The Growth of the Richest Man

Chapter 53

Chapter 52: First-Run Rights

“Thank you, everyone, I originally wanted to take a leave on May 1st to go home and get married, but I didn’t expect President Zhang to directly give us a seven-day long vacation, and we don’t even need to ask for leave.” Huang Bo said, “This time my wife and I are young. Ou, I just held a small banquet for relatives in my hometown. It is not very large, so I didn’t invite you. Next time I will have another banquet in the capital, all friends must attend.”

“This is not the point.” Yuan Shan said, “Congratulations to Brother Huang for getting married. Here’s the candy and the red envelope. I’m still a child.”

“This, I forgot to bring it for today’s filming. For a treat at night, everyone called friends and went to the Lincheng Castle Hotel to eat and drink. The money is all mine.” Huang Bo actually didn’t expect Yao Hong to reveal that he had just I still want to hide the news of the marriage, but since it has been said, there is no need to hide it. “Mr. Zhang, Director Xu, everyone should finish work early in the evening and go play together for a night, no problem?”

Zhang Yong didn’t expect Huang Bo to get married at this time. He seems to be 34 this year. “Brother Huang is happily married. He gave birth to a precious son early. Let’s call it a day. Let’s eat up Brother Huang.”

After more than a week of shooting, “Love Apartment 2” has finally been filmed. The shooting and editing work were carried out at the same time. Not long after the shooting was completed, the editing of “Love Apartment 2” was also completed.

As for the first-round broadcast rights of “Love Apartment 2”, is very interested in getting it, but Zhang Yong thinks that he is a bit poor at present, and’s payment cycle is a bit long, so it is not suitable to continue cash now He made the money, so he chose the channel of TV station, and let people send the sample of “Love Apartment 2” to the program purchasing department of Mango Channel for the first time.

“Mr. Zhang, we have watched the “Love Apartment 2″ you filmed on our TV station. Compared with the first season, the characters in this season have been adjusted a lot. We can’t know how good the ratings will be. But our Mango TV station is still I am willing to buy the first round of broadcasting rights at the price of 2 million yuan per episode, and I hope that President Zhang will cooperate with us more in the future.” Director Wu Songan of Mango Channel’s Program Purchasing Department has dealt with Zhang Yong many times, and this time the negotiation task Still give it to him.

“Of course we are still willing to hand over the first-round broadcast rights of “Love Apartment 2″ to Mango Channel, but your price is a bit inappropriate.” Zhang Yong doesn’t think that such a TV series can only be bought at this price. In the first episode, our TV series was not yet well-known, and Kuo was the first broadcast platform, so the selling price was that price, but this time, “Love Apartment” has developed into a super IP, and your TV station is very expensive. It is the only premiere platform, so we believe that the ratings will definitely exceed the previous season, so our asking price is 5 million yuan per episode.”

Director Wu was taken aback by this price. The price of 2 million is actually the price of a first-line TV series, but Zhang Yong’s price is more than double that of a first-line TV series, “Mr. Zhang, your price, Please forgive us that we can’t accept it, our TV station, a TV series, the advertising revenue is only about 100 million yuan, if we follow your quotation, we will drink the northwest wind.”

Advertising fees are so low these days? Zhang Yong was a little puzzled, “I think the broadcast volume of our TV series can definitely create a new miracle. If the broadcast rate can go up, I think you can raise the standard of advertising fees. Moreover, I can tell Director Wu You can tell the truth, Gan Provincial Satellite TV has promised to our company before, as long as the first broadcast rights of “Love Apartment 2″ are given to them, the price can be given to us at the price of 5 million. But after all, the popularity of Mango TV is the most guaranteed. Yes, so if you can give the same price, we are still willing to give you the right to play the first round.”

“The plan of charging advertising fees according to the ratings, we can indeed do this.” Director Wu thought for a while and said, “But, Mr. Zhang, can you guarantee that the ratings of “Love Apartment 2″ will rise?”

“Or, we can sign such an agreement, if the ratings of “Love Apartment 2” are lower than 2%, we will only need half of the copyright fee, which is 1 million per episode, if the ratings of “Love Apartment 2″ reach 2% , our copyright fee will be increased to 2 million per episode, and then for every 0.1% increase, the copyright fee will increase by 100,000 yuan, capped at 5 million per episode.” Zhang Yong once again resorted to his gambling agreement trick, half a year The former him, through the gambling agreement with, not only increased the share of the first season of “Love Apartment”, but also obtained a small share of It can be said that during this period of his career The cornerstone of rapid development.

“I personally think there is no problem with this plan, but it still needs to be discussed with the Taiwan leaders.” Director Wu said after thinking for a while. To be honest, he also thinks this plan is But this payment method has no precedent for Mango TV. Maybe this precedent can start with the film “Love Apartment 2”. Mango TV is innovating On the other hand, it is still very much ahead. “But I still want to remind you, Mr. Zhang, that according to this agreement, you can only get 5 million per episode if you have a rating of more than 5%, and if the rating is less than 2%, you can only get Half of the pay, are you sure you want to do this? In the past two years, the viewership rate of more than 1% is already considered a hit TV series. Even if we Mango TV, the average viewership rate of TV series in the past two years is only 1.6%. The movie with the highest ratings is only a little over 4%, so if Mr. Zhang is more conservative and accepts the offer of 2 million per episode, it would be good.”

“Director Wu, please rest assured, I am very confident in the TV program I produced!” Zhang Yong laughed, “Also, the TV series with a rating of 4% is the “Love Apartment” filmed by me. One season.”

“…then I’m very optimistic about President Zhang. Regarding the agreement, our TV station will reply as soon as possible.” The first season of “Love Apartment” was filmed by Zhang Yong, and the ratings were as high as 4.1%, surpassing the Korean drama two years ago in one fell swoop. “Dae Jang Geum” created a record of 3.88% of the ratings of Mango TV dramas, but he forgot about it. Wu Songan believed Zhang Yong a little.

After the high-level discussions at Mango Channel overnight, Mango Channel agreed to Zhang Yong’s proposal. Early the next morning, Wu Songan replied to Zhang Yong that Mango Channel had agreed to the content of the agreement, and also sent him the agreement template. After Zhang Yong carefully checked the contents of the agreement, he felt that there was no problem, so he asked Penny and Mango to sign the agreement.


(The manuscript has been exhausted, the code is in…)

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