The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 69: Laying Down the Law

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Blake gets called out. Things are said that can't be taken back.



Everyone in the room goes still at Jaune’s tone. Though it’s possible that it also has something to do with the presence he exudes in that moment. He’s stopped holding back now. It’s not quite right to call it Killing Intent… but just Intent would nevertheless be a good name for it. Even though he’s leveling his gaze at Blake Belladonna in particular, he can see shivers go down Sienna Khan and Kali Belladonna’s spines out of the corner of his eyes. Meanwhile, Salem’s amusement only grows.

Blake, for her part, trembles a bit at suddenly having the entirety of his focus on her.

“You are a very opinionated woman for someone that me and my Queen caught spying on us not once but twice. The first time around, you observed us with your mother for quite a while before finally backtracking your steps so you could announce your presence. This time around, you claim you revealed yourself to prevent an injustice.”

Blake’s hands curl into fists.

“T-That’s right. Sienna shouldn’t… can’t submit to you. The White Fang needs to stay strong. They need to-!”

Jaune scoffs and Blake stops, looking so offended it almost makes him laugh. Spreading his hands apart, he raises an eyebrow.

“Am I not strong? Did I not defeat Sienna Khan fairly?”

The way that Blake bites her lower lip and glances to the ground lets him know the answer to that question. Her thighs rub together involuntarily, and her arousal continues to waft through the air. Though to be fair, she’s not the only one. Sienna and Kali are also aroused at the moment. But they stay quiet as Jaune and Blake have it out, with the young cat faunus eventually managing to regain some of her composure.

“Your strength is not in question… but my mother-!”

“Your mother is not a warrior. Is that what you wish to say?”

Blake hesitates for a moment before finally nodding.

“And why do the White Fang need to be warriors? Why do the people of Menagerie need to be ready for war? The Grimm are gone, aren’t they?”

Scowling, Blake grits her teeth.

“For a couple of years, maybe. But that doesn’t mean they’re fully gone. And even if the Grimm never come back, the humans won’t leave us in peace forever. Look at the state of things already! They fight together even now! Hell, we captured an Atlesian Specialist just last-eep!”

Wait, what? Blake cuts herself off, especially under Sienna’s sudden withering stare. Unfortunately, the damage is already done, the cat out of the bag. Blake has just spilled some serious beans and her mother is not so oblivious that she doesn’t pick up on it.

“… Excuse me? The White Fang have what?”

Blake’s ears press flat to her skull even as Sienna scowls at Kali’s probing tone. But one look from Jaune and the White Fang’s High Leader lets out a sigh.

“She’s still alive. Barely anyone knows about her. I was trying to decide whether it was safer to disappear her or send her back to Atlas as a sign of strength and a peace offering. I suppose that’ll be your choice now.”

Sienna throws Blake another glare at that, making it clear that she was still planning on holding things back from both him and Kali even after her unceremonious defeat… but unfortunately for her subordinate’s big mouth, that was no longer possible. Realizing this, Blake looks mortified with herself… and Jaune realizes there’s a weakness there to be exploited.

“Keeping secrets already, Sienna? Bad girl. You know that will demand punishment, right?”

Sienna pauses upon detecting a leading note in his voice. Finally, biting her lower lip, she nods.

“… Of course, Lord Jaune. I will accept whatever punishment you deem fit.”

“What?! No! D-Don’t punish her! If you’re going to punish anyone, punish me!”

Oh how quickly the tables turn. Jaune looks at a stricken Blake with some amusement.

“Punish you? But you’re the one who brought this to my attention, Blake. You’ve done well and deserve to be rewarded.”

Then, without missing a beat, Jaune turns to Sienna.


Eyes on the ground, the High Leader of the White Fang does as she’s told. One might be convinced that she’s trembling with fear, but Jaune knows better. Her arousal scent is currently the thickest of the three actual faunus women in the room right now, and her trembling isn’t of fear but rather excitement and anticipation. She can’t wait to be fucked by Jaune, and she’s correctly deduced that her punishment is going to be sexual in nature.

