenses as well. Sienna on the other hand, goes wide-eyed… and a little desperate.


Her words fall on nobody’s ears but those in this room. Salem lets out a laugh when a fresh coughing fit overtakes Sienna, forcing her to stop shouting.

“Magic, dear. Nobody can hear you scream.”

Jaune frowns at that chilling sentence. Maybe it’s about time for him to step in. But no doubt reading his thoughts and recognizing that she’s pushing her limits, Salem ducks her head in his direction, giving him a small, hidden smile.

“Ah, but if you truly wish to test your mettle against my King… so be it.”

The Grimm Queen waves her hand and Sienna suddenly stops coughing, recovering in mere moments when before it had taken quite a while for her to get herself under control. The White Fang’s High Leader pauses for a moment… and then looks down at herself, patting her chest. Suddenly, she leaps from her throne, standing on her own two feet and patting herself down.

“I… I’m fine? I’m not… sick anymore? I feel… good. Better even than I did before!”

Kali looks like she might just cry at the sight of Sienna healed so easily from the same malady that took her husband from her. Salem, meanwhile, just tilts her head to the side in amusement.

“Well yes. Can’t have you saying you weren’t at anything but your best for your fight with my King. Just remember, Sienna Khan… what I’ve given you, I can also take away. That magic poison coursing through your veins might not have been mine, but I could not cure it without first cataloging it… meaning that I can put it right back in you if I choose to.”

Sienna stops at that, narrowing her eyes at Salem. The Grimm Queen just shrugs.

“I probably won’t, of course. Unless my King orders it. But… on top of being stronger than me, he is of greater moral character than me as well.”

Jaune almost wants to cover his face with his palm, even as Salem’s mention of him brings Sienna around to face him, the Bengal Tiger Faunus giving him an intense stare.

“You. For all her power… she answers to you, doesn’t she? You are the one who holds her leash.”

… That seemed a little racist. But maybe it was okay if they were all faunus? Or at least, supposed to all be faunus. Still, Jaune can’t deny the truth of Sienna’s words.

“Yes. I am.”

Salem smiles and preens, while Kali is the one who blushes in embarrassment on the incorrigible Grimm Queen’s behalf. Sienna though, only grows more intense as she stares Jaune down.

“Fight me. I would have the two of you join the White Fang. I would have you work under me. So fight me and let me prove my strength so that I might bend you and your woman’s magic to my goals.”

Well now. Without the poison to weaken and slowly kill her, Sienna’s true personality was finally shining through. The High Leader wasn’t High Leader for nothing, it seemed. She was quite ready to go toe to toe with him if it got her what she wanted.

Of course, Kali has objections.

“You can’t do that! Sienna, the White Fang are a relic from a time when the Grimm still assailed us from all angles. It’s time to put this organization to rest and rule Menagerie legitimately! You certainly spent enough lien securing your seat on the Council so that you could do exactly that, did you not?!”

Looking at Kali, Sienna face softens as she seems to ponder the older faunus’ words.

“… Ghira did not deserve to die the way he did, Chieftainess. I assure you, once I have brought these two to heel, their first task will be discovering who murdered him and tried to murder me. They will not escape justice.”

Kali growls, clearly not even remotely appeased by this. But Jaune can tell that Sienna isn’t going to back down. No matter what. Not unless someone makes her back down, and as tough as Kali is, she’s not much of a warrior as far as he can tell.

Stepping forward, Jaune places a hand on Kali’s shoulder and smiles.

“Let me handle this. I’ll give her what she wants. Don’t worry.”

Kali bites her lower lip in a way that makes it clear she’s still worrying… but she also backs down, bowing her head and stepping away. Jaune finds himself facing Sienna in the center of the large throne room, which actually doubles quite well as an indoors arena truth be told. The Bengal Tiger Faunus grins viciously as she pulls out her weapon… a segmented chain whip with a nasty looking barb on the end of it.

Rolling her shoulders, the White Fang’s High Leader huffs.

“I’ll try not to do too much damage, but you’ll forgive me if I take you seriously and go all out from the very beginning. Earning your and your woman’s fealty is too important for me to play games.”

Jaune snorts derisively at that, even as he rolls his own shoulders. Not that he really needs to, but the movement feels good all the same. Of course, in doing so, he draws Sienna’s eyes down to his empty hands.

“… Where is your weapon?”

Feeling a little silly, Jaune gives Sienna a cheeky grin.

“I am the weapon, Ms. Khan.”

Rightly deducing that he’s at least partially teasing her, Sienna snarls and launches her whip forward, battle between the two of them being joined. Of course, if she’s not going to play games, neither is he. Jaune’s hand lashes out and he grabs Sienna’s weapon with lightning speed, his fingers gripping down on the chains of the whip just hard enough to get a nice, firm hold on the weapon, but not enough to shatter or break the chain links. Then, Jaune pulls.

