The Guardian Chef

Vol. 2 – Chapter 15

***(Sarity's POV)***

It's been three months since we got back from Fago. The investigation and trial against Ludmilla Westhead ended smoothly and with the consequent beheading of the criminal. Both Cordelia and I were present at the execution... and I also witnessed the tears that Cordelia shed when we retired to her rooms. After all, she had been her first true friend and despite what she had done, she still loved her. To allow her to recover, Jack decided to stay a few days in the capital, also relying on the care of family members to calm her down.

Arryn was a guest at the castle as a member of a noble house of an allied kingdom and consequently treated with the utmost respect. The very day she arrived, the King wrote a letter to the Ruler of Yedal with his hand. The answer was not long in coming as a delegation, made up of the Lianelis family, arrived in the capital also because they believed she was dead. When they met, the mother burst into tears and the father was no less. To celebrate the meeting, the King offered to hold a reserved banquet laden with every delicacy. The act was well received by the girl's family.

Arryn left for her homeland a few days later as her parents took the opportunity to discuss some issues and report news on behalf of the King of Yedal.

Now my husband, I, Ridel, Emylin, and Ishgat were headed back to my hometown to investigate the mysterious Guardian. We still could not know that this was the beginning of the most terrible of our nightmares.


“Brrr! How cold!!"

“Well, it's late winter after all. Can't you dragonkin stand it?"

“Don't be ridiculous, young man. If that were the case, we wouldn't have settled in the far north... we are simply less active."

"You're just like lizards so..." Jack whispered

"......Did you say something?" Ishgat asked, creaking her hands

"Come on, don't start over with another session please." Ridel affirmed, interposing between the two "Also we are almost there now."

At this time we were all on the wagon that we usually use to travel. Outside the sky was gray and snowflakes fell gently, settling on the ground and then accumulating. A white landscape that I saw every year before leaving for the capital.

It reminded me of memories of when I was still a little girl and played briskly with my friends in Fago, throwing snowballs and laughing. At the thought, I smiled unconsciously.

When we reached the village we headed to my parents' inn. Since we were in the carriage, we attracted quite a few glances. When we got off everyone welcomed us warmly, despite much less time than last time. After all, I am the pride of the village... or so they called me.

However, as soon as I got off I noticed something different. I saw the new building erected in the center of the village: carved in stone, there is the full figure of the mysterious Guardian, with huge closed eagle wings and perhaps a dozen swords planted at his feet. On its pedestal, the sacred symbols of the Goddess Aphy had been engraved and numerous bouquets had been placed at its feet.

I went towards the sculpture and seeing me, everyone made a corridor and joined their hands as if in an act of prayer. They probably thought I was heading to the statue to bless it or something similar, but my intention was just to look at it more closely and offer my gratitude even if it wasn't him in person. In front of it, I made a reverential bow and offered a prayer to meet him again.

"So he's Guardian, huh?" Jack asked as he approached

"Exact. But I'm surprised that they erected a statue in his honor...... and in such a short time furthermore."

"Hmm... looks like an angel."

"I really can't tell you..."

"But how come to those swords and wings?" Ridel asked me

"I don't know since I was kidnapped when he appeared, but..." I started pointing at the big eagle wings "from what we were told, the blood of the fallen gathered on his back forming those powerful wings and a spear. The swords, on the other hand, when he was about to fight they started to levitate and move as if they were possessed."

"All this without uttering spells?"

"Any. And I don't even know if there are spells with similar abilities..."

"I'd like to know too…"

With that sentence, Ridel had entered researcher mode. As a former court sorceress, she is always immersed in the search for new magical power and it is for this reason that she is often locked up in her laboratory... apart from the night when she can share a bed with our beloved. Come to think of it, I haven't been able to be with him for long... due to my constant travels as Saint, I've had very few opportunities to join with Jack, while Emily, Ridel, and Cordelia have already given birth to his children. The thought made me both sad and jealous after all, I too would like to give birth to the fruit of our love...


For some reason, the figure of Graeval was projected into my mind at the end of the thought. Slightly shocked, I shook my head But what am I thinking?

"Huh? Something wrong?" Jack asked worriedly

"No... it's nothing."

".........You sure?"

"Yes do not worry."

Even though I said it confidently for some reason that thought didn't make me feel comfortable. It made me feel... worry.

"Oh! My little girl is back in the village!"

That familiar, happy voice made me turn instinctively; I saw my mother run to meet me and suddenly hug me as if we hadn't seen each other for eons when instead only 3 months have passed. Well... both my parents have always had a soft spot for me in the end, so that's a normal reaction. A little behind, my father was happily talking to my husband.

"Why are you here?! I thought you weren't coming back for another year at least. At the very thought of it, I felt like I was dying."

"Now don't overdo it please."

"*Sigh*... you just can't understand a mother's feelings......"

"Kuh!" This hurt me...

"It's a pleasure to see you again madam." Jack greeted

“Ara! It's a pleasure to see you again Jack, how are you?"

"I can not complain. Also, I thank you in advance for your hospitality."

“Fufufu! Don't worry, don't worry. After all, you are part of the family now!" she replied cheerfully “Since we are here! How about coming with us to the Moonlight?!"


“Ah, it's the restaurant that Graeval opened. Didn't Sarity tell you?"

"Actually..." Jack began scratching his head and blushing, "we've both been so busy since she came back that we haven't had a chance to talk too much."

"Uhhh... now I understand why I don't have a grandchild yet..." my mother said demoralized, placing her hand on her cheek

"WA?! MOM?!!"

Both my husband and I were red with embarrassment. I've explained this before, but our work commitments are heavily affecting our private life.

