The Guardian Chef

Vol. 1 – Chapter 8

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
I thank YXXREM for the illustration he has drawn for this chapter. To see more of his works click on his name.

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***(Graeval's POV)***

Another full house, another huge profit. The morning service had recently finished, my employees and I were cleaning the kitchen. Of course, Arryn was there watching me and to my surprise, she was helping to clean up the room.

Suddenly, the door opened and some little girls laughed. Turning my attention to the entrance, I saw that two of the other girls I had saved had arrived.

""Good morning!""

We responded to the greeting and then the two, smiling and cheerful, ran towards the counter greeting Lilith and me. Then they looked around as if they were looking for someone... I guess who.

"Excuse me."

"Welcome back."

Sarity and Cordelia entered immediately afterward. They wore no flashy clothes or particular ornaments, but simple clothes and a straw hat, suitable for blending into a crowd of ordinary people. Usually, when officially touring the village, they wear refined and expensive clothes. Even when I asked Cordelia to come here to put a noble in line they wore fine clothes.

"Are you accompanying the two rascals?" I asked turning my gaze again to the two girls

"My mother asked me... after all 'We looked free'"

“Ahahah! Typical of her." I laughed it off

"Fufufu. True..." Lilith confirmed "even when I worked at her inn to better understand my work, she just made me work."

"I remember. You came back so tired that I had to feed you."

"W-what are you s-say!" she scolded me blushing "Graeval, bad!"

As she said those words to me, she had raised her index finger and waved it like a wand as her slightly red cheeks turned into a childish grimace after calling me bad. A pang took my heart and I felt in heaven. IT'S TOO CUTEEEEE!!! I would scream if I were by the sea.

"Fufufu. You love teasing your wife from what I see." Cordelia laughed

"How can I not do it?!" I said confidently looking at her. “Every time I do it she gets too cute. I can not do without it. I'm addicted to it!!"

“C-c-c-cute?! Wh-wh-what are you saying stupid!!"

Lilith covered her face that had turned completely red and leaned down as if she wanted to hide.

Even though I know perfectly well that she is ashamed when I do it outside the walls of our house, I really can't do without it. At this moment, the fallen Demon Queen was flanked by a little girl who was looking at her curious about her behavior. Perhaps instinctively, she began to comfort her.

"Lair for Arryn!" exclaimed one of the two girls

The girl with the dog ears took Arryn's hand and led her out of her hiding place which was in the back.

"Oh! Then little Arryn was here!" Cordelia said excitedly

At that exclamation, Arryn hid behind me scared... I would be scared too in her shoes... she almost looks like an old pervert! I understood why she preferred to spend most of her time here at the Moonlight. Or at least, one of the reasons if it is not the only one. I fear for the future of her children if she ever intends to have them.

"We haven't had lunch yet, do you want to keep us company?"


“What's good? What is there to eat?"

At that word, the two beastman girls were excited and their tails began to wiggle as their dog ears perked up. They are gluttonous.

By the way, since I haven't introduced them to you yet, these two little girls have typical animal ears and tails more like wolves than dogs. They are beastman members of the wolf tribe and among their peculiarities are those of being specialized in team fights and their nose is very similar to that of the species from which they acquired the traits. The girl who found Arryn is called Yumi, the other Dai.

Furthermore, the human child who had suffered the same fate was instead adopted by Bearnárd and his wife as her family had been killed in the latest bandit assault and was orphaned. In addition to asking as a personal favor, the couple couldn't have children no matter how hard they tried so until they did, Bearnárd and his wife agreed to my request and immediately treated her as if she were their legitimate daughter.

"From how you exclaim it seems that you haven't had lunch yet..." I said taking my chin and looking at Sarity

"Even if you usually satisfy the village's stomach, this time there were many customers at the inn and they are still disposing of them." Sarity said putting her hand behind her head as if to apologize.

"Don't worry..." I told her going back behind the counter "after all it has never happened that in this village there was such an influx of people."

After washing my hands, I looked at what I had on hand. At first, I wanted to make something based on pasta as there was leftover, then I saw some minced meat. A little idea came to me.