Sienna barely has time for her eyes to widen as she’s pulled rather unceremoniously off her feet and flung through the air in his direction. Credit where credit is due however, the White Fang Leader does recover swiftly, and she does so in midair as she twists her body, using his hold on her weapon as leverage so that she’s coming at him feet first instead of face first.

If Jaune didn’t do anything, she would kick him squarely in the chest, knocking him back and retrieving her weapon from his grasp as she knocked the air from his lungs. Or at least, that’s what Sienna no doubt believed she was trying to do.

Jaune lets her feet impact with his chest. That’s about all he lets happen, however. He doesn’t move a muscle. And his chest doesn’t give way even underneath her aura-empowered kick.

For the second time in so many minutes, Sienna’s eyes widen as Jaune reaches up, grabs hold of one of her ankles… and almost contemptuously slams her into the ground at his feet. Her aura mostly protects her from the brutal, simplistic blow of course. Her body is no worse for wear, though Jaune can tell her aura is already almost half depleted as she scrambles her way to her feet and tries to retreat.

Only, he’s still holding her weapon. In the end, Sienna is forced to let go of her whip in order to put distance between them. Jaune is left holding the thing by its chain as she leaps back, narrowing her eyes and catching her breath. No doubt she notices how he’s not even broken a sweat. No doubt she can see that he’s not even phased by her attacks.

Tossing her whip to the side, Jaune raises an eyebrow at Sienna in challenge. Will she accept defeat here and now and acknowledge his strength? Or will she try again, this time without her weapon?

In the end, the Tiger Faunus can’t help herself. She’s just too used to being on top. With a roar, she lunges at him, her hands coming up to reveal claw-like nails that she clearly intends to try and rip him open with. Jaune lets her get close of course… and then grabs her by the wrists and drives her into the ground again, pinning her in place as he goes down with her and holds her under his weight.

Sienna hisses as she’s grappled to the floor, trying her best to fight him off. But he’s not just stronger than her. He’s also far, far heavier than her. Beneath his guise as a dragon faunus, beneath the aura that Sienna hasn’t even begun to touch… lies a Grimm Humanoid with the essence of two million Grimm condensed into his body. His bones are so dense that if he isn’t careful, he could quite literally crush Sienna to death underneath him.

He doesn’t, of course. But he does let enough of his weight drop onto her to relieve her of the rest of her aura, until it breaks with a static pop, leaving her entirely defenseless.

One of Jaune’s hands goes to Sienna’s throat then, causing the Tiger Faunus to go abruptly still beneath him.

“… We didn’t exactly discuss what would end this duel of ours. Probably should have made it to first aura breaking to begin with. But I hope you understand now how outmatched you are, Ms. Khan. Please surrender.”

His tone is quiet. Perhaps unnervingly so, given the way Sienna shivers under him as she looks up into his eyes. He’s not trying to be too hard on the poor dear, but at the same time… well, she really did bring this on herself.

At the same time, Jaune smells something on the air. Something that makes him almost want to facepalm in disbelief. It’s arousal. Specifically, it’s the scent of arousal from the faunus currently pinned under him. She’s getting wet for him. She’s getting horny in the face of her own defeat.

Finally, after squirming to no avail for probably longer than Jaune should have allowed, Sienna flushes and slowly nods.

“I… I submit.”

And there it is. She submits. But judging by the way she’s looking at him, and by the anticipation wafting off of Salem and Kali, they all expect Jaune to make Sienna’s submission sexual. As in, they expect him to fuck her silly and dominate her, pounding her into the floor of her own throne room with his big fat cock.

Look, Jaune wasn’t against it, really he wasn’t. For all his bellyaching and griping, he didn’t really mind having sex with beautiful women, especially with Salem’s help. The only problem was… Jaune and Salem weren’t really faunus. And they weren’t sticking around either. This couldn’t last. He couldn’t just become High Leader of the White Fang, regardless of his false flag operations in their name.

Eventually, he and Salem would leave. And that meant Jaune needed to navigate the following treacherous waters carefully. He could fuck Sienna, dominate her entirely, and then expect her to obey him even once he was gone.

… Or he could involve Kali right now in all of this and use KALI to keep Sienna in line going forward. If he had Kali join in on the ‘fun’, making this a threesome, then maybe, just maybe, he and Salem could leave Menagerie a better place then they found it. It was kind of depressing how few places Jaune could actually name where he’d successfully done that.

Hell, even removing the Grimm from all of Remnant, while probably a net positive, had also resulted in the human kingdoms all going to war with one another.

Letting out a sigh, Jaune realizes he’s procrastinating and wasting time. In the end… he makes his decision and lives with it.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Forge a direct relationship based on domination and submission between him and Sienna alone - 20%

[X] Rope Kali into all of this, have her act as the go-between so that she can take over when he and Salem depart - 80%


Also shameless plug time: Just started a new Free Write and it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out!

An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Summary: Tony Stark travels back in time after the Snap determined to get things right this time. Even if he has to take over the world to make sure everyone actually works together against the threat that Thanos poses. He's not going to let everyone down. Not ever again.

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