Of course, as Sienna begins revealing her body, Jaune is only paying half a mind towards her admittedly beautiful form. The other half of his attention is on Blake, because he’s curious what she’ll do now that things are rapidly approaching sexy times even in the face of her whining. Finally… she snaps.

“E-Enough! I challenge you to a duel! F-For control of the White Fang!”

To her credit, Blake directs her challenge at Jaune, not Sienna. Something that definitely doesn’t amuse the half-naked High Leader. When Sienna opens her mouth to object to Blake’s challenge on the grounds that SHE’S supposed to be in charge of the White Fang, Jaune proves that to be a lie by holding up his hand in her direction and silencing the tiger faunus right there on the spot.

At the same time, he gives Blake a raised brow and a grin of amusement.

“You challenge me, do you? Do you think that will go well for you, Ms. Belladonna?”

Blake blushes, her aroused scent still noticeable in the air even as she grits her teeth and hisses.

“Y-You must have caught Sienna off guard, that’s all. She’d never lose to a vagabond like you otherwise! She was probably still weak from the poison! But I’m not. I’m at full strength, and you’ll find that I won’t be so easily defeated.”

Again, Sienna looks offended. Again, Jaune keeps the tiger faunus silent with a gesture. He considers Blake for a long moment… before much to his surprise, Kali approaches and whispers something in his ear. His eyes widen as the older cat faunus reveals something to him. Something that lets everything fall into place.

As Kali steps back, Blake looks at her mother suspiciously while Jaune just looks to Salem, the Grimm Queen grinning nod as she gives him a simple nod. Sighing, he nods back and finally turns to face Blake properly.

“Alright. I accept your challenge, Blake Belladonna. But you know what happens when you lose, right?”

Blake’s blush intensifies, but after a moment she hesitantly nods. Unfortunately for her, that’s not good enough. Jaune points at her, even as he stares her down.

“No. I want you to say it out loud. And if any part of you objects, you would do best to back down now.”

Her eyes narrowing, her teeth gnashing, Blake finally complies.

“Fine! If I lose… you’ll have me just like you had my mother and like you wish to have Sienna! B-But if I win, you two leave and never come back!”

Don’t threaten him with a good time. Frankly, Jaune would be very tempted to throw the fight and give Blake what she claimed to want under normal circumstances. It would be kind of hilarious really, because all of the sudden Blake would be in charge and her, Sienna, and Kali would all have to navigate what that meant going forward. Meanwhile, he and Salem would just go home and put Menagerie firmly behind them.

There were just two problems with that. Number One, the magical poison used to kill Ghira and then Sienna had Ozma’s fingerprints all over it. But why? And through what patsies was he acting? They needed to know what the fuck Salem’s ex-husband was up to before anything else. And number two, the mentioned Atlesian Specialist they captured. Why was there an Atlesian Specialist in Menagerie? What was her purpose here? Did Jaune have to worry about Atlas starting a war on TWO fronts?

Now that he was invested in the SDC through the Schnee Women as well as Pietro Polendina, Jaune was loath to see Atlas pick even more fights.

All of that was to say, Blake couldn’t be allowed to win. Fortunately for Jaune, neither of them wanted her to.


“L-let me go! Y-You… jerk! Let me d-down!”

Blake’s weapon, as it turned out, was the key to her defeat. It was also, according to her traitorous mother, the key to her compliance as well. Gambol Shroud was apparently classified as a Variant Ballistic Chain Scythe, or a VBCS for short. It had multiple forms, as well as both melee and ranged attack modes.

… It also had a ribbon, which Jaune had waited for Blake to deploy before using it against her. Now, the actual bladed part of Gambol Shroud was on the floor under the dangling cat faunus, while Blake herself was suspended from the ceiling in her weapon’s ribbon, which Jaune had wrapped her up in faster than she could react.

Stepping up to the bound and restrained woman, Jaune grabs Blake by the jaw, forcing her to stop spinning and look him in the eye.

“Your mother tells me that you like a certain kind of book.”

Blake’s eyes go wide and her face goes white in shock.

“The kind where a kunoichi, otherwise known as a female ninja, might go on a mission and infiltrate an enemy compound, only to be captured by a handsome young guard. And perhaps they make a deal. Perhaps she submits to him in exchange for freedom. Perhaps they meet up, having a torrid love affair with plenty of rope and ribbon involved.”

The poor cat faunus is now blushing and blushing hard. She squirms in her own weapon’s ribbon a bit more, but it’s perfunctory more than anything. Now, Blake is starting to look anticipatory. Jaune just smirks and leans in nice and close.

“… I’m not going to roleplay with you, Blake Belladonna.”

Blake squawks at that, but Jaune just snorts derisively.

“Perhaps if you hadn’t been so troublesome I might have. And perhaps in the future, you can earn another shot. But right now, I just want to hear it from your own lips. Say it.”

Trembling now, Blake averts her eyes for a moment before finally just admitting the truth.

“A-Alright… you win. I… I lost… I c-can’t stop you so… so feel free to have your way with me.”

But Jaune just shakes his head.

“That’s not what I want to hear. Do you really think so poorly of me, Blake Belladonna? Do you think your mother would fall into bed with me and my Queen so easily if we were monsters?”

Heh, if only they all knew. Fact was, Jaune and Salem WERE monsters… of the Grimm variety to be exact. But even if they were secretly Grimm, that didn’t mean they were the kind of people who forced themselves on others. Jaune sees the moment that Blake realizes what he’s demanding of her in the widening of her eyes. She blushes harder and for a moment he thinks she’s going to shut down. But finally…

“F-Fine… I want it, okay? I want you to… t-to fuck me…”

She squirms, still bound up in her own ribbon as she finally admits the truth. It took them a long time to get here, and they certainly had to take a roundabout way, but they had finally arrived at the station. Blake Belladonna, after watching him fuck Kali and defeat Sienna, had admitted at long last that she wanted to get dicked down as well.

… Admittedly, she might also still actually have legitimate grievances about the other stuff she’d been complaining about before. That might not have all been bluffs. But they could figure that out later. For now, with Blake finally being honest, Jaune smiles and nods amicably at her, making her blush and avert her gaze.

Then, he lets go of her jaw and walks away. Behind him, Blake squawks once she realizes he’s leaving.

“W-What are you doing?! Where are you going?”

Glancing back over his shoulder at her, Jaune raises an eyebrow.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I still need to punish Sienna, after all. You’ll just have to wait your turn.”

Blake whines… and then squeaks when she feels an unfamiliar hand caressing her ass. Looking back behind her, the dangling cat faunus blushes at the sight of Salem in her dragon faunus disguise having snuck up on her.

The disguised Grimm Queen chuckles throatily as she licks her lips and leans in close.

“Don’t worry, dear. I’m here to keep you company… and unlike my ‘Shogun’, I’m more than happy to play roles with you. Mm, to think that a kunoichi of your caliber would manage to infiltrate our compound. I suppose I’ll just have to soften you up before the Master tends to you~”

As Salem’s musing words reach him from across the room, Jaune can’t help but do a double take. Blake looks like she’s eating it up, but all Jaune can think is… where had his Queen picked up such verbiage? He didn’t understand half of what Salem was talking about, truth be told. But then… didn’t that mean Salem read the same books as Blake?

He can’t help but snort in amusement at the thought of his Queen reading trashy romance novels thinly veiling hardcore bondage porn. Grinning crookedly now, Jaune turns to Sienna to find her already on her knees before him, hands in her lap and body completely on display.

She waits for her judgment quietly, and Jaune steps forward before snapping his fingers at Kali. The MILF of a cat faunus scurries over to his side and he raises an eyebrow at her.

“Well, Kali? This is your show. She’s your subordinate now. So… how shall we begin, hm?”

Kali looks between Jaune and Sienna quietly for a moment… before gathering herself up and getting to work.

The Vote:

[X] Kali physically manhandles Sienna as she uses her to pleasure Jaune - 87%
[ ] Kali sticks to verbal orders as she has Sienna pleasure Jaune - 13%


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