The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 77: The Semblance

A/N: Hey guys, this story came to a conclusion over on my Patreon today! This means four chapters remain!

Jaune pushes the limits with Penny. It takes a while.


His instincts scream at him to find Penny’s limits. His pride won’t allow him to back down either. With a lustful growl, Jaune settles in for the long haul, fully intending to rail the beautiful gynoid in front of him until he finally overwhelms her and leaves her just as fucked silly as every other woman he’s been with since his resurrection.


Penny certainly has no complaints about this as she starts out moaning into Ruby’s sex while slurping away at the creampie he’s left inside of the silver-eyed young woman. Ruby doesn’t either, groaning happily and throwing her head back in ecstasy while they basically spit-roast the female robot between them.

However, that’s just the beginning. At the very start, everyone is still on board, including Ruby Rose. But… even with her aura unlocked, Ruby is only human. Even as a silver-eyed warrior or what have you, she’s still very mortal. In comparison to Penny and Jaune, it’s not even a contest… nor is it remotely fair.

Ruby is like an ant before two gods in this arena. She’s a mayfly flailing against the inevitable as two giants pass her by. She can last a good long while, don’t get him wrong… her stamina is nothing to scoff at in the end. Compared to almost everyone else in the palace, Ruby Rose measures up quite well despite her inexperience.

But compared to Jaune and Penny, well, there’s only one way it ends. After who knows how many orgasms upon Ruby’s part, Jaune notices the young woman beginning to truly flag. Her silver eyes slowly close and she becomes all but unconscious, barely clinging on to a thread of consciousness thanks to Penny’s continued efforts down below.

However, if he lets Penny continue bringing Ruby to climax after climax, they run the risk of actually harming the poor girl, so as this happens, Jaune pulls Penny back off of the bed entirely, dragging her up to her feet as he stands up as well. He’s still fucking her from behind of course, but now they’re both several feet away from Ruby and the bed as Penny yelps and moans in surprise.

“A-Ah… but your Majesty, F-Friend Ruby did not tell me to stop licking!”

Jaune snorts. It’s been hours since Ruby threw that line at Penny. ‘Who said you could stop licking, Penny?’. Talk about wishing on a Monkey’s Paw, because if he weren’t present, Penny might have licked Ruby right into a dehydrated early grave.

As it is, Ruby is already softly snoring, even though Penny’s voice is now much louder. Practically the moment that Penny’s tongue finally left Ruby’s pussy lips, the naked young woman passed out on the spot and finally slipped into much, much needed sleep.

“Ruby isn’t like us, Penny. She has limits. Look at her now.”

Penny might be oblivious in a lot of ways, including about the limits of human stamina, but she’s not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination. He feels her stiffen as she looks at Ruby and finally notices that the other girl is sleeping.

“Oh! I-I see… I forgot that humans need sleep… but then, what about you, your Majesty? Are you reaching your limit?”

Jaune scoffs at that. He’s already cum inside of Penny a couple times, so he knows she’s not talking about that. No, she thinks he has a limit to how long he can go… and shit, maybe he does. But he’s not going to give up before he reaches that limit. He’s not going to stop fucking Penny until one of them breaks.

Whether that was Salem’s plan or not doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is testing the Unstoppable Force against the Immovable Object. Who was truly limitless between them? Who was truly out of this world, and unending?

Calling upon his Aura, Jaune reaches out and grabs Penny’s wrists, yanking her arms back behind her as he continues to pound into her in a standing position that makes her moan and cum around his cock for the umpteenth time.

“Reaching my limit? Not in the slightest, Penny Polendina. Though I’ll be honest with you… I don’t know if I even have limits. Perhaps we’ll find them… together.”

With a grunt, he pushes her towards the nearest wall. Then, once they arrive there, Jaune pulls out of Penny for a moment before spinning her around and pushing her back against it. Despite being virginal at the start of this, the female robot proves herself to be infinitely adaptable as she immediately wraps her limbs around him, lifting her lower body upwards and sliding her legs along his waist and her arms over his shoulders as he thrusts back into her.

Kissing her deeply, Jaune fucks Penny nonstop some more in this position as well. She’s highly responsive he finds, especially when he rubs his chest against her own, the rock hard pebbles that her nipples have become seemingly sharp enough to likely cut human flesh. But Jaune is far from human, and his skin is tough as iron.

They continue going at it for what feels like an eternity. Eventually, they move from the wall to the floor, from the floor to a nearby dresser, from the dresser to a bed. It’s only when they get back to the bed that Jaune briefly registers Ruby’s disappearance. She’d woken up during their fornication and left?

He couldn’t stop and consider that for too long however, because he’s still busy finding Penny’s limits… or his own. One way or the other, he’s going to find them. He’s pushing away the outside world and focusing solely on the task at hand, at making Penny Polendina his latest conquest. Either that or he’ll have finally met his match.

Part of him does register the fact that days pass this way. Days of just the two of them fucking, trapped in an endless cycle that neither wants to end. Penny’s new chassis must have been magically reinforced by Salem when she helped Pietro put his creation back together, because even if she has endless stamina, his strength and speed and power would probably have been enough to damage her at some point otherwise.

Instead, Jaune finds himself going all out more and more. He’s a man of steel in a world made of paper. He’s always had to hold back with pretty much everyone except for Salem, until now. With Penny however, he can truly let loose. With Penny, he can really give it his all.

Penny, for her part, seems to be immensely enjoying things as well. They talk sometimes, but most of the time is just spent with her moaning and egging him on, urging him to keep going and gushing about how much fun she’s having. Frankly, the room starts to fall apart before either of them does, the bedframe collapsing, the furniture destroyed, the mattress itself in tatters. The walls start to get more and more battered, and even the carpeted floor is starting to look like an animal went at it.

