The Growth of a Titan

Chapter 52- An Exchange

Chapter 52- An Exchange

After some time, Sol reached the three hundredth step and exit the illusion.

He immediately released a breath when he exited.


Little Zeel was heard saying from inside his robes.

"No worries Little Zeel, I'm fine."

In truth, Sol would have been in horrible shape if he didn't have that conversation with his Master before climbing the staircase.

He wanted to take revenge no matter what and as soon as he got the strength to do so.

But after his Master's words, Sol decided to give himself a period to grieve and come to terms with his Father's death.

Right now it felt like he was perpetually stuck at the stage of hate, hating everything and everyone.

His Master was the one who made him see that was no way to live.

Sol didn't pause his steps and he continued to climb the staircase.

The old supervisor down below couldn't help but nod his head in approval when he saw how Sol went through the illusions this time.

"He didn't look away but faced them head-on. He and a few others will probably be chosen as disciples. And it looks like the Academy is trying to reduce the number of Forgotten Geniuses in the other Sects, so even those who haven't past the three hundredth step would be able to enter."

The old supervisor sighed before his figure began to fade away.

"No matter, I have long removed myself from any decision-making in the Academy, it has nothing to do with me. But… if only Teacher was here."

The old supervisor's figure then fully fades away.

Back on the staircase…



Dwindling hope.

The youths climbing the steps were feeling a flurry of emotions as they climbed.

They had failed the Martial Alliance Academy's first test, so if they fail to climb this mountain then they'll never be able to enter.

However, coupled with the illusions and the increasing pressure back to back, they were exhausted both mentally and physically.

Some flopped over and completely gave up.

These people were immediately enveloped by a bright white light and vanished.

Meanwhile, others saw this and gritted their teeth. Their conviction to climb just a few more steps increased.

On the seven hundred and first step, there was no one this far up except for one boy. He was standing still while his body trembled uncontrollably.

The pressure here compared to the steps in the two hundreds was frightening.

But even though his body was struggling under the pressure, the boy refused to bend his knees.

He knew that once his knees touch the steps, he would be teleported back down to the base of the mountain.

Sol pondered on that name for a moment then shook his head.

"It sounds too plain, I want a grander name."

Hearing Sol, the boy's brows came together as he began thinking of another name.

Suddenly, his gaze shifted to the sky.

"How about Godly Eyes?"

"Godly Eyes?"

Sol was a bit reluctant to name his bloodline ability something that remind him of the Church.

"If not that then what about Heavenly Eyes?"

The boy said this when he saw Sol's hesitation.

Hearing the name, Sol's eye's lit up.

"That's it! Heavenly Eyes, that's a great name."

"Alright, since I gave you a name tell me the method to climb the staircase more easily."


Sol said before he turned and jumped straight to step number seven hundred and three.

The boy seeing this was alarmed, however, just when he thought Sol's bones were about to be crushed by the increased pressure of two steps, he saw that Sol was completely fine.

"If you take two steps at a time the pressure will be great, but once your body gets used to it'll be bearable."

The boy hearing this wore a skeptical expression, but Sol waved goodbye and said.

"Since I already told you my method then I'll be going first."

The boy looked at Sol with suspicion, but he saw how Sol was walking up the steps two at a time.

He didn't even take a break in between his steps.

'Is he really telling the truth?'

The boy's anxiety increased, but he soon gritted his teeth, and a bout of determination appeared in his heart.

He decided to risk it and use Sol's method.

After inhaling and exhaling a few times, the boy suddenly leap forward before he could change his mind.

When the boy landed on step seven hundred and three, his body tensed up.

He was ready to suffer from excruciating pain, however, the pressure that came was only slightly stronger than the pressure on step seven hundred one.

The boy realizing that Sol hadn't lied to him released a breath of relief.

But he suddenly glared at Sol who was some distance away.

"To think he would figure out a way to climb the stairs. Not only is he handsome but he's smart as well. That bastard."

The boy ground his teeth together while jealousy poured out of his eyes.

'I won't let him reach the top before me!'

The boy then began climbing the steps two at a time; hurrying after Sol.

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