"Anyway, would you like to come?"

"How to avoid the speech..." I said putting my hand on my forehead "Anyway, it's late afternoon. I thought he was keeping the place closed at this time."

"Usually it's like this..." my father interjected "but during the winter period he keeps open all day offering sweets and hot drinks which are good for this period."

"This is the season in which he has the most revenues."

“Ooh! So that cook has opened a restaurant? I'm really curious." Ridel said coming out from her research mode

"Alright! Let's go!" my mother said

Dragging me, my parents led us to the entrance of the Moonlight.

After passing the door, we were greeted by a scent of sweets and a pleasant warmth that made me immediately relax. There weren't many customers, but it was still lively and quiet at the same time.

“Welcome to the Moonlight! How many are you?" asked a cheerful voice

Before us, a girl appeared with a menu in her hand, of medium height with wavy emerald blond hair, warm brown eyes, and large breasts. Her posture is cheerful and seems to release energy from every pore. It was the first time I'd seen her, yet it gave me a certain sense of familiarity.

“Hi, Ronhya. We are six today."

“Oh, Mrs. Tilly! We were waiting for you, but not so many. Fufufu" she said with a chuckle "I'll take you to the table and go immediately to inform Graeval of your arrival!"

Having said this, she led us to a nearby table and handed us the menu she was holding, making sure we would choose something while she wasn't there, and went joyfully hopping towards the rear.

"I've never seen that girl."

“She has recently started working here. She arrived a while ago and was hired here by Graeval. She is a bit awkward, but thanks to her cheerfulness and her beauty she is considered the number two of the Moonlight." my father said

"Number two?"

"Fufufu. After all, who do you think the first position would be?" my mother asked me with sly eyes

“Aaaah... Ah! I guess it could only be her..." I said after thinking about it and then smiling bitterly

"Her?" Emilyn asked curiously

"Well, it's about-"

"Offer from the house!" Ronhya interrupted carrying a tray with a teapot and some cups on it "kya!"

Ronhya tripped over her foot causing the tray to fly as she fell. Taken aback, Jack jumped up trying to help her, as he was one of the closest, but there was no need.

Graeval, who was behind her, was quicker and caught the girl and then the tray, also catching everything in it apart from the contents of the teapot that had spread everywhere, even on Ronhya's dress. It was a surprise.

"*Sigh*... How many times do I have to tell you to be careful?" Graeval sighed heavily

"But I was careful!" the girl began blushing profusely "I was paying attention to when I could fall into your arms."

"Look, I still have time to leave you." Graeval said coldly "Do you have anything else to add?"

"Well... I..." Ronhya began "Tee-he!" she exclaimed, patting herself on the head


"...I'm sorry."

"Better." he affirmed while helping her to get back on her feet “now go get yourself dry and go get changed. I'll take care of cleaning here."

As he made that statement, Graeval put the rag at his side over her head. The girl looked pleasantly surprised and nodded vivaciously, subsequently, she headed back to the rear of the restaurant while gently squeezing the rag. She has a big crush on him...

"Sorry for the inconvenience... she's still in the training phase..."

"Fufufu. No problem." my mother began giggling "After all, no one is born ready."


"By the way..." my father began looking around "where is Lilith?"

"I asked her if she could make me a commission necessary for what I wanted you to taste."

"Oh! A new recipe?!"

"Ahahah. A simple reworking." Graeval said laughing heartily "Anyway, it's a pleasure to see you again, but I didn't think so soon." he stated turning to us

"The same goes for me" said my husband, holding out his hand "Some things have happened and for a while, we will stay here to rest."

"Seems to be tough." he affirmed squeezing it

Jack didn't tell him the real reason. After all, only a handful of people in the upper echelons know of our job of investigating Guardian and his intentions. Spreading a possible panic, because it is feared that he may be an evil being, is not at all wise, even if my fellow villagers would almost certainly deny everything since they owe him their life.

"Nice to see you in good shape lady Leame and lady Carrel."

"Me too"

"Good morning"

"Oh! This is a meeting,” Graeval stated looking at Ishgat “I never thought I'd meet a member of the noble dragonkin race. I am Graeval, the owner of this humble restaurant. It is an honor to have you here." he introduced himself bowing

“Isghat Diaraiz Rember. The pleasure is mine but forgets the formalities. I hate them."

“I understand” then he turned to me “I see you just can't get away from this place. But do you eat or not? You look even thinner than the last time."

“Mou! Stop making fun of me!" I replied making a face and making Graeval laugh happily "If you continue like this I could end up not coming to visit you anymore!"

"Who knows if your stomach would agree."

"Look that I ea-"


My stomach gave me away at that moment and moaned as if he had responded to Graeval's provocation. Embarrassed, I looked away while Graeval laughed with the others and Jack looked at me softly holding my hand.

"Do not worry. I have prepared enough to satisfy even that grumpy one."


At that moment the door opened and I saw the figure of a person with a gray cloak, the hood was on his head and it had red roses. At that moment, Graeval smiled fondly and his face seemed to light up. The individual revealed herself to be Lilith who, seeing him, placed herself at his side and looking at him with affection kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back." then he turned to us. “For many of you, it is the first time you met her so I present her to you. This is my wife Lilith."

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." she said with a slight smile

Emilyn was the only expressionless one and gave a small nod. Instead, Ridel and Ishgat were surprised by exclaiming as if they were teenagers and complimenting him.

The only reaction that no one expected was that of my husband. He stood up and looked petrified. His eyes were wide with surprise and his body seemed to tremble

"...... L-Lara?!"

I saw a tear run down his cheek, his voice trembled... with happiness.

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