Until finally, Jaune feels it. It starts as a mere twinge. A single muscle in his back suddenly protesting the constant movement. Jaune hasn’t felt sore since he was reborn as a Grimm. He’s barely felt an ounce of stress from even the most strenuous actions he’s done since his resurrection.

And ever since he unlocked his aura, he hasn’t even felt pain, mostly because no attack can truly get through said aura to touch the body underneath.

But here it is. A twinge. But that twinge is just the beginning. It’s a herald to what’s coming. Because obviously Jaune isn’t going to stop at just one twinge. Of course he keeps fucking Penny even then, plowing her even as, insane as it sounds… his body starts to protest the continued fornication.

In comparison, Penny seems fine. If one of them is reaching their limits at all, it’s him… and that’s a scary thought. What sort of monster has his Queen created? What sort of technological horror has Pietro Polendina invented? How much of this is Salem and how much of it is Pietro? Did Ironwood and Ozma have an actual potential weapon against Salem on their hands and failed to recognize how valuable Penny truly was? She should have been recreated a hundredfold. She should have been mass produced.

Even if it meant every human and faunus on Remnant providing a small piece of their soul like Pietro had, the resulting tidal wave of androids would have probably been capable of washing over Jaune and Salem and their Grimm armies, finally freeing Remnant of the Grimm Threat once and for all… albeit at the cost of potentially creating a new Robot Threat given Penny’s free will.

He was actually losing. He was actually being beaten. Every time he fucks an orgasm out of Penny, she becomes all that brighter to his senses. Every time he cums inside of her, she takes his seed and uses it as fuel to continue empowering herself. It seems impossible, but for the first time, Jaune realizes he’s reaching the end of his rope. He’s not going to be able to do it.

That doesn’t mean he stops, of course. Knowing he was going to lose and admitting defeat were two very different things. He refused to give up. He refused to surrender. He would go down fighting, whatever form that took. Even if it cost him his life, he would keep going until the end… even if maybe that was a little melodramatic for a simple sex marathon.

And yet, it’s in that unwavering resolve in the face of defeat that Jaune, much to his surprise, finds victory. As his body aches and screams at him to stop, as he feels himself reaching a limit he hadn’t even known he had… Jaune feels a stirring deep within him. A stirring from his very soul.

A shuddering breath leaves his lips as instinctively he reaches out… and takes. There’s no other way to describe it. One moment he’s giving all he has, fucking Penny Polendina and feeling her absorbing energy from every action he performs. The next moment, he’s taking right back from her, pulling on her immense energy reserves and revitalizing himself.


As Penny gasps in surprise, Jaune sucks away at her aura like some sort of Energy Vampire. Or maybe… just a Grimm with his Aura unlocked. This was his Semblance, wasn’t it? He’d figured out his Semblance. He could take aura from those he was in contact with, though he suspected he could also take it from his very environment, draining energy from anywhere he needed it.

Intuitively, Jaune understands that this wasn’t his original Semblance. Perhaps before he was resurrected as a Grimm, his Semblance was supposed to be something more positive, more gift-like, more helpful. Perhaps his original Semblance allowed him to amplify the auras of those around him.

But there are consequences to every action, and when Salem turned him into what he is now, Jaune’s potential Semblance had become… this. A vampiric ability to drain and drain from his surroundings.

He would have to be careful, because if he’d unlocked this Semblance with anyone else, he might have killed them before he even realized it. Especially because he’s already drained the equivalent of a dozen people’s aura from Penny in the time he’s been thinking about this.


Penny moans, as Jaune picks up the pace. Revitalized and feeling better than ever, he finds a somewhat wicked grin spreading across his lips as he finally, truly, overcomes the beautiful ginger gynoid. Even having sex, Penny can’t generate new aura faster than he can drain her of it. Eventually, her prodigious energy reserves, only made greater by the days of them fucking, begin to run out.

He doesn’t go so far as to permanently hurt her or anything like that, but he does bring her to the point of exhaustion before finally pulling out one last time and finishing all over her face and body. Penny shudders beneath him as Jaune does so, before looking up at him blankly.

“I believe… I am going to shut down now for a time, your Majesty.”

And then she does exactly that, her eyes closing. Jaune is worried for a moment, but before he can truly panic, a familiar voice rings out from nearby.

“She’ll be fine, my King. Truly, you don’t do anything by halves do you?”

Looking over at his Queen, Jaune raises an eyebrow and climbs off the bed, leaving Penny to her recovery. Even now, he trusts his Queen implicitly when Salem says she’ll be fine. That said…

“Did you not intend for this to happen? Was this not your plan to begin with?”

The Queen of the Grimm huffs at him.

“This? No, of course not. What do you take me for, beloved? Yes, I wished to see if you would unlock your Semblance when faced with great adversity, but I assumed you would see the opportunity to SPAR with Penny after you realized what she was capable of now. It’s not just sex that she draws power from, but any form of physical activity. She literally gets stronger the longer she fights… a powerful asset for us, no?”

Jaune slowly blinks as he considers that.

“Hmph, instead, you went ahead and just kept fucking her. Now here we are, five days later.”

FIVE DAYS?! By the Gods, he’d really let himself get that distracted? Jaune can’t help but be a little embarrassed. On the one hand, he’d discovered his Semblance, so mission accomplished. On the other hand…

“Err… have I missed much?”

Salem arches a brow at him at that, before shaking her head.

“Oh… not much, I suppose. Merely General Ironwood planning the assassination of my ex-husband.”

Oh good… wait, what?!

The Vote:
[ ] Stick to Jaune POV - 32%

[X] Switch to Salem POV - 68%


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