The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 75: Ruby & Penny

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Ruby and Penny make their move!


“Ah, um, I…”

To Penny’s credit, despite her inhuman nature, the robot girl doesn’t do anything but wait patiently as Ruby waffles over her options. Even with them mere inches apart, Penny respects Ruby’s bodily autonomy and refrains from making a single physical act that might have decided which way this whole encounter would go.

Frankly, all Penny had to do was grab Ruby and lay the big smackeroo on her and Ruby would probably have melted just like that. Not because she was hardcore crushing on Penny specifically or anything, but because Penny was cute, and sexy, and her friend, and also half-naked now. And Ruby was a horny little gremlin who had been kind of jonesing to lose her virginity for a while at this point if she was being honest.

It wasn’t her fault! Ever since she’d woken up from almost being turned into a bomb by Headmaster Ozpin but in the end being saved by Queen Salem (and wasn’t that a bit of cognizant dissonance that Ruby still struggled with), she’d become increasingly aware of just how many pretty women were in the Grimm Palace she’d found herself living in… and also how many of them were getting dicked down pretty regularly by the King of the Grimm himself.

Why shouldn’t Ruby want to join in on that fun, right? Why shouldn’t she get to participate? Really, Penny was just as good as any other for her first time… save for one thing. The both of them were lacking the equipment to make things REALLY fun. Fortunately, Ruby knew exactly how to rectify that issue.

“… I don’t mind helping you learn what it means to be a real woman at all, Penny. But I can’t do it alone… mostly because I myself am not a real woman yet either.”

Penny blinks owlishly at Ruby’s words, the cute ginger gynoid leaning back with an adorably perplexed look on her face.

“Huh? I don’t understand. Is Friend Ruby also secretly a robot?!”

For a moment, Ruby gets lost just thinking about what that would be like. But she quickly pulls herself back before she can start daydreaming in earnest. Shaking her head both to deny the accusation as well as clear the images from her mind, Ruby laughs.

“Heh! No, but I am a virgin, Penny. It means I’ve never been with a man before… never had sex before. It basically means I’m a maiden or whatever… some say you’re not a real woman until you’ve had your first time and aren’t a virgin any longer.”

Penny’s eyes get progressively wider as Ruby explains herself. Clasping her hands in front of her in an energetic way that does interesting things to her breasts, the robot girl coos.

“Ah! So I am a virgin as well then, yes? We must both find a man to have sex with us so we can become real women!”

… Huh, yeah Penny would be a virgin, wouldn’t she? Would Queen Salem have given Penny’s new pussy any sort of physical proof of virginity? Ruby finds herself staring down at the gynoid’s bare slit in curiosity, before quickly realizing she’s getting sidetracked again. Focus up Ruby! This is your chance, your one shot! Don’t blow it!

“That’s right Penny… and there’s only one man in this whole palace who fits the bill.”

Penny only has to think about it for a second.

“Ah… you mean King Jaune. Because Pietro is my father, and that would be weird.”

Jeez, sometimes Penny really didn’t have much of a filter, did she? Blushing scarlet, Ruby nods.

“Y-Yes! I mean, ahem… YES I mean King Jaune. He’s a very… virile man… and a capable lover… a-and I’m given to understand that he’s taken many virginities already as well. S-So he’s our best bet for becoming true women, Penny. We just have to figure out how to best approach him…”

Penny tilts her head to the side, even as Ruby brings her hand up to her chin, contemplating the subject intensely.


“Please have sex with us and make us into real women!”

Jaune slowly blinks as he looks up from the book he’d been reading at the two women currently bent over at the waist in front of him, bowing low enough he can see their shapely behinds over their lowered heads. His mouth opens and closes as he belatedly recognizes them both as Ruby Rose and Penny Polendina respectively.

After making sure Harriet Bree, aka their resident Sleeping Beauty, had been safely tucked away, Jaune had decided he was going to take a load off and went to Salem’s library. He’d picked a random book off of the shelves, blown away the dust, and sat down to read what he was pretty sure was a completely dead language that he only knew because of the two million Grimm that Salem had stuffed into his mind while bringing him back from the dead years ago.