"Arryn." I called her "Would you like to help me?"

At my question, her eyes sparkled and smiling, she nodded her head to the point that I feared she might come off at any moment.

Helped by Lilith to put on her apron and tie her hair, I put the meat in a bowl, some onion I had chopped, eggs, and various seasonings. Explaining how to do it, I gave Arryn the task of mixing the ingredients and when finished, I showed her how to make a hamburger. In the meantime, I took some potatoes, peeled them and cut them into large pieces, and then fried them in a pan. Not long after, the dish was ready.

Just before serving, I praised Arryn and told her to go sit at the table Lilith had set. The smell of the cooked meat and the oil with which I fried the potatoes could be heard. What I served was a thick burger served oriental-style with a slice of caciotta-like cheese and a fried egg on top with fried potatoes.

""What is that? What is it?!”” Dai and Yumi excitedly asked

“It's called a hamburger. Now without delay..."

""""""Enjoy your meal!""""""

As soon as I put a small piece of meat in my mouth, I could taste the juice and fat of the meat melt in my mouth, while its salty texture danced along with the sweetness of the cheese and onion. It was a pretty simple burger but still soft, suitable for kids too. Plus the fries were cooked and crunchy just right. I'll have to try adding some spice like paprika, curry or the like... it wouldn't hurt if I start testing recipes to recreate ketchup and mayonnaise.

While my head was thinking about how to modify the plate, my eyes captured the smiles and satisfied faces of the girls

""DELICIOUS!!!"" the two beastmen shouted happily

Sarity and Cordelia were also enjoying the dish and every time I could enjoy their faces full of surprise. My wife... well, she can't stop smiling when she eats my dishes. Once I asked her why, out of pure curiosity; she replied because she can feel my love for her and my happiness in creating them. Well, I can't deny that when I cook for us, I always think of her when I do.


I heard this sound coming from my side and when I turned around, I saw Arryn crying as she chewed. Worried, I took a clean napkin and turned to her, wiping away her tears.

"Something wrong?" I asked her

"No... *sniff*... hamburger... yummy. *Sob*"

Hearing Arryn cry, the others looked at her curiously. Hearing that response, they knew the food was to her liking, but for some reason, the tears kept running down her. I realized they weren't tears of sadness.

"Are you happy?" I asked her

"Yes... this dish... *sniff*... yummy... tastier... *sob*... ever eaten... it's *sniff*... warm..."

"He cooked it on the pan, obviously it's hot!" said brightly Dai

It wasn't just the two girls who didn't understand the meaning of those words, Sarity and Cordelia couldn't understand either. When I looked at Lilith, she had a motherly smile on her lips. Sighing and smiling at the same time, I began to stroke the little elf's head. She turned to me, surprised as the tears continued to fall.

"You were good." I began "We noticed it too... you were very good."

"*Sniff*...*sniff*... Uwaaaaah," Arryn burst out as she held on to my clothes.

At that scene I gently hugged her to me as if she were my daughter, Lilith did the same by placing herself next to me and while she gently held her hand, she placed her face on her head, softly whispering words of comfort.

I was once told, that when you eat a dish, it's not the taste that makes people happy, but the feelings with which it was prepared.

Others never noticed this because they always focused on taste. Lilith was no exception at first, but then she too realized what makes a dish truly delicious. In that burger, I felt not only my passion but also Arryn's feeling of gratitude for saving her from that nightmare.

***(Sarity's POV)***

Seeing them like this, I seemed to see the scene of a mother and father comforting their daughter. That despair... these feelings of envy that I felt 3 years ago... that I felt a few days ago... came back stronger than ever.

I put another piece of meat in my mouth... I felt a warmth permeate my body. It was not the warmth of the flesh, but something intimate and affectionate. I also felt something else dark and cold but that became... enveloping and noble. I don't know how long it lasted but when I recovered it was still there and I felt a tear run down my cheek. In a hurry, I dried myself and then looked at the dish. What was it?

When I took another bite into my mouth, I didn't get that feeling... yet, when I tried it just now, it felt real.

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