The Group Pet Goose is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Boss

Chapter 360

Chapter 360: Brilliant Flowers Blooming From Thorns

Chapter 360 Brilliant flowers blooming from the thorns

The others also started joking: “Okay, come on! Let’s witness where Jiang Zhe will vote this time!”

“What are the rules, tell us.”

Everyone was very interested and gathered around to see how Jiang Zhe chose.

This way of choosing volunteers, don’t tell me before, I haven’t heard of it before.

Xiao Meng said with a smile: “Xiao Zhe means that if you vote a few times, take out the admissions school catalogue manual, turn to the page, then continue to throw, and choose a school and major on this page.”

“Well, that’s what it means.” Jiang Zhe nodded.

“Okay, come, let me turn the pages for you!” Xia Enci took out the thick manual and put it on the table.

Getting used to Jiang Zhe’s way of not playing cards according to the routine, the people around her are not surprised.

Luo Qiaoyin wanted to persuade her, but after thinking about it, Jiang Zhe can get full marks in the unnamed class. Such a girl can bloom brilliant flowers even in the mud. Respect her for doing whatever she wants. The best love.

No. 1 Middle School Principal’s Office.

The presidents and professors of several universities who have spent a day in vain and gained nothing have not given up their efforts.

They had contacted Jiang Zhe through various channels before, expressing that they wanted to admit Jiang Zhe to this school, but Jiang Zhe refused very directly every time.

I came here specially and continued to work hard. When I came here, I expected to see the principal and professor from other schools. Everyone looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.

As a result, the result of the interview with Jiang Zhe was still very unsatisfactory.

In the face of so many people’s repeated lobbying, Jiang Zhe never let go, and then he just excused himself and went back to school directly.

However, none of them chose to leave. As long as Jiang Zhe has not yet decided on the major he chose, they still have a chance.

Director Han smiled and poured tea for them, “Jiang Zhe has this temperament, but she won’t do anything she doesn’t like.”

Everyone can hear a lot of happiness in his tone. Obviously, he usually feels the joy of being rejected by Jiang Zhe many times. Now that he can watch others enjoy it, the happiness of sharing is beyond words.

“Director Han, can I ask Jiang Zhe to come over and talk a few more words?” It was the president of Peking University who spoke.

“Sorry, this is really impossible.”

Director Han has promised Jiang Zhe just now that he will no longer go to her because of this matter.

Everyone has to temporarily press the eager attitude and wait patiently.

“Why don’t you all go back first? Jiang Zhe’s side, I’ll persuade me later.” Seeing this, Director Han couldn’t say it.

No one moved first, so no one moved.

“Professor Tan, why don’t you go back here first?” Director Han spent a day with them, and he became impatient.

The reason why I took the initiative to ask Professor Tan to start this is because Professor Tan is from the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, specializing in traditional Chinese medicine and a major in medicinal materials.

Among the principals and professors of many prestigious schools waiting here, Professor Tan is far from the others regardless of his school or his major.

If Jiang Zhe doesn’t even look down on those famous schools, the probability of being able to look at Professor Tan is even closer to nothing.

Professor Tan adjusted his glasses and said, “I’ll wait, what if?”

“Lao Tan, I can honestly say that the probability that Jiang Zhe will choose your major is really too small. You are right to go back first.” The president of Shengjing University said frankly.

“Yes, I agree with President Li. Jiang Zhe is not even interested in the ace major of Jingcheng University, and I am afraid that he is even less interested in traditional Chinese medicine. The probability of going there is too small.” The most ace major of Jingcheng University is the computer major. Professor Wang.

Professor Tan knows that they are all well-intentioned, and that his major in this school is really not competitive among this group of people.

When he came to No. 1 Middle School, the school leaders and colleagues told him these words, persuading him not to waste his efforts.

From all indications, Jiang Zhe has not shown any interest in medicine, or enthusiasm for learning.

It’s hard to get her into the sky.

“I’ve received everyone’s reminders, I’ll wait a little longer.”

Professor Tan rarely came to win a student like this in previous years. The reason why he came this year is that he really loves talents, and secondly, it is also because Chinese medicine is gradually declining. He wants to come to more through Jiang Zhe’s enrollment and her future development. People show the value of learning Chinese medicine.

Even if the chances are slim, he wants to give it a try.

Everyone saw that he insisted on his own opinions, so they did not persuade him much.

Just know that his chances are slim, and he is destined to fail.

Without naming the class, Jiang Zhe finished throwing the dice a few times.

“I’ve turned to this page!” Xia Enci immediately turned to that page.

“What school?” Everyone was very curious as to which school Jiang Zhe applied for.

“I won’t show it to you. Xiao Zhe, go ahead! Put in two more numbers, and that’s your chosen major!”

Jiang Zhe picked up the dice, and He Ling pressed her palm: “What do you really choose?”

“Is this still fake?” Jiang Zhe asked back.

He Ling himself is also a person of temperament, and he does things very freely. He immediately released his hand, cupped his hands and said, “I admire. You continue.”

Jiang Zhe threw the dice, she didn’t take it seriously.

Everyone else’s hearts were raised. She really chose schools in this way, and she didn’t know what school she would choose.

Looking at the handbook that Xia Enci flipped through, it was already in a relatively back position, and it seemed that famous schools had been excluded.

To go to such a school with so many scores in the test, everyone can’t help but feel sorry for Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe threw down the dice without caring. After Xia Enci saw the numbers clearly, he moved his fingers on the page: “Traditional Chinese Medicine Materials major at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.”

Jiang Zhe raised his eyebrows, he actually chose this one?

is also fine, all the votes are cast, and that’s it.

She took her volunteer form and quickly filled in the name of the school and major on it as her first choice.

“What about the second choice?” the student next to him asked, “Are you still voting?”

“That’s it.” Jiang Zhe put down his pen, “Alright, choose which is which.”

Everyone think about her grades, of course, she is not worried about losing her first choice, and the school and major she has selected, I don’t know how much she is welcome to go there.

Other volunteers, it doesn’t matter if you don’t fill them out.

Luo Qiaoyin got Jiang Zhe’s volunteer form and put it away carefully.

All other people’s wishes have also been handed in.

She took a pile of volunteer forms and went straight to the principal’s office.

Jiang Zhe’s ambition is a matter of concern to the whole school and even the whole country. She needs to report to the principal and others as soon as possible.

(end of this chapter)

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