The Group Pet Goose is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Boss

Chapter 452

Chapter 452: Speech Slap In The Face (3)

Chapter 452 Speech Slaps in the Face (3)

Zhuo Jinman also knows that his computer and mobile phone need extremely high security and anti-black.

Her security and anti-blackness are also true, always at the highest level.

But Jiang Zhe’s questioning several times that day disturbed her mind and caused her not to notice that there was a problem with the computer.

In addition, her security system is usually too safe, and there is almost never a problem, so she is not vigilant at all.

Besides, Jiang Zhe was still in the Dragon Empire at the beginning, very far away from the Beicheng Continent, how could Zhuo Jinman guard against a freshman who is thousands of miles away?

It is precisely because of these that she suffered such a big loss in Jiang Zhe’s hands!

What made her even more afraid was that if Jiang Zhe hadn’t blew up the recording today, she wouldn’t even know that there was a problem with her computer system!

On Jiang Zhe’s side, who was he looking for to make such a Trojan system?

Zhuo Jinman’s back seeped the slightest coolness, it was her sweat that soaked the clothes.

“Doctor Zhuo, it has been dealt with. Now your phone and computer are safe.”

Zhuo Jinman’s expression did not stretch.

Because at this moment, all over the world, there are huge accusations against her.

The six words of fairness, openness and justice, Beicheng Continent used to say it loudly and beautifully, and now it’s so badly beaten in the face.

Not only the outsiders are making troubles, but even the local parents feel deeply disappointed, full of disgust and disgust for Zhuo Jinman.

The assistant director knew that the situation could not be calmed down, so he could only wait and see what happened.

On the other hand, the chief director, drinking tea, said in a gentle tone, “I really saw the wrong person. I am an idol, who is beautiful and has a good character. The key is that I have outstanding abilities! I don’t even want to sign her to enter the entertainment industry. Well, this is simply overkill!”

The assistant director gave him a boring look.

Zhuo Jinman fell into extreme silence.

“Doctor Zhuo, Elder Fang, Elder Lan and Elder Zhuo are here.” Assistant Xu whispered.

In Beicheng Continent, the military is the most powerful.

But in order to check and balance the military, a council of elders was specially set up, which was held by people from the four major families.

Fang Lanzhuo Jiang is the former four families.

However, because the Jiang family had problems a few years ago, there were only three of the four major families left, namely Fang Lanzhuo.

The three of them came in together.

Elder Zhuo is Zhuo Jinman’s uncle, looking a little serious and a little disappointed.

“Three please sit down.” Zhuo Jinman smiled.

Elder Zhuo said: “Doctor Zhuo, the Council of Elders is currently holding a meeting for discussion, and we have decided to remove you from your position in the military.”

“Uncle…Elder Zhuo, the matter has not been resolved…”

“Doctor Zhuo.” Elder Zhuo interrupted her, “The public opinion in the outside world is very violent now. If you don’t dismiss you, the pressure will come to the military. The military can’t bear this kind of pressure.”

Zhuo Jinman frowned.

She is currently serving in the military as a military doctor. Over the years, with the support of the elders behind her, her rights have already surpassed her own identity.

Twenty years of active management have given her both fame and real power in Beicheng Continent.

And these, in the day and night, were destroyed by Jiang.

And all of this is the platform she herself provides for Jiang Zhe!

Elder Fang has the best relationship with Zhuo Jinman. He said, “It’s just a small matter of Jiang Zhe’s nonsense. When things subside, you can resume your position. Time will heal everything.”

The destination of military training, Jiang Zhe finished playing the recording.

She didn’t know what kind of waves it would make.

But it can be expected that this wave will not be small enough to cause turmoil to the entire Beicheng Continent.

All this is what Zhuo Jinman deserves.

Standing in front, Jiang Zhe’s voice was still steady: “Apart from these, I won’t talk about the things that violated the principles of fairness, justice and openness in this military training arrangement. Give me the question later, let the tigers and wolves be released, and treat them differently… I don’t say these little things, it doesn’t mean I don’t know and don’t take it to heart.”

Deputy director:”…”

He remembered that when he was releasing tiger wolves, he was really biased. The tiger wolves given to Jiang Zhe and their group were the most powerful. Jiang Zhe’s group was also the only one who did not use electric shocks and relied on them to solve the problem manually. Tiger wolf.

The chief director looked at the assistant director silently but with a deep meaning.

Jiang Zhe continued: “So, for this speech, I will thank those who are worthy of thanks, they have fulfilled their due responsibilities in their posts. As for those who are vegetarians, they don’t deserve a word from us. Thank you. My speech is over, thank you all.”

After Jiang Zhe finished speaking, he tilted his head to see Beifeng smiling admiringly at him.

She raised her eyebrows slightly and walked down the front row.

The huge shock caused by Jiang Zhe’s speech made the students still hotly discussing.

Fang Jun was at the cusp of the limelight, with a complex and dissatisfied expression.

She didn’t really get preferential treatment for being picked up in advance, but when Jiang Zhe said this, it seemed like she was really being preferentially treated.

She really hates people like Jiang Zhe who disrupt the order.

Jiang Zhe’s expression was very relaxed, and he said to Beifeng, “What are you going to eat for lunch?”

“What do you want to eat?”

“Is there any fish? Is there any mushroom emperor roasted chicken?”

“Then you have a good time, and it’s good that you have all these.” Beifeng accompanied her out of the crowd, “I’ll deal with it now.”

Jiang Zhe was with him.

North Wind works neatly and packs the ingredients in a moment.

Jiang Zhe occasionally helped out, but she was lazy and didn’t help much.

She was about to get up when North Wind said, “Don’t move, there is something on your face.”

He stretched out his long fingers and nudged her cheek lightly.

“What?” Jiang Zhe asked subconsciously.

“It’s kind of pretty.” The North Wind wiped a small stain off her face.

Jiang Zhe’s brows deepened and he said, “You have it on your face too.”

North Wind took the initiative to lean his face towards him, strong male hormones.

Jiang Zhe smeared a drop of chicken blood on his face without changing his face: “It didn’t exist before, but it only exists now.”

Beifeng laughed, and it was rare to see her showing an active side, with a soft color between his eyebrows and eyes.

The two were cooking food when suddenly there was a sound of gunfire outside.

is followed by everyone’s cries and calls for help.

Jiang Zhe immediately stood up straight, and Beifeng also stood up.

“Will it be a lone wolf person who goes and returns?” Jiang Zhe frowned, “I’ll go to the tent to get a weapon first.”

“I will go with you.”

Jiang Zhe did not give all the weapons collected from the skull to the hunter, but kept a part of them.

When she and Beifeng passed by the crowd of students, they found that some people were shouting, some people were calling for help, but some people were not convinced: “It must be the school’s final test for us, such bullets can’t kill people at all, don’t panic. !”

(end of this chapter)

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