Why Grimm would have linguistic knowledge, Jaune honestly didn’t know… unless Salem had taught some of her Grimm how to read at some point so they could find the road signs that would lead them towards their targets for pillaging and destruction? Yeah… he’d have to ask his Queen later. After he was done dealing with… this.

“Um… what?”

Okay, maybe not his best response, but to be fair, he’d definitely been caught off guard here! What was Penny doing out of her father’s lab this early? And why was Ruby not with her mother?

Lifting their heads, the two girls proceed to answer Jaune’s unspoken questions unknowingly as they explain themselves.

“Queen Salem came to my father and helped him finish repairing me early! In return, she also gave me the ability to be a real woman by augmenting my body with these sexual organs!"

Penny proceeds to cup her sizable chest for a moment, showing that under her top is a pair of surprisingly squishy yet firm breasts. Then, she goes a step further and raises her skirt to reveal a perfectly functional vaginal slit down betwixt her robot thighs. Jaune stares for a moment. As far as he can tell, it’s not made of human flesh or anything… that would have been a little odd even for Salem. Instead, it’s like the Grimm Queen has used her magic to reshape Penny’s artificial body and give her some artificial feminine body parts in the process.

Oh, Jaune doesn’t doubt that Penny’s pussy will be quite tight, wet, and fun to fuck… but he does doubt it’ll feel like a human’s pussy. And her tits… he’s already wondering what they look like under that top of hers. Damn it all, he’s starting to get hard. Fucking sexy robots being sexy…

In an effort to distract himself from Penny’s slightly debauched actions, Jaune looks over at Ruby, wondering what the young silver-eyed girl’s part in all of this was. Ruby blushes but stands her ground, her hands curling into fists at her sides.

“After your wife helped bring Penny back online, her father sent Penny over to get my mom… to discuss giving her a pair of cybernetic eyes to replace her lost organic ones! After mom left… Penny revealed her new body to me and asked me if I could help her learn how t-to be a real woman… I t-told her that I could… but I would need your h-help to do so!”

Huh? His help?

“A-After all… I myself am not a real woman… y-yet. Since I’m still… a v-virgin.”

As Ruby stammers and stutters her way through her explanation, Jaune can’t deny that she looks adorable and strangely cute doing so. Her hands have gone from curled into fists to curled around her skirt, and she’s clutching at it for dear life as she explains her intentions to him. When she’s finally done, she even looks at him hopefully and hesitantly, clearly afraid to see rejection in his eyes, but eager to see acceptance.

… In the end, what’s a Grimm King supposed to do, really? Say no? Reject such enthusiastic and eager lovers? Turn them away when he’s really the only acceptable dick either of them are going to find for hundreds of miles? Sighing, Jaune smiles at the two of them and sets his book aside.

“I see. So you’re both dead set on this then? On becoming women… at the end of my cock?”

Ruby blushes hard at the imagery that Jaune’s words no doubt evoke. Penny on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have a concept of embarrassment because she enthusiastically nods.

“Yes! Friend Ruby has explained to me already that becoming a real woman requires sexual intercourse with a man! I shall engage in sex with you, King Jaune, and therefore become a real woman!”

Jaune hums at that, before shaking his head.

“Don’t get ahold of yourself now, Penny. There’s still such a thing as foreplay first.”

When Penny pouts in confusion and looks at Ruby for clarification, the silver-eyed girl blushes but nods.

“H-He’s right, of course. We have to make him feel good if we want him to give us what we n-need, Penny. That means showing him what we have to offer… by stripping naked first and foremost.”

Hm, well, Jaune wouldn’t have worded it quite like that… just who exactly had filled Ruby’s head with that sort of thing? Was it Yang, perhaps? Either way, he’s also not going to deny that that makes for good foreplay. As such, when Ruby hesitantly begins undoing buttons and stripping naked right then and there, he just sits quietly and watches her.

Penny, eyes glittering as she sees what Ruby is doing, hastily follows suit. Pulling her own clothes off, the gynoid exposes the rest of the modifications Salem made to her chassis. Honestly… it all flows together really well. Penny might not have been initially designed with a proper pair of tits, a pussy, and a shapely buttocks in mind, but Salem’s magic and hundreds of years of experience have lent themselves well to this task.

The robot girl’s body parts meld into one another quite well without it seeming too out of place that she suddenly has proper breasts capped with cute white nipples, or a pussy slit between her legs, or an actual ass with lots of bounce and a true crack to it and everything.

As for Ruby… she’s just as sexy as Penny once she’s naked. Not nearly as confident of course, or rather, far more self-conscious is probably a better way of saying it. Penny wasn’t confident in her body; she just wasn’t aware enough to BE self-conscious about it. Ruby on the other hand, seems to be fidgeting as she squirms before him, stripped naked and standing next to Penny.

It’s almost as if the young woman wants to cover herself with her hands, to hide her nudity from him… while at the same time, a larger part of her likes having his eyes on her… and wants a lot more than that.

“Is this good enough foreplay? Do you enjoy feasting your gaze upon our bodies, King Jaune? Will you be taking us and making us real women now?”

Penny’s excitement is contagious, and if it were just the two of them, Jaune probably would have just gone with the flow, bent her over the nearest table in the library, and fucked her silly right then and there. However, Ruby is the one who responds to Penny this time, shaking her head and gently but firmly tugging the gynoid down to her knees.

“N-No… we still have some work to do, Penny. C’mon…”

Pouting but following along with her human friend, Penny crawls on her hands and knees right next to Ruby as they make their way over to where Jaune is sat in a nice, comfy armchair in a corner of the room. He watches them with some amusement, even as he spreads his legs apart so they can comfortably nestle themselves into place between his knees.

Panting a little bit, Ruby is the one who reaches out and unbuckles his belt before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. She’s also the one who pulls out his cock, which at this point is only at about half-mast but already rather large and thick. Licking her lips, her silver eyes going crossed as she admires his shaft, Ruby shifts so that his cock is between her and Penny’s faces.

“If we want him to f-fuck us, Penny… we need to make him feel good with our mouths f-first.”

“Oh! How interesting! Ahhh~”

Without missing a beat, Penny opens her mouth wide, lolls out her tongue, and proceeds to latch onto the side of Jaune’s cock, suckling at it eagerly. Before Ruby can react beyond going wide-eyed at the lewd display, Penny jolts and pulls back, blinking rapidly.

“T-That… felt strange! I do not know how to describe it… but I like it! I am not used to experiencing these kinds of sensational sensations!”

Ruby gawks as Penny dives right back in, tackling her side of Jaune’s cock with an enthusiasm and eagerness that completely overshadows her general inexperience. Meanwhile, Jaune grins and raises a brow. Just what had Salem done to this poor robot girl? She probably was more of a ‘real woman’ now than an actual robot, wasn’t she? Especially if she could feel and experience pleasure on such a level…

As Penny moans, her eyes fluttering from how good it feels to suck his cock, Ruby finally realizes she’s being left behind. Quickly, the young Rose leans forward and begins to suckle at the other side of Jaune’s cock, going down on him with almost as much fervor and excitement as Penny currently is.

The two of them make quite the pair, don’t they? If you had asked Jaune about either just a day ago, he would have called Ruby an innocent and even deemed that innocence something to be protected. Penny, meanwhile, had been little more than a nonfunctional robot… albeit a nonfunctional robot with an awakened aura and a piece of her maker’s soul inside of her.

Clearly, he’d been wrong about both of them. At some point down the line, Ruby had stopped being so innocent. And Penny… well, clearly Salem had schemed to send the transformed gynoid his way, even if she’d sent her to Ruby first.

Huffing at the plotting of his Grimm Queen, Jaune just shakes his head in amusement as he enjoys the lips and tongues of the virgins kneeling at his feet. That said, even as they work together to get him nice and hard in order to have him take their virginities, Jaune finds himself eyeballing the library.

Was this the best place for this? Or should he move them somewhere else before getting down to business?

The Vote:
[ ] Continue things in the library - 40%

[ ] Move things to a bedroom - 